C++ :: Viewing Slider Value WINDOWS?

Apr 21, 2014

I have my dialog set upand I am trying to view a slider controls value. This is not to do with .NET framework it is the old controls.

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Visual C++ :: Windows Explorer - Open Files With Different Extensions For Viewing Purposes Only

Feb 16, 2013

I have an application that Opens files with different extensions for viewing purposes only. I use MFC with Multi-Document template.

When I go to Windows Explorer in Windows 7 and right-click on Libraries - Documents, and scroll down to New, Explorer shows multiple links for creating new files with these different extensions.

My application does not create New documents. It just opens them for viewing purposes. In fact, I have disabled the New portion of the mainframe window.

My code includes:

I am at a loss as to what portion of my code would have placed these links into Windows Explorer!

Is there any way to prevent them from being created in the first place?

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Visual C++ :: Getting Slider With Number Displayed Inside Slider?

Oct 23, 2012

I need a slider with number displayed inside the slider. Slider thumb or number should be moved and finally i need to fetch the value where the slider thumb is placed. I had attached the image of slider which i required.


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C# :: How To Use Image Control Viewing

Aug 19, 2014

how I could use a Image control where I can upload an image to a folder(done that) and then take that image right after uploading it (in the same line of code) view it on the image control...

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Visual C++ :: Viewing Resources In A DLL

Dec 12, 2013

Any utility that would allow me to display the resources in a DLL? i.e. if the DLL contains icons / bitmaps etc I'd be able to view them. I've a feeling that such a tool exists but I can't remember what it's called.

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C Sharp :: Viewing A DICOM In A PictureBox?

Feb 5, 2014

I've been looking for a C# library that is well documented and can show DICOM (medical CT scan data, including the image) as jpeg/bmp data that is viewable in a PictureBox.

I've only found OpenDicom which is more or less unsupported now and EvilDicom - whose owner has made some significant changes to it, making all existing stack overflow questions on it irrelevant.

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C# :: Viewing And Changing Data In DGV With SQL Database File

Mar 4, 2014

Background: I've created a projected and added a mdf database file to it.

I am attempting to fill my datagridview with data from a table that I've added to my mdf file.

I am having a hell of a time figuring out the correct connection string and datasource file path for it.

I've decided on using OleDB because that's what I am most familiar with.

I clearly see the rule "Don't tell us to give you code!" but I cannot find a good tutorial from START to FINISH on how to do what I am trying to do.

As stated, I think my connection string is wrong. Even if I change it to

OleDB (string conStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Database.mdf"

I get a new error saying it cannot recognize the database format.

public partial class DataViewer : Form {
string conStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=Database.mdf";
DataSet dS = new DataSet();
DataSet tdS = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection con = null;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Slider Not Incrementing With Video?

Jun 15, 2013

I am using DirectShow to play/pause/stop a video file. I am having a slider control which increments with the playing video. I have done some calculation to find the exact step to forward or backward the video.

On dragging the slider to any position, video forwards/backwards to the new position, but slider doesn't get increment. Say I drag the slider from 10 to 50, video goes to the new position, but on releasing the capture slider again jumps back to the previous position from where it was dragged.

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Visual C++ :: Setting Slider Position Programmatically?

Jan 31, 2014

I have a problem to set sliderposition programmatically. This is my try:

//pointer to my slider control:
// On the begining the range ist 1 to 10
// and the position is on 5
// change the range:
pSliderCtrl->SetRange(1, 100); // ok no problems

Now, how to "move" btw. how to redraw the position of the slider thumb programmaticaliy with c++? Need to send some message, if yes what message i need to send to slider control to move (reposition) the slider thumb?

I try with
// first:
::SendMessage(pSlider->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, TRBN_THUMBPOSCHANGING, 0);
// then with:
::SendMessage(pSlider->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE, 0);

but nothing happens?

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Visual C++ :: Slider Not Working Properly In A Dialog MFC?

