C :: Reading Three Digits At A Time As One Number In Long String Of Numbers

Nov 29, 2013

How can I read a file that contains numbers only, but read it by three digits at a time? I have a long string of numbers and every three digits corresponds to a particular number in itself. i.e. a string of 064045154 would need to be read as '064' '045' and '154'. I need to then subtract one from each of these numbers and the new values I need to convert into their ASCII characters and place these in a new file. This is what I have (focusing on the 'Decrypt' function) but all it does is in the new file place a string of the same character repeated over and over a total number of times equal to the number of integers in the numbers file.


#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "limits.h"
int Encrypt(char * FILENAME)


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C/C++ :: Count Number Of Digits In Long Variable - While Loop

Aug 3, 2014

So I have been given and as part of the solution I need to count the number of digits in a long long variable. To do this I use a while loop, but it is behaving strangely. Here is the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void) {
printf("What is the card number?");
long long card = GetLongLong();
if(card <= 0)

[Code] .....

When I execute the program it asked for the number, but then nothing happens. Of course, my first instinct was that the program was caught in an infinite loop somehow, but could not figure out how. I commented out the while loop and the program completed (albeit returning the incorrect value), so I was further convinced that there was an infinite loop that I was not seeing. I ran the program throug gdb. Strangely, the program did not loop infinitely, instead it got to line 16 [while(card1 > 0] and then just stopped, it was not executing the next line of code at all.

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C++ :: Input Integer Then Output Both Individual Digits Of The Number And Sum Of Digits

Oct 11, 2014

My problem needs to prompt the user to input an integer and then outputs both the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits. An example would be entering 8030 and it spits out 8 0 3 0 as well as 8+0+3+0=11 and it needs to work with negative numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int base;

[Code] ....

Now I don't know if any of this is right a hint my professor gave us is that to get the fourth digit you would do base mod 10 and to get the first digit you do base divided 1000...


int power;
int counter=0;
int value=1;
cout << "Enter the power of 10 you want: ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Certain Numbers At A Time From Int File

Sep 15, 2013

I am reading certain int's at a time from one int number stored in a file. I'll explain. I am working on an ezpass project and basically I have to store an int in a file, and from that file, write a program that separates numbers into information.

For example:

the number 204601324 is stored in a file. I know how to open a file from terminal, but the issue is reading the individual numbers. The first number is weight class (2). My program has to display that number as the Variable "weightClass." how do I get it to do that? In addition, miles allowed is the number "0460." How do I get that number to display as the variable "oMiles?"

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C++ :: Reading String 2 Characters At A Time?

May 10, 2013

may i know how do i read a string 2 characters at a time?

lets say i have a for loop like this

for(int i=0;i<stringLen;i++)
for(int j=0;j<???;j++)
//insert code

what i want to do is i want to read a string 2 characters at a time and store them into a vector.

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C++ :: How To Make A Long Time Periods If / While Statement

Feb 8, 2014

I'm making a program that would run 24/7 and that could be run on multiple computers that are all running Windows (the program would be in the startup folder of the computer).

So I'm searching for 2 functions, one that would check if the program has been already launched on this computer and another one that would do a save every 24 hours. but for the second one I don't know what I should do because I think that a loop with sleep() would take too much power for the cpu

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Visual C++ :: Long Time Button Pressed Event - MFC

Feb 2, 2015

I Like to Open a Dialog When the Button Was Pressed for 5 seconds Continuously.

I'm using Windows 8 HP Tablet, Is MouseUp & MouseDown events suitable for this requirement.

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C/C++ :: Program To Find Number Of Digits In Number?

Aug 20, 2014

In the c pgm to find number of digits , if I am giving 001 as the input number ,why I am not getting the no. of digits as 3?

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C :: Program That Multiply Very Large Numbers (out Of Range Of Long Int)

Jan 10, 2014

I have to write a program, that multplicates very large numbers (out of range of long int). It's said that i need to use arrays and read the numbers as strings. My problem is to end function called "mnoz:, because i don't know how to sum the multiplicated values of arrays a and b.

