Visual C++ :: How To Configure Additional Include Headers

Jun 16, 2014

I want to include boost directory. What must be in the Additional Include Directories input?

I tried


But I am still getting error "Cannot open include file: 'boost/libs/accumulators/lambda/lambda.hpp': No such file or directory" when I include

#include <boost/libs/accumulators/lambda/lambda.hpp>

The file is placed out side of boost directory of sure.

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Visual C++ :: Additional Include And Library Directories

Nov 19, 2012

For each project in a VS solution it's possible to stipulate per-project folders that get searched in addition to the folders that you've set globally for Visual Studio.

Which folders take priority? Do the project's folders get searched first? Or do the global folder get searched first? Or is it possible to select one set as having priority over the other?

(this is VS 2005 BTW)

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C++ :: How To Add Excel Library Or Include Headers

Jul 16, 2013

I want to read/write the excel sheet using C++. how to add the excel library or include the headers ?

Inot possible than is there any other way to work on Excel using C++.

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Visual C++ :: Basic Settings - How To Configure Color Of Selected Text

May 4, 2014

How to configurate color of selected text. I am not sure why, but in Visual C++ it is not displayed as in other programs like notepad, which should be harder color. So I cannot find the selected text. Where can I configurate it or where to search it in desktop theme settings?

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Visual C++ :: Include Object From Another ATL COM DLL - Employee Classes?

Nov 7, 2014

This refers to an ATL COM DLL project. I can successfully create a class hierarchy of objects, ie. say, one class is the TEAM, which then holds other objects, say, a leader and a secretary, both of which are Employee Classes . Here goes my question:

a) In the Team.h header file I declare m_pLeader as a CComPtr<IEmployee>

classATL_NO_VTABLE CTeam :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CTeam, &CLSID_Team>,
public IDispatchImpl<ITeam, &IID_ITeam, &LIBID_BUOBJ05Lib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>
CComPtr<IEmployee> m_pLeader;
CComPtr<IEmployee> m_pSecretary;

b) The Employee Class is defined within this ATL COM project.
c) In the Team.cpp file, I create an instance in the FinalConstruct code, the focus is on the CEmployee

HRESULT CTeam::FinalConstruct(){
CComObject<CEmployee>* pLeader;
HRESULT hr=CComObject<CEmployee>::CreateInstance(&pLeader);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// ..same for secretary...
return S_OK

d) Here comes my QUESTION: How must I proceed if the Employee object was part of another ATL COM DLL, that is it would be described in another DLL that I would now like to reuse? I guess I need to

1. Have the other DLL's idl-, tlb, and h file in my project folder. Let me name it "other.h, other.idl, other.tlb"

2. Both h- and cpp-file must have an #include "other.h" statement -- please correct if I am wrong..

3. ...but how must in the Team's h- and cpp-files the statements be (assuming the class in the "other" Dll is Member (instead of Employee? I know the following code will NOT work, so I am asking how it should be correctly?

CComPtr<IMember> m_pLeader;

4. and in cpp file for:

CComObject<CMember>* pLeader;
HRESULT hr=CComObject<CMember>::CreateInstance(&pLeader);

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Visual C++ :: Include Library Paths In VS 2012 Through The New Property Pages?

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to include library paths in VS 2012 through the new property pages.I downloaded and installed mpich2-64 bit libraries under "C:Program FilesMPICH2include" and set the include path in Microsoft.cpp.x64.user property file so the path now looks like

"$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfcinclude;$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:Program FilesMPICH2include;"

But somehow it fails to find the files.


fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mpi.h': No such file or directory

The file is definitely there, so what could be the problem ?

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C++ :: Configure Netbeans Basic Settings

Nov 22, 2013

I want to configure netbeans 7.4 settings for c++.I'm posting here because netbeans forums are close to dead. How to do the following things :-

1) When you create a new project of a 'new application' type, main.cpp is already there with some code. I want that main.cpp to be completely empty when I create a new project.

