C++ :: Call To Member Function X Is Ambiguous - Overloaded Member From Header File

Feb 23, 2014

I get the following error in XCode whenever I try to access the member I created 'randomGen' in a separate class in a different header file. I have made sure to include the header file and have tried to access it through an object.

This is the code I enter when trying to access the method from randomiser.h in main.cpp. It is also an overloaded function with doubles and integers:

RandomG randomiser;
randomiser.randomGen(); // 'Call to member function 'randomGen' is ambiguous'

This is the code inside randomiser.h:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class RandomG {

[Code] ....

This is the error inside xcode: [URL] ....

I have tried seperating the code for the functions in another class (main.cpp) and then running and it seems to works, so I'm not sure why I can't put everything in the .h file and then access it?

I would like it in a seperate file so it doesn't clutter my main. I am writing a game with SDL so that might be confusing and I would like the window to have a random title and other random properties, so it would be easier to use a function.

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C++ :: Ambiguous Call On Overloaded Variadic Template Operators

Oct 30, 2013

When compiling the code

#include "tensor.h"
int main() {
Tensor<2,-2> m = {{1,2},{1,3}};
Tensor<2> v = {1,5};

[Code] ....

Why do I get an ambiguity and why is not the wanted operator*-overload (the last one in the tensor.h file) not even mentioned as one of the candidates? Is it clear what I want to do? And if so, what can I do to make the call unambiguous?

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C++ :: Call Member Function Inside Another Member Function?

Mar 21, 2013

If I wanted to call a member function inside another member function, how would I do that, if it's possible?

For example, if I have Find(int key) defined already and wanted to call it while i was overloading operator+.

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C++ :: Why Can't Operator Be Overloaded As A Member Function

Apr 3, 2013

why can't << operator be overloaded as a member function is it because that is the way c++ is written and you just can't or is there another reason because I'm confused.

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Visual C++ :: Access Member Function From Non-member Function In Same CPP File?

Dec 16, 2012

In my MFC, CMyPorpertyPageDlg is derived from CPropertyPage. How to access its member function from a nonmember function in the same CPP file?.

void Non_Member_Get_PorpertyPage()
CMyPorpertyPageDlg* pPageDlg = ....

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C++ :: Request For Member When Call Function

Oct 22, 2013

I'm writing a small c++ program which will be able to do a few things with a matrix. I have a class called Matrix and a member function in it called getSor() which returns an integer value about the number of lines in the matrix. When I call this getSor() function the program says: error: request for member ‘getSor’ in ‘matrix’, which is of non-class type ‘Matrix*’

- 'matrix' is an existing Matrix object here
- I called the function like this: "cout << matrix.getSor() << endl;"

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C++ :: Using Class Member Directly In Header File

Jan 26, 2015

I'm trying to use a class member to initialize the dimension of a matrix. I have two issues. Here is the code (.h) simplified :

#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <typeinfo>

template<typename T, std::size_t N>
struct md_vector {

[Code] ...

error: invalid use of non-static data member ‘OptimalSamplingStrategy::_nbMorph’|

I can't use a class member directly in the header file (here _nbMorph).

It was an issue I got before and that I didn't solve as I succeed in finding other ways. I don't think it's possible here.

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C++ :: Zero Init Data Member Of Class In Header File

Jan 9, 2014

I have a small class with a static int data member. I want to zero init it. I am thinking that making a .cpp file with only one line seems too much, isn't it?

So, can I do it inside the the header file? The variable is going to enumerate how objects were created (so any alternative will do).

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class (header File)

Apr 1, 2014

I am currently doing the assignment about linked list. Here are some details information about what I am doing.. This program is C++ and should run on Visual Studio 2010. And it contains three file, two datastructure header and one main cpp file.

This program is trying to arrange and show some sports records. The main program which contain the functions such as reading the result text file(each result text file contain several records of athletes), removing a file, arranging the totalresult and printing it out. And the main program is already given and I cannot overwrite it.