#include "winbgi2.h"
#define roz 10000
char lan(char a[])

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Splitting Numbers Into Separate Digits

Dec 24, 2012

C++ program to accept a value and split it digit by digit and display in name

E.g.: 123

>one two three

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C++ :: Generating All Possible Numbers In Base V Of P Digits

Apr 23, 2012

I'm sure this is pretty simple, but any way to do this. Essentially if I have an array with P collumns and V^P rows, how can I fill in all the combinations, that is, essentially, all possible numbers in base V of P digits.

For example, for P=3 and V=2


Keep in mind that this is an 2 dimensional array, not an array of ints.

For P=4 and V=3.


Having this array generated, the rest of work for what I'm trying to develop is trivial

This is a code I've written that should do the trick, but for some reason it gives this error on compiling:

"main.cpp:65: error: invalid types `double[3][9][double]' for array subscript"

for(i=0;i<P;i++) {
for(j=0;j<pow(V,i);j++) {
for(k=0;k<V;k++) {
for(l=0;l<pow(V,(P-i-1));l++) {
a[i][(j*V*pow(V,P-i-1) + l + k*pow(V,P-i-1))];

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C/C++ :: How To Print A Huge Unsigned Long Int Number By Using Printf

Oct 29, 2012

Here is the code:

int unsigned long a,b;

suppose we input a very large number on a and b (no more than 1000 digit)

like a = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890

and b = 9876543210987654321098765432109876543210

it outputs 1, why is it?

It is probably the answer is too big, is there any way to show a*b?

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C++ :: Why The String Provided For Initialization Is Too Long

May 9, 2014

I'm not understanding why the string provided for initialization is too long?


int main()
char array[1] = "A";
return 0;

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C++ :: Converting String Into A Long Double

Mar 11, 2013

I have a problem with converting a C++ string into a long double. In order to do this, I used the function strtold, but the result I get is only the integral part, that is: if for example the input string is 12.476, I only get 12 as the converted long double value. This happens with atof too.

Here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
string test = "12.345";
long double test_longd = strtold(test.c_str(),NULL);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Converting String To Long And Then To Double

Jun 15, 2014

So I have problem with my code, I'm trying to convert string to long and then string to double, but I get this when I compile it:

terminating with uncaught exception of type std::invalid_argument: stod: no conversion

I was thinking if there is a way to do this without using (stol) or (stod)

Market::Market(string filename)
string line, word, date, stockprice;
long realdate;


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C++ :: Remove Digits In Number

Jul 18, 2013

I know how to remove digits in number from right to left.For example: the number 319. If I do (number /= 10), I get 31.how can I remove digits in number from left to right.For example: the number 319. If I will do something, I will get the number 19.

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C++ :: Reversing Five Digits Number

Mar 9, 2013

//Program to reverse 5 digit number

#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
int num, i = 0;
char rev[5];
printf("Enter any 5 digit number

[Code] ....

WHILE DISPLAYING i am not getting correct output. whats wrong in rev[] array.

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C :: How To Stop User From Inputting Negative Number Into Unsigned Long

Feb 3, 2013

here's one more thing id like to do to make the input even better able to handle user error, but im not sure if its possible or at least easy. I need the function to return a large positive number. As of right now, it can handle users entering characters, but what if the user enters a negative number? is there a way to check to see if what is coming in is negative before the sign gets lost in conversion to unsigned"ness"?

unsigned long getNum(char prompt[80])
unsigned long darts;
printf("%s", prompt);
while((scanf("%lu", &darts)) != 1)

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C++ :: How To Reverse Nibble In A Long Long Int Variable

Apr 1, 2015

I have a long long int k=0x0000888804eaad0e

And i need the reverse of this (nibble wise) in other long long int variable.

That is i want the result to be = q=0x0000e0daae408888;

Or the result also can be like this = q=0xe0daae4088880000;

How to accomplish the above?

