C++ :: Reset Range Based For Loop

Apr 23, 2014

In the traditional for loop, you could make the loop start again by resetting the int value

for (int i = 0; i < 10: ++i){
//Do something
i =0;

Then it would start the loop again. However I can not seem to find a way to do this with the range based for loop. Is there anyway to force a range based for loop to start from, i = 0 ?

for(const auto &i : vec){
//Do something
//Restart for loop

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C++ :: Range Based For Loop In GCC 4.6.3

Apr 10, 2013

I would like to try out a range based for loop. I am using gcc 4.6.3. According to the link below, gcc 4.6.3 should allow me to use a range based for loop.


However when attempting to run the code below, my IDE (Eclipse) reports the following error:

"error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the upcoming ISO C++ standard, C++0x. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x compiler options:

int a[5] ={1,2,3,4,5};
for (int x : a) {

If gcc 4.6.3 supports range based for loops why do I get this error?

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C++ :: Range Based For Loops

Feb 16, 2014

In Particular:

N3337 wrote:86) this ensures that a top-level comma operator cannot be reinterpreted as a delimiter between init-declarators in the declaration of __range.

What in the world would be a valid example of when this might occur? (IE one that isn't blatantly misusing the quirks of the language).

This topic can also serve as a review topic on this presentation as well: [URL] .....

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C++ :: Range Based For Loops?

Aug 7, 2014

explain Range based for loops ?

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C++ :: Range-based Looping Over Container Of References?

Mar 6, 2015

Is it possible to create a class that stores (non-const) references to some objects and enables users direct access by using range-based for loops on them?

Code: class container {
void add(int& value);
void remove(int& value);
int main()
container c;
for (auto& value:c) {
// `value' should be accessible as type `int&' instead of being a pointer, `std::reference_wrapper<int>' or something like that

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C :: Determine How Many Numbers In A Range Are Divisible By Third - Loop

Mar 1, 2013

I've pretty much finished the entire program, except for the actual calculation part.

"Given a range of values determine how many integers within that range, including the end points, are multiples of a third value entered by the user. The user should be permitted to enter as many of these third values as desired and your output will be the sum of total multiples found."

I've defined functions to take user input for the low range, high range and a do-while loop to take as many third inputs as the user wants (terminated by entering -1, as requested by the question)

To actually calculate if they're divisible, I found out that if A%B = 0, then they are divisible, so I thought I would create a loop where each value in the range between A and B is checked against the third value to see if they output a zero.

What I need to end up with is a program that tells the user how many integers are divisible by the numbers in the range, i.e: "Enter the low range value: 335 Enter the high range value: 475 Enter a value to check within the range: 17 Enter a value to check within the range: -1 There are 8 total values that are divisible by the numbers in the range." Going back to my original question, how would I create a loop or something to "check" how many values are equal to zero, and consequently increment a variable for each instance? (This is how I think it should be done)


#include <stdio.h>
int getlowR();
int gethighR(int);


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C++ ::  String Subscript Out Of Range / For Loop Conditions All Look Good

Apr 4, 2014

Im having a problem with my sneaky hangman game I feel like im really close just getting an error I can't fix. When I run it, it says something like string subscript out of range when I goggled it. it says im searching past the bounds of what it should be or something.

Also a dictionary.txt file is needed to run the program

code: [URL]

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int guessesUsed = 0;
int wordlength;


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C :: Validation Loop - Displays Error Message When Input Is Outside The Range

May 14, 2013

I am trying to get this simple validation loop to work so that it only displays the error message when the input is outside the range 1-3. yet it always seems to display the message.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int Menu ();
int ValidInt(int , int );

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Loop In A Text-Based RPG

Feb 13, 2013

I am working on my first RPG. Nothing fancy so far... I haven't developed a story or anything, just trying to get the gameplay hammered out. Anyway, I have a couple of NPCs and Items and I was wondering how I should program these interactive spots. I'm unsure whether I should loop the Room info or continue forward with if statements. With Items, I want to prevent the player trying to use the option to get the item again (after you pick up the item, the option is gone. Here are a couple examples of where I have the problem

else if(playerloc == 3)
cout << "There is a hooded figure in the corner. "
<< "The person waves you over.


What I want to do after the character interaction is complete is continue forward with the option to go south or east. I could return to the room menu, or continue by coding forward and allow the option to go east or south with more if-else-if chains..

