C :: How To Avoid Negative Output

Jul 12, 2013

I have a c program that I partially have working. The problem is basically writing a program that allows the user to input the amount of calories they plan to eat a meal and disperse the calories from top to bottom. My program produces the output in the example if I enter 1050 but the issue I noticed if the number of calories is just enough to cover the burgers I get negatives in the other variables.

For example, if I enter a total amount of calories of 1050, I can eat: Output: 2 burgers @ 770 calories (1050 - 770 = 280 calories remain) 1 bag of pretzles @ 170 calories (280 - 170 = 110 calories remain) 1 pear @ 80 calories (110 - 80 = 30 calories remain) 6 tsp. ketchup @ 30 calories If I input 1050 I get the above output but if I input a different integer such as 2000 this is my output 5 burgers @ 1925 calories 0 bag of pretzles @ 0 calories -1 apple @ -80 calories -35 tsp. ketchup @ -175 calories I can't give the full code since this assignment holds a lot of points and was up all night getting it work.

So I'll provide pseudocode

define all 4 variables burger 385, pretzel 170, pear 80, ketchup 5 print out text How many calories can you eat prompt user input
Divide user input into burger How many burgers can bet eaten subtract calories eaten from original user input
Divide calories left into pretzel How many bags can bet eaten subtract burger calories from pretzel calories
Divide calories left after preztel into pear How many pretzels can be eatn subtract pretzels calories from pear calories
Divide calories left over into ketchup how much ketchup can i use show on screen (int total)of burgers @ (int calorie total) calories show on screen (int total)bags of pretzels @ (int calorie total) calories show on screen (int total)pears @ (int calorie total) calories show on screen (int total)teaspoons of ketchup @ (int calorie total) calories

The problem I see is that subtracting the calories from the pear from the left over calories of the pretzel calories leads to a negative. If leftover calories minus 80(pear int) its less then 0 . The calculations from the pear onward to ketchup become incorrect resulting in negative output.

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C++ :: Having Negative 0 As Result After Multiplying Zero With Negative Number

Aug 27, 2014

Having error . I multiplied 0 by -4 and my result is -0 instead of 0. I tried to change the data type put It won't work. This is my code:

#include <iostream>
int main () {
double b, c;
std::cout<<"b: ";
std::cout<<"c: ";
return 0;

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C/C++ :: Avoid Using The Goto Function?

Dec 17, 2014

I've been making an RPG in C++ and I've used goto all throughout the program. After receiving an error and Googling how to fix it, I read that you shouldn't use goto. What can I use as a instead of goto, which isn't 'considered bad programming practice'?

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C++ :: How To Avoid Redundant Code In Classes

Sep 4, 2014

ISSUE: How to avoid redundant code in c++ ?

Problem:Say I have a Base class called Car and it has 3 derived classes say Ford, Honda and Audi.

now the issue is all 3 derived classes have exactly same code but minor difference in calling member functions of their r respective engines( these engines have separate class) . example ford class calls code which is exactly same as other 2 classes but do call something like ford_engine-> start() ford_engine->clean() bla bla bla .

//ly honda calls honda_engine->start() honda_engine->clean();

//ly Audi calls audi_engine->start() audi->clean();

now here the issue is it has redundant code in all 3 places with minute difference. Hoow I can have code at one place most probably in Base class and all derive classes uses same code.

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C++ :: Way / Pattern To Avoid Copying Data

Apr 19, 2013

I have a class buffer, which holds a std::string as member, and a socket_receive function:

struct buffer {
string data;
buffer() {}
buffer(buffer& b) : data(b.data) {}
buffer socket_receive() {
buffer tmp;
tmp.data = "1234";
return tmp;

so when I write

buffer b = socket_receive();

there is a copy constructor, and the tmp variable is constructed and destructed, is there anyway to improve the performance?

I tried the new c++11 move(), but seems even worse, I must be doing wrong with move(), but I don't know how.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
struct buffer {
string data;

[Code] .....

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C# :: How To Avoid Duplicate Updates In SQL Query

Jun 13, 2014

I have table called leavetable where in i have the fields eid, lfrom,lto, reason,status an employee will insert these fields in the leave form except status, status will be updated by admin but there is no unique field in the table so when the admin updates the status as cancel for an id emp001 so whereever this id is present in the table its getting updated to cancel even though it is approved previously.. How to avoid this duplication ?

