C++ :: Generating All Possible Numbers In Base V Of P Digits

Apr 23, 2012

I'm sure this is pretty simple, but any way to do this. Essentially if I have an array with P collumns and V^P rows, how can I fill in all the combinations, that is, essentially, all possible numbers in base V of P digits.

For example, for P=3 and V=2


Keep in mind that this is an 2 dimensional array, not an array of ints.

For P=4 and V=3.


Having this array generated, the rest of work for what I'm trying to develop is trivial

This is a code I've written that should do the trick, but for some reason it gives this error on compiling:

"main.cpp:65: error: invalid types `double[3][9][double]' for array subscript"

for(i=0;i<P;i++) {
for(j=0;j<pow(V,i);j++) {
for(k=0;k<V;k++) {
for(l=0;l<pow(V,(P-i-1));l++) {
a[i][(j*V*pow(V,P-i-1) + l + k*pow(V,P-i-1))];

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C :: Generating Random Numbers

Oct 19, 2014

I have a program that generates random numbers. After the random number is generated, the program asks if you want to generate another random number. However, if you generate another random number, it is always the same as the first random number. How can I fix this?

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C++ :: Generating Big Random Numbers In C

Feb 16, 2013

I want to generate big random numbers in C(not C++ please).By "big" I mean integers much bigger than srand(time(NULL)) and rand() functions' limit(32767).

I tried writing: (note:I am not able to see "code" tag button in this editor,so I am not using it)

int randomnumber;
srand( time(NULL) );
randomnumber = (( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33) * ( rand() * 33) * (rand() % 33 )) + 1

But I have doubts about it's randomness quality.Also there is another problem,the program can't know the maximum random number it should use before user input,so maximum random number may need to use much smaller maximum random number according to user input.

Is there a better algorithm to create big random numbers in C?

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C++ :: Generating Big Random Numbers In C

Feb 15, 2013

I want to generate big random numbers in C(not C++).By "big" I mean integers much bigger than srand(time(NULL)) and rand() functions' limit(32767).

I tried writing: (note:I am not able to see "code" tag button in this editor,so I am not using it)

int randomnumber;
srand( time(NULL) );
randomnumber = (( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33 ) * ( rand() % 33) * ( rand() * 33) * (rand() % 33 )) + 1

But I have doubts about it's randomness quality.Also there is another problem,the program can't know the maximum random number it should use before user input,so maximum random number may need to use much smaller maximum random number according to user input.

Is there a better algorithm to create quality big random numbers in C?

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C++ :: Generating Random Numbers In Parallel

Nov 8, 2013

I generate a series of random numbers in parallel (using OpenMP), but depending on what number of threads I invoke, I get a different result. From that I conclude that I have made an error somewhere!

Here is the MWE, which generates a number between 0..1 and increments a variable if the generated variable is larger than 0.5:

#include <random>
typedef std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distr_uni;
#define max_threads 1
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

When I set max_threads=1 I get 50027, but when max_threads=60 (on a machine that supports it....) I get 50440.

The sensitive RNG and its engine I have declared within the parallelized area, so it's not really clear to me where the error can possibly be.

Looking for error that is apparently there?

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C :: Generating Random Numbers Without Repeating?

Sep 20, 2014

Inside my loop is this


So it will generate numbers again and again as the loop goes on but it always repeat some numbers. My question is, how would you generate numbers without repeating? Somebody told me that i have to use auto increment, but i really have no idea about that.

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C++ :: Program That Keeps Generating Two Random Numbers Between 1 And 10

May 6, 2013

#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {

[Code] ....

Write a program that keeps generating two random numbers between 1 and 10 and asks the user for the product of the two numbers, e.g.: "What is 4 x 6?". If the user answers correctly, the program responds with "Right!"; otherwise, it displays: Wrong! 4 x 6 = 24.

Generate as many pairs of numbers as specified and get the answers from the user for each. If at any time, both numbers are the same as last time, generate two new numbers before asking for the answer. Continue generating 2 new numbers until at least one is different from last time.

After presenting the number of pairs of numbers specified and getting the answers, display how many the user got right; e.g.: You got 4 of 5 right. Then, ask if he or she wants to play again, like so: "Do you want to play again? [y/n]". If the user answers with 'y' or 'Y', it again reads the number of questions to ask and generates that many pairs of numbers and reads the answers like before. If the answer is n or N, it quits generating numbers. If the answer is anything but y, Y, n or N, it tells the user to enter one of those letters until it is.

When the user decides to quit and has got less than 75% of all the questions right, the program displays the multiplication table (1x1 through 10x10) before terminating.

