C :: Entering Two Positive Integers To Multiply Together - Program Won't Compile
Aug 24, 2013
I'm trying to get my C program to compile but it's not working at all. I've programmed a little in C++ before but I'm not used to C. Here's my program so far:
int main(void){
// Establishes variables
int num1, num2, product;
float quotient;
[Code] .....
It keeps giving me an error message as follows:
"/usr/bin/ldrelabwk2: file format not recognized; treating as linker script
/usr/bin/ldrelabwk2:1: syntax error
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"
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Oct 7, 2012
Create a program that adds, subtracts, multiplies, or divides two integers. The program will need to get a letter (A for addition, S for subtractions, M for multiplication, or D for division) and two integers from the user. If the user enters an invalid letter, the program should display an appropriate error message before the program ends. If the letter is A (or a), the program should calculate and display the sum of both integers. If the letter is S (or s), the program should display the difference between both integers. When calculating the difference, always subtract the smaller number from the larger one. If the letter is M (or m), the program should display the product of both integers. If the letter is D (or d), the program should divide both integers, always dividing the larger number by the smaller one."
And here is the test data. I am posting the results from my desk-check table.
operation first integer second integer answer
A 10 20 30
a 45 15 60
S 65 50 15
s 7 13 6
G -1
M 10 20 200
d 45 15 3
d 50 100 2
Then, I transferred my program into a source file. Here it is:
//Exercise16.cpp - display answer of two integers
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//declare variables
int firstInteger = 0;
[Code] ....
After putting in the data, everything worked fine, except the last two operations, which are M (multiplication) and D (division). All the answers for the last two operations essentially give me a 0.
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Jan 8, 2015
Using two-dimensional arrays, write a program which multiplies an mxn matrix of integers by an nxr
matrix of integers.
Type in 2 values for row 1 separated by spaces: 3 4
Type in 2 values for row 2 separated by spaces: 5 7
Type in 2 values for row 1 separated by spaces: 1 1
Type in 2 values for row 2 separated by spaces: 2 2
3 4
5 7
1 1
2 2
11 11
19 19
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Sep 18, 2013
Write a function that raises an integer to a positive integer power. Call the function x_to_the_n taking two integer arguments x and n. Have the function return a long int, which represents the results of calculating x^n.Here's my code:
#include <stdio.h>
long int x_to_the_n(int x, int n)
int i;
long int acc = 1;
for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
acc *= x;
It compiles OK, but when I run it the program stops after entering the number (x) and power (n).
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Oct 8, 2014
I got an assignment which asked me to create a program that asks user to input 10 numbers (positive and negative) integer. The program would be using loop to compute sum and average of all positive integers, the sum and average of negative numbers and the sum and average of all the number entered. But, the new problem is after I've entered all the number, the answer that the program gave me wasn't the answer that the program supposed to give. I don't know how to describe it, I would attach a picture and the code below:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x, value, sum, average, SumPositive, SumNegative, Positive, Negative;
float AveragePositive, AverageNegative;
[Code] .....
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Jan 25, 2013
Consider a new data type, the mikesint, which can hold 9 bits.
(a) What is the largest integer that an unsigned mikesint can hold?
(b) What is the largest positive integer that a signed mikesint can hold?
(c) What is the largest negative integer that a signed mikesint can hold?
Not sure how to determine this. I'm stuck.
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Sep 26, 2014
I'm basically trying to make a simple program that reads integers out of a text file and only adds the positive ones and not the negatives.
All is well except it won't take the last integer (the last line, I presume.) I took the negative out, nothing to do with that. I put more numbers in and I made the txt file less, no answer. No matter what the last number is, the program won't read it. I've been researching online and I've been seeing that it might be an issue with "while "!inFile.eof())".
Anyway here's the program:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
[Code] .....
Here's the txt file:
I'm always getting 32 for some reason.
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May 1, 2013
Write a C++ program that reads in two positive integers that are 20 or fewer digits in length and outputs the sum of the two numbers.
Your program will read the digits as values of type char so that the number 1234 is read as four characters '1', '2', '3' and '4'. After they are read into the program, the characters are changed to values of type int. The digits will be read into a partially filled array and you might find it useful to reverse the order of the elements in the array after array is filled with data from the keyboard.
Your program will perform the addition by implementing the usual pencil and paper addition algorithm. The result of the addition is stored in an array of size 20 and the result is written to screen. if the result of the addition is an integer with more than maximum number of digits(that is more than 20 digits) then your program should issue a message saying that it has encountered "integer overflow".
You should be able to change the maximum length of the integers by changing only one globally defined constant. Include the loop that allows the user to continue to do more additions until the user says the program should end.
For some reason the sum won't add or output though, This is what i have so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MAXIMUM_DIGITS = 20;
void input_Large_Int (int a[], int& size_of_A); //input function for the two big integers
void output_Large_Int(int a[], int size_of_A); //output function for the two big integers and the sum integer
void add(int a[], int size_of_A, int b[], int size_of_B, int sum[], int & size_Sum); //add function for the big integers' sum
[Code] .....
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Nov 24, 2014
This is my code!! but it's not working at all.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ofstream fout("datain.txt",ios::out);
int array[6][6];
[Code] .....
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Apr 30, 2013
so basically my project goes like this:
Write a C++ program that reads in two positive integers that are 20 or fewer digits in length and outputs the sum of the two numbers.
Your program will read the digits as values of type char so that the number 1234 is read as four characters '1', '2', '3' and '4'. After they are read into the program, the characters are changed to values of type int. The digits will be read into a partially filled array and you might find it useful to reverse the order of the elements in the array after array is filled with data from the keyboard.
