Visual C++ :: Notification Supposed To Be Sent Out During Forced Sleep In XP?

Oct 2, 2012

I run the following API to put Windows XP SP3 into sleep (or standby mode) from a worker thread:

BOOL bForced = TRUE;
SetSuspendState(FALSE, bForced, FALSE);

Then in the main thread, while processing window messages:

LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
if(message == WM_POWERBROADCAST) {
if(wParam == PBT_APMSUSPEND) {
AddLogMsg(_T("SUSPEND event received"));

[Code] ....

So when SetSuspendState is called with request for a 'forced' sleep mode, the PBT_APMSUSPEND notification is never broadcast. Only if I set forced parameter to FALSE I receive it.

PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC is received in either case.

PBT_APMSUSPEND is always received when run on Windows Vista/7.

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Visual C++ :: Getting Notification Message From ASPX Page?

Jun 7, 2013

Is there a way an ASPX page can send a notification message to my IE Plugin which is developed in VC++?

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Visual C++ :: Can Overlapped Buttons Both Receive Notification

Oct 17, 2013

I have multiple bitmap buttons of non-square shape. Because of their odd shape I can overlap them and they will still look good on screen, which is what I want - that certain layout.

The problem is that because underlying button in reality is square (which I am subclassing), the bitmap of one button may overlay with the non-bitmap area of the other button (in the underlying square). This means that 2nd bitmap button will not receive notification because the press is registered with top level window only.

Is there a way that both windows can receive the notification and check if they are in the hot spot, they will respond? I know this is against windows design.

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Visual C++ :: What Header For Sleep Function

Jan 26, 2014

I have been googling for a long time to find the header used with sleep().

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Visual C++ :: How To Call Sleep Function Prototype

Dec 23, 2012

I have two problems with the code below:

1. I cannot find a header file to #include that has the sleep function prototype.

2. When I add my own sleep function prototype, I get an unresolved external reference error (for _sleep, not sleep).

What must I #include to get the sleep function prototype? What lib must I include in the linker configuration to resolve the external reference? (I suspect that if I #include the correct header file, the second question might become moot.)

The "man page" at [URL] .... says the header file is <WinBase.h>. But #include'g only <WinBase.h> results in compilation errors.

A response marked "answer" at [URL] ..... says <windows.h> [sic]. #Include'g only <Windows.h> does eliminate the compilation errors.

But apparently that does not bring in the sleep function prototype. Neither does also subsequently #include'g <WinBase.h>. (Which seems to be #include'd by <Windows.h> anyway.)

But even with my own function prototype shown below, I get an unresolved external reference for _sleep. Is that a symptom of my problem: my sleep reference is changed to _sleep? If so, how can avoid that?

According to "man page" (see link above), the external should be resolve in kernel32.lib. And kernel32.lib does appear in the "Additional Dependencies" list under Configuration Properties Linker Input.

Since I am not using C++ features, I tried setting "Compile as C" under Configuration Properties C/C++ Advanced, to no avail.

My code....

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <Windows.h>
void sleep(DWORD msec); // added later
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[])

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Drawing Analog Clock - Sleep Function

Jan 19, 2015

The question says: Make an "analog clock" that is, a clock with hands that move. You get the time of day from the operating system through a library call. A major part of this exercise is to find the functions that give you the time of day and a way of waiting for a short period of time (e.g., a second for a clock tick) and to learn to use them based on the documentation you found. Hint: clock(), sleep().

OK, I wrote below code. It is in its primary stages and has not been completed yet.

#include <GUI.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Graph_lib;
class Dynamic_clock : public Window {

[Code] .....

I expect the system in void clock_hands() (line 38) attaches hour1 (line 41) then waits for 1000 ms (using Sleep(1000)) then detaches hour1 and attaches hour2 this time. But it doesn't occur in practice. When the system reaches Sleep(1000); it seems to go into a comma! It doesn't show the hour1 so seeing the movement of clock ticks by the clock's hands will not be possible.

[URL] ....

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C++ :: How Item Storage System Is Supposed To Work

Feb 14, 2013

So the RPG I have been making is based on this tutorial URL.....I don't entirely understand how the Item storage system is supposed to work. It looks like the array shown is for one item but, there are 3 lines of code that correlate. The author says that this is a repeatable bit of code for each item so.... i'm just completely lost. The player will have two or three to start and there are 4 battle/health items and one key ....

