Visual C++ :: ActiveX For Video Server

Jan 13, 2015

I would like to know in which way is the best to make ActiveX control for video. ActiveX control will need at least show picture and be able to go back in past, change resulation of picture and similar. How complex it is to do something like that? Is MFC best way to make it? Is there somewhere similar code?

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C# :: Stream Video From LAN Server Onto Client PC?

Oct 9, 2014

I have loads of movies on DVD and they are all on my media server, but the media server doesn't actually allow streaming to be done, the movies are just stored in a folder on the desktop.

My goal would be able to host all my movies on my LAN server, then build an application to run on a windows based PC at home, not over the Internet just over LAN. For example, say the server I have at home had all the movies in a folder on the desktop, then when I start the client on another PC or laptop in my house, I could view all the movies, choose which one and then stream it to that client PC. I am using C#.NET WPF visual studio.

Maybe I could use something like VLC player to play the movies but I would want to build an client application to view the movies and search for them on the server where the movies are stored. Also I know there are other media streaming programs out there but I want to develop my own one for my uses.

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Visual C++ :: Adobe ActiveX Integration

Mar 17, 2014

I'm trying to open PDF file in my MFC application. For this I have installed Adobe Reader 10 and added the ActiveX from resource editor to my dialog.

Created a variable of that type and trying to use that. Class wizard has generated "class CPdf1 : public CWnd" for me and that's added to project.

Now when I'm trying to create the control window getting Assertion failure. Using the below code in my OnInitDialog / some button clicks.

m_PDF.Create(_T("Reader Window"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0, 0, 200, 300), this, 2009);

Am I missing some steps ?

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Visual C++ :: Passing Pointer Into ActiveX Control?

Oct 21, 2012

I'm writing an ActiveX control. In one of the functions I'd like the user to be able to pass me a pointer to a buffer that they created which I can then fill with data and return a success/error code. What's the appropriate way to do this? I was thinking about just using an OLE_HANDLE type for the parameter and then casting that to pointer inside the OCX but I'm not sure if that's safe or the right way to do it.

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Visual C++ :: Debug Assertion On ActiveX Create

Oct 10, 2013

I have a MFC Com Dll that has a CDialog. In the OnCreate event I create an ActiveX control. The dll is hosted inside an executable of mine. In this scenario everything works fine!

The dll is also called from an external executable and then a Debug Assertion in OCCSITE.cpp occurs when I create the ActiveX control. I suspect that in the executable there is no AfxOleInit. I spend some time with this problem and tried to CoInitialize, OleInitialize, AfxOleInitModule and even AfxOleInit in the dll. But all that does not change a thing. If I understand the mechanics then this is an intended behaviour and should be done in the host exe.

What I observed in the OCCSITE.cpp:

_AFX_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetThreadState();
if (!pState->m_bNeedTerm && !AfxOleInit())
return hr;

In my executable m_bNeedTerm is 0 and in the external one (where the ActiveX does not work) it is -1. In AfxOleInit this is explained as a special flag to prevent the dll from doing an unnecessary OleInitialize. But as I said even if I call OleInitialize myself I get the Debug Assertion and the ActiveX is not visible.

Is there anything I can do to make the ActiveX control work in the external application? Obviously I cannot Change anything in the application...

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Visual C++ :: Automation MS Word In ActiveX Container

Jan 20, 2014

I`m working with MS Visual Studio 6. Trying to connect Word server with my window. This is call server in my class CXContainerView, inherit from CScrollView:

void CXContainerView::CreateWord() {
_Document doc;
_Application m_app;
CLSID clsid;

[Code] ....

It works in debug version but falls in release. Feels my fifth point, what I call it in the wrong way.

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Visual C++ :: How To Add Images To Toolbar Buttons For Activex Control

Aug 8, 2013

//#import "c:windowsSysWow64mscomctl.ocx" raw_interfaces_only //in window7

using namespace MSComctlLib;
CComPtr<IButtons> pButtons;
CComPtr<IButton> pButton;
CComPtr<IImages> pImages;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Resource Editor Failed To Initialize ActiveX

Feb 27, 2014

I'm working on a project which consists of several ocx loaded by one exe. The platform is WinCE. Now I'm on a process to create a new ocx. I do have a copy of those ocx projects in Win32 platform. These Win32 versions were only used to register ocx in local system and then put those on to application dialog by 'Insert ActiveX'.

Now the problem is those Win32 projects are so outdated, and unable to build. Getting too many linking errors to be solved.

I have build the new ocx and link that with exe manually by editing .rc file and all. But still no luck. New ocx is getting registered in WinCE device but failing to start application.

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Visual C++ :: Is It Worthwhile To Write ActiveX Module Dedicated To Drawing Charts

Oct 22, 2014

I know the user installation must involve some registry manipulations and some other trickery. But the ActiveX way seems to be more modular.

