C :: How To Read A Website From Given URL In Windows

Nov 14, 2013

I am wondering how can I read a website from a given url in windows ?

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C/C++ :: Read Encrypted File Windows Form Application

Sep 27, 2013

I need to be able to actually read my encrypted file..

I have the decryption code and works perfectly when running it through console app c++.

But, the way I decrypt is to decrypt from a file, and create a new file which is decrypted.

I can't use that kind of code in my program in windows form app c++..

I need to read the encrypted text file and decrypt it in memory while using it for my program..

Some links to my codes I use at the moment.

My decryption coded in console application: [URL] ....

My decryption code edited for form application (Did not do anything) [URL] ....

And this is the code I tried to read after it got decrypted (Reading file written in combobox_selectedindexchange: [URL] ....

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C++ :: Unable To Read A Certificate In Windows Store From Console Application

Sep 23, 2014

I have been struggling to read a certificate in windows store from C++ DLL, but its not happening. from console application I can but when same code built as a DLL and tried to access from a separate console application. I think its not going to windows store to read the cert.

pCertContext = CertFindCertificateInStore((HCERTSTORE)*pCertStore, X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_ISSUER_OF, operator PCCERT_CONTEXT(), pCertContext);
int Error = GetLastError();
if (Error == 0)
LINFO << "
Signtuare is valid
LINFO << std::hex << Error << '
' << "GetLastErrorStdStr=
" << GetLastErrorStdStr();

it returns 80092004 GetLastErrorStdStr= C a n n o t f i n d o b j e c.

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C Sharp :: Access Denied For Windows Service To Read Or Write Files

Aug 22, 2012

Windows service not able read file from network even after giving UNC path whereas works fine when given local directories ....

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Visual C++ :: Serial Communication In Windows - ClearCommError Finds No Data In Read Buffer

Dec 13, 2013

I want to send data from a laptop (windows 7, processor 2.60GHz) to a desktop (windows xp, processor 3.10GHz) using serial communication (using a USB to RS232 convertor). The WriteFile function is able to send the data from the laptop (NumberOfBytesWritten is correct). But on the desktop side, ClearCommError detects no data in the read buffer.

This is the relevant code in my desktop:

while(1) {
if (commStatus.cbInQue != 0) ReadFile(hPort,&data,1,&dwBytesRead,NULL);

The if condition is never satisfied. The baudrate and other parameters in the DCB struct are the same on both sides.

The same code works when I write and read in the same system by shorting the RX and TX pins in the RS232 connector.

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C++ :: VRP Algorithm - Run EXE In Website

Jun 27, 2014

I have VRP algorithm written in C++, run with command prompt Windows. input (command line) -> VRP.exe -> output (txt file)

Now I want to built a website to run it as SaaS. How to run an exe application(compiled c++) in server used as Saas? What kind of programming do I have to use? Ruby or html5 or others? I don't know how to start.

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C++ :: How To Embed Website

Jan 18, 2015

how to embed website in c++?

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C++ :: Push Button On A Website?

Nov 25, 2013

I was wondering if it's possible to push a button on a website programatically. Unfortunately the button link is invisible, otherwise I could simply use the URL it links to. So is there a way to do it in c++ and if so, how?

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C# :: Publishing App Directly To Website

Mar 25, 2014

I'm successfully publishing an app to my website by publishing locally and then uploading the files but one of the options offered is to publish straight to the web site but I can't find anywhere to enter a user name and password for my web site. I could also do it with ftp but since the option is offered to publish directly to the web site I'd like to try that method. I'm using the Click Once method.

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C# :: How To Interact With A Website Like Freelancer

Feb 26, 2015

Any way to interact with websites such as Freelancer or fiverr. I mean when someone posts new topic i'll search in the topic if the name contains keywords like 'programming' then i'll notify the client that there is a new subject he can works on . Is there a way to do this in c#?

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C Sharp :: Get Text From Website To C# Application

Apr 20, 2013

I would like to know an easy way to let my application show in a label, some stats from a website.

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C++ :: Import Stock Ticker And Volume From A Website?

Mar 30, 2014

I need a line of code of retrieving data from a live website. I will look around in the mean time. libcurl?

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C++ :: How To Login A Website And Download / Upload Files

Dec 18, 2014

Basicly I want to make a c++ program which does the following:

1- logs in to 4shared.com with username 'user_example' and password 'password_example'.
2- uploads to the 4shared account a file named 'test_upload.txt' located in 'C: est'
3- downloads a file named 'test_download.txt' from the 4sared account

I user curl 7.39.0 and curlpp 0.7.3

1- how to keep the same session between successive http requests
2- how to make an http request to upload a file
3- how to get the url of a file with specified name on a 4shared account

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C++ :: Make A Terminal For Website And BHXSpectre Recommended Cgi?

Nov 22, 2013

so i want to make a terminal for my website and BHXSpectre recommended cgi (which i love... c++ web design. just one more reason to not use any other language). anyways, im wondering how would i generate the html for the base of the terminal? ie just the window that i will be writing to

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C :: Retrieve Information From A Website - Libcurl Not Giving Output

Apr 2, 2014

I am trying to retrieve information from a website [URL] .... and have written a C code as follows:

#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
/* Exit status to return */
int exitStatus = 0;

[Code] .....

The output of this program should be:
From To
4504111 B0LPF3
4504111 P62993

The first print option [printf("%s", url)] gives the url output as [URL] .... which on being manually pasted in any web-browser gives the correct output but the program fails to give the output.

