C/C++ :: Windows File Filter Drivers?

Apr 14, 2014

I am starting a project in a few weeks that needs to be able to prevent an executable from running until it has been checked for various criteria (think of it as a DIY anti virus).

My main idea is to build a file filter driver in C to hook into file system reads and writes and prevent executables that I don't like from executing off the disk.

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C/C++ :: Drivers License Exam (Read Results From File)

Apr 14, 2015

How to get this code to compile and build. It gives me a really strange error saying:

"1>Project 7 Code.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl checkAnswers(char * const,char * const,int,int)" (?checkAnswers@@YAXQAD0HH@Z) referenced in function _main
1>C:UsersHaruha Raharu HarukoDesktopSpring 2015 Class WorkIntro to ProgrammingProject 7Project 7DebugProject 7.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals"

Here is the specifics on the assignment:

"Complete Programming Challenge #12 (Driver's License Exam) with file modification

The State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has asked you to write a program that grades the written portion of the driver's license exam, which has 20 multiple choice questions.

Here are the correct answers:

1. B 5. C 9. C 13. D 17. C
2. D 6. A 10. D 14. A 18. B
3. A 7. B 11. B 15. D 19. D
4. A 8. A 12. C 16. C 20. A

Create a TestGrader class. The class will have an answers array of 20 characters, which holds the correct test answers. It will also have a student array of 20 characters to hold the student's answers. It will have three public member functions that enable user programs to interact with the class: setKey, setStudent, and grade. The setkey function receives a 20-character string holding the correct answers and copies this information into the answers array. The setStudent function will read in the student's answers from the file student.txt and will store the answers in a 20-character array named student. The grade method will compare each student answer to the correct answer in the key.

An applicant must correctly answer 15 or more of the 20 questions to pass the exam. After grading the exam, the program should display the following items:

-the number of right answers and the number of wrong answers
-a list of the question numbers for all incorrectly answered questions
-a message indicating whether the applicant passed or failed the exam"

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C++ :: Filter Text Enclosed In Specific Tags From Text File?

Aug 30, 2013

I have a huge text file in following format:

{Bunch of text


I want to extract Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4,..., Text600 in the output file. How can i achieve this?

/* BTW, I am not getting my homework done here. I am an ex-programmer, who has now moved to marketing for some time now, and today, I encountered this problem, which I believe can be solved easily through programming. */

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C++ :: Connecting To Database Using Drivers

Apr 8, 2013

How to connect my c++ code to any database using drivers.

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C++ :: Making Programs To Work With Custom Hardware / Drivers?

Dec 1, 2014

Recently I got a drawing tablet. One valued feature of this tablet is that it is pressure sensitive (2048 levels). No matter what the model, almost every company's tablet's features (like pressure) are compatible with well-known commercial products like Photoshop, and this is precisely what I'm wondering about:

If well-known graphic products can do it, how do I make my own program to recognize this device's features? How can I access/extract real-time data from a device. Assuming I have all driver stuff correctly installed.

I've been trying to google keywords like "[company] header files" or "[company] developing programs" or stuff like that to no avail... not really sure what to search for.

If you need specific information about the actual device, I will post it, but I'm also just looking for general knowledge about how to this type of thing, with any device.

(I'm not talking about a GUI or how to actually code graphics to respond to the pressure, just about receiving information from it.)

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C++ :: Decryption Filter - Encrypted Data

Feb 5, 2013

How can decrypt the file that the program below encrypt?

// This program encrypts a file
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int ENCRYPT=10; // amount to add to a chor
const int SIZE= 255; // array size


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C# :: Multiple Update Query After Filter In Datagridview

Oct 11, 2014

I'm new to c# and i'm using vs 2013 and access database..my i need to do multiple update records after I filtered the records in datagridview

In my database table I have these fields ID(PK/autonumber), EID,Date,Day,Daystatus..

