C/C++ :: How To Include Whitespace In Queue

Feb 21, 2014

my code is already finished. im using parallel queues and im having problem in the queue customer name if i dont input space the code is fine but if i input space in the name it skips the bagcode and immediately jump to the number of bags what can i do to include the white spaces in the customer name and push it to the queue?

here's my code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
int main() {
queue<string> customer;


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C++ :: Getline Out Of Stringstream Should Not Cut Leading Whitespace

Jul 1, 2013

I have a std::stringstream sstr I read data from with getline(sstr, s, ',').

Now I don't want it to cut off the leading blanks. How can I do that?

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C++ :: Increase Sizes Of Queue In A Vector Of Queues And Find Shortest Queue

Feb 20, 2013

I have a paradigm in a loop of queues of a vector,if a condition is true,increase sizes of the queue of that particular queue in the loop of queues, if condition is false, the queuesize is left as such in loop of queues. After this operation i need to search the queue sizes of all queues and enqueue in the shortest queue.

I want to do something like the code given below

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
int min_index = 0;
std::vector<std::queue<int> > q
std::size_t size = q.size();

[Code] ....

How to implement this logic?

will q[i].size=q[i].size+5 increase the queuesize by 5 for the ith queue?

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C :: Converting String Containing Uppercase / Lowercase / Whitespace / Characters To Lowercase

Oct 1, 2014

how to convert a string containing Uppercase/Lowercase/Whitespace/Special Characters to only Lowercase and removing the whitespace and characters.

For example, a message like:

"The: sky is (blue), the wAter is also blue'."

Change that message to:


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C++ :: Include Function From Header File?

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to include a function from a header file named headerfunt.h . The code of my header file is

#include <iostream>


But, while compiling it says abs was not declared... I have included the file.

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C++ :: Complex If Statement Does Not Include NOT Operator

Feb 7, 2015

I'm not sure if I was some weird syntax problem or the way Ive ordered things. But a conditional statement I have created is not performing the way I want it to.

else if ( !( xDif == -1 && yDif == 1 && prevXDif == 1 && prevYDif == 0 ) )
foundArr[lastX][lastY] = 1;

When debugging, the condition was activated with the values:

xDif = -1
yDif = 1
prevXDif = -1
prevYDif = 0

However, I want the condition not to follow through as I am using the 'NOT' or '!' operator to negative the entire statement. For some reason, the line of code within the else if is still running.

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C++ :: How To Include JPEG File Into A Program

May 3, 2013

How to include a jpeg file into a c++ program??

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C++ :: Unable To Open Include File?

Oct 16, 2013

my programme showing error 'unable to open inclde file ****' i fallowed the general procedure i.e., options-->directories--> ( inclde proper path) still not working..

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C++ :: How To Add Excel Library Or Include Headers

Jul 16, 2013

I want to read/write the excel sheet using C++. how to add the excel library or include the headers ?

Inot possible than is there any other way to work on Excel using C++.

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C/C++ :: Unable To Include A Header Into Application?

Aug 16, 2012

I've downloaded a file that I need to include in a new project. It's called phidget21.h and it's sat on my desktop. I've tried copying it to lots of various places. But I still can't get a new source file to compile. I think I haven't copied it to the right place yet. Where should I have copied it to?

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <phidgets21.h>  


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C/C++ :: MSDOS Cannot Include Header Files?

Oct 13, 2012

msdos is present on my computer but it cannot include the header files but when i check all files are present but they still cannot include????????

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C++ :: Where To Put The Include Directive And Using Namespace Std With Multiple Files

Aug 23, 2014

I have two files that I want to compile:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int ReadNumber();
void WriteAnswer();

[Code] .....

The compiler complains:
io.cpp||In function 'int ReadNumber()':|
io.cpp|3|error: 'cin' was not declared in this scope|
io.cpp||In function 'void WriteAnswer()':|
io.cpp|7|error: 'cout' was not declared in this scope|
io.cpp|7|error: 'endl' was not declared in this scope|

In io.cpp file, should I put the two statements ("include <iostream>" and "using namespace std") at the top, outside of the functions?

Or should I put the two statements inside each of the functions?

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C :: How To Include Single Header Files Into Project

Oct 2, 2014

I'm a beginner with C and wonder how to include single header files (*.h) in to my project. I mean header files which are not included to the standard installation package.

I thought it would work if I just copy the newheader.h file in to library folder c:MinGWinclude, but it didn't work. Is there some kinf of GCC -command or procedure to add these single header files or how it should work?

All of those standard header files are working well and I don't have any problems with them.

Environment I'm using is MinGW+GCC+Win7.

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C :: Including Source File Twice But With Include Guard

Jun 14, 2014

I have four source files. The main source file includes two other source files. The two other source files both include the fourth source file. In the fourth source file I have an include guard. Will the code from the fourth source file exist in two locations in the compiled code? Is this something that is compiler dependent? An example of this is shown in the code below.


// filename: main.c
#include "source1.c"
#include "source2.c"


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C++ :: Call Stack Should Include All Active Sub-routines?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a general question on Call Stack of Embedded uCs.

The Call Stack should include all the Active Sub-routines.

For example, in the following sequence:

Func 1 Starts -- Call Func2 --> Func 2 Starts -- Call Func3 --> Func 3 Starts --> YOU ARE HERE

The Stack should include the Return Addresses of Func 2's Body and Func 1's Body, Right?

At any certain moment (e.g. when the uC experiencing a SW Bug), Is it possible to have the uC to get all the Active Sub-Routines from the Stack and print them (e.g. for knowing it at the moment of Bug)?

It'd debug failures, when I don't work with a Debugger.

