C/C++ :: How To Call Member Functions With Template Based Class

Sep 27, 2014

This week we are learning to use templates, and I don't understand how to call my member functions with my template based class. I tried the standard convention of calling member functions, but I keep getting an error saying name following"::" must be a class or namespace name. I'm thinking my problem lies with my typename T, but I am unsure. Line 16 is where I am getting tripped up.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
T Set


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C++ :: How To Initialize Static Member Of Class With Template And Type Of Nested Class

Oct 7, 2014

How to initialize a static member of a class with template, which type is related to a nested class?

This code works (without nested class):

using namespace std;
struct B{
template<typename Z>

[Code] ,....

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C++ :: Templatizing A Function Based On Class Member?

Mar 26, 2014

Some background: I have a class, A, with members, B and C and D; I also have an array of A objects; I want to be able to have a function which takes said array and performs a certain calculation on either the B, C, or D members of each of the A objects, depending upon certain circumstances; I want to perform the same calculation regardless of which member is to be used in said calculation, such as always assigning the value 3 or multiplying the member's value by a cofactor of some sort.

My question, therefore, is: how I might do this using only one function be it a template or not?

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C++ :: Template Function As Member Of Class

Apr 15, 2014

I want to have a template function that is a member of a class. Is this possible? This code snippet is how I would think the syntax would go, although it doesn't compile. How would I achieve the same effect?

class myclass {
int member ;
} ;
template <typename T> void myclass::func( T& arg )

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Why Private Member Template Accessible Outside Class

Jan 15, 2015

I just happened to find that a nested private template class can be accessed directly outside the enclosing class using a using alias:

namespace ns {
class __wrapper


I was hoping to see a "__wrapper::__tklass is private" error message in the first using statement as well as during the instantiation of ns::tklass, but no error is issued. I tried this on gcc-4.9.2, clang-3.5.0 and visual_studio 2013 express.

why exactly doesn't the compiler flag tklass as an error? Is it allowed by the standard? If so, wouldn't that be a serious access violation?

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C++ :: Display Fraction In Proper From Based On 2 Arguments Passed To Class Member Function

Mar 15, 2015

We're assigned a project working with classes and fractions. My goal is to display a fraction in proper from based on 2 arguments passed to a class member function proper();

My strategy was to utilize the greatest common factor between the 2 arguements, then divide both the numerator and denominator by that number and then it would display.

The program actually runs, but only seems to divide the numerator and not the denominator. This in return makes my other class member functions have incorrect comparisons and sums.

class Fraction {
friend void compare(Fraction a, Fraction b);
friend void sum(Fraction a, Fraction b);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Error Returning Template Class From Member Function

Apr 30, 2012

When I do this:

// header file:
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class myClass {
list<int> myMethod();

// cpp file:

list<int> myClass::myMethod() {

In the cpp file, 'myMethod' is underlined in red and when I hover over it, it says:

"std::list<int, std::allocator<int>> myClass::myMethod()

Error: declaration is incompatible with "<error-type> myClass::myMethod()""

But when I make it as a standalone function, outside a class, with no pre-declaration, there is no problem.

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C++ :: Where To Put Non Class Member Functions

Sep 27, 2013

If you are doing some big program, usually, how do you organize the files? Put the class and its member in head file, but where to declare non member functions and where to define them? I don't want to put them all in one cpp file. If not, how to make them visible to the main cpp file?

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C++ :: Defining Member Functions Outside Class Definition

Jan 3, 2014

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
class Calc {

[Code] ....

when i built it, it showed the following errors:

1>------ Build started: Project: rough, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> rough.cpp
1>e:c programs
ough.cpp(17): error C3872: '0xa0': this character is not allowed in an identifier
1>e:c programs

[Code] ....

Need sorting out the errors!!!

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C++ :: Class Member Functions With Pointer Parameters?

Jan 30, 2013

Here is the assignment: (3pts) Given the following class header file, write the class’ source code for each of the accessor and mutator functions listed. (How the functions have listed their parameters, varying between passing by reference and by value.) Don’t forget to comment your code – it counts!

class Album {
char * artist; // band or singer’s name
char * title; // title of the album


The input will be an array. My questions: First, am I on the right track?