Jul 3, 2013

I have a slider control on a dialog box. I am playing a video file and slider moves according to the video elapsed. Suppose I have set the slider range to 100. Now till some point say 90, the slider moves to the point wherever I click the mouse. but at the last point in between some range say 90 - 100 (to the end of the slider), if I click the mouse button anywhere, slider jumps to the end.

I am using a TimeLine control where user can add more than 1 video (1, 2, 4, 8, 10 , 50 etc......), If I use only one video, slider moves as per the video progression.....Issue arises when I add more than 1 video and click on the start button, slider starts moving....Now when I drag the slider to any position or I click the mouse button anywhere on the slider control, slider thumb moves to that position and immediately jumps back to some other position. This is the Issue, I am facing.

share some sample code where slider is moving with the video showing the progress of the video.

I want to implement a functionality similar to VLC player. Wherever user clicks the mouse, slider moves to that point.

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Visual C++ :: OnLButtonDown Not Getting Called On Slider Control In MFC?

Jun 20, 2013

I am using a slider control on a dialog box. I have handled OnLButtonDown for Slider control. But I wonder its not getting called whenever I click on the slider thumb, instead it gets called when I click anywhere on the dialog.

I want to handle OnLButtonDown when I click on the slider thumb.

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Visual C++ :: How To Bring Slider To The Position User Clicked The Mouse

Jun 11, 2013

I have a dialog control where I am using a slider control. I have handled the notification messages sent by the slider control. When user clicks on the slider, the slider moves in steps. I want to bring the slider directly to the position where user has clicked the mouse. The slider thumb should directly move to the clicked position instead of in steps.

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Visual C++ :: How To Move Video Forward / Backward When User Drags Slider Bar

Jun 11, 2013

I am working on a project in which I use DirectShow to Play / Pause / Stop the video. I am using slider bar to show the progress of the video. As the video starts playing, the slider bar moves in proportion to the video duration. Now when user moves/drags the slider bar to a new position, I want to forward the video in equivalent proportion.

Say if video duration is 50 seconds and max range of the slider bar is set to 100. slider will 2 steps for 1 second of video progress. Now if user drags the slider to 60 while video is playing, I want to increment/forward the video. if user moves the slider backward, video should move backward.

I have done with the slider moving along with the video and when user drags the slider. How to set the new position of the video, so that the video starts playing from that point.

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C++ :: Using Signals On Windows

Oct 12, 2012

I'd like to compile following code:

sigfillset( &sa.sa_mask );
sa.sa_handler = &CDevice::PipeHandler;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL );
sa.sa_handler = &CDevice::TerminatorHandler;
sigaction( SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGINT, &sa, NULL );

Using MSVC 2010 to run on Windows 7. Is it possible?

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C++ :: How To Use Drand48 For Windows

Jul 2, 2012

Here are the libraries included:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "stat.h"

And heres the line being flagged:

d=ttl*drand48()-fit[0]; //intialize to reigon for first entry

The error I receive is one discussed on a number of different forums:

C:Documents and SettingssarabrownDesktopSarahScheduling Codestat.cpp|181|error: `drand48' undeclared (first use this function)|

C:Documents and SettingssarabrownDesktopSarahScheduling Codestat.cpp|181|error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 1 warnings ===|

It just seems to me theres a lot of conflicting information about if this is even possible to do on Windows and when I do try work around functions or calling double drand(void) I get a ton of errors. I'm hesitant to try rand() or something less precise. I was hoping maybe someone would be able to maybe suggest a compiler which will run this or a different library, right now I'm using Code Blocks IDE.

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C :: How To Read A Website From Given URL In Windows

Nov 14, 2013

I am wondering how can I read a website from a given url in windows ?

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C :: How To Retain Dos Windows After Compilation Is Done

Apr 2, 2013

i am just making some new programmings and testing it. But every time after compile and run The dos window is closing and again I have to compile And run command so i want The dos windows should prompt me for next input rather than closing.

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C++ :: How To Minimize All Open Windows

Jan 6, 2015

how can i minimize all open windows using c++ program? I want to call the minimize function at some places in my program... so write how the function structure can be made and how do i call it?

