C/C++ :: Synchronize 2 Database On Live Server And Local Desktop
Aug 8, 2012
I have 2 database. One is on live server and the other on local desktop.
User can make changes in database offline on local desktop.
But later he wants to move his changes to live server and also get the updates done on live server by other users. How can this be accomplished? What algorithm can be applied?
I have a desktop application in which i want to copy files from my local computer to an online server. I have the user name and the password of the server. is there any way like
to copy the files where the destinationPath will be something like
I have small Project In Vs 2013.i have to deploy it.but i did through Installshield. Project is working same PC but when i try to deploy another PC i cannot loin in to my project.it seems to me that i didn't add database .
I wrote an application with wpf and c sharp. And I use ado dotnet framework to connect the database. Now the problem is I want a centralize database for the application. And I hav e installed sql server on one of the which I want to serve as server. I now want all other clients to be able to connect to the database through local area network. how will I do that?
i have to upload a ms access database file to the server from my client program. The server program should connect to this database and read the data. What's the easiest way to upload the file? Is it FTP? i tried sockets, but it only allows like 9kb of data transfer capacity.
When server send data then client receive that data, in C# windows services where data receive continuously (Using IP Address and port number) . This below code writing in console application . i want implement same logic in windows service side. but i want data receive continuously.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;
Above code write in console application, same logic implementing in windows service, but i want data receiving continuously
How to get live streaming of stock data from yahoo finance? Using C++. I need the code and fetch the data so I can do calculations on the price and volume or what not.
The only language I know so far is C. Is there any way I can use c programming to display a live chart for a price graph including volume in different time intervals that I want to select. I want it to look like this URL....
I'm working on an app which monitors user selected data sets from various devices, and I'd like to display the data in a CListCtrl. This would be very convenient, but I'm just a little concerned about (1) just how fast can a CListCtrl be populated, and (2) how can i reduce or eliminate screen flicker. To be specific...
1. There will likely be upwards of 100 rows of data, maybe more (probably 5 or 6 columns), and I'm going to have to refresh it all as quickly as possible, perhaps as fast as once per second. I can play games and only refresh a visible rectangle, but how responsive the control would be, having all that data deleted and refreshed continually?
2. You can see why I'd be worried about screen flicker, and I thought I'd likely have to make two identical overlapped controls so I could double buffer as I would with a graphic animation, switching the visibility of one or another control after its updated to give the appearance of sudden complete updates. BUT... I see there is an extended style you can set called "LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER"
I am trying to overlay an image on a live video.I have used alpha blending method to overlay image on the video. On overlaying the image, it gets overlayed five times rather than one as expected.
Both frame data and the image data is taken as BYTE* for overlaying and displaying it.
The image used is a bitmap image.
The data (BYTE*) of both the video and the image is overlayed and the resultant is stored back in the variable of the video and den drawn on the picture control of vc++.
The video resolution is 640x480.
The image I m overlaying is 128x128.
The IDE used is visual studio professional.The code is developed using c++.
How do I overlay the bitmap image as a single image on the live video at a specific position.
Instead of using a Bitmap image (jpg, png, etc), I would like to use the desktop. I'm trying to scan my desktop for a pixel color using lockbits (GetPixel was way too slow.). I also do not wish to change the color of anything, I just want to loop until the pixel is found (with my getpixel method, I just put an if/then statement in the for loop). Something like:
I want to develop windows application using c# ,.net framework 3.5 as front and Mysql4.1 as a backed language.Now my question is i want to install this application only on server PC,so is it possible to access this application within LAN connected PC.If yes how do i build my application.or do i need to install .net framework on LAN connected PC's(or on client PC's)
I have a CFormView derived window which I would like to position at run time. In particular when the user clicks a button I would like to shfit the CFormView window and open up a new Dialog window so that the two do not overlap.
I have created the CFormView window and the dialog window - how to shfit the CFormView window?
I shift the Dialog window as follows in OnInitDialog: SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);
I'm struggling with the pan gesture in a desktop application for my Surface Pro 2.
I simply want to pan (or "swipe" if you prefer) with two fingers, but it doesn't behave like I want it to. If I put two fingers on the screen and move them straight diagonally, I receive a series of client coordinates that are aligned in a vertical or horizontal direction. Only if I perform some circular motion, then it's suddenly possible to move diagonally and receive coordinates accordingly.
I've tried with MFC, by overriding CView::OnGesturePan. I've also tried with a sample project provided by Intel, that handles the GID_PAN message in WndProc to move a rectangle around, but with the very same result. The project can be downloaded from [URL] ... fordesktop.zip, so you can quickly reproduce the behaviour if you have a touch screen.
I first thought it had to do with the points being too close to each other. I mean, if two points lies only one pixel apart, it can only result in eight different directions. But if I modify the code to only update "m_first" when the distance between the points are greater than some minimum distance, the points still keep being projected to a horizontal or vertical line relative to the first starting point.
write a program that will connect my laptop to my desktop unlike gotomypc.com. I want to have my desktop hooked up to a router and sends video and audio info to my laptop. At the same time my laptop will be sending it's keyboard and mouse. If there is an audio input from a microphone it will send that to the desktop. If the webcam needs to be used for something like Skype, it will send that to the desktop too. I think it would be faster for the laptop to process any flash drives, but it should be able to send that to the desktop too. Has a program like this already been created? Is C++ an optimal language to write the program in?
I plan on creating a desktop application that utilizes external hardware such as cameras and scanners and captures pictures and scans for use within the application. Is using straight C++ the way to go, or would a mixture between C++ and C# be beneficial? (I heard they can be used in conjunction but is it more hassle than benefit?)
Is GUI development any better in one language over the other? I am hoping to be able to choose a language with less installation requirements for the end user.
I understand that certain requirements are placed on the end users computer depending on what you are developing with (I would be using Visual Studio 2012).
I want to develop an application which can host multiple views of explorer (window), where as each window is totally separate from others. So that I can have multiple desktop views through my single explorer. Any built in feature in .NET ?
The problem is i don't want to use local vars , is ther anyway do end the loop safely(removing all the vars used in function and etc) without using a local var ?
I hear all the time about the rule of not returning a local pointer, but I'm not exactly sure what that insinuates. Would this example be classified as violating that rule?
//Declare Variables String lstNme, frstNme, finalGrade; Double pointsEarned, percentage; //Get First Name, Last Name and Score
I am getting the error popping up on the line 58 under the console.writeline...+finalGrade "Error1Use of unassigned local variable 'FinalGrade' The thing i am not understanding is that it is declared