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C++ :: Stack Function Is Supposed To Represent Scope Of Program

Dec 5, 2014

I am trying to make an interpreter. This stack function is supposed to represent the scope of the program, meaning scope of the variables. The START represents a new scope, and FINISH represents the current scope closing. I am trying to do a recursive function in which the stack is updated with each recursive call, which represent a new scope for each call.After i enter a new scope and the scope ends, my program prematurely terminates.

void stack(ifstream& file,Hash& Table) {
string line;
int i=0;


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C++ :: Win32 Tab Select Notification?

Dec 18, 2012

I understand including the comctrl32 lib and header. I know to init common controls. I can create a tab window and add tabs to it.

I just can't seem to grasp of how to tell when a specific tab has been selected. I just need to know what to look for with winproc.

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C++ :: Open Program Error Notification

Mar 23, 2013

I've almost finished a Terminal/Command Prompt Program that can do most of the things a Microsoft or Linux Terminal can do - but I have a problem. I've got it to open programs fine, and I can also open their browser to the download page if they don't have it, but I need my program to know if there isn't the software so a bit like command prompt where it says 'The system cannot find the file test.txt.' and then it'll take them to the website if they like.

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C# :: Design Pattern For Task Notification System

Feb 24, 2014

I am looking a good design pattern that takes a combination of a Observer Design Pattern and Command Design Pattern.

Observer Design Pattern:

Subject - ISystem
ConcreteSubject - "Different Types of Systems"
Observer - INotifier
ConcreteObserver - "Different Types of Notifier's"

Command Design Pattern: Used to create a task. "Different Types of Task" ....

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C# :: Sleep / Wait - Unity 3D

Jun 3, 2013

I have been trying to make a sleep function in C# that will allow the game to be briefly paused when played. I am using Unity 3D.

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C# :: How To Get Monitor Out Of Sleep Mode

Jul 12, 2012

How can you get a monitor out of sleep mode in c#?

I tried the following, but then the monitor wakes up and falls back to sleep mode immediately.


uint SC_MONITORPOWER = 0xF170;
uint WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112;
SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND,
(IntPtr)SC_MONITORPOWER, (IntPtr)(-1));

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C :: Sounding A Beep While Using Sleep

Feb 22, 2015

I need to be able to sound an alarm (a beep) for 10 seconds in C.this beep has to mirror a sleep period, before the code loops back to the beginning. Now I've got the loop sorted and I can make it beep and sleep, however the beep follows 10 seconds after the sleep..Both the beep and the sleep need to happen at the same time..

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C# :: Wait For Thread To Finish Without Using Sleep?

Apr 30, 2012

After i've created a thread,

Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(alpha.ThreadProc)); h

How to wait for that thread to finish without using Sleep?

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C++ :: Sleep Function When Drawing Analog Clock

Jan 19, 2015

Make an "analog clock" that is, a clock with hands that move. You get the time of day from the operating system through a library call. A major part of this exercise is to find the functions that give you the time of day and a way of waiting for a short period of time (e.g., a second for a clock tick) and to learn to use them based on the documentation you found. Hint: clock(), sleep().

OK, I wrote below code. It is in its primary stages and has not been completed yet.

#include <GUI.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Graph_lib;

[Code] .....

I expect the system in void clock_hands() (line 38) attaches hour1 (line 41) then waits for 1000 ms (using Sleep(1000)) then detaches hour1 and attaches hour2 this time. But it doesn't occur in practice. When the system reaches Sleep(1000); it seems to go into a comma! It doesn't show the hour1 so seeing the movement of clock ticks by the clock's hands will not be possible.

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C++ :: Using Clear Device And Sleep Functions In Graphics

Dec 14, 2014

I have a college project which is a car racing game using C++ and the old-school graphics library BGI. After I draw the map and placed the objects(Car,obstacles,road's borders etc..)I added Sleep(); function to the function named Obstacles(); but the problem is, I can't move the car with the right&left arrows.a

Another problem,If I added a cleardevice(); command all objects disappears only the obstacles function keeps working. the Code is here:

char c;
c = (char)getch();
if (c == KEY_LEFT) {
x = x - 10, x1 = x1 - 10;
} if (c == KEY_RIGHT) {
x = x + 10, x1 = x1 + 10;


note: this is not the whole code, it's only a small portion of it, not a debugging question only need a hint how to fix it.