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C# :: Upload Custom Values To Specific URL And Get Result Given From Website

Aug 1, 2014

I am trying to upload custom values to specific URL and get the result that is given from the web site.

The problem that is occurring is that I don't know how to simulate "press" the input type="button".

Is the value wrong or something

Here is the link(English version)

I use the Bulgarian version but that doesn't matter.

WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
myWebClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
myWebClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "anything");
myWebClient.Proxy = null;

[Code] ....

The problem is that I don't get result, that looks like this.

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C Sharp :: Obtaining Cookie Value From Logged In User On Website

Aug 28, 2012

I am trying to obtain the values of cookies from a particular website. The problem is, when I run the following code, it only loops through 4 of 10 cookie values present.

Furthermore, the values are turning up as deleted: Reference

HttpWebRequest Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.mysite.com");
Request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
HttpWebResponse Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();  
foreach (Cookie cook in Response.Cookies) {                          
           Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", cook.Name, cook.Value);           

Then I came across this code, which states it will loop through every cookie value and obtain its values: Reference

int loop1, loop2;         
       HttpCookieCollection MyCookieColl;
       HttpCookie MyCookie;
       MyCookieColl = Request.Cookies;  
       String[] arr1 = MyCookieColl.AllKeys; 
       for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < arr1.Length; loop1++) {
           MyCookie = MyCookieColl[arr1[loop1]];          
           String[] arr2 = MyCookie.Values.AllKeys;

The problem with the above, I can't seem to find a reference to "Request". I am using the libraries "using System.Net and using System.Web", so I am unsure why Request is not being recognized.

My goal is to retrieve one cookie value so that when a user from my website logs in, my C# application will recognize that user.

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C Sharp :: Generating Mail Using Code After Uploading Website On Server?

Nov 22, 2014

I am using below code to generate mail through C # code

SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.live.com", 587);
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("XYZ@live.com", "********");

[code] .....

It was working properly offline when i running on my local computer,But I uploading it on server after publishing website it is not working.

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Visual C++ :: Program To Auto Login Website - Waiting With Message Loop

Aug 25, 2013

I am writing a program to auto login in a web site. Before making next attempt I have to wait for some time like some 10 seconds(it is configurable). But during waiting UI should not freeze. I wrote code something like this. Here event m_hEvent[1]) will be set by another thread after 10 seconds.The problem is UI still freezes some times!

//m_hEvent[1] will be set by another thread after 10 seconds
dwRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &m_hEvent[1], FALSE, dwMilliseconds, QS_ALLINPUT);

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Cannot Access Server Page Custom Controls In Website Page

Jan 24, 2015

I m making calendar in server control page by taking composite control.I am also adding textbox in each cell of calendar. Now i want to access the value of each textbox of selected month and respected date in default.aspx page on button click event. Here the button is not a custom control but defined in default.aspx page..

Can't access textbox text and date or controls of server page in website(default.aspx) page.

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C :: Possible To Read Text Form Keyboard Using Read Function?

Dec 8, 2013

Is possible read text form keyboard using read() function? or which is best way in ansi creplace input command form basic language. for numbers and text...

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C :: Read Contents Of A File Using Low I/O Read Statements

May 15, 2013

I want to read the contents of a file block (512 bytes) by block using low I/O read statements. Each record is 64 bytes long and has a pre-defined structure. The first 4 bytes are an unsigned integer; the next 20 bytes are ascii text, etc.

I have a buffer which I can access with buf[0] to buf[63] to read the first record and then buf[64] to buf[127] for the second, etc. However, I was wondering how to map a record so that I can refer to an integer as an integer and a float as float, etc. I can't create a struct and move the 64 bytes to it, as I will have alllignment/padding problems.

What is the standard way to deal with records in C?

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C++ :: Using Signals On Windows

Oct 12, 2012

I'd like to compile following code:

sigfillset( &sa.sa_mask );
sa.sa_handler = &CDevice::PipeHandler;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL );
sa.sa_handler = &CDevice::TerminatorHandler;
sigaction( SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL );
sigaction( SIGINT, &sa, NULL );

Using MSVC 2010 to run on Windows 7. Is it possible?

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C++ :: How To Use Drand48 For Windows

Jul 2, 2012

Here are the libraries included:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "stat.h"

And heres the line being flagged:

d=ttl*drand48()-fit[0]; //intialize to reigon for first entry

The error I receive is one discussed on a number of different forums:

C:Documents and SettingssarabrownDesktopSarahScheduling Codestat.cpp|181|error: `drand48' undeclared (first use this function)|

C:Documents and SettingssarabrownDesktopSarahScheduling Codestat.cpp|181|error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 1 warnings ===|

It just seems to me theres a lot of conflicting information about if this is even possible to do on Windows and when I do try work around functions or calling double drand(void) I get a ton of errors. I'm hesitant to try rand() or something less precise. I was hoping maybe someone would be able to maybe suggest a compiler which will run this or a different library, right now I'm using Code Blocks IDE.

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C :: How To Retain Dos Windows After Compilation Is Done

Apr 2, 2013

i am just making some new programmings and testing it. But every time after compile and run The dos window is closing and again I have to compile And run command so i want The dos windows should prompt me for next input rather than closing.

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C++ :: How To Minimize All Open Windows

Jan 6, 2015

how can i minimize all open windows using c++ program? I want to call the minimize function at some places in my program... so write how the function structure can be made and how do i call it?

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