2) When you compile/build your program and run it, the output is shown in a small log window at the bottom. I want it to be shown like in a black output terminal (console ?) just like in Visual Studio or CodeBlocks. (I have some reasons for not using them instead, so don't bother about me not using them)

3) When you click the green 'Run' icon in the upper toolbar, the project is compiled/build again and then runs afterwards. I want it to just run without compiling. (Compiling/Building should be done by 'Build' icon, just like in CodeBlocks or Visual Studio)

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C++ :: Quicker Way To Configure Project Properties For Library?

Mar 4, 2013

I have to edit 4-5 lines in the debug, and then 5 lines in release for each of my little project's properties.

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C++ :: Additional Library Installation Options

Aug 5, 2013

I have been reading up, and it seems that all I need to do to finish up the installation of a library is to add in the search path for the library upon compile time.

Of course, I also read that directly copying the lib files can work too, but that may result in the over-writing of necessary files...

I read a more thorough document on mingw's linking processes and discovered that I could create a folder, install the library in that folder, and add the folder as a search path for mingw (so, basically, all i have to do is install all my libraries under that folder).

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C++ :: Cout Double Or Float Without Additional 0?

Jun 30, 2013

I m working calculating stuff in files, input and output data, etc..., the question is the following: I output double numbers with:

myFIle << fixed << setprecision(10) << double;

The problem i got is that when a numer is like 193123.2 it prints like 193123.200000..., so finally, ¿how can i print it with any additional 0 that i need?.

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C++ ::  Headers With Multiple CPP Files

Mar 22, 2013

So I have a rather large (for me) project, requiring me to have two .cpp files and a header. Anyway, both of the .cpp files #include the header file, but I recieve linker errors because the variables and functions in the header are declared and defined twice (once in each .cpp file). How am I supposed to do this?

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C++ :: Headers And Objects Files

May 20, 2013

I have a question regarding how GCC relates a header file and its binary file.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void){
double x = sqrt (2.0);
printf ("The square root of 2.0 is %f
", x);
return 0;

we can compile it by running the line: gcc main.c -lm -o main

My question is: How GCC knows where is the definition of sqrt?

First I was thinking that there was and object file with the name math.o inside libm.a (that is GCC will look for an object file with the same name as the header file), but after running the next line I think my assumption was wrong as there is not such file in libm.a.

nm libm.a | grep math.o
nm: e_acos.o: no symbols
nm: k_cos.o: no symbols
nm: k_sin.o: no symbols

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading BMP Files Headers

Apr 19, 2013


struct magic {
char windowsheader[2];
} magicnumbers;
struct bmp {
unsigned int sizeofthefile;
short int applicationspecific1;

[Code] .....

When I run this program, seems like it is working,at least I am sure that it gives the right file size. But if I don't use struct magic and instead use:

struct bmp {
char windowsheader[2];
unsigned int sizeofthefile;
short int applicationspecific1;
short int applicationspecific2;
//same lines with above
} bitmap_header;

And if I don't use first fread:



Then the values which structure "bmp"'s variables get become wrong. Of course I change the related printf to:

windowsheader:%d %d

Why does the problem happen,what is the difference between them?Why do I have to use separate structs?

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C++ :: Adding Additional Functions To STL Vector Class

Jan 30, 2013

How would I add my own function to the vector class?

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C# :: Passing Additional Data To PropertyGrid / TypeConverter

May 29, 2014

The problem is that my DataSelector form, which is instigated from the PropertyGrid (by creating a UITypeEditor) has access to the property LinkedDataItem. However I want the DataSelector form, which currently lists all the DataItems in the DataManager, to only list DataItems which are supported by the CustomControl, therefore my DataSelector class also need the "SupportedTypes" property from the Custom Control. How can I do this?

I thought maybe I can use a type converter to reference the custom control itself, instead of just the LinkedDataItem, and just show it as the Linked DataItem, but I am unsure if this is the correct use or how to do this.

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C++ :: Hide Class Implementations Using Headers?

Oct 16, 2013

I am currently working on data abstraction. I was able to write a class (a simple clock, see Malik's C++ book, Chapter 12 for reference). As you can imagine, I am quite new to programming and C++.

Well, now I created a header file clock.h that includes the class definition and function prototypes as well as a implementation.cpp file with the implementation details of the class.

I managed to include all this in my program.cpp and compile it (using dev c++). Everything works exactly as I want it to.