When using (char * a) for a function, for example, this is passing the address of a, correct? so then *artist=a; changes what the address of a points to?

also, the functions are bool when I would expect void. Why? for all of the set_" " functions, the parameter is *... but for set_record_label it is *&. That appears to be a mistake to me. Is that right?

what is the difference between *& and * as parameters?

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C/C++ :: Limit Access To Class Member Functions

Feb 28, 2014

Suppose I make a class, something like having the constructor being invoked first makes sense, I don't have a problem with that. But, how could I limit access to functions until certain functions are called? Perhaps this isn't built into the language so you can't. And maybe this problem never comes up. For example if you have a set() and get() functions, if they are both public functions, there doesn't seem to be a way for the compiler at least now if set() never gets called you shouldn't call get(). I just see this as error prone if you need to use libraries, you have to know not to do it from documentation instead of something the compiler can check.

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C++ :: Member Function In Derived Class Call Same Function From Its Base Class?

Sep 18, 2013

How can a member function in my derived class call the same function from its base class?

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C++ :: Accessing Private And Protected Member Functions Of Class?

Mar 30, 2013

how to access the private and protected member functions of the class.....

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C++ :: Implement Member Functions Of Class Function - Failing To Get Input

Aug 17, 2013

I am supposed to implement the member functions of class Person.

class Person {
Person(string pname, int page);
void get_name() const;
void get_age() const;

[Code] ....

The code I wrote is below. Where I am struggling is the program does not allow me to input age. Therefore, I cannot test if my temp for age works. It automatically defaults to 0 because it hasn't taken input. Here is my code:

// Program Title: Person function
// Program Description: The program prompts the user for first and last name and age.
// It then prints the output that was provided by the user.

using namespace std;
class Person {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Call To Member Function X Is Ambiguous - Overloaded Member From Header File

Feb 23, 2014

I get the following error in XCode whenever I try to access the member I created 'randomGen' in a separate class in a different header file. I have made sure to include the header file and have tried to access it through an object.

This is the code I enter when trying to access the method from randomiser.h in main.cpp. It is also an overloaded function with doubles and integers:

RandomG randomiser;
randomiser.randomGen(); // 'Call to member function 'randomGen' is ambiguous'

This is the code inside randomiser.h:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class RandomG {

[Code] ....

This is the error inside xcode: [URL] ....

I have tried seperating the code for the functions in another class (main.cpp) and then running and it seems to works, so I'm not sure why I can't put everything in the .h file and then access it?

I would like it in a seperate file so it doesn't clutter my main. I am writing a game with SDL so that might be confusing and I would like the window to have a random title and other random properties, so it would be easier to use a function.

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C++ :: Passing Same Template Value To Two Different Template Functions

Dec 11, 2014

I have been trying to get a hang on templates. I have the two following functions that that could be consolidated in a single template function:

void Attractor::updateFamilies(FamiliesController *_tmp, int _counter){

center.x = ofGetWidth()/2;
center.y = ofGetHeight()/3;
attractorCounter = _counter;
if(attractorCounter == 1){

[Code] .....

NotesController and FamiliesController have the same parent. The thing that I'm trying to grasp with templates is that is could something like:

template<class TYPE>
void Attractor::updateData(TYPE* *_tmp, int _counter){
center.x = ofGetWidth()/2;
center.y = ofGetHeight()/3;
attractorCounter = _counter;

[Code] ....

And then have another template function declaration for all the attractor functions where I pass the same template value as in the first one.

As you can see, I'm calling another functions inside called attractors(_tmp). I know that one way around it could be to get rid of that function and just do all the logic inside of each if statement. Is there any way to pass the same template function parameter within a template function parameter?

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C++ :: Template Method Based On The Type Passed Should Return A Value

Mar 8, 2014

I have a class where a method based on the type passed I should return a value.

prototype declared in the header file:

template <typename T>int getNum() const;

Code of the cpp file:

template <typename T> int class::getNum() const{
int c = 0;
for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
if(typeid(*(Pro*)v.at(i)) == typeid(T)) c++;
return c;

To invoke the method as I do:

ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Pro & obj) {
return os << obj.getNum();

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C++ ::  how To Declare Template Function Inside Template Class

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to implement a simple template array class, but when i came into the operator< i actually have to use a template :

my code is something like :

template<typename _Type, std::size_t _Size>
class array {
public :

[Code] ......

but i am having an error of shadows template param 'class _Type' is it w/ the name conflict between the array template parameter and the function template parameter ?