But when I finished and try to build the solution and run it, I am not able to run the program and it give me somethings like these...

warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary
error C2248: 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1'
This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'Result::Result(const Result &)'

And I have tried to comment each function part of the header file and see if can run or not. But I still fail to do so. Here are my codes...

class Datastructure1 {
Datastructure1( );

[Code] ....

There are two header files and look quite long. They are all some linked list functions . I have read and learn linked list data structure before I complete this programs. However, when I complete the functions required, the function cannot be compile....

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C++ :: Overriding Of Overloaded Virtual Member

Feb 5, 2013

I've got the following code with output. I can't figure out myself why it's what printed out there. I believe, it has something to deal with overloading/overriding/virtual functions implementations in C++:

class Base{
public: virtual void f(int);
virtual void f(double);


Thus here're my conclusions:
1) in line
for some reason compiler preferred casting double->int of the argument and then call to 'Derived::f(int)'.

2)in line
for some reason compiler preferred call to 'Base::f(double);'. 'Base' is static type of pb, but the dynamic type is 'Derived'.

I believe the answer has to deal with the fact whether virtual table contains in addition to functions' names also the types of arguments they accept. AFAIK, vTable doesn't include such info.

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C++ ::  assigning To A Member From Struct Obtained By Overloaded Operator

Jan 27, 2014

I'm trying to assign a value to a member of a struct that I called via an overloaded [] operator. I have the following code for the struct:

typedef struct {
float r, g, b, a;
float operator [](int pos) {
switch (pos) {

[Code] ....

And what I wish to do is

MyStruct a;
a[0] = 0.5;

Is it possible with a struct? How to express this to search engines so I haven't been able to find anything about it. If this is not possible with a struct, is there a way to define something that can do all the following things:

SomeStruct test = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
test.g = 1.0;
test[0] = 0.0; // test[0] would be equivalent to calling test.r
float somevalue = test[3]; // test[3] would be equivalent to calling test.a

I hope I've been sufficiently clear.

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C++ :: Stubbing Standard Function - Ambiguous Call

Dec 4, 2013

I need to make a stub for some standard library function, but the compiler gets confused about which function I want to call in my code. I thought that putting the stubbed function together with its caller into an anonymous namespace will give higher precedence to the stub, but it didn't.

Here is an example code:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <signal.h>
int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction * act, struct sigaction * oldact)

[Code] ....

main.cpp: In function ‘void {anonymous}::test()’:
main.cpp:23:47: error: call of overloaded ‘sigaction(int, sigaction*, NULL)’ is ambiguous
main.cpp:23:47: note: candidates are:
main.cpp:8:5: note: int {anonymous}::sigaction(int, const sigaction*, sigaction*)
In file included from main.cpp:4:0:
/usr/include/signal.h:266:12: note: int sigaction(int, const sigaction*, sigaction*)

It possible to force the compiler to use my stubbed version of sigaction() and if yes, how to do that? I am not allowed to modify test() function.

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C++ :: Member Function In Derived Class Call Same Function From Its Base Class?

Sep 18, 2013

How can a member function in my derived class call the same function from its base class?

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C/C++ :: Error Header Has No Member Named Size

Dec 1, 2014

Was missing the '.s'

I'm getting this error in the 'my_free' function here "bp->s.size += p->s.ptr->s.size;" and "p->s.size += bp->s.size;" here. This doesn't make sense to me because it seems to be the correct way to access the union, and In the "my_malloc" function I use a similar call "p->s.size = nunits;" and that works fine.

// gcc -o malloctest -Wall -g -ldl main.c
// ./malloctest
#include <stdbool.h>


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C/C++ :: Defining Member Function In Different CPP File

Mar 27, 2014

I am work on building a simple parse tree and the layout of my code look like this:


Source files

I am still relatively new to C++ , and have been advised to include function definition for the member function of both pt_node class and iterator class in the node.cpp file

I particular I have declare the following iterator.h:

inline bool operator ==(const tree_iterator& rhs);

which is defined in node.cpp as:

inline bool tree_iterator::operator==(const tree_iterator& rhs) {
return (node ==rhs.node);

However on building I receive the following error:

undefined reference to `dnkmat001::tree_iterator::operator==(dnkmat001::tree_iterator const&)'

Why is this occurring and what measure can I take to fix my code

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C++ :: Non Constant Member Function Being Called Inside Constant Member Function?

