C :: Automatic Declaration Of Array Variables

Jul 14, 2014

I have some files:

file1: 1000x500 array of numbers
file2: 2000x600
file3: 300x5000

I would like to automatically declare array variables of myarray1, myarray2, myarray3... that reads the numbers from files:

for (i1=0; i1<nrows; i1++)
for (i2=0; i2<ncolumns; i2++)
fscanf(filename, "%lf", &y);

nrows and ncolumns can be passed from a config file. Also I can cat all files into a single filename. However, the difficult part is:

How to declare different myarrayX automatically ? (A workaround is to declare a huge 3d array but I do not want to do this).

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C++ :: Different Array Declaration

Jan 7, 2013

I would like to know the difference between the following two forms of array declaration:

(1)double myArray[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

(2)array<double,3> myArray = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};

If I say the second one allows to use different functions like .begin(), am I right? Is there any other difference between these two declaration?

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C++ :: Array Declaration And Input

Jan 24, 2014

I want to understand the ways in which arrays can be declared and used. What each of the following do or what's the difference between them and what would be the length of each:-

1 - char ary1[50];

2 - char ary2[50] = {'H','e','l','l','o'};

3 - char ary3[50] = {'H','e','l','l','o',''};

4 - char ary4[50] = {''};

5 - char ary5[50] = {'','H','e','l','l','o'};

6 - char ary6[50] = {'','H','e','l','l','o',''};

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C++ :: Segfault At Declaration Of 2D Array

Jan 19, 2014

I have a little program that does some statistical processing on text files. The program has thrown a segmentation fault with an input file that is larger that I have used before. I didn't write this tool, so I went searching for the problem. Data from the input file is dumped into a 2D array and the program fails at the declaration of that array.

Code : double A[cont][Nr_col_split];

The vales for cont and Nr_col_split and determined from the input file and in this case, cont=807 and Nr_col_split=350. I assume that these values are just too large and not enough memory can be allocated, or something like that. Do I need to use reserve or similar to set aside enough memory? I will have input files that are quite a bit bigger than this one, so perhaps there needs to be a different solution for storing the input file data.

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C++ :: Automatic Conversion For Function Parameters?

Nov 19, 2013

So I'm writing a data structure from scratch as part of a university assignment in c++, and I have to write an iterator for it. The problem involves comparison between constant iterators and normal iterators, and I'm going about it in this way: I wrote a constructor of normal iterator which takes a const iterator as its only parameter, hoping that the comparison operator between two normal iterators will be enough:


(and somewhere else)

template <typename T>
bool operator!=(btree_iterator<T> one,btree_iterator<T> other){
return !(other == one);

and I'm testing it in this way:

btree<int> bl(5);//the data structure
auto iter = bl.begin();
iter != bl.cend(); //trying to compare iterator with const iterator

but apparently this is wrong, since the compiler tells me something along the line of "no function 'operator!=' which takes ......" It seems the constructor is alright, since the following works:

btree<int>::iterator i(bl.cend());

Am I getting something fundamentally wrong about it? How is this functionality actually implemented in C++ library containers like vector?

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C :: Declaration Of Array In Another Source File

May 5, 2014

I was going through a code where i found the definition of int array[63] in one of the source files. But i also found the declaration as extern int array[66] in another source file. This is clearly wrong, but my doubt is how the compiler compiled it. It should have thrown error. In case if it compiles then what will be the behavior of the system? Will it be normal or some undefined behavior?

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C++ :: Dynamic Array Of Pointers Declaration?

Jan 30, 2013

I am attempting to declare an array of pointers dynamically based on user input. I am not sure if A) I'm implementing the syntax of declaring a dynamic array correcntly and B) if my code is set up correctly to print otherwise.

int array_size;
cout << "Please enter the size of the array: " << endl;
cin >> array_size;
if(array_size >= 8) {
cout << "Invalid array size, please enter a valid integer size";
cin >> array_size;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Two Dimensional Array Declaration And Initialization

Mar 28, 2013

I'm having trouble declaring and initializing a two-dimensional array using the C++11 standard conventions. I would like to know how to do it in C++11 style as know how to use the old style.

the exception im getting is:

c++11_array_exp.cpp:37:3: error: too many initializers for ‘std::array<std::array<std::basic_string<char>, 6ul>, 22ul>’

you can find my code here:


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C/C++ :: Automatic Cast Object To OpenGL Handle / ID

Oct 24, 2014

I programming currently something with OpenGL. Now I have written some wrapper classes, like Shader, Program .... All works fine, but I don't like to call Shader.GetHandle() every time I want to call a OpenGL function manually where I need the object handle/id. (GetHandle() returns the OpenGL ID of the object)

So now I wonder, is it possible to program it in C++ so, that I can put my objects to gl methods and c++ automatically pass the handle/id member to that function ? Is there maybe a operator that I can use for that?

