C++ :: Call Java Classes Which Are Available From CPP File?

May 29, 2013

i want to call some java classes which are available from a cpp file.

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C++ :: Call Function With Arguments From Java

Sep 19, 2013

I am working on a project in a group at a university. We are creating a GUI in Java where the user can enter parameters. Then we want to be able to pass these parameters to a function inside our C/C++ program, that does the rest. How do I do this? So far I have managed to call a simple helloworld-function by using JNI, dll and a javah tool that create a header file from a java file. I define the helloworld-function in C and call it from Java.

Java file:

package helloworld;
public class HelloWorld {
private native void print();
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

My problem is that I do not know how to call the helloworld-function with parameters. I guess that this is a special case when using JNI and a . dll. How do I pass simple char- and int-arguments from the Java class to the helloworld-C-function?

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C Sharp :: How To Call Java Functions

Dec 24, 2014

We had few functions which were written in Java, and we are now moving to C# .Net.

Instead of re-writing the code in .net, I want to know if there is any possibility to use those functions in .Net as is. (calling java functions).

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C++ :: Porting Some Java Code?

Jan 16, 2015

I have been poking around with some Java source code that I'd like to port to C++

Here is something I am trying to do

namespace AStar_NS { //...
class Node {
Node() {
f = 0;
g = 0;
h = 0;


Here I just want to compile the code pile and want to know what will be going on inside the debugger later on.The IDE didn't work that much. If I put AStar_NS::Node inside the TimeAStar_NS::Node's methods, the compiler will get confused. If I put TimeAStar_NS::Node there, the code also never compiles.

There are many types of nodes and transitions inside the Java code, so I can't even identify which is which inside the IDE even with IDE. There are many types of namespaces (as I create them to try to pull the code apart in order to comprehend them) And I can't reduce the compile errors down until 20 errors.

(The code is way too complicated, I can't even analyze it, I have to reply on the debugger) I want to know if Node inside the methods should be an instance of TimeAStar_NS::Node or AStar::Node or others. Should I create a more generic type of Nodes and Transitions above AStar_NS::Node and TimeAStar::Node. I know C++ and Java are quite different and difficult to port sometimes.

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C++ :: How To Open A Java Layout From Archive

Mar 14, 2014

I want to open a .xml layout in my Android project from a .cpp archive.

How can I do it?

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C/C++ :: Java Object Equivalent Syntax

Mar 8, 2014

Is there similar syntax in c++ that acts like and Object in java?

E.g. :

public void foo(Object someObject){
if(someObject instanceof someClass) {

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Visual C++ :: GetPixel Won't Pull From Java Programs?

Jun 4, 2013

I'm building a simple little program for minecraft to reduce the repetitiveness, I'm using getpixel, it's slow, but i only need to grab about 6-12 pixels.

but the problem is, I can get the pixel data if I capture from the entire desktop display, but as soon as I tell it to grab from the active window (wich goes MUCH faster) it doesn't return any colour value's.

I'd rather not have to use getDIBits or program in java or anything since I want to keep it fairly kiss, and if it can't be done, then.. ah well, I'll just grab from the entire desktop, speed isn't to much of an issue, but it'll be a pain to keep the window at the same place.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// vvv Ignore this, it's just used for retrieving the handle of a window without giving the full window name vvvv
struct results {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Java Access Bridge Installation

Sep 26, 2012

I tried installing Java Accesss Bridge for a few hours now. But with no success. The installer from ORACLE does not work (rolls back at the end without error message). Many tries of patching some libs together failed.

What do I need for an application that makes use of JAB. Do I really need some sort of installation or can I simply put some headers and libs together?

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C++ :: How To Call Class Method / Function From HXX File In CPP File

Feb 11, 2014

How do I call a class method which is defined in a .hxx file separately to a .cpp file? Is it any different from how we normally do it (using the scope resolution operator after the class name and then the method name with parameters) ?

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C++ :: Writing Some Classes Into A File

May 28, 2013

I want to write a program in cpp which will create a file and write some classes into it so that whenever i will execute that program i will have the auto generated file. How to do it....

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C++ :: Array Of Classes With Classes Inside

Oct 5, 2013

I have an array of (Student)classes created in Manager.h, which contains a new instance of class Name (name),(in Student.h)How would I go about accessing the SetFirstName method in Name.cpp if I was in a class Manager.cpp? I have tried using Students[i].name.SetFirstName("name");

// In Manager.h
class Manager


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C++ :: How To Call The Function In Different File

Sep 1, 2013

How to call the function in different file. 1 main and 5 function.

I'am not sure to create the function to call each by one in different file.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double FA;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Read Data From A File Then Store / Search And Display Using Classes And Arrays

Apr 12, 2013

A company uses two text files: one to store employees' details and another to log their sign in/out time.