After displaying the table, randomly generate two numbers between 1 and 10, display their product and first number and ask the user to guess the second as more practice. For example, the program will generate 7 and 9 and will display 63 and 7 and the user must guess the second number (i.e.: 9). Do this 3 times. Do not repeat code. Use a loop to do this 3 times.

Use a nested for loop to display the table; a bunch of cout statements will not be acceptable. You must also use a loop for any part that calls for repetition such as generating 5 pairs of numbers.

The following is a sample interaction between the user and the program:

Enter the number of questions to ask: 5

1. What is 3 x 9? 27

2. What is 2 x 7? 14

3. What is 8 x 9? 63
Wrong! 8 x 9 = 72

4. What is 6 x 3? 21
Wrong! 6 x 3 = 18

5. What is 2 x 9? 18

You got 3 out of 5 right which is 60%.

Play agian? [y/n] n

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C++ :: Generating Sums Of Random Numbers

Sep 19, 2014

I'm trying to create a code that generates random numbers and spits out a sum average and lowest and highest number. I am stuck on the sum however and once I get that I think the average will fall into place. Here's what I have.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

I've noticed that it's almost always off by 1 or 3 for whatever reason

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C/C++ :: Checking Array And Generating Unique Numbers

Feb 11, 2014

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish (it is a rather simple program): A classroom of students are to grade a certain number of other exams. The exams should be distributed equally and RANDOMLY, every student should receive the same number of exams, and no student should receive their own exam to grade. The only problem I have is to generate unique random exams for each student. Right now, I have it set to where each exam is distributed the same number of times, every student gets the same number of exams to grade, and no one gets there own. However, I don't have any parameters that prevent one student from getting the same exam multiple time.

Here is an example output:

Student 1 will grade: 4 3 2 5 <- CORRECT OUTPUT (no exam appears more than once)
Student 2 will grade: 5 5 5 1 <- exam 5 appears three times
Student 3 will grade: 4 2 2 2 <- exam 2 appears three times
Student 4 will grade: 3 3 1 1 <- exams 3 and 1 each appear twice
Student 5 will grade: 1 3 4 4 <- exam 4 appears twice
(each exam appears four times and every student is assigned four exams. no one gets their own)

Here is my code (area of problem is close to the bottom):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void create_class (int);
int main (void) {

[Code] ....

I tried keeping the exams for each student in the array exam and then checking each one every time I generate a number, but that didn't work.

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C# :: Generating Unique Random Numbers In The Range

Apr 28, 2014

We had to generate random, unique numbers in the range [1,15]. But running the program for several times showed a bug: It wouldn't always generate a new number for every repeated number. I can't figure out the problem, especially since it works half the time and I can't figure out what's making it work some times and not others.

bool flag1 = true, flag2 = true, flag3 = true;
int i, j = 1;
int[] A = new int[11];
Random rnd = new Random();
A[0] = rnd.Next(1, 15);
Console.WriteLine("1. = " + A[0]);

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Generating Lottery Numbers In Specified Range

Dec 4, 2012

Write a function named generateLotteryNumbers. The function is passed an int array of size 5. The function should generate 5 different lottery numbers in the range 1 to 50 inclusive and place the numbers in the array. The declaration is as follows:

void generateLotteryNumbers (int lotteryNumbers []);

Note that no data is passed in to the function. The array is used to return the function results. Thus the parameter is an OUT parameter. Do not display the result. Return the result.

Do not seed the random number generator inside the function. If you seed the random number generator inside the function and the function is called many times in the same second, your function will return the same results each time it is called.

I know how to generate the numbers in the specified range but I do not know how to test for duplicates. Here is the code I have so far:

//This program will test the "generateLotteryNumbers" function
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void generateLotteryNumbers (int lotteryNumbers[]);

[Code] ....

When I try to compile this, my compiler tells me that lines 41 and 46 require an array or pointer type.

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C++ :: Timer Function - Generating Seed For Random Numbers

Nov 14, 2014

for (int i=0; i<15; i++)

I want to the function of timer "srand(time(NULL))" to generate seed for random numbers. By running this for loop,I think I should expect random numbers ranging from 1 to 8.However, I get some wried numbers from the console window like 88,044,077,066,088,088,066,022,044,044,088,022,033,66814990522,-156026525933,1606416712. One more thing,I think I am going to have 15 outputs, but why I get 16 instead every time.