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C :: Input Number - How To Store 500 Digits

Oct 30, 2013

"Every number has at most 500 digits" under input. 500? How am I supposed to store that? And what if someone multiplies 999 ...(500 times) * 999 ... (500 times) ? I seriously doubt that my computer can store that! Is that just some huge value used to scare people off or is there some sneaky trick that I am unaware of?

I am done with the program, but won't post it, Lets not ruin the fum for ohers...Does that 500 limit also applies to result of operation?So max length of an input number is ~22 digits ? But still, how do I store 500 digits? Array would be a lot of wastage of memory (though I do have 256MB available).

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C++ :: All Possible Combinations For 4 Digits From A 5 Digit Number

Jun 23, 2014

How to get all the possible combinations for 4 digits from a 5 digit number. I need a pair that has both 5 digits and four digits. their sum must be equal to a five digit user input. i.e.

user input : 14690
14690 has pairs 12345 + 2345
2345 came from 12345
lets say that x = 12345 and y =2345
besides y == x%10000

other formula can i have since if i use % and / i will have a lot of declarations....

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C++ :: Printing Permutations Of Digits Of A Number?

Feb 8, 2013

I have been trying to write a recursive function to print the permutations of a n-digit number. This is the logic that i am trying to use.

1.call the permutation function,

2.keep the first digit in the first place and send the remaining 2 digits back to the permutation function recursively.

3.keep one of the two digits received and send the remaining digit to the permute function.

4. keep doing this till only one digit remains. this is the smallest solution so return it.

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C++ :: Storing Different Digits Of A Number Into Array Of Int

Oct 9, 2013

The aim is : If i have a natural number [max 5 digits] (say) n=13579. Then a[4]=1, a[3]=3, a[2]=5. a[1]=7. a[0]=9.

I start with a[4]= n/10000 .. then n= n - a[4]*10000;

then a[3]= n/1000. .. n= n - a[3]*1000;

i.e a[i]= n/10^i .... n= n - a[i]*10^i;

To reduce code size i used a for loop. The code is free from any syntax errors.

Its the "output" that is weird. I enter 13579 and what the program process is:
a[4]=1 a[3]=3 a[2]=5 a[1]=8 a[0]=5

Same goes for other numbers too.. leaving the most significant digit , the rest digits are just out of the logic!!

I am using CodeBlocks 12.11 and compiler is GNU GCC compiler.

Here is the output window: [URL] ....

Here is the code:

using namespace std;
int main() {
int n,a[5],i,t,dec,divisor; // n: storing number; t: copy of n,

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Count The Number Of Digits In A File

Jan 15, 2014

write a program that counts the number of digits in a file?

For example the file contains:

5 6 7 -8 9obvsefs
6 7 8i uhbnm
8 8

And the program returns: "The number of all digits is 10"

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C :: Function To Generate A Number - How To Find Same Digits

Nov 15, 2014

I use rand function to generate a number which consists of 3-5 digits(e.134,1435,73463..). The user decides whether he wants a 3 digit,4 digit or 5 digit number.After that,the user tries to guess the number.Its like mastermind game.The user will enter a number (with the same amount of digits) and the program will calculate how many digits from the secret number he has found and also how many digits he has found in the correct position(e.if the generatir produces the number 32541 and the user tries the number 49581 the program should tell him that he found 3 digits (5,1,4) and 2 digits in the correct position(5,1)) so that after some tries he finds the secret number.My problem is with the functions so that i can compare the digit of each number,find the amount of same digits and the amount of digits in same position.

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C :: Program That Reads Number Of Digits From File?

Jan 16, 2014

I've been working on a program that displays the number of digits in each line of a file, but I feel stuck. Take for example a file that contains these characters:


And I'm trying to display a result like this

1 //that's the number of the line 5 //the number of digits
2 2
3 6
4 1
5 3

Here's what I've written so far:

int main() {
char a=0;
int number_of_digits=0, linescount=0, num, number_of_digits_per_line=0;
FILE *inputFile;


I also thought of using fgets and strlen but I am not very good with them and couldn't get the program to work correctly. It did work but it displayed all characters, letters included, not only digits.

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