Dec 28, 2012

#include <iostream>
class Hello {
void Test() {


As i know a non-constant member function cant be called inside a constant member function but how the above code has been compiled successfully and giving the expected result .

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C/C++ :: How To Call Member Functions With Template Based Class

Sep 27, 2014

This week we are learning to use templates, and I don't understand how to call my member functions with my template based class. I tried the standard convention of calling member functions, but I keep getting an error saying name following"::" must be a class or namespace name. I'm thinking my problem lies with my typename T, but I am unsure. Line 16 is where I am getting tripped up.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
T Set


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C++ :: Member Function Undefined In Separate File

Feb 25, 2015

I have three files.

//headerfile NumArrSpecs.h
#ifndef NUMARR_H
#define NUMARR_H


My problem is that the storeElems member function is causing an error saying it is undefined, however there are no errors any where else in the program being reported. I have made several programs involving classes now, all with this three file format and this is the first time that a member function in the main file is being reported as undefined, so I'm not sure what to do.

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C++ :: Overloaded Operator Defined In Header File - Gives Error In CPP File Of Class

Apr 12, 2014

I am working on an assignment in which i have to perform th following task

myClass itsObject1,itsObject2;

I have defined overloaded operator as follows in the header file but in the cpp file of the class it gives error.

friend vli &vli::operator + (int &a,vli &obj);

How to define it in cpp file of my class?

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C++ :: Function Call From Header

Nov 27, 2014

I've got These 3 files:

// OTI.h
extern void Unpack(void* Packet);

// PackUnpack.cpp
#include "OptiTrackInterface.h"
void Unpack(void* Packet) {

// OTI.cpp
#include "OptiTrackInterface.h"
Unpack((char*) &indata);

When i try to compile OTI.cpp, I got the error that Unpack is undeclared.

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C++ :: Errors About Types - Ambiguous Call

Nov 6, 2013

void write() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
cout <<"";
template <typename A, typename ...B>
void write(string argHead, B... argTail) {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");

[Code] ....

what I'm doing wrong with my write() function? I did like the read() function(for work diferent with another types) but i get these error:

"C:UsersJoaquimDocumentsCodeBlocksMy Classconsole.h|218|error: call of overloaded 'to_string(char*&)' is ambiguous|"

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C++ :: Header And Prototype Correct But No Matching Function For Call To?

Dec 10, 2014

For whatever reason, I get an error meassage about lines 53-57 saying there is no matching function to call to. Yet the header and the prototype are correct (I think anyways).

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#define N 10
using namespace std;
class cust{

[Code] ....

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C++ :: For Each And Member Function

Apr 2, 2012

I can't get this code to compile (using VS2010 and gcc4.6.1):

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
class X {
void foo( const std::vector<std::string>& v ){

[Code] ....

VS2010 presents an error message like "member function already defined or declared" and gcc something like "... function can not be overloaded" (very cryptic error message).

If I change the vector to foo to std::vector<int> and let bar() take an int, it works perfectly fine. And if I use boost

std::for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), boost::bind( std::mem_fun(&X::bar), this, _1 ) );

The above code compiles as well.

While it is perfectly fine for me to use boost I would nevertheless like to understand what's happening here.

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C++ :: Using Non-function Member Into A Class

Oct 21, 2013

I mount a function (parameter - numeric vector; returns a string). However, this same function is used in several classes. To avoid that I keep duplicating the same code within these classes there is a way to do that as the code below?

std::string func( const vector<int> vec ) {
return result;
} class A {

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  member Function Of Class

Jun 16, 2013

whether i can define a member function inside a class or not in C++. Is the following code is legal?

#include<iostream> using namespace std;
class adder {
int a;
int b;
int c;
int answer;


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C++ :: Constant After Member Function

Aug 27, 2013

using namespace std;
class Student{
int age;
int rollNo,marks;
string name;
void AddEntry();

[Code] .....

error: non-member function 'void Display(Student*, int)' cannot have cv-qualifier|

why and how can I solve it?

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