Visual C++ :: Convert 8 Bytes Into Double And Back?
Sep 5, 2013
I receive a byte stream. The first 8 bytes contain an Identification number. I receive at first the lowest byte and at the end the highest byte of the number. How can I transform this into a double value and later back into the bytestream? In the past I hard only 2 Byte values and there I could use things like MAKEWORD and HIBYTE and LOWBYTE to convert the values
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Mar 15, 2015
how to accommodate double-size:8 bytes in 4 bytes pointer in 32bit system.
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Feb 7, 2014
How can I convert bytes to ASCII?, I read wikipedia about UTF-8 and I understood a little bit about add or split bytes to change the value.
Now I have those bytes
0xC7 0xE6 0xC2 0x91 0x93 0x7B 0xCE 0x01
And I found a program (DCode) that convert to 64 bits little-endian, supposedly those bytes in ASCII is this.
lun, 08 julio 2013 04:28:17 UTC <---
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May 13, 2013
I made this program to convert bits to bytes, because I'm so sick of seeing ISP's advertise speeds in megabits, which I consider an intentional attempt to decieve :P And I think I've finally understood how the return value of scanf works since the last time I posted here, so my program can check to see if an integer was entered before processing the input, but I'm stuck on how to make the whole program start over if an integer is not entered. I have a hunch it would involve a loop, but I can't figure out how to make the program start over at "How many mb do you need converted?" if an integer is not entered into scanf..Here is the code I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int b, mb, kb, Byte, kB, mB, gB;
char term;
and my program makes the assumption for now at least, that mb will be inputted because that's the unit of measurement that i usually see advertised, and i didn't bother making an if statement to print a conversion in terms of gigabytes because i've never heard of a connection that fast :P
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Jan 24, 2014
How to convert bytes of data to string using c programming , I searched but i didnt get appropriate one .
Example : 112131(bytes) to string ("some sample")
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Nov 26, 2013
I need to convert from an array to a list and back.
array to list: (x,y) to int and int to (x,y)
I wrote this function:
* inputs:
* coordX: column;
* coordY: line;
* nc: number of colums
[Code] ....
It works fine but the other way around is giving me sleeping problems. I was thinking something about this:
* inputs: integer
* returns: X coordinate
int inttoX(int n, int nc){
int coordX;
[Code] .....
I don't need the code, just want to continue... i'm a little blocked.
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May 10, 2013
I would like to convert a float or double variable into unsigned char variable and back.
float number_float = 23.453f;
unsigned char* number_char = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(float));
number_char = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (&number_float);
float* number_float_0 = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&number_char);
I am not getting the same value back.. why?
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Mar 6, 2015
I want to convert string to double. I refered this strtod() - C Library Function Example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
const char string[] = "$$GPRMC,013732.000,A,3150.7238,N,11711.7278,E,0.00,0.00,220413,,,A*68";
char term;
const char delims[] = ",";
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Dec 28, 2013
In the below function, it muliplies "10.0 * val". Why does it use 10.0? If you remove the 10.0, the return value will still be a double.
#include <ctype.h>
/* atof: convert string s to double */
double atof(char s[])
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Mar 6, 2015
How to convert char array into double?,i.e. store char array values into a single double variable. Below is the code that i'm working. Im extracting the value "2255.1682" from char array gpsdata1. I used while loop, extracted the value and stored in "myChar", but i want to store it in double variable "lat1".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
unsigned char gpsdata1[]="$GPGGA,091310.000,2255.1682,N,11356.3605,E,1,4,1.62,164";
char myChar;
double lat1;
[Code] .....
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Nov 6, 2014
So I'm trying to run this program and I get 2 errors:
error C2078: too many initializers & error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'double' to 'CStock'
Seems to have something to do with "no suitable constructor exists to convert from "const char[5]" to "CStock".
#ifndef Stock_h
#define Stock_h
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CStock {
static string Company;
static string Symbol;
[Code] ....
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Jun 3, 2013
I have to convert string to double. i'm using "atof" function to achieve same.
I have string as "0.0409434228722337" and i'm converting with "atof" But i'm getting double value as "0.040943422872233702". Why it adds 02 additionally at the end?
More example :
"0.0409434228722337" converts to "0.040943422872233702"
"0.067187778121134" converts to "0.067187778121133995"
Is there any other possibility to convert string to double without changing data ?
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Apr 18, 2014
My goal is to read a one line file of a comma separated numbers into a floating point array. The numbers have up to 25 positions after the decimal. I'm having two issues with the following code.
1) atof() seems to be returning zeros every time. Why?
2) The last number includes the new line character. How do I get rid of it?
Note that I adapted the scanf command from here: The power of scanf() - [URL], and don't completely understand it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
//The following will be calculated in the real program.
#define DIM 1
#define N 8
int main()
In the "real" program, N is calculated and known before reading in the file and the file will always have 2 times N numbers.
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Mar 24, 2013
int i12 = 1001;
cout << i12 << " " << &i12 << endl;
gives the result: 0x7fff0d065098
It's 6 bytes, but I'd expect the address to be 8 bytes on my 64 bit machine. I am using Ubuntu 12.04, GNU compiler.
So, why the address is 6 bytes and not 8 bytes?
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Feb 22, 2013
Using a table with the 256 bytes as strings, said table is used as a reference in the 2 functions of this code. Functions who make the conversion such as the title establishes, and in the inverse way too.