In the next bit, I want to program the item to be picked up and then the treasure chest will be empty.

else if(playerloc == 5)
cout << "There is a treasure chest in the Northwest corner of this room.


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C :: How To Repeat A Loop Based On Number Inputted By User

Oct 21, 2014

How can i repeat a loop based on the number inputted by the user?

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C++ :: How To Control Speed At Which A Loop Loops Based On Outside Variable

Feb 20, 2015

I'm using an animation program. In this program I've simulated a particle system. The particles are flying around at different and varying speeds. I've attached birds to the particles and I want to be able to control each bird's flapping animation based on its velocity; so birds moving faster will be flapping faster.

Initially, the bird's flapping animation is controlled by a parameter that goes from 0 to 100%. So not only do I need to drive the speed at which the animation goes from 0 to 100%, I need to set it on a loop so once it reaches 100%, it loops back to 0%. I'm extremely new to code so I don't think it would be wise for me to even provide a jumping off point, not that I could.

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C++ :: Write Interactive Text Based Menu Interface (using A Loop)

Sep 27, 2013

Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop) that will allow the user to

Enter a task or assignment Display all of the tasks that are in the file Find a task by Course Quit For each task, you need to keep track of:

Course Name that it is for (e.g., CS162)
Description of the assignment (e.g., Finish Lab 2)
Due date (e.g., 9/26/2009)

Allow the program to keep looping until user wants to quit. When the program starts, it should load the tasks from external file ("tasks.txt") into memory. When user enters the three items of a task, the program needs to read them in, save them in memory and eventually write them to the external data file ("tasks.txt"). The file format could look like: (The ';' is used as a delimiter or field seperator.)

Some Implementation Requirements:

Write at least four functions WITH arguments for this assignment. Use struct named Task to model task Use array of structs to model the collection of tasks. Hint: In this assignment, the description and course name may have multiple words in it. Therefore, you now SHOULD read using the 3 argument version of get. Watch out. When using the 3 argument version of get you need to make sure to remove the delimiter or newline. Therefore, anytime you read (even a confirmation message), make sure to eat the newline! Make sure to have a delimiter written between each item in the file – like a newline. This will be important when you read the information back from the file.

This is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
int main()
char cname[25],desc[20];


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C# :: How To Reset Dictionary

Apr 17, 2014

How to reset/clear dictionary?

I've already tried:

var keysToRemove = new List<string>();
foreach (var e in someList)
foreach (var key in keysToRemove)

And keep getting the error: An item with the same key has already been added. I'm using VS 2012.

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C# :: Counter Won't Reset To 0

Jul 30, 2014

int counter won't reset to 0 when I click the start over button.

protected void startOverButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
gameOverLabel.Visible = false;


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C/C++ :: How To Reset A Timer

Apr 12, 2012

Im trying to make a reaction game. I have a grafic that comes up, and the timer starts and when i hit the grafic the timer stops. But my problem is that the Timer doesn't reset.

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C/C++ :: Moving N Disks - How To Get Number To Reset To Zero

Apr 6, 2014

I need the number of moves to reset to zero every time because right now when when i enter the next number of disks the moves from before are added to the new set of moves. Here is my output

how many disk are you going to start with? 2

It will take 3 moves
how many disk are you going to start with? 2

It will take 6 moves
how many disk are you going to start with? 2

It will take 9 moves
how many disk are you going to start with? 2

It will take 12 moves
how many disk are you going to start with?

the number of moves for 2 disks should be 3 but as u can see every time i enter 2 disks it just adds to the last number of moves how can i fix this ?

//Purpose: Recursively solve the tower of hanoi problem, moving n disks from A to C.

using namespace std;
double number;
void move(int,char,char,char);
//function prototype

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Quiz Show Game - Reset File To Original

Apr 7, 2015

I've been taking a C++ class, and for a project we need to do, we have to create a simple quiz show game while putting the high scores and names inside a .txt file. We have lessons we can look at to complete it while learning. But at the end there's always a challenge that we should complete to show that we've actually learned the information. For the challenge, we needed to take the information in the .txt file and reset it to its original information. So say there's 5 people preset that have high scores, then a person plays the game and the program asks if they'd like to reset the list. If the user inputted 'y' or any key that needed to be pressed, the program would reset the .txt to its original information.

This is the code that creates the program.