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Visual C++ :: PIC To PC Using MFC Visual Studio Through Serial Communication

May 28, 2014

The project is about reading data from PIC and display the data on the dialogue created by the MFC GUI of Visual studio 2010. There are 4 data need to be displayed (2 weight and 2 angle). the data will be display on the edit control box on the dialogue.

I have try to solve the COMPort and Readdata issues many times, but I'm fail. I have read many sources and implement the source codes... They are never work....

The detail about the issues that I need to solve is clearly mentioned on the main dialogue.cpp. Take a look to an uploaded zip file that I have attached.

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Visual C++ :: Cannot Seem To Set Var

Nov 8, 2012

What I'm trying to do is get the selected folder value put into my dirlocation var.

private void dirLocation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
FolderBrowserDialog fdb = new FolderBrowserDialog();
fdb.Description ="Please choose the directory your .rlt files are located in";
if (fdb.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) {
dirLocation = fdb.SelectedPath;

Is this how you do it? I keep getting an error like Cannot implicitly convert type 'type' to 'type.

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C++ ::  How To Use QT With Visual Studio

Aug 15, 2014

I heard that you can't use it with express, but that doesn't seem right... Can you use it with Codeblocks, at least? I just hate the Qt Creator IDE. I don't like the UI... all I want to do is code Qt. I don't care much for the GUI editors.

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Visual C++ :: Create MFC OCX Using DLL

Aug 28, 2014

I am trying to create a OCX from a C++ dll., Here's the scenario I have a C++ dll and this dll needs to be called in program my boss want's me to create an OCX out of this.

C++ dll and use it in a class library, apparently I have created an OCX but it requires a form but the program is a class library.

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Visual C++ :: How To Convert IP To Hex

Sep 27, 2012

I don`t known how to convert IP to hex .

In this link [URL] .... . I see hex IP : Hex IP 0x462a1779

I want to convert IP "" to "0x462a1779"

#include <winsock.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
UINT32 ip_to_hex(UINT32 ip_add) {
UINT32 ip_hex;
//code convert ip to hex
return ip_hex;

[Code[ ....

And this is result : 7b 1e 80 and a , not 0a

Further i think we must separate each octect by a (dot) . , Then convert decimal to hex.

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Visual C++ :: Using COM Without Registering?

Mar 5, 2013

In a C++ project, I need to call a C# created COM object (as a .dll)

Is there a way to use such a COM object without having it be registered in the registry?

The C# COM dll is just a "go between" our C++ code and a .NET library, there's no "COM contract" of any kind, the COM interfaces change each version. The fact it's COM and needs registration is annoying because it makes it hard to have multiple versions of our software installed (needed under some circumstances) and running at the same time.

I'd like a way to not have any registration at all. And just be able to do a LoadLibrary("c:TheRightPathcom.dll") of the right dll and then get going from there.

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Visual C++ :: Value Of Pointers

Feb 5, 2013

I'm trying to figure out the value of pointers after the following code snippet

int s[8] ;
int *iptr1, *iptr2 ;
int **iptr3 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
s[i] = 7 - i ;

[Code] ....

I need to find what the value of iptr1, iptr2, and iptr3 are after the code is executed.

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Visual C++ :: OpenCV In MFC App?

Feb 5, 2014

I have a C++ app that uses OpenCV. Currently i am statically linking the OpenCV libs into my app. This is adding an extra overhead of 6+ MB.

i would like to remove some of the features that i am not using in OpenCV. The features am using are,

Capture frames from Webcam.

Face detection.

Image formats (JPEG, PNG).

Image rotation & resizing.

Is it possible to remove other features and trim down the libs?

My C++ app is developed in Visual Studio 2012.

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Visual C++ :: Using CSplitButton In VC6?

Dec 5, 2013

Is there any chance to use CSplitButton in VC6 ?

I had tried to use something appropriate founded on CP, but they are using DrawItem, and I had problems with windows style, and I had tried to make myself one, overriding OnPaint, but I front with flickering (I put the sample below)... so, I wonder if I could get (from somewhere) CSplitButton and add to my project ... if you say that I could, can you provide me the CSplitButton source code ? I mean, only .cpp implementation file ...

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