The main advantage is that you don't need any knowledge about managing bytes with c++..
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char* hextabla[] = { //256 BYTES
[Code] ....
I leave the project in MSVCPP 6, see attachment...
It's ready to compile in 'Release' mode.
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Jun 26, 2013
I have used the following code to write and read wchar_t bytes from a disk file:
int WriteBytesW(wchar_t * wcp, int nsz, wchar_t * wcfilepath) {
wfstream wf;
codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, little_endian> ccvt(1);
locale wloc(wf.getloc(), &ccvt);
[Code] ....
save bytes succeeded
1234 5678 9ABC EF12 ABCD FE21 DCBA 1F2A EFFF 02FF
read bytes succeeded
nsz =: 20
Now, if wbuf[8] = 0xefff; is replaced by wbuf[8] = 0xffff;
save bytes succeeded
1234 5678 9ABC EF12 ABCD FE21 DCBA 1F2A 02FF
read bytes succeeded
nsz =: 18
Obviously, the 0xffff wbyte is not read. WHY ?
This presents a significant problem when attempting to read ALL wbytes from a file.
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Jun 2, 2013
I followed a tutorial to load a bitmap from file and convert it to a array of bytes to access it directly. Now to display the bitmap on screen do I have to convert it to a HBITMAP or can I display it from the array of bytes?
Also the program I am building is a calendar program and I need to know if I can manipulate the bitmaps pixels in the byte array (e.g change color and resize image)
here is the code to load the bitmap
HTML Code:
BYTE* Sprite2::LoadBMP(int* width, int* height, long* size, LPCTSTR bmpfile ) {
DWORD bytesread;
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Apr 2, 2013
I know how to change the back color of text in th ListView for all the View, but if I only want to change the back color of one cell i don`t find any way. Is it possible?
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Mar 7, 2013
I have a function:
const void insertStuff(const void *key, const int value){
// I want to convert the void pointer into one
// of three types of pointers(int, string, or double)
case 0:
int *intPtr = key;
[Code] .....
But this causes an error of: "crosses initialization of int*intPtr"
What's the correct way of implementing this?
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Dec 27, 2013
I have std::vector of players and each player have its own value. The value is of the type double, but the original value are of the "XX.00".
Now what I'm trying to do is to insert a player into this vector. For that I need to find a place and to find a place I need to compare player value.
So lets say I have a player in the vector whose value is 24.00 and I am trying to insert a player whose value is 25.00. To my surprise MSVC 2010 tells me that:
24.0000000000000 == 25.00000000000
I do aware that comparing double type is not going to work like this, but I would expect not to have such big of a difference. ;-)
Why this comparison is true and how to eliminate such thing?
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Nov 22, 2013
I have the following piece of code:
string ss = findNodeValue( str, "Horizon");
cout << "ss is: " << ss << endl;
double dd = atof( ss.c_str());
cout << "dd is: " << dd << endl;
When the value of 'ss' is printed, I find it prints 1.0, but when the value of 'dd' is printed, it prints 1 whereas it is supposed to print 1.0.
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Jul 31, 2013
1) What is the range of numbers covered by a 64-bit double?
2) Ignoring fractions, is the above range wider or narrower than the range covered by an int64?
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Oct 25, 2014
When I run the program, when it displays the lowest temtpature, it shows the address instead of the actual number.
* File: b.cpp
* Description: Create a C++ program that declares a 100-element array of doubles representing temperature readings. Pass the array to a function to be partially filled by the user. When the user is done entering temperatures, the function should return the number of elements added to the array. The main function should then display the maximum and minimum temperatures in the array.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void getData(double arr[]);
[Code] ....
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Sep 19, 2012
I'm trying to remake my Windows screensaver written with C++ and WinAPIs to work on multiple monitors. I found this article that gives the basics. But when I implement it in my own code, I get a weird result. Take a look at this code:
case WM_PAINT: {
HDC hdcE = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps );
EnumDisplayMonitors(hdcE, NULL, MyPaintEnumProc, 0);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
Painting always works on a primary monitor. But when I paint to the secondary monitor, I can only paint directly to its DC. When I use double-buffering technique (with DIRECT_PAINT pre-processor directive commented out) I only get a black screen on a secondary monitor when it should've been red.
First one with direct painting that works:
and then the one that doesn't, with double-buffering technique:
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Sep 27, 2012
I don`t known how to convert IP to hex .
In this link [URL] .... . I see hex IP : Hex IP 0x462a1779
I want to convert IP "" to "0x462a1779"
#include <winsock.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
UINT32 ip_to_hex(UINT32 ip_add) {
UINT32 ip_hex;
//code convert ip to hex
return ip_hex;
[Code[ ....
And this is result : 7b 1e 80 and a , not 0a
Further i think we must separate each octect by a (dot) . , Then convert decimal to hex.
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Jun 11, 2014
I am trying to make this code working and to remake it to work also for RGB to HSB? This code is for C and I need to make it working in Visual Studio C++ .
// mask1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct RGB_t { unsigned char red, green, blue; } RGB;
typedef struct HSB_t { float hue, saturation, brightness; } HSB;
Error I got is error C3861: 'fmaxf': identifier not found
What file or namespace should I include. Do I need to add some library into linker?
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