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connectionstring);
string sql = "update leavetable set status = '"+status+"' where eid = '"+textBox1.Text+"' and noofdays = '"+textBox5.Text+"'";

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Avoid Replacing Element In Array

Oct 6, 2014

I am working on a parking lot scenario project using multidimensional arrays. The parking lot has 8 rows and 10 parking spaces in each row. Altogether there are suppose to be 30 cars parking in the lot and arrive in numerical order. I am suppose to generate a random number to represent the row and another to represent the space in the row.

The problem I have is that a few of the elements are being replaced. The project requires the car to check if the space is taken, if so it is to find another one. Here is what I have...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ROW 8
#define COL 10
#define CARS 30
void parkTheCars(int result[ROW][COL]);
void displayArray (int result[ROW][COL]);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Can Avoid Class Using Array Operator?

Feb 7, 2014

Imagine these simple class:

class test {
void write(string a) {
cout << a;

(these class wasn't tested... it's for these question)... Can avoid the class use the array operator('[]')?

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Visual C++ :: How To Avoid Memory Fragments

Mar 4, 2015

I am developing a Visual C++ application. There is an object called CMyObject, as follows:

typedef CMap<UINT, UINT, void *, void*> CMyMap;
class CMyObject {
CMyMap *m_pMyMap;
"Some other member variables"

Some instances of CMyObject contains a map, some not. Therefore, to save memory, I define a pointer m_pMyMap and create a new CMap object only if the instance contains a map.

When I test my app, with the increase of the CMyObject instance, the number of memory blocks allocated and deallocated is also increasing. There are a lot of fragments during this period. To prevent this, I try to override the new/delete operator for CMyObject and CMyMap. But still find many fragments. So I try to trace into the MFC source codes for CMap. I find CMap is just using an internal buffer to store the hash table(m_pHashTable), as follows:

m_pHashTable = new CAssoc* [nHashSize];

And for each hash entry, it uses:

P = (CPlex *)new BYTE[sizeof(CPlex) + nMax *cbElement];

To allocate the spaces.

I believe these two may be the reason of the memory fragments and want to eliminate them. However, is there a way to override the new/delete operator for codes such as:

new CAssoc* [nHashSize]
(CPlex *)new BYTE[sizeof(CPlex) + nMax *cbElement]

So that the spaces will be allocated from my own memory manager instead of from the default heap?

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C++ :: How To Avoid Using Backspace Character With Push Back

Mar 28, 2014

How to avoid using Backspace character with push_back? I'm making a software as an ATM, so when the user try to enter the password the user only sees *******, but when trying to delete it doesn't delete a character. It just adds a new one. Here's my code:

string password2 = "";
cout << "PASSWORD: ";
ch = _getch();
while(ch != 13) //character 13 is enter {
cout << '*';
ch = _getch();

And also, I try to use pop_back(); but it doesn't work either.

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C++ :: How To Avoid If Fstream Opens A Directory (infinite Loop)

Jun 10, 2013

If the filename below is a directory, then the following loop goes to infinite.

std::ifstream in;
in.open(filename, std::ifstream::in);
if(in.fail()) return;


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C++ :: Negative Numbers Not Working?

Jan 22, 2015

I have a program where the user inputs a line of numbers, and the two highest ones are displayed. It works fine, until negative values are entered at which point it shows 0 as the result.

Code: #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( ) {
int num = 0;
int highest = 0;


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C :: How To Define Negative Number

Sep 3, 2014

I nead to define an a negative number a normal posetive number i defined like #define RSSI_UP 1 can i write #define RSSI_DOWN -1???

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C++ :: How To Use Plus And Negative As Preprocessor Directives

Sep 21, 2014

how to use '+', '-', '*' as preprocessor directives??

I want to do the following work.

#define + 10
#define - 20
#define * 30

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C++ :: Positive And Negative Infinity

May 2, 2013

What are positive and negative infinity for different data types in c++, are they represent maximum and minimum limit of a type? or positive infinity is not a finite value.can some explain this positive and negative infinity paradigm

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C++ :: Negative Number Check

Sep 30, 2013

The code on lines 44-53 is suppose to display a message when the user enter a negative number, however, when a correct positive number is entered the message is display again.

using namespace std;
int main() {
char carType;
int A, B, C;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Display Negative Number?

Mar 12, 2014

I am getting strings from an HTTP request that will have hex values and I must convert those strings to a signed decimal.