Is it worthwhile to separate the charting modules from the exe and make an activex dll for this purpose?

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Visual C++ :: ActiveX Web Browser Control Not Deleting Session Cookies Even After Closing

Aug 9, 2013

I have an C++ application which uses Microsoft Web browser ActiveX control to launch any URL within the application. The browser is embedded in C++ form and It's working fine with all the feature Microsoft has exposed through Interface(IID_IWebBrowser2).But while any url that is using session cookie has been launched, even after closing the browser the session cookies are not getting deleted. For example if user login info is stored as session cookies,the url is using the cookies and getting launched without asking for user log in info.

But if I close the browser, and again relaunch , the cookies should be deleted and the url will not find the cookies to be used for log in . That is not happening here. Although this is session cookies , it's not getting deleted and being used by embedded browser. However, if the url is launched in IE, it is behaving as expected.

So, Do I need to delete the cookies explicitly? If Yes, How to do that?

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Visual C++ :: Slider Not Incrementing With Video?

Jun 15, 2013

I am using DirectShow to play/pause/stop a video file. I am having a slider control which increments with the playing video. I have done some calculation to find the exact step to forward or backward the video.

On dragging the slider to any position, video forwards/backwards to the new position, but slider doesn't get increment. Say I drag the slider from 10 to 50, video goes to the new position, but on releasing the capture slider again jumps back to the previous position from where it was dragged.

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Visual C++ :: Can Only Make Video With 255 Frames

May 4, 2015

I have code (found long time ago, ~2001) to make videos from OpenGL rendering in my view class. In my OnDraw() function I call the function SaveAsAvi(). This works as intended until I have 255 frames in the movie I am trying to make. After that, Windows Media Player claims it cannot play the file. VirtualDub claims the avi contains Palette Changes and shows the correct number of frames (>255) but all frames past 255 are the same and equal to the last frame.

Memory overflow? Need to free m_pixels sometime somewhere?

void C***View::SaveAsAvi() {
C***Doc* pDoc = GetDocument();
if (pDoc->m_avi_status == -1)// initialize AVI stuff {
// allocate space for the pixel info

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Implement HD Video Recording Using DirectShow

Jun 19, 2013

I am using DirectShow to Play / Pause / Stop and Capture Video files. But Capturing and playing of video files is simple. I want to Implement HD Video recording in my project.

how to Implement HD Video Capturing using DirectShow.?

Or Apart from DirectShow, is there any other method to Implement HD Video recording in MFC.

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Visual C++ :: Video Player - Set Of RGB Frames To Be Displayed At 25 FPS

Nov 19, 2013

I have a code which is a set of rgb frames to be displayed at 25 fps to make it look like a video. While I createWindow invalidate and update it based on a timer, the video plays fine, but the buttons of Play, Pause etc hangs during the time video is playing.?

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Visual C++ :: Playing Video Using Windows Media Player From A Buffer?

Oct 25, 2013

I am developing a VC++ application with windows media player component. play video from a video buffer data which i have?

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Visual C++ :: How To Capture HD Video (no Noise / Interference) Using DirectX / DirectShow

Nov 21, 2012

I am working on a project in which we capture a video using DirectShow samples. I want to know whether it is possible to capture a video with No noise, No interference etc. in other words, we want to capture High Quality (HD) video using DirectShow.

Is there any sample defined in DirectShow using which we can capture HD video.

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Visual C++ :: How To Move Video Forward / Backward When User Drags Slider Bar

Jun 11, 2013

I am working on a project in which I use DirectShow to Play / Pause / Stop the video. I am using slider bar to show the progress of the video. As the video starts playing, the slider bar moves in proportion to the video duration. Now when user moves/drags the slider bar to a new position, I want to forward the video in equivalent proportion.

Say if video duration is 50 seconds and max range of the slider bar is set to 100. slider will 2 steps for 1 second of video progress. Now if user drags the slider to 60 while video is playing, I want to increment/forward the video. if user moves the slider backward, video should move backward.

I have done with the slider moving along with the video and when user drags the slider. How to set the new position of the video, so that the video starts playing from that point.

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Visual C++ :: Open Large Files - Save Video As Long As Users Have Space In Hard Disk

Jan 15, 2013

Opening large files in c++. In my application, i am trying to save video as long as users have space in harddisk. What I am trying to do is when user is recording video i am trying to append the video data in to the file. The problem is that every time file size reach over 2GB my software crashes.

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Visual C++ :: Getting Indexes Information From SQL Server?

Jan 6, 2014

Trying to get table indexes information in SQL Server 2012 I identified a strange situation for one scenarion.I have a table that contains two indexes referenced to some fields: Field_1 and Field_3 mapped over int, null columns (the number means the existing field order into the table designed few years ago...).

