Visual C++ :: How To Insert And Read Image From Database (SQL Server) Using MFC

Jan 25, 2015

How to insert and read images to/from database (sql server) using MFC ?

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C++ :: Insert One Key With Three Values In Map With Client Server Program

Dec 4, 2013

I completed the program but how insert three values without using struct???

Server Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Unable To Read LCT File To BMP Image

Nov 20, 2014

I have an *.lct file. I like to read *.lct file and save an bmp image.

I can not read this file using usual file read.


void CLCTtoBMPDlg::OnBnClickedReadlctfile() {
CFileException CFileEx;
CStdioFile ReadFile;
CString OpenlctfilePath;
TCHAR szFilters[]= _T("LCT Files (*.lct)");
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, _T("bmp"), _T("*.lct"), OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilters);


Find the attachment. change the file extension *.lct instead of *.txt. I like to read ASCII Data into Hex, Example : Data "A" as "41" (Refer the jpeg image). How is possible?

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C++ :: Insert User Values Into Database

Jun 25, 2014

I'm trying to insert into the database I created, values entered by the user. But I can't find how to insert them it looks like this:

//Go for the user infos
cout << "What is your ID ? : ";
cin >> id;
cout << "What is you letter ? : ";
cin >> letter;
cout << "Your letter is "<<letter<< " and your ID is "<<id<<"

[Code] ....

I don't know how to proceed, I receive a error here for the sql2 statement

error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'const char [36]'

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C/C++ :: Insert Values Into MSI Database (Registry Table)

Aug 23, 2014

Am using the below code to INSERT values into MSI Database (Registry table)

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
String Name1 = lblDName.Name;
String Value1 = txtDName.Text;

String Name2 = lblUnisntall.Name
String Value2 = txtUninstall.Text;

[Code] ....

This code work properly, but after inserting values in MSI database.

The Value1 and value 2 are created as REG_SZ (String) but as per my requirement,

Value1, should be REG_EXPAND_SZ
Value 2, should be REG_DWORD

Need to convert them in my code and then to insert into the MSI database.

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C# :: How To Insert Decimal Values In MySQL Database

Feb 26, 2014

i wanted to insert Decimal Values in MySQL database, but decimal values has precision and in C# there is not option to specify precision point, the last column is size which is integer.

MySqlParameter MySqlParameterCollection.Add(string parameter Name,MySqlDBTYPE dbType,int size);

Here my Code and i get error on last Line

MySqlCommand insert = new MySqlCommand("Insert into
values(@p_id,@p_t,@p_r,@p_l);", con);
insert.Parameters.Add("@p_id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = p.p_id;
insert.Parameters.Add("@p_t", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 45).Value = p.p_title;
insert.Parameters.Add("@p_r", MySqlDbType.Decimal,10,2)=p.p_rate;

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C++ :: How To Insert Image To Display In Output

Sep 17, 2013

how to insert an image to display in output on c++..

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C Sharp :: How To Insert Image In Listview

Jan 15, 2013

i'm making a hotel reservation system for our final project in database management.. i'm having difficulty on how can i attach an image in a listview, if i insert a room category, the roomstatus will automatically insert a value of 1 on the table, and in the listview the data 1 in the column of status must be view as an image that indicates that the room is available...

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C Sharp :: How To Insert Image In MS Access Through C#

Nov 7, 2012

I am facing the problem of adding the image in MS Access Database. I know that OLE Object datatype is used to insert the image in MS Access database.

I have already converted the image in Byte form but unable to add that Byte [] to OLE data type.

Is Byte compatible with OLE Object Datatype?

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C++ :: Create And Amend Database Using SQL Server?

Nov 1, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to create and amend a database using the SQL server. How to do this. I just know it's included with the VS Express package.

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C Sharp :: Browse Database Name And Server To Connect?

Apr 3, 2013

How can i browse database name and server to connect?

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C/C++ :: Synchronize 2 Database On Live Server And Local Desktop

Aug 8, 2012

I have 2 database. One is on live server and the other on local desktop.

User can make changes in database offline on local desktop.

But later he wants to move his changes to live server and also get the updates done on live server by other users. How can this be accomplished? What algorithm can be applied?

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C# :: Upload MS Access Database File To Server From Client Program

Sep 29, 2012

i have to upload a ms access database file to the server from my client program. The server program should connect to this database and read the data. What's the easiest way to upload the file? Is it FTP? i tried sockets, but it only allows like 9kb of data transfer capacity.

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C Sharp :: Upload Excel File With Value Save In Database On Server?

Feb 27, 2013

how i upload excel file with value Save in database on server without show error.

Actually i have code who work correct on local host but not work on server then show error who write down Below

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered local machine.

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C++ :: Image Transfer Between Linux Server And Windows Client

Jun 27, 2014

how send and receive images from linux server to windows client?

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C Sharp :: Server Sending Data Then Client Receive And Store In Database Table In Windows Service

Dec 22, 2014

When server send data then client receive that data, in C# windows services where data receive continuously (Using IP Address and port number) . This below code writing in console application . i want implement same logic in windows service side. but i want data receive continuously.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


Above code write in console application, same logic implementing in windows service, but i want data receiving continuously

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C# :: Best Way To Store And Load Image Into Access Database?

Dec 12, 2014

I have:

An Access database in which the picture right now is saved by its directory, together with other field like title, publisher, developer,..

Visual Studio form in which a load button gets that directory as text

Details button that reads the ID of a selected item (I have a list of games) and displays the corresponding picture by reading the directory

The problem right now is that once someone else opens the program on his/her computer, the directory changes, making the whole thing useless.