//typical string inside response: //0E1D052BFBB711C1002C0042007A014DFE44022B270F7FFF8000000000000000
//every 4 characters above are a signed decimal value
for (a = 0; a <= 63; a+=4){
ds = strtol(vval, NULL, 16);

The problem is I never see a negative number. Decoding 0x8000 gives me 32768 but not -32768.

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C++ :: Time Measurement Returns Negative Value

Oct 9, 2013

I am using the first method, listed here.

I want to take the time measurement of a construction of a tree, which contains about 2841482 nodes (inner and leaves). Here it is:

struct timespec start, end;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
Tree t(...);

clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);

int64_t time;
time = timespecDiff(&end, &start);
std::cout<<"Time: " << time << " ns

"; which gives me always a negative value, like -13481628 ns.

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C :: Ignore Negative Numbers In Array

Feb 15, 2014

So i have this program that takes in user input and stores them into an array and then prints them, removes duplicates, and sorts in ascending order. The user can also stop by inputting a sentinel value (in this case -1). But i am also supposed to ignore any negative value besides -1. When i input any other negative value into the program it messes up. How would i go about ignoring the negative values?

int main()
int input, nums[20], i, j, k, temp, count=0, count2=0;

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Correctly Multiply With Negative Numbers

Jul 24, 2013

I've been working on this program to create a simple desk calculator for a school assignment, and I managed to finish. All we had to do was add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive integers - and I was able to do that just fine. This program got me thinking though, because I do not know how to write commands to multiply/divide negative numbers.

In fact, when I divide a number like 21 by 4, it comes out to 5 because I don't know how to allow it to compute remainders (which wasn't a requirement for my program). This intrigued me so I've been trying to figure it out for the last few days but to no avail. Here's my code:

Code: void flush_buffer(){
int ch;
while ((ch = getchar()) != '
' && ch != EOF);


And just know that my code works perfectly fine, I'm not here for troubleshooting it. I just want to know what I can change to allow negative values to be correctly computed.

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C :: How To Create A Program That Not Allow Negative Numbers

Sep 2, 2013

I have a homework assignment due that told me for the "input specification" that "n" is an integer greater then 0. How would I put this in and where?

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C :: Negative Numbers Are Biased In Two Complement?

Mar 2, 2014

I am reading one of the exercise solutions for C Programming Language: The C Programming Language Exercise 3-4

In it, it states that negative numbers are biased by (2^n - 1) (i.e. -I is represented by (2^n - 1) - (+I). So:

Bias = 2^8 - 1 = 255 = 11111111
Subtract 25 = 00011001
Equals = 11100110

what is meant by the "bias" here and what is the value of "I" here. It just suddenly uses "I" without explaining what it is.

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C :: Largest Negative Number In 2 Complement

Mar 3, 2014

In this exercise:The C Programming Language Exercise 3-4..It states the following: "In a two's complement number representation, our version of itoa does not handle the largest negative number, that is, the value of n equal to -(2 to the power (wordsize - 1)) ."

A char is one byte (255 bits). The range of an 8 bit variable using a two's complement representation is -128 to 127. Therefore -128 is the largest negative value. The statement in book suggests that the itoa function will not output -128 if we pass -128 as a parameter, because in itoa when we try to convert -128 to positive -128, the inverse of -128 is -128. However, I just ran this code in my computer and it successfully outputted -128.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 10
void reverse(char s[])
int c, i, j;


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C :: Strcmp Negative Value From User Input

Jul 24, 2014

I am studying c and I thought what would be better than using my pi to play with relays and c. I am used to PHP as a scripting lang and don' t do much programming. So I wrote this to use wirepi and ask the user "on or off" they type on or off and it does it. it does work but I know something is wrong when I use strcmp in the if statment I can -10 for a value. Here is the code.....

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char oo[100];
system("gpio mode 0 out");
printf("Do you want it on or off?

[Code] ....

This is what it outputs at the prompt

Do you want it on or off?

It is now on!

How can I just get Code: if (oo = on) {} and like so with off.

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C++ :: Positive Remainders Returning Negative?

Nov 26, 2013

int Fib1 = 1;
int Fib2 = 2;
int Fib3 = 0;
int randomynumber;
int Loop;


this returns negative numbers sometimes.what did i do wrong side note this is not the complete program it is only the part with the problem because the complete code is sort of longish and very confusing

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C++ :: How To Convert A Negative Number Using Ntohl

Dec 6, 2013

I receive a negative number but in big endian order. ntohl seems work for unsigned only.

Is there a method for me to translate it back to the original negative number from big endian?

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