For example:

The way I do it now:

Shader vertexShader();

The way I want to:

Shader vertexShader;

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C Sharp :: Simulate (automatic) Mouse Right Click

Aug 22, 2013

How to simulate(automatic) mouse right click operation using c#?

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C :: Array Of Functions Declaration / Definition And Call

Aug 3, 2013

i am using c language to program PIC micro controllers, i am making a multi compilation unit project in order to organize my code better.

I want to create an array of functions and be able to call it from anyplace in the code

what i have done so far gplib.c

typedef void (*out)(int8);
void OUT_A(int8 weight){output_A(weight);}
void OUT_B(int8 weight){output_B(weight);}
void OUT_C(int8 weight){output_C(weight);}
void OUT_D(int8 weight){output_D(weight);}
void OUT_E(int8 weight){output_E(weight);}
out output_port[5+1] = {OUT_A, OUT_B, OUT_C, OUT_D, OUT_E};

how to declare them in gplib.h and how to call them anywhere in the code.

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C++ :: String Reverse Function - Array Declaration

Jan 23, 2014

Here's my program: - Program which inputs a string from user, reverses it and displays it.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void string_reverse (char [], const int);
int main() {
const int arraysize = 10;
char string[arraysize];

[Code] ....

In the string_reverse function, I have declared temp character type array but on line 38, the

compiler is throwing 3 errors: -

error C2057: expected constant expression
error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
error C2133: 'temp' : unknown size

I have declared a constant integer arraysize in line 35. Now I have no clue why is this happening because I think as I have declared it as a constant integer variable, this should not happen.

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C++ :: Template To Hold Two Dimensional Arrays - Automatic Indexing

Mar 6, 2015

For the past couple of weeks I have been working on a template to hold two-dimensional arrays. Right now I am puzzling over an indexing question.

There are many places in the template where I would like to use initializer_lists to refer to user-specified row and column ranges, particularly in member function arguments. A typical example would be a member function whose declaration would be along the lines of:

Array<Type>::some_function(std::initializer_list<int> columns, std::initializer_list<int> rows); which could get called via

arrayInstance.some_function({3:4}, {5:8});

It would be really nice to be able to use Matlab-style indexing to specify the last column, or the last row, in the Array object -- along the lines of

arrayInstance.some_function({3:4}, {5:END}); where END takes the value -1, and can be defined in Array, or somewhere else.

The way I have tackled this so far was to write myself an Indices PODS class with two elements to hold start and finish values, and a constructor-from-initializer_list that looks something like this:

Indices::Indices(std::initializer_list<int> range, int replace_value) {
int const *it = range.begin();

start = (*it == END) ? replace_value : *it ; ++it;
finish = (*it == END) ? replace_value : *it ;

So the elements of "range" give the values of Indices::start and Indices::finish -- but if either of them are entered as END by the user, they will be replaced by replace_value. (The default value of replace_value is END, so Indices::start and Indices::finish will never change if it is omitted.)

I also defined an Indices::endset(int) function to do the same thing for existing Indices objects:

Indices::endset(int replace_value) {
if (start == END) start = replace_value;
if (finish == END) finish = replace_value;
} Using Indices::endset, you can code up Array::some_function by modifying the above signature to something like

Array<Type>::some_function(Indices columns, Indices rows) {

This does work, and I've been able to use it in practice. However, it is klutzy. What I would really like to be able to do is have the Indices constructor handle value-replacements in "columns" and "rows", instead of needing to put calls to Indices::endset in every single Array<Type> member function that uses this approach.

The basic problem is that, when Array<Type>::some_function is called, there is no easy way of inserting Array<Type>::M and Array<Type>::N into the optional argument of the Indices constructor when "columns" and "rows" are being built.

The Indices class needs somehow to get access to these, and know which one is being used, M or N. So it needs to have some sort of deeper connection to Array<Type>, but I don't know what that connection should be.

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C Sharp :: Generate Automatic Alerts With Snooze Time Before Targeted Date And Day Before

Nov 20, 2012

i want to create an application which generates popup alerts at the day of event occurs as well as a day before the event will occur in a specific time interval as well.. events are stored in database and they are all date time fields .. so i want to link those fields to create popups ..

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Visual C++ :: Automatic Login / Password Into Web Page Using Details Fully Automated

Feb 9, 2015

I Want to login this webpage automatically using vbs or any other javascript

I want to login into this [URL] .... web page and book the tickets for me by automatically.

Requirements into the site as given below as mentioned in order

Login with Login Details

Captcha Will be there, for that assume manually entered.

Then select particular event, pick the date and again check the event, select the number of persons, click on submit button.

Fill the Persons details and photo.

Check the button of I read the terms and conditions.

Click on the submit button

All these should be done within the small time.