Is there a way to get around this problem? The books I've been reading don't really adress this.

Directory is a string in class 'Game'; it's short text in the database

private void buttonFoto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
private void LoadNewFile() {
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();


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C# :: Retrieve Image From Database And Display In Picturebox

Sep 18, 2014

I am creating an employee details project, the image is getting stored in the database but i am not able display it in the picture box.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connectionstring);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select photo from emprecordtable where eid='"+comboBox1.Text+"'", con);
//SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
//DataSet ds = new DataSet();

[code] ....

In sql server i have table called emprecordtable and i have the fields eid, rfid, empname, designation, phno, addres, and photo which is the image field and i have given the datatype as image but in the database the image is getting stored as Binary Data.. So, how to display in the picturebox from the database.

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C++ :: Creating Databases And Indexing One Image Per Database - Multithreading Synchronization

Nov 1, 2013

My below code is createing databases(database here is a kd tree) and indexing one image per database. I have two classes LastDatabaseTndexingPolicy and another forwardingDatabaseaccessor.cpp .

I am calling the GetDatabaseToAccess() function from forwardingDatabaseAccessor.cpp class .GetDatabaseToAccess() function is present in LastDatabaseTndexingPolicy class and it returns the database created as a pointer and using that database pointer we call another function which actually indexes the image to the database .

Now my issue is i am not able to have multiple threads act on the following functions as DatabaseAccessor_ptr db which is in the following file is coupled with two functions and however i put locks in the LastDatabaseTndexingPolicy file as below i end up getting synchronization issue ..........

Hence now i am using a single lock in forwardingDatabaseAccessor.cpp and serializing the code,. How can i change my design to parallelize this code .........

In ForwardingDatabaseAccessor.cpp we are calling function from LastDatabaseTndexingPolicy as shown below:-

DatabaseAccessor_ptr db is something which needs to be synchroinized. I tried createing 256 databases with one image each and when i run this code i ended up creating 175 databses and though i was restricting in code with locks that every database has only one image i ended up having two images in single database ..... ideally i had to get only one image per database but i got two images in few of them hence instead of 256 database this code created 175 or so databases.

indexing::IndexReturnValue ForwardDatabaseAccessor::index(cv::Mat image,
const std::string& imageName, features::Camera::Type indexCameraType,
features::Camera::Type recogCameraType) {
DatabaseAccessor_ptr db = this->IndexingPolicy_ptr->GetDBToIndex();

[Code] .....

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C# :: Compare The Image Of A Button To Another Image In Visual Studio

Jul 3, 2014

Im trying to compare the image of a button to another image in Visual Studio like so...

Image active = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\StarWars Status\active.png");
Image stunned = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\StarWars Status\stunned.png");


btnStatusPlr1.Image SHOULD come back as True.Then I realized it might not be the same as setting the buttons image in the properties (Which is what i did to get the original image (the one being compared to))

I do have a feeling ive done something wrong here (Yes im a noob /> )

Variable active, is the same image as the buttons default (Well should be)

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C++ ::  Read From File And Insert Into Linked List

Feb 12, 2014

I have a program and function i'm having an issue understanding. Here is what it's doing in the main.

int main() {
orderedLinkedList<MemberDO> memberList;
MemberDO::readFromFile("Member.dat", memberList);
return 0;

So it is creating a linked list object using the MemberDO class type which has a int, string, char and double. Then it will call the readFromFile static function in the MemberDO. So this is where my problem is I have this function

void MemberDO::readFromFile(char *fname, orderedLinkedList<MemberDO>& list) {

How do I read in each individual data member from the input then create a new MemberDO object and insert the objects into the linked list specified in the second argument list?

Here is the MemberDO class declarations

class MemberDO {
int key;
string lastName;
char firstInitial;
double dues;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Read Images From Database

May 3, 2013

I have a database of images and I want to store paths of all those images to a text file (lets say "images.txt"). I can then use this text file in c++ to extract images one by one by using getline() in a loop.

I don't know how to store image paths to a text file.

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C :: Read A 24 Bit Image Using 2D Array

Oct 29, 2013

I am trying to read a 24 bit image but I'm getting errors when I'm tryting to read the pixels.

-The reading part looks bad because I'm reading both headers field by field. But I'm sure that it is reading both headers correctly.

-Right now my biggest concern is to get it to read successfully an entire bmp image

I'm using this calculation to get my padding bytes:

padding bytes = [4-(3*width)mod 4]mod 4

When I use a 2x2.bmp file to test it, I get an error that the [1][1] pixel was not read. When I use a bigger image it gives me the same error after about 100 rows and then every pixel is an error from that point on. This is what I got so far:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const size_t cSizeofPixel = 3; //size of struct tPixel
typedef struct{
unsigned char blue;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char red;


I read this post Reading 24 bit BMP file into a 2d array.

I still don't know if my error is when I allocate memory to my 2d array, or if I'm doing the padding bytes wrong or if it is something else.

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C++ :: Insert Variable For Size Of Array And Prompt User To Insert Elements

Dec 1, 2013

how to insert a variable for the size of array and prompt user to insert the elements for the array?

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Visual C++ :: Insert JPEG In CPP

Sep 27, 2012

I'm very good with hmtl now i want develop with C++ i need to insert jpeg into .cpp and insert movie flash in file .h ....

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C++ :: Program To Read Image (Later Represent By Array 3D)

May 1, 2013

I will make a program to read the image in C++. And later, the image will represent by array 3D, which (x,y) represent the spatial coordinate of (height*weight) image (pixel) and z represent the intesity of those image (0-255).

In matlab, the code for do that is --> imread('image.jpg')

How can I do that in C++?

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