The details file - called details.txt" has the following format: ID, Name, Date of Birth, SSN, Department, Position - separated by spaces.

An extract from the file looks like this:

10 alice 4/23/1972 123-45-6789 support assistant
3 bob 6/7/1980 111-12-1134 logistics manager
1 carol 10/2/1963 987-123-1143 admin ceo
2 dave 10/3/1974 902-22-8914 admin cfo
17 erin 6/13/1991 126-83-1942 technology supervisor
15 frank 2/22/1987 303-12-1122 logistics assistant

"timelog.txt" contains daily logs of when employees arrive and leave. It has the following format: ID, Date, Arrival Time, Departure Time - separated by spaces. An extract from the file looks like this:

10 2/11 0900 1700
3 2/11 0930 1730
1 2/11 1100 2000
2 2/11 1000 1530
17 2/11 0900 1700
10 2/12 1000 1830
3 2/12 0930 1730
1 2/12 1100 1900
2 2/12 1030 2000
17 2/12 0900 1700
15 2/12 1100 1600

I have to write a program that searches for specific records using some search parameter, and displays them. Ok first i have to read the data from the files and store them. this is what i have so far....

#include <iostream> //Accesses libaries for console input and output
#include <fstream> //Needed to access the fstream object to read files
#include <string> //Needed to access the string class
#include <cstdlib>

[Code] ....

I know my class and array code is totally wrong i dont know how to store the data for the info is in integer and string form... do i use strings, arrays?

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C/C++ :: Linker Error Unable To Open File Classes In TurboC 7 By Akki

Apr 5, 2014

#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>  
void main() {  
    int gd = DETECT, gm = DETECT, s, dx, dy, m, x1, y1, x2, y2;
    float xi, yi, x, y;  

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Call Only Those Functions Whose Names Are Written In Disk File

May 26, 2013

Here is a working C++ program and its output that reads the names of a certain number of functions whose names are written in a disk file that provides the control parameters in a near-real time fashion. Based on this information, the program calls those functions whose names were given in this text file as parameters. The method I have used is to build a map of functions that connects the names of the functions to the actual functions. Once this map is created, then it is very easy to iterate in such a way that only those selected functions are called.

So far this is working well, and it makes the logic of the code easier because ultimately there will be a large inventory of functions (probably hundreds of functions), and this way of pre-building a map of functions avoids writing hundreds of if statements in the code. Of course, pre-building this reusable map in the background is still equivalent to writing that many if statements, but at least it makes the code very compact and much more automatic, since it is done only once.

But I now have a related question: In this case (when the selected subset of functions to call is given as incoming data as in this example), does C++ make it possible to avoid using maps of functions, by directly applying the string variable that holds the name of the function in order to call the original function immediately For instance, if a string variable s = "MyFunction", then is there a more direct way of using this string as if it were the actual function whose name is spelled exactly in that way? This would make the code even more compact.

Here is the sample test code for the map of functions, and its output:

First of all here is the text file "FileForNamesOfFunctions.TXT" that contains the part of the "data", which is the set of functions select from from the inventory and only call these:

function5 And here is the C++ code that uses this "data":

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Call Text File In Input Overload Operator?

Nov 12, 2013

i am doing some practice problems and i can't seem to figure out how to do this. basically we have a students number of test scores, then the name followed by the scores they have in a text file. Then we have to make a class with a constructor, copy constructor, destructor, and overload the = operator and the input and output operator. Are we suppose to call the text file in the input overload operator?

Here is what i have so far.

This is my header file.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class StudentTestScores{
string studentName;


i am 100% sure the overloading the input is wrong

here is the implementation of the constructor copy constructor and desctructor

#include <iostream>
#include "StudentTestScores.h"
using namespace std;
StudentTestScores::StudentTestScores(string name = "", int numScores = 0)
studentName = name;
numTestScores = numScores;
if (numScores <= 0)
testScores = NULL;


and here is the notepad file

Justin Bieber491.469.184.681.081.5
Miley Cyrus380.
Kim K490.575.661.481.677.2

The program is suppose to use all the information and read from the notepad and output the exact things as the notepad file

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C :: Correct Way To Call A Function Within Main That Has File Pointer Parameters?

Mar 16, 2013

What would be the correct way to call a function within main that has file pointer parameters?

function prototype: Code: void CalculateBoth(int num1, int num2, int*sumPtr, int *diffPtr);

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C/C++ :: Read From File / Assign As String And Call Function As Argument

Oct 29, 2014

I try to use passing function as argument but I'm stuck. I have two questions: First, I try to call uppercase and open .txt in tfm Second, How can I read characters from in.txt as string and assign to char content[] ?