In my form I have a button and it's fucntion is filter by date using bidingsource.fiter and this was the result


what I want to happen is when I click another button called "Apply to all" I want to Update all the daystatus to "Legal Holiday" of the filtered records..I know how to update one by one using simple update..but I need to do the multiple update..

I tried to make a code but it was updating all the records not the filtered only here's my code:

try {
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
command.Connection = connection;
string query = "SELECT EID From EmployeeTable";
command.CommandText = query;
String a = "Legal Holiday";

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Apply Gabor Filter For Fingerprint Enhancement?

Feb 21, 2012

I am trying to apply gabor filter to a fingerprint for fingerprint enhancement using c.

My image size is 280x340.Gabor filter equation is :

F(x,y) = exp(-0.5*[x^2/sigma_x^2 + y^2/sigma_y^2]) * cos(2*PI*f*x);

I am able to execute this equation.But my problem is i am calculating the equation for 280x340 times and it is taking time(4 sec 2.93GHz 3GB ram).

how to reduce the executation time ?

What I know exp function is taking time. So is there any equivalent of exp which will take less time to execute ?

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C Sharp :: Using Textbox To Filter From DataGridView And SQLite Database

Mar 11, 2013

I'm trying to get some more user friendly things in my program done. Now I'm trying to filter by typing in a text box and it filters to what you are typing and shows the entire row.

This is what I currently have:

private void txtFilter_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            try  {
                SQLiteConnection connect = new SQLiteConnection(connString);

[Code] ....

I get an exception error though:

SQLite error
near "'N'": syntax error

// N is what I started typing to start the filter.

Ok, so I've edited the code now to this:

private void txtFilter_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) // FILTER TODO {
                DataView view = new DataView();
                SQLiteConnection connect = new SQLiteConnection(connString);
                view.RowFilter = "Channel like '%" + txtFilter.Text + "%'";

No more exception errors, just not what I want it to do. It just keeps everything there.

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C++ :: File Transfer Using FTP / TCP IP In Windows

Sep 13, 2012

I need to copy a file from remote location.

I know following information.

a) Address of the remote file location
b) Port number
c) File Name
d) Size of file in bytes

How i copy the file from specified port/socket and write it to the file opened in local machine.

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C Sharp :: Filter Excel Sheets Through C# While Importing Excel Data To Database?

Mar 1, 2013

private String[] GetExcelSheetNames(string excelFile) {  
             OleDbConnection objConn = null;
             SqlConnection objSqlConn = null;
             System.Data.DataTable dt = null;  
             try {


Now I can fatch all the excel sheet belongs to the Excel File.But How can I check "If and Only If the sheets are havin Underscore in their name(eg. student_data,teachers_data) then only the data of the sheets will populate in tha data base"

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C/C++ :: Loading File In Windows Form - Richtextbox

Feb 7, 2015

I want to load a file to rich text box component. I have this line:

richTextBox1->LoadFile("StudentaiRez.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType->PlainText);

But I get an error when I try to pass second parameter. It says : type name is not allowed.

I probably write it wrong, but I can't remember the correct way. In examples I only see that instead of -> dot is used, but it doesn't work either.

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C# :: How To Apply XAML File In Windows Form

Dec 7, 2014

I need to apply theme file in windows form but I can't. When I use the code below I get error because there is no System.Windows.Application

StreamResourceInfo sri = System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(
new Uri("App.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
var resources = (System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)Load(sri.Stream); ;
var app = new System.Windows.Application();

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C/C++ :: Object File Size Increases In Windows?

Apr 11, 2013

My sample.h is

#include <string>
namespace xxx
class abc


My Question is when i compile this code in Linux platform Using g++ compiler My sample.o's Size is 1Kb.. But when the same code is compiled in Windows platform using VC++ Compiler , My sample.o's size is 42Kb..to reduce the size in windows... Is there any proble with '#include <string>' in Windows platform.

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C/C++ :: Read Encrypted File Windows Form Application

Sep 27, 2013

I need to be able to actually read my encrypted file..

I have the decryption code and works perfectly when running it through console app c++.