I know that Debuggers do that - i.e. show you the Call Stack at each moment - So I am wondering if I can get the uC to to it for me every time a bug occurs.

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C++ :: How To Include Spaces In Counting String Characters

Jun 16, 2014

So i have this program that's supposed to count all the characters including the spaces without using strlen but it only counts the number of the first word's characters and it does not include the rest of the words after the first space. how do i include spaces in the count?

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>


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C++ :: Why Is It Valid To Include Header Files Twice In A Project

May 12, 2013

if I include iostream twice in my project why is that valid? Wouldn't the linker see that there are two definitions of it and report a error, but it works?

By project I mean in multiple translation units.

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C/C++ :: Build Error When Trying To Include Another Custom Class?

Mar 15, 2015

I have a class like this:

#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Prenumeratorius {
string pavarde;
string adresas;
string leidinioKodas;


bunch of variables, constructor, setter and getter.And I have this class:

#include <vector>
class Leidinys {
string kodas;
string pavadinimas;
double vienetoKaina;


in to my "Leidinys.h" header file, I get a build error, I tried to remove same includes in both files, that didn't worked.

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Visual C++ :: Include Object From Another ATL COM DLL - Employee Classes?

Nov 7, 2014

This refers to an ATL COM DLL project. I can successfully create a class hierarchy of objects, ie. say, one class is the TEAM, which then holds other objects, say, a leader and a secretary, both of which are Employee Classes . Here goes my question:

a) In the Team.h header file I declare m_pLeader as a CComPtr<IEmployee>

classATL_NO_VTABLE CTeam :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CTeam, &CLSID_Team>,
public IDispatchImpl<ITeam, &IID_ITeam, &LIBID_BUOBJ05Lib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>
CComPtr<IEmployee> m_pLeader;
CComPtr<IEmployee> m_pSecretary;

b) The Employee Class is defined within this ATL COM project.
c) In the Team.cpp file, I create an instance in the FinalConstruct code, the focus is on the CEmployee

HRESULT CTeam::FinalConstruct(){
CComObject<CEmployee>* pLeader;
HRESULT hr=CComObject<CEmployee>::CreateInstance(&pLeader);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// ..same for secretary...
return S_OK

d) Here comes my QUESTION: How must I proceed if the Employee object was part of another ATL COM DLL, that is it would be described in another DLL that I would now like to reuse? I guess I need to

1. Have the other DLL's idl-, tlb, and h file in my project folder. Let me name it "other.h, other.idl, other.tlb"

2. Both h- and cpp-file must have an #include "other.h" statement -- please correct if I am wrong..

3. ...but how must in the Team's h- and cpp-files the statements be (assuming the class in the "other" Dll is Member (instead of Employee? I know the following code will NOT work, so I am asking how it should be correctly?

CComPtr<IMember> m_pLeader;

4. and in cpp file for:

CComObject<CMember>* pLeader;
HRESULT hr=CComObject<CMember>::CreateInstance(&pLeader);

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Visual C++ :: Additional Include And Library Directories

Nov 19, 2012

For each project in a VS solution it's possible to stipulate per-project folders that get searched in addition to the folders that you've set globally for Visual Studio.

Which folders take priority? Do the project's folders get searched first? Or do the global folder get searched first? Or is it possible to select one set as having priority over the other?

(this is VS 2005 BTW)

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Visual C++ :: How To Configure Additional Include Headers

Jun 16, 2014

I want to include boost directory. What must be in the Additional Include Directories input?

I tried


But I am still getting error "Cannot open include file: 'boost/libs/accumulators/lambda/lambda.hpp': No such file or directory" when I include

#include <boost/libs/accumulators/lambda/lambda.hpp>

The file is placed out side of boost directory of sure.

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C++ :: How To Include Path To A Folder From Current Directory

Jun 8, 2012

I've forgotten how to include a path to a folder from my current directory!

I mean, instead of loading my dice images as "dice6.png", I'm trying to load them from a file, as ".Imagesdice6.png"

Not sure why, but this isn't working. Google searching has got me nowhere.

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C/C++ :: Include (Text) Files From Directory (1 By 1) Automatically And Print It

Jun 10, 2014

using namespace std;
int main(){
string ptr,a;
string b="E:project";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How Can A Breadth-first-search-tree Include Every Node Have Ancestor List

Mar 22, 2014

how can a breadth-first-search-tree include every node have ancestor list. every node have multiple ancestor list(because every node may be multiple parents)

input: undirected graph

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C++ :: Boost Wave Tool Not Find Default Include Directory?

Jun 2, 2013

I have built the wave tool and now am trying to run my source code through it. But it just doesn't want to find the include directory. I just don't understand. Here's my command:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>

Perhaps it how I built it since there is no info on how to do this? I just ran ../b2.exe from the boost_1_53_0/tools directory.

I'm running CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 TARDIS 1.7.18(0.263/5/3) 2013-04-19 10:39 i686 Cygwin with a g++ version of 4.5.3. g++ has no problem finding the default include directory (I don't have to specify the -I switch). The -I switch doesn't seem to work for any of the other include directories that I wan to use either, but I want this cleared up before I get into that since it might be related.

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Visual C++ :: Include Library Paths In VS 2012 Through The New Property Pages?

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to include library paths in VS 2012 through the new property pages.I downloaded and installed mpich2-64 bit libraries under "C:Program FilesMPICH2include" and set the include path in Microsoft.cpp.x64.user property file so the path now looks like

"$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfcinclude;$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:Program FilesMPICH2include;"

But somehow it fails to find the files.


fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mpi.h': No such file or directory

The file is definitely there, so what could be the problem ?

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