So now my question is, how can I create ... I am not sure how it is called ... a header, but without revealing to the user how the functions are implemented. Basically the user should get a file (the object code of the header + implementation.cpp?) and simply #include it into his own program.

So instead of giving the original header + implementation.cpp to the user I want to hide how my class does its stuff and instead just provide some file that can be included and then used in a program (I will write a documentation how to use the class).

I am not sure how all this is called, I am sure there is some name for it...

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C/C++ :: Write Headers For Member Functions

Mar 5, 2014

Assume a class named Dollars exists. Write the headers for member functions that overload the prefix and postfix ++ operators for that class.

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C++ :: Add Additional Switch Statement That Allows For Passing Option For A Grade

Nov 21, 2014

Remove the break statements from each of the cases. What is the effect on the execution of the program?
Add an additional switch statement that allows for a Passing option for a grade of D or better. Use the sample run given below to model your output.

Sample Run: What grade did you earn in Programming I ? A YOU PASSED! an A - excellent work!

Rewrite the program LastFirst_lab44.cpp using if and else if statements rather than a switch statement. Did you use a trailing else in your new version? If so, what did it correspond to in the original program with the switch statement?

// This program illustrates the use of the Switch statement.
// The break statement causes all subsequent expressions to be executed as well, also known as "falling through".
// The trailing else statement acts just like the default section if none of the options from before work it gets "defaulted" to it.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char grade;
cout << "What grade did you earn in Programming I ?" << endl;


how do you add an additional switch statement? i tried multiple times and i'm not sure if i don't understand braces enough but it didnt seem doable. also, I'm not sure what the teacher wants me to submit.

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C :: Putting Functions / Headers In Separate Files?

Aug 2, 2013

I have just learned about how one can put functions and headers in different files from the main() function. I was wondering if there is a rule of thumb of when and when not to separate the two, or if it's merely preference. Is there perhaps an "industry standard" regarding this, for those who program in C for a living?

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C++ :: Testing HTTP Headers - For Loop And Strings

Jun 23, 2014

I am testing HTTP Headers and I have an strange problem. When I get the response of the server, it is the correct one the first time. If I use a for loop to send more than one request and get more than one response, this response seems to be overlapped with the previous ones. To a better explanation of the problem I attach the code I am using and the output generated:

#ifndef _TCPSOCKET_H_
#define _TCPSOCKET_H_
class TCPSocket {
int localSocket;

[Code] .....

So, a bigger loop, a bigger the response of the server. However, I know the response of the server is always the same.

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C++ :: Maintaining Additional Pointer To First Node In Doubly Linked List

Nov 30, 2014

Why would it be cumbersome to maintain an additional pointer to the first node in a doubly linked list?

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C/C++ :: How To Include Whitespace In Queue

Feb 21, 2014

my code is already finished. im using parallel queues and im having problem in the queue customer name if i dont input space the code is fine but if i input space in the name it skips the bagcode and immediately jump to the number of bags what can i do to include the white spaces in the customer name and push it to the queue?

here's my code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
int main() {
queue<string> customer;


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C++ :: Include Function From Header File?

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to include a function from a header file named headerfunt.h . The code of my header file is

#include <iostream>


But, while compiling it says abs was not declared... I have included the file.

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C++ :: Complex If Statement Does Not Include NOT Operator

Feb 7, 2015

I'm not sure if I was some weird syntax problem or the way Ive ordered things. But a conditional statement I have created is not performing the way I want it to.

else if ( !( xDif == -1 && yDif == 1 && prevXDif == 1 && prevYDif == 0 ) )
foundArr[lastX][lastY] = 1;

When debugging, the condition was activated with the values:

xDif = -1
yDif = 1
prevXDif = -1
prevYDif = 0

However, I want the condition not to follow through as I am using the 'NOT' or '!' operator to negative the entire statement. For some reason, the line of code within the else if is still running.

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C++ :: How To Include JPEG File Into A Program

May 3, 2013

How to include a jpeg file into a c++ program??

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C++ :: Unable To Open Include File?

Oct 16, 2013

my programme showing error 'unable to open inclde file ****' i fallowed the general procedure i.e., options-->directories--> ( inclde proper path) still not working..

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