Visual C++ :: OnLButtonDown Not Getting Called On Slider Control In MFC?
Jun 20, 2013
I am using a slider control on a dialog box. I have handled OnLButtonDown for Slider control. But I wonder its not getting called whenever I click on the slider thumb, instead it gets called when I click anywhere on the dialog.
I want to handle OnLButtonDown when I click on the slider thumb.
I need a slider with number displayed inside the slider. Slider thumb or number should be moved and finally i need to fetch the value where the slider thumb is placed. I had attached the image of slider which i required.
I am using DirectShow to play/pause/stop a video file. I am having a slider control which increments with the playing video. I have done some calculation to find the exact step to forward or backward the video.
On dragging the slider to any position, video forwards/backwards to the new position, but slider doesn't get increment. Say I drag the slider from 10 to 50, video goes to the new position, but on releasing the capture slider again jumps back to the previous position from where it was dragged.
I have a problem to set sliderposition programmatically. This is my try:
//pointer to my slider control: // On the begining the range ist 1 to 10 // and the position is on 5 // change the range: pSliderCtrl->SetRange(1, 100); // ok no problems
Now, how to "move" btw. how to redraw the position of the slider thumb programmaticaliy with c++? Need to send some message, if yes what message i need to send to slider control to move (reposition) the slider thumb?
I try with // first: ::SendMessage(pSlider->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, TRBN_THUMBPOSCHANGING, 0); // then with: ::SendMessage(pSlider->m_hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE, 0);
I have a slider control on a dialog box. I am playing a video file and slider moves according to the video elapsed. Suppose I have set the slider range to 100. Now till some point say 90, the slider moves to the point wherever I click the mouse. but at the last point in between some range say 90 - 100 (to the end of the slider), if I click the mouse button anywhere, slider jumps to the end.
I am using a TimeLine control where user can add more than 1 video (1, 2, 4, 8, 10 , 50 etc......), If I use only one video, slider moves as per the video progression.....Issue arises when I add more than 1 video and click on the start button, slider starts moving....Now when I drag the slider to any position or I click the mouse button anywhere on the slider control, slider thumb moves to that position and immediately jumps back to some other position. This is the Issue, I am facing.
share some sample code where slider is moving with the video showing the progress of the video.
I want to implement a functionality similar to VLC player. Wherever user clicks the mouse, slider moves to that point.
I have a dialog control where I am using a slider control. I have handled the notification messages sent by the slider control. When user clicks on the slider, the slider moves in steps. I want to bring the slider directly to the position where user has clicked the mouse. The slider thumb should directly move to the clicked position instead of in steps.
I am working on a project in which I use DirectShow to Play / Pause / Stop the video. I am using slider bar to show the progress of the video. As the video starts playing, the slider bar moves in proportion to the video duration. Now when user moves/drags the slider bar to a new position, I want to forward the video in equivalent proportion.
Say if video duration is 50 seconds and max range of the slider bar is set to 100. slider will 2 steps for 1 second of video progress. Now if user drags the slider to 60 while video is playing, I want to increment/forward the video. if user moves the slider backward, video should move backward.
I have done with the slider moving along with the video and when user drags the slider. How to set the new position of the video, so that the video starts playing from that point.
Although MyThread1 and MyThread2 using critical section to protect the shared data m_Data, I will still suspend MyThread1 before accessing the shared data, to prevent any possible conflicts.
The problem is:
(1)When the first invoke of MyFun2, everything is OK, and the return value of MyFun2(that is nResult2) is 1 , which is expected.
(2)When the second, third and fourth invoke of MyFun2, the operations in MyFun2 are executed successfully, but the return value of MyFun2(that is nResult2) is a random value instead of the expected value 1. I try to using Debug to trace into MyFun2, and confirm that the last return statement is just return a value of 1, but the invoker will receive a random value instead of 1 when inspecting nResult2.
(3)After the fourth invoke of MyFun2 and return back to the next statement follow MyFun2, I will always get a "buffer overrun detected" error, whatever the next statement is.
I think this looks like a stack corruption, so try to make some tests:
1.I confirm the /GS (Stack security check) feature in the compiler is ON.
2.If MyFun2 is invoked after MyFun1 in MyThread1 is completed, then everything will be OK.
3.In debug mode, the codeline in MyFun2 that reads the shared data m_Data will not cause any errors or exceptions. Neither will the codeline in MyFun1 that writes the shared Data.
I get a task: to color the control scrollbar (a gridctrl scrollbar, whatever). In the first attempting I didn't succeded ... So, I started to trying coloring a CListBox scrollbar ... I developed a derived CListBox where I override OnCtlColor:
I'm have a bitmap that's about 4000x2000. But I want to put it all into a picture control. I attempted to use stretchBlt() to shrink it. But it did not work.
HBITMAP originalImage = CreateDIBitmap(m_picture1.GetDC()->m_hDC, m_bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, (unsigned short *)m_OriginalBits,
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In CalcDynamicLayout I set the height for the docked state to the height of the mainframe. This value is too big, but it will work basically.
But how can I get the exact height of the controlbar?
I'm writing an ActiveX control. In one of the functions I'd like the user to be able to pass me a pointer to a buffer that they created which I can then fill with data and return a success/error code. What's the appropriate way to do this? I was thinking about just using an OLE_HANDLE type for the parameter and then casting that to pointer inside the OCX but I'm not sure if that's safe or the right way to do it.
When I create a list control I can assign an image list to it with the ListView_SetImageList().
By default, when just created there is no image list assigned as can be checked with ListView_GetImageList().
Now, what should happen when I do following call:
Create list control. Create an image list Get the current image list Assign an image list to list control Display some items Assign an old image list to list control.
Does strings on the list control should be indented?
Here is an imgur link to my current homework. [URL] .....
As you can see on there I have them listed on which ones are supposed to be sentinel and which ones are supposed to be count control loops. This is currently what I have:
Code: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void main() { int count = 0; int sum = 0;
[Code] ....
This class has me stumped currently and I am having a hard time breezing through the class at my instructors speed. So I don't want to get too far behind.
Right now this program is giving me an error that opens CMD and gives me infinite lines of "0's".
1. Using a CScrollView as the View class type. 2. Using Document/View Architecture. 3. Insert multiple Common Controls such as CEdit, CButton, CListCtrl into the View dynamically. 4. All the Common Controls is base on a template created by user. So I do not know the quantity of the Common Controls.
This is the plan on how to do it:
1. In View OnInitialUpdate(), read the template to get all necessary info on the Common Controls to be create. 2. In View OnInitialUpdate(), create all Common Control. Some Common Control may not have WS_VISIBLE as it may not needed at initial stage. 3. In View OnUpdate(), I need to refresh the Common Control properties such as is its text, position or its visibility. This should happen if Document call UpdateAllView().
My Question: 1. Is this a normal & useable plan? 2. Do I miss other functions for any other messages? 3. Still wondering if I need to involve any coding in OnDraw() for this plan.