// Include Libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
// Include standard namespace
using namespace std;
// Declare Global Variables
int Guess;
int Winnings;

[Code] ....

It works how I need it to and there aren't any problems, necessarily, but I want to know if there's any, more efficient, ways of completing this task. Like if there's any already made function of resetting a file.

This is the code that resets the file. As you can see, it just uses the information earlier in the code inside the if statement. Is there any pre-made function or method of resetting a file?

cout << "Would you like to reset the high scores list? (y or n): ";
cin >> ask;

if (ask == 'y')
High_Score[0] = 25000;
High_Score[1] = 12000;
High_Score[2] = 7500;
High_Score[3] = 4000;
High_Score[4] = 2000;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Random Numbers Are Not In Specified Range

Nov 9, 2014

My program behaves weird... I wanted to generate 10 random numbers from 1 to 100 each of them bigger than previous, using the while loop and function that returns a random number in specified range.

When I run the program, I get numbers much bigger than 100, even negative number, and numbers are same every time I run the program.

#include <ctime>#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int range(int low, int high);

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Calculate Range Of Values

Nov 23, 2013

What the range of values ​​and how to calculate them?

int Num = rand() % 350 + 13 / 10

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C++ :: Random Values Between A Range?

Apr 14, 2013

i have to find 2 random values between a range, lets say from 0-3 i have to find all the possible combinations between this range like (0,0),(0,1)...etc But, it has to be RANDOM and the same combination cannot repeat it self(obviously).

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C++ :: Prime Numbers In A Given Range

Feb 17, 2013

I have an assignment where I have to use two for loops. I need to ask the user for any two numbers and be able to list all the numbers in between and their factors and state whether or not the number is prime or not.

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C++ :: String Subscript Out Of Range

Nov 3, 2013

I've been debugging this program since yesterday and I continue to run into a string subscript error. I pasted the code in a pastebin (it's only 400 lines), to see why I'm getting this. The problem seems to come up during a debug assertion failure.

[URL] ....

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C++ ::  String Subscript Out Of Range

Feb 26, 2014

whenever I try to use either <string> or any STL container. Everyone I saw so far, says that "using a .reserve(n)" before adding items to random positions is enough. However, each time I run the code, I still get the same error, unless I actually write the memory with some initial data, and only after access random positions.I am fully aware of the fact that the STL containers and <string> are dynamic data types and memory allocation is done dynamically. However, if I need to allocate all those memory slots before knowing how many I need, would lead me to the same memory complexity as using a char [] array (which is static -- size declaration at first).

how is it possible to keep the <string> dynamic, while being able to add elements on random positions (if possible). I know the strings have the ending char '', but there should still be something that would allow it to work. Okay, long story short, here is my example. I am trying to read from file rows of data. The first char on each row represents a normal char c. The rest of the row is a string which contains numbers (integers between 1 and 250) which represent the position at which the char c (read before) will have its location.

For example the input file:

#include <fstream>
#include <deque> // for later use
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm> // for later use


The program works perfectly, if instead of text.reserve(250); I use text.resize(250);. However, what is the difference between the two? I mean, why isn't reserve enough?

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C++ :: Vector Subscript Out Of Range?

Aug 18, 2014

I keep getting this "Debug Assertion Failed" error that says:

expression: vector subscript out of range

I tried to make the loop the same as the vector size, but I'm still getting the same errors.

void Grid::output(ostream & out) {
vector<vector<int>> grid(4);
int rows, columns;
out << " 0 1 2 3 " << endl;
out << " +---------+" << endl;
for( rows=0; rows<grid.size(); ++rows ) // make each row


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C++ :: Range Check Is Not Occurring?

Feb 23, 2015

In my program I have a range check setup in the class I call from main, but when I run it and put in a value > or < than the min/max it just calculates anyway. Where have I made a mistake?

Heres the Main

#include "box_class.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double length;
double width;
double height;
double volume;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Vector Comparison Out Of Range?

Jul 31, 2013

I'm making a simple game and I'm having trouble creating boundaries for the players movements. The map is a 2D vector. When I compare the vector with the players current position sometimes I get an error during run. When the error isn't occurring the behavior of the boundaries is bizarre. The error tells me that the vector is out of range.

Here is the where the map is created. It's within its own class constructor.

vector< vector<char> > map_parts;
for ( int i = 0; i < 25; i++ )


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