Your program will perform the addition by implementing the usual pencil and paper addition algorithm. The result of the addition is stored in an array of size 20 and the result is written to screen. if the result of the addition is an integer with more than maximum number of digits(that is more than 20 digits) then your program should issue a message saying that it has encountered "integer overflow".
You should be able to change the maximum length of the integers by changing only one globally defined constant. Include the loop that allows the user to continue to do more additions until the user says the program should end. What I have so far is
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void reverseArr(int a[], int liu);
void addLargeInt(int a1[], int liu1, int a2[], int liu2, int sum[], int& liu_sum);
int main() {
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Jun 7, 2013
So my inventory program runs fine as far as I can tell. Except when entering "Amounts" with more that 1-precision . ie
Amount Entered : 25.99 // Problem
Amount Entered : 25.9 // No Problem
When entering say 25.99, the rest of the file is jibberish. but 25.9, the rest of the file is fine
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct toolRecord{
int record_num;
char tool_name[16];
int quantity;
double price;
[Code] .....
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Mar 1, 2013
I'm trying to write a program where the user will keep entering data until pressing control + D. Then the it will display the mean, smallest number, and largest number.
Here are three samples of my program running.
Sample 1
Enter the price for stock 1: $ 10
Enter the price for stock 2: $ 1.555
Enter the price for stock 3: $ 3.648
As you can see in Sample 1, the program runs correctly. The largest number was 20 and the lowest number was 1.555. But in Sample 2, the program shows min as 15.500, where it should be showing 15.000 and Sample 3, the program shows min as 110.000 when it should be showing 55.564.
Here's the code.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
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Jan 1, 2013
The program I have is from a tutorial where the user enters two points on a line, and then the program calculates the mid-point and slope.
I want to modify it from it's initial form so that co-ordinates can be input in (x,y) fashion. Right now the user has to enter the x-coordinate, enter a space, and then enter the y-coordinate (lame...)
I saw people using SStream and using that to either write functions to ignore the comma or similar things for converting one file into an array, but not quite what I am trying here.
// program to determine slope of a line
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
void myflush ( istream& in ) {
[Code] .....
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Jan 10, 2014
I have to write a program, that multplicates very large numbers (out of range of long int). It's said that i need to use arrays and read the numbers as strings. My problem is to end function called "mnoz:, because i don't know how to sum the multiplicated values of arrays a and b.
#include "winbgi2.h"
#define roz 10000
char lan(char a[])
[Code] ......
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Feb 2, 2015
My program uses a while loop to eventually get to an error of zero and a root of sqrt(3). I'm not understand why after the third iteration the program fails to compute a new x value. I'm using Visual Studio 2013. The code tag instructions were dubious.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
main() {
/*This program uses the Newton-Raphson method to solve y = (x^3)-3 for it's roots.*/
printf("This program uses the Newton-Raphson method to solve y = (x^3)-3 for it's roots. Enter your estimate of the root.
float x,y,z;
int num;
num = 0;
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Dec 28, 2013
Constructing this right aligned half pyramid? The code I had so far is right aligned and they're not in numbers
Write a program that receives one positive integer and display
_________ _ 1
________ 4 2
_______9 6 3
___16 12 8 4
25 20 15 10 5
when the user key in 5.PS: ignore the line
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Aug 10, 2014
You pros are once newbies like us. Hoped you might take a little time sharing your expertise. Got freaked out when our teacher gave us this activity, where she haven't taught this to us yet. So this is the activity (LOOPING) :
Write a program that accepts a positive integer. The program should be the same from the given output. Use do while to allow the user to continue or not.
OUTPUT must be:
n = 5
if n = 6
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Aug 10, 2014
So this is the activity (LOOPING) :
Write a program that accepts a positive integer. The program should be the same from the given output. Use do while to allow the user to continue or not.
OUTPUT must be:
n = 5
if n = 6
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Mar 19, 2013
How to compile and run program from DOS shell. Any list of procedures....
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Apr 30, 2013
I am currently learning C and im in the middle of completing my assignment. It has to calculate parking whilst account for a few values here is the assignment sheet for specifics. Design Specifications Write, compile and test a C program with appropriate use..It's practically error less yet when i compile it doesn't come up with what i need.
/* Pre-Processor Directive */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
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Apr 27, 2013
I hate vague errors where I don't even know where to start looking for an error. Error happens immediately and it says "Unhandled exception at 0x5981c9c7 (msvcr100d.dll) in experiment.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xabababab."
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
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Sep 18, 2014
This is my problem. What should I do to be able to compile this program?
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Feb 25, 2013
Write a program that calculates the average of a stream of positive numbers. The user can enter as many positive numbers as they want, and they will indicate that they are finished by entering a negative number. For this program, treat zero as a positive number, i.e., zero counts as a number that goes into the average. Of course, the negative number should not be part of the average. You must use a function to read in the numbers, keep track of the running sum and count, compute the average, and return the average to the main() function. Note that you must use a loop to do this, as you don't know how many numbers the user will enter ahead of time. I am having problem writing a loop program for it..
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Aug 15, 2014
I am trying to compile an OpenGL program in Ubuntu.This program opens a blank window.
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
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Jan 16, 2014
Here is the code which I wrote in Turbo C++...its giving errors..
voidmain() {
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Jan 19, 2014
I have an assigment and I don't know yet how to write this program :" I introduce the average monthly temperatures of a year(12 values for 12 months). When I compile the program it needs to show the highest negative temparature and the lowest positive temperature of that year.
Example: Entry data: -4 -6 0 5 10 20 24 25 17 8 -1 -7 exit data : max negative= -1 and min positive= 5 "
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