#include <stdio.h>
void tfm( char str_filename[], void(*pf_convertion)( char content[]));
void uppercase(char content[]); //converts all letters to uppercase
int main(){
tfm("in.txt", uppercase);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Creating Loop To Call In Entries From Text File Named Set

Jul 14, 2013

I am trying to create a loop to call in the entries from the text file named Set. The entries of Set.txtare :

1 2 3
2 4 5
and so on .. (64 such combinations)[/CODE]

It basically means the first combination for testing is 1 2 3 and next has to be 2 4 5 and so i have 64 such entries defined in set

My test files are located in D://data// and are named tst_data1 to tst_data64.

I created a loop for test set but its incorrect

// loop for test samples
char basefilename[] = "D://data//";
char , testFilen[160], numiChar[10];

for (int i=1; i<=64; i++) {
strcpy(basefilenme, "D://data//");
strcat(testfilename, Set[]);

[Code] .....

How can i call the Set .txt and how to define it.

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C++ :: Call To Member Function X Is Ambiguous - Overloaded Member From Header File

Feb 23, 2014

I get the following error in XCode whenever I try to access the member I created 'randomGen' in a separate class in a different header file. I have made sure to include the header file and have tried to access it through an object.

This is the code I enter when trying to access the method from randomiser.h in main.cpp. It is also an overloaded function with doubles and integers:

RandomG randomiser;
randomiser.randomGen(); // 'Call to member function 'randomGen' is ambiguous'

This is the code inside randomiser.h:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class RandomG {

[Code] ....

This is the error inside xcode: [URL] ....

I have tried seperating the code for the functions in another class (main.cpp) and then running and it seems to works, so I'm not sure why I can't put everything in the .h file and then access it?

I would like it in a seperate file so it doesn't clutter my main. I am writing a game with SDL so that might be confusing and I would like the window to have a random title and other random properties, so it would be easier to use a function.

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C++ :: What Is Function Call Overhead And Function Call Stack

Apr 25, 2014

What is Function call Overhead and Function Call Stack?

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C++ :: How Do Two Classes Interact With Each Other

Aug 26, 2013

I want to know that how objects of two different classes interact with each other???

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C++ :: How To Know If Classes In Program Are Being Used

Aug 13, 2014

In this program the intention is to create a menu driven program for a pizza restaurant. I have to use a class called Pizza and have to include at least three public functions; one is called SetSize, another one is called Display, and the last one is called ComputePrice. A small pizza is worth $10, a medium is $14, and a large is $17. Each topping is worth 2 dollars. I know that the program runs correctly, but I have doubts over the classes and function actually being utilized correctly or at all.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class Pizza {

int size;
int style;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Using Multiset With Classes?

Oct 23, 2013

I'm trying to use multiset with a user defined class "edge". I'm trying to use the multiset as a priority queue, and I've created a "less<edge>" via operator<() overloading.

For some reason, I cannot insert edges into the multiset.

I understand that I might also have to create an "allocator". I got some ideas for creating it at [URL], but still don't know how to define size_type and difference_type.

Attached is my skeleton code, running on Windows 7 (32-bit), under Netbeans IDE, using Cygwin g++ 4.7.3.

How can I get this to work? What is important is that I get a priority queue working with my edges, prioritized by the weight.

#include <iostream>
#include <set> // for multiset
using namespace std; // assume std libraries (i.e. std::XXX)
class edge { // node, weight pair


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C++ :: Derived Classes From DLL

May 5, 2013

I've created a base DLL for all my future DLL's, a way of getting version numbers and such and that compiles fine, but I can't add it into a class for a new DLL. All the headers do have an appropriate cpp to define the function declarations (and they compile fine).

All for the base DLL I have:



#pragma once
#include <vector>
#define DLLEXPORT 1
#define DLLIMPORT 2

[Code] .....

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C# :: Can Use Variables From Other Classes

Feb 23, 2014

im creating an address book. One address book contains a ListBox, New User button, Edit User and Remove User button. The first form is suppose to allow you to view the users you've created on the ListBox and you can decide whether you want to remove it, create a new one or simply edit the user. Now The second form simply contains labels and textbox along with a save button. I'm having a bit of issue figuring out the ListBox. I want to be able to create a user and have the user be posted on the ListBox. I read that i must instantiate listbox then simply add it. Now on my form2 i have a for loop that loops through an Array of String were all the users will be created on. How can i call that array of string on to the form1?

Form 1:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;


EDIT:I just figured out that to call a variable from one form to another you simply instantiate the form then simply call it. PS. must be set to public:

ListBox1 createUser = new ListBox1();

why doesnt it show the windows when i run without debugging?

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