But, the way I decrypt is to decrypt from a file, and create a new file which is decrypted.

I can't use that kind of code in my program in windows form app c++..

I need to read the encrypted text file and decrypt it in memory while using it for my program..

Some links to my codes I use at the moment.

My decryption coded in console application: [URL] ....

My decryption code edited for form application (Did not do anything) [URL] ....

And this is the code I tried to read after it got decrypted (Reading file written in combobox_selectedindexchange: [URL] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Skip Compile Windows SDK Header File

Apr 25, 2014

Examples: "sql.h" header file how to skip compile in vs 2008 ?

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C# :: Windows Form - How To Put Double Click To Open File In Treeview

Dec 9, 2014

How can i put double click to open the file in treeview

private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
XmlDataDocument xmldoc = new XmlDataDocument();
XmlNode xmlnode;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Extension DLL Callback Function Used For A Windows Service And Write To File

Oct 11, 2014

I have a problem with an extension DLL that has an exported function. The function is being exported ok, it is called by a Windows service. The Windows service is using the exported function, and everything works. I am trying to create a file with:

ofstream file;
file.open("C:dir ofile", ios:ut);
file << "text";

But nothing happnes however. There are no errors, the file is just not created. Also, if i try to call MessageBox() in the exported function, nothing happens as well . I have a .h file which exports the function with __declspec(dllexport) DWORD WINAPI functionName(), and also a .cpp file with the function definition. There is no main().

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C :: Reading File Line By Line On Windows?

Oct 13, 2014

How to read a file line by line and then later access them by doing something like

lines[0] //Line number one
lines[100] //Line number one hundred and one
lines[100][0] //L
lines[100][1] //i
lines[100][2] //n
lines[100][3] //e
lines[100][4] //
lines[100][5] //n

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C++ :: Using Signals On Windows

Oct 12, 2012

I'd like to compile following code:

sigfillset( &sa.sa_mask );
sa.sa_handler = &CDevice::PipeHandler;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL );
sa.sa_handler = &CDevice::TerminatorHandler;
sigaction( SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGINT, &sa, NULL );

Using MSVC 2010 to run on Windows 7. Is it possible?

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C++ :: How To Use Drand48 For Windows

Jul 2, 2012

Here are the libraries included:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "stat.h"

And heres the line being flagged:

d=ttl*drand48()-fit[0]; //intialize to reigon for first entry

The error I receive is one discussed on a number of different forums:

C:Documents and SettingssarabrownDesktopSarahScheduling Codestat.cpp|181|error: `drand48' undeclared (first use this function)|

C:Documents and SettingssarabrownDesktopSarahScheduling Codestat.cpp|181|error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 1 warnings ===|

It just seems to me theres a lot of conflicting information about if this is even possible to do on Windows and when I do try work around functions or calling double drand(void) I get a ton of errors. I'm hesitant to try rand() or something less precise. I was hoping maybe someone would be able to maybe suggest a compiler which will run this or a different library, right now I'm using Code Blocks IDE.

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C :: How To Read A Website From Given URL In Windows

Nov 14, 2013

I am wondering how can I read a website from a given url in windows ?

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C :: How To Retain Dos Windows After Compilation Is Done

Apr 2, 2013

i am just making some new programmings and testing it. But every time after compile and run The dos window is closing and again I have to compile And run command so i want The dos windows should prompt me for next input rather than closing.

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C++ :: How To Minimize All Open Windows

Jan 6, 2015

how can i minimize all open windows using c++ program? I want to call the minimize function at some places in my program... so write how the function structure can be made and how do i call it?

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C++ :: Compile A Library In Windows?

Mar 7, 2013

I have download the SOIL library [URL] for loading textures in OpenGL, however it doesn't come with a SOIL.lib file but a file called libSOIL.a and it says I need to compile it myself.

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C++ :: Viewing Slider Value WINDOWS?

Apr 21, 2014

I have my dialog set upand I am trying to view a slider controls value. This is not to do with .NET framework it is the old controls.

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