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C++ :: Use Of Class Template Requires Template Argument List

Nov 6, 2013

Error1error C2955: 'DoubleLinkedListInterface' : use of class template requires template argument listdoublelinkedlist.h10
Error2error C2244: 'DoubleLinkedList<T>::DoubleLinkedList' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration doublelinkedlist.cpp7

Error3 .cpperror C2244: 'DoubleLinkedList<T>::~DoubleLinkedList' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration 12


#pragma once
#include "DoubleLinkedListInterface.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include <iostream>


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C++ :: Request For Member When Call Function

Oct 22, 2013

I'm writing a small c++ program which will be able to do a few things with a matrix. I have a class called Matrix and a member function in it called getSor() which returns an integer value about the number of lines in the matrix. When I call this getSor() function the program says: error: request for member ‘getSor’ in ‘matrix’, which is of non-class type ‘Matrix*’

- 'matrix' is an existing Matrix object here
- I called the function like this: "cout << matrix.getSor() << endl;"

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C++ :: Call Member Function Inside Another Member Function?

Mar 21, 2013

If I wanted to call a member function inside another member function, how would I do that, if it's possible?

For example, if I have Find(int key) defined already and wanted to call it while i was overloading operator+.

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C++ :: Ambiguous Call On Overloaded Variadic Template Operators

Oct 30, 2013

When compiling the code

#include "tensor.h"
int main() {
Tensor<2,-2> m = {{1,2},{1,3}};
Tensor<2> v = {1,5};

[Code] ....

Why do I get an ambiguity and why is not the wanted operator*-overload (the last one in the tensor.h file) not even mentioned as one of the candidates? Is it clear what I want to do? And if so, what can I do to make the call unambiguous?

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C++ :: Template Errors - No Matching Function For Call To Load

Oct 22, 2013

My load function isnt working. I've tested it and returned it as an int and it worked but when i tried to compile when i changed it to a template i started getting the errors and I'm not sure how to fix it:

all_sort.cpp:41:15: error: no matching function for call to 'load'
int *value = load("./integers.txt", size);
./bubble_sort.h:44:4: note: candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template
argument 'T'
T *load(const char* x, int &size) {

[Code] ....

I'm trying to use my load function to load integers from a file into and array and then return it back.

#include "bubble_sort.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n, pick = 1, size = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Partial Template Specialization With Template Class

May 27, 2013

I have a generic template class with another template in one of its types. Now I want to specialize one of its methods for a particular (template) class, which leads to a compile error, however.

Here is the example:

#include <stdio.h>
template<typename Type>
class Obj1 {
void ID() { printf("Object 1, size = %zu

[Code] .....

GCC ends with:
:35:27: error: type/value mismatch at argument 2 in template parameter list for ‘template<class Type, template<class> class O> class Foo’
:35:27: error: expected a class template, got ‘Obj2<Type>’

What is wrong with the specialization? Can it even be achieved and how (if so)?

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C++ :: Template With A Specialized Template Class Parameter?

Nov 2, 2014

how I want the code to look. Only problem is it doesn't work (Line 11). I have some experience with templates but I'm not a pro.

Basically I want the "Channels<3>" to be a type that I can use to specify a Cable with similar to vector<float/int> it would be Cable<Channels<2 or 3>>.

What have I messed up with the syntax?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Typedef Template With Static Const Member?

Apr 18, 2013

class Tracker {
static const int type;
typedef cv_types::CvType<type>::type_t type_t;
const int Tracker::type = 1;

gives me the error:

'I' : invalid template argument for 'cv_types::CvType', expected compile-time constant expression

Shouldn't the static const int be a compile time constant?

How would I specify it, so that it works?

PS.: The code works with #define type 1 at the top of the file and without the static const int.

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