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C/C++ :: Array With Two Variables And Loop

Feb 18, 2014

I have two variables t and x in an array that alternate. I want to add two t's and find the average and then do the same for the x's. After that, I want to find the slope of x -> t. My problem is that I specify the n for t, but since it's local I can;t use it for the slope. Here's my code so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double PA [8] = {0.0001234, 1.0005434, 0.0005678, 1.0023423, 0.00063452, 1.0001546, 0.00074321, 1.00017654};

[Code] ....

And, can I actually use the n2 as an index, or will the processor not understand that?

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C :: Printing Sum Of Variables From Array Of Structure?

Oct 10, 2014

I have an array of structure that takes family information (name, age, and state) after it takes the users input it prints back all of the information that was input and then prints the family members that just live in Texas. After that I am trying to implement a function to average out the ages of all family members but I cant seem to get it right, whenever it gets to that part of the program it just outputs 0. I also tried adding an & sign prior to FAMILY[i].age and got an error of int from ptr with no cast.

Also I realize that the code only shows adding of the family members ages which is fine for now as I am concentrated on getting that to work in the first place.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Global Variables
int i=0, a=0, sum=0;


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C :: Rotating Array And Assigning It To Different Variables

Feb 3, 2013

I have a problem with rotating an array and assigning it to different variables. This is wat i have done.


int n[16],a[16],n1[16],n2[16],n3[16],n4[16],n5[16],n6[16],n7[16],n8[16],n9[16],n10[16],n11[16],n12[16],n13[16],n14[16],n15[16],n16[16], c=0;
int x[16],i,j,k;
int rotate();


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C++ :: How To Save Two Digit Variables In Array

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to redefine an array, but the result can only display one digit variable. I want the program to display 97 98 99 *+, but the program is only displaying 789*+.

int main() {
string test="abc*+";
for(int i=0; i<test.size;i++)


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C++ :: Passing Array Of Variables By Reference?

Sep 10, 2014

I define an integer variable and pass it by reference to a function.

int func(int &x)
// do something
int x;

However, I have not only one variable but an array of variables with its predefined name. How do I pass to the function by using loop? Example:

int x, y, z;

How can I do this by using loop?

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C++ :: Char Array Variables In If Statements?

Mar 25, 2013

I'm currently doing the exercises for the fifth chapter (Loops) and I've done all of them, but I wanted to go the extra mile on the last program I'm supposed to design. The program is a poll and all the input from the user will be with numbers. However when a letter is pressed then of course you get wrong behaviour from the program, it keeps looping endlessly.

Here is a fragment of what I think is the way of doing it - but of course it's not working

int p = 0
char anyLetter[]={"abcde"};//Initializing char variable
char a = anyLetter[p];
else if (userAnswer[n] == a)//if statement where char needs to be used.
cout << "Pressing a letter maybe? It's only with numbers. Try again." << endl;

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C++ :: Force Variables To Be Stored In Char Array

Jan 7, 2015

I want to declare a char* array, and then make any future variables declared to be stored in a specific location within the char* array. Is this even possible, and if it is how would I go about doing it. (I plan on storing any primitive data type in it (not classes or structs), and they may signed or unsigned).....

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C/C++ :: Force Variables To Be Stored In Char Array

Jan 7, 2015

I want to declare a char* array, and then make any future variables declared to be stored in a specific location within the char* array. Is this even possible, and if it is how would I go about doing it (I plan on storing any primitive data type in it (no classes or structs), and they may signed or unsigned). I want to be able to use the variables like any other variable, I just want the variable's address to be within the char* array.

I am trying to make a program that is similar to a virtual machine and an emulator put together, and it can only run one os (which will be hard-coded into to the program). The reason I wanted to do this is because it would be the easiest way to make sure that all variables in memory are in one contiguous block, that way the part that manages memory wouldn't have to store the locations of each variable (which would have been necessary for the virtual memory manager).

An example of what I am wanting to do is

char* ram [256]; // Address 0x00 to 0xff

// Code to make sure that new variables' addresses are in ram[] if necessary

unsigned short a = 5; // Gets stored at address 0x00

unsigned int b = a; // Gets stored at address 0x00+sizeof(a)

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C++ :: Using Same Declaration Value More Than Once

Oct 11, 2014

I am trying to make a menu program and was wondering if there is a way to declare something more than once without using a different word.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double grams, ounces, inches, feet, meters; //units to convert
int choice; //menu choice
int main() {
cout << "Welcome to Measurement Converter" << endl;

[Code] .....

I dont really know how to explain it but im trying to use int choice to make choose a program from a simple list.

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C++ :: Using Declaration Within Name Space Scope

Mar 16, 2013

Can we use using declaration within name space scope? is it safe to use it?

I think we can use using declaration for class scope and function scope only.

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C :: Assigning Value During Pointer Declaration

Aug 31, 2013

I am trying to understand the behavior of following code. Basically how does printf() prints the value rather than address.

Does initializing value to a pointer during declaration makes a difference when assigned from a variable?


1 #include <stdio.h>
3 int main() {
4 const char *var1 = 'A';
5 int *vint = 10;

[Code] ....

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