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C++ :: Compile A Library In Windows?

Mar 7, 2013

I have download the SOIL library [URL] for loading textures in OpenGL, however it doesn't come with a SOIL.lib file but a file called libSOIL.a and it says I need to compile it myself.

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C++ :: Where Mutex Is Stored In Windows

Jan 17, 2013

I want to know how mutex is working in process synchronization. Where these mutexes are stored in memory how another process know about this mutex?

If two different mutexes are having same name what will happen?

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C# :: Keypad In Windows Form

Jan 7, 2015

How to make a keypad in my windows form? Need to finish my project at school...ATM machine app..

It is just the keypad part. Do i put 10 buttons and add a textbox...

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C/C++ :: Building QGIS X64 On Windows

Feb 9, 2015

Basically I want to embed the QGIS canvas widget into a custom application. In order to do that, I need to build QGIS from it's source in order to obtain the devel *.lib, *.dll, *.h, etc. files required. To that result, I am trying to build either version 2.6.* or the current nightly build ~2.7 - 2.8 64 bit version. There is very little documentation on the x64 builds. Not to mention that CMake and I are not the best of friends.

My progress so far:
- Successfully built the extremely out of date nightly build readme instructions of version 0.11 x86
- Partial success in creating CMake output to VS2010, but many required headers were not included such as gqsmapcanvas.h, (So even if I got it building I couldn't use the canvas widget in an application)
*Note I updated the external packages to x64 versions, so it is not an architecture mismatch issue.

I have also had issues with QWT looking for QWT Polar header files, but I suspect this is another issue with the missing headers as most of the errors related to files contained in the original source from GIT.

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C/C++ :: How To Use Command Prompt In Windows 8.1

Jul 1, 2014

I am studying C How to Program book and want to run GuessNumber Game.

My system command prompt gives C:UsersAcer>_. And GuessNumber path is C:UsersAcercode_examplesGuessNumberWindows.

I am getting below error after pressing enter. How I can run this program.

‘code_examplesch01GuessNumberWindows’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

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C/C++ :: Getting Windows Don't Send Error

Dec 27, 2012

i am doing a structure program "struct book",but at the time of run cmd is opening and i am getting 'windows don't send' error and program has been terminating.

the code is following:

struct book


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C++ :: How To Manage Popup Windows

Mar 24, 2014

I’m working on a project that has many pop up windows. They are not organized properly and things are getting messy. I’m wondering if there are any common practice or design patterns for solving this problem.

I’d like to give some concrete examples:

1. my program connects to two different tcp ports on the same ip. cutting off any of them, the user will be notified with a MessageBox. But in case of unplugging network cable, both message box will show, which is unnecessary.

2. we provide a shortcut key to display a setting dialog. However the program can also show the same dialog when certain event happens. If the user opens the setting dialog already, those event will still trigger a second setting dialog.

3. when application settings are not correct, user will disconnect from the server and an error dialog will show up and terminate the program. But if the user knows about the situation and has opened the setting dialog to fix the issue, the error dialog will terminate his work. which is bad.

I don’t know how to deal with this window management problem in a complex software project. Of course, I can solve the issue case by case by checking if certain dialog is shown before displaying another dialog. But there are too many cases, when the code base gets big, this is not practical. There must be some generic solution I think.

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Visual C++ :: Updating To New Windows SDK?

Apr 27, 2013

I've just integrated the Windows SDK V7.0A into my VS2005 application, and I'm getting the dreaded "Application configuration error" when I try to run it on an XP machine.

It runs fine on the development machine, and some customer machines (Win7 and Win8), but will not run on XP due to missing/incorrect version dlls.

I've rebuilt all my libraries, but still no joy.

So, my first question is - If I upgrade the Windows SDK to V7.0A, do I also need to use MFC 10 and msvcrt10, or can I stick with MFC 8?

The next question is, how do I find out which dlls are missing, and which libraries or other dlls are requesting the missing versions?

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