I am trying to get information about these indexes like this:

nRetCode = ::SQLStatistics(hstmtAux, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, (TCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)strTempTable, SQL_NTS, SQL_INDEX_ALL, SQL_ENSURE);
if (nRetCode == SQL_SUCCESS || nRetCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 4, SQL_C_SHORT, &swNonUnique, sizeof(SWORD), &cbNonUnique);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 5, SQL_CHAR, szIdxQualif, sizeof(CHAR) * 130, &cbIdxQualif);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 6, SQL_C_CHAR, szIdxName, sizeof(CHAR) * 130, &cbIdxName);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 7, SQL_C_SHORT, &swType, sizeof(SWORD), &cbType);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 8, SQL_C_SHORT, &swSeqInIdx, sizeof(SWORD), &cbSeqInIdx);
nRetCode = ::SQLBindCol(hstmtAux, 9, SQL_C_CHAR, szIdxColName, sizeof(CHAR) * 130, &cbIdxColName);


Becasuse SQLExtendedFetch() is deprecated I used SQLFetchScroll() but the behavior is the same from my interest point of view.

Usally, I get the right information about indexes but in one situation I encounte a strange behavior. It's about having a clustered index into a scenario.
When Field_1 is Non-Unique, Non-Clustered and Field_3 is Clusted index I get the right information.

But if the index Field_1 is Clustered and the Field_3 is Non-Unique, Non-Clustered I get no information about Field_1 index (eg. szIdxName and szIdxColName are "" and their length is -1 that means SQL_NULL_DATA). So, I have no Index information. Within while loop, with the next iteration I get correct information about the second index Field_3.

I'm not sure whether the problem is with SQLStatistics, the bindings or SQLFetchScroll (they all always return SQL_SUCCESS). It looks like a problem with the driver when the first index is clustered.

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Visual C++ :: Creating A Virtual Mini Server?

Jul 28, 2014

Is it possible to create a virtual mini server (like IIS) that takes http request? I have a toolbar that queries an DLL using http request, and then that DLL stores some arguments in some XML file, which is read by an anti-malware.

Now every customer can't have an IIS server installed. Most of the end users uses Windows XP home edition. So is there a way i can create a virtual mini server that can be used in these PCs for placing http request?

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Visual C++ :: How To Insert And Read Image From Database (SQL Server) Using MFC

Jan 25, 2015

How to insert and read images to/from database (sql server) using MFC ?

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Visual C++ :: Winsock - Accepting Multiple Clients On A Server?

Jun 16, 2013

My problem is that I've created a Client and Server program in which they communicate. The Client is an SDL Application that allows you to play as a movable character IF YOU ARE CONNECTED TO THE SERVER. If not, You're unable to play. THIS WORKS!

However, Only one client is able to play on my server?? Anyone elses' window freezes and they are not allowed to play (As if not connected to the server). Here is my server code.

#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <vector>
#include <process.h>
#include "Included/pthread.h"
#define MAX_THREADS 5
bool gamerunning = true;

[Code] ....

I'm having troubles allowing more than one client to play on the server.

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Visual C++ :: Change HTTP Request Server Response - Proxy?

Nov 19, 2013

Is there anyway to make when browser request some file from server than browser to load another file. Example:

I open [URL] ....

So now the browser send http request to load image [URL] ....

so when browser want to load that image to load this image [URL] ....

I do this now with [URL] ....

I think this can be done with Wininet.dll and WinHTTP.dll

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Visual C++ :: How To Retrieve Remote Desktop User Domain Name On Win2008 Server

Oct 9, 2012

How can I do this??

Suppose I have Win2008server and many users from defferent domains log in, so every user has its own session.

How can I obtain from the session the domain name of the user who logged in to server??

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Visual C++ :: Excel Automation - Window Doesn't Come To Foreground In Windows Server 2008

Feb 10, 2014

We have a C++ 5.0 app that does something like this:

Creates the excel dispatch, exports the data, etc...
then calls these functions:


This has always worked to display the excel spreadsheet in the foreground, most recently on Windows Server 2003.

Now, testing on Windows Server 2008, the excel spreadsheet is created, but in the background. How to force it to the foreground?

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C# :: ActiveX Control In Separate Thread

Jun 19, 2014

I have a method that does some extensive work (retrieves a list of emails from an imap server). What i wanted was to add a flash movie that would start playing when the method is entered and will stop when the method finishes. Something like this:

private void RetrieveMails() {

The flash movie plays, but the speed is horrible, almoust frame by frame (it actually matches the stepping of the foreach method that fetches the mails from the server as i can see it retrieving one mail - the movie plays one frame and stops; retrieves another mail - the movie plays another frame and stops.).

In the loop that retrieves the messages, i added Application.DoEvents(); so that is not the problem.

Now i am thinking of somehow playing that flash movie on a separate thread that will not hang synchronous with the retrieving mails loop but i don't know how would i do that...

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