C/C++ :: How To Avoid Replacing Element In Array
Oct 6, 2014
I am working on a parking lot scenario project using multidimensional arrays. The parking lot has 8 rows and 10 parking spaces in each row. Altogether there are suppose to be 30 cars parking in the lot and arrive in numerical order. I am suppose to generate a random number to represent the row and another to represent the space in the row.
The problem I have is that a few of the elements are being replaced. The project requires the car to check if the space is taken, if so it is to find another one. Here is what I have...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ROW 8
#define COL 10
#define CARS 30
void parkTheCars(int result[ROW][COL]);
void displayArray (int result[ROW][COL]);
[Code] .....
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Feb 7, 2014
Imagine these simple class:
class test {
void write(string a) {
cout << a;
(these class wasn't tested... it's for these question)... Can avoid the class use the array operator('[]')?
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Jul 29, 2014
I'm writing a function that accepts a char array containing the title of a book as parameter, the following then has to take place:
1.) Extra white spaces between words need to be removed [DONE]
2.) Text has to be converted to title case, i.e each new word has to start with a capital letter [DONE]
3.) Lastly I have I text file (minors.txt) containing a number of words that should not be capitalized by the function, like "a" and "an", however I don't know how to implement this.
Example of end product:
Correct Output:
bool Book :: convertToTitleCase(char* inTitle) {
int length = strlen(inTitle);
bool thisWordCapped = false;
//Convert paramater to lower case and
//Remove multiple white spaces
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++)
I was thinking of maby reading the words in the text file into a string array, and then comparing the two arrays to ensure that when a word is present in a text file, the word is not capitalized, however I don't know if that is possible between a string array and a char array.
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Jan 25, 2013
This function should replace all instances of a character in a given character array, while returning the amount of characters changed, but I keep getting a segmentation fault at the highlighted area.
I'm only supposed to use pointers so arrays are out of the question, and I don't think we are allowed to use the string.h library as well. How I could avoid something the segmentation fault or ways to fix it?
int replaceChars(char replace, char find, char *input) { int i, j;
//Finds length
for(i = 0; *(input + (i + 1)) != '