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C/C++ :: Splitting Numbers Into Separate Digits

Dec 24, 2012

C++ program to accept a value and split it digit by digit and display in name

E.g.: 123

>one two three

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C :: Reading Three Digits At A Time As One Number In Long String Of Numbers

Nov 29, 2013

How can I read a file that contains numbers only, but read it by three digits at a time? I have a long string of numbers and every three digits corresponds to a particular number in itself. i.e. a string of 064045154 would need to be read as '064' '045' and '154'. I need to then subtract one from each of these numbers and the new values I need to convert into their ASCII characters and place these in a new file. This is what I have (focusing on the 'Decrypt' function) but all it does is in the new file place a string of the same character repeated over and over a total number of times equal to the number of integers in the numbers file.


#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "limits.h"
int Encrypt(char * FILENAME)


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C++ :: Read Two Positive Integers That Are 20 Or Fewer Digits In Length And Output Sum Of Two Numbers

Apr 30, 2013

so basically my project goes like this:

Write a C++ program that reads in two positive integers that are 20 or fewer digits in length and outputs the sum of the two numbers.

Your program will read the digits as values of type char so that the number 1234 is read as four characters '1', '2', '3' and '4'. After they are read into the program, the characters are changed to values of type int. The digits will be read into a partially filled array and you might find it useful to reverse the order of the elements in the array after array is filled with data from the keyboard.

Your program will perform the addition by implementing the usual pencil and paper addition algorithm. The result of the addition is stored in an array of size 20 and the result is written to screen. if the result of the addition is an integer with more than maximum number of digits(that is more than 20 digits) then your program should issue a message saying that it has encountered "integer overflow".

You should be able to change the maximum length of the integers by changing only one globally defined constant. Include the loop that allows the user to continue to do more additions until the user says the program should end. What I have so far is

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void reverseArr(int a[], int liu);
void addLargeInt(int a1[], int liu1, int a2[], int liu2, int sum[], int& liu_sum);
int main() {


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C++ :: Input Integer Then Output Both Individual Digits Of The Number And Sum Of Digits

Oct 11, 2014

My problem needs to prompt the user to input an integer and then outputs both the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits. An example would be entering 8030 and it spits out 8 0 3 0 as well as 8+0+3+0=11 and it needs to work with negative numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int base;

[Code] ....

Now I don't know if any of this is right a hint my professor gave us is that to get the fourth digit you would do base mod 10 and to get the first digit you do base divided 1000...


int power;
int counter=0;
int value=1;
cout << "Enter the power of 10 you want: ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Convert Big Numbers To Other Base 64

Oct 2, 2014

I'm working on a program and I need to convert big numbers to radix 64. I would like to shorter them whit conversion that's why I choosed base 64. I have two problems:

1. The conversion works only for not so big numbers. Untill about 2^32. I would like to convert bigger numbers. Is there any solution? (I thought on GMP/MPIR library, but I can't managed it.)

2. The conversion back to decimal base doesn't works, because I use 'strtoul()' which doesn't support bigger bases like 36.

Is there any good method for that?

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C/C++ :: Adding Base-N Through Strings (between Base-2 And Base-36)

Feb 27, 2015

I just wanted to add strings in any base form (example 1101+100 = 10001 in base-2 but it could be added using any base-form like in base-3 to base-36) and I'm having a big trouble with my code because it gave me incorrect results.

addition(char st[], char st2[], int base){
int i, j, carry = 0, ans, len, o=0, z=1, l=0;
char final[50];
len = strlen(st);
len = strlen(st2);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Convert Base 10 To Base X Number Within String Of Characters

Apr 15, 2013

How would you convert say "238273615237287352536266362524382737272" base 10 to a base x number contained within a string of characters?

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C :: Algorithm To Convert From Any Base To Base 10 Decimal

Mar 25, 2013

I got this algorithm of conversion and now I'm stuck at how to code it.

"Algorithm to Convert From any Base to Base 10 Decimal."

Let 'n' be the number of digits in the number. For example, 104 has 3 digits, so 'n'=3.
Let 'b' be the base of the number. For example, 104 is decimal so 'b' = 10.
Let 's' be a running total, initially 0.

For each digit in the number, working left to right do:

Subtract 1 from 'n'.
Multiply the digit times b^n and add it to 's'.

When done with all the digits in the number, the decimal value should be 's' .

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C :: Need To Convert Base 10 Integer To Base 16

Mar 20, 2014

I need to convert an integer, for example 10, to its base 16 equivalent, 16. I found this code that converts a base 16 number to base 10, but I need the opposite. Plus, this code doesn't seem to work properly with input values under 32.


uint32_t input = 16;
uint8_t temp;
temp = ((input>>8)*100)|((input>>4)*10)|(input&0x0f);

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C++ :: Converting From Base 10 To Base 4

May 7, 2013

i am converting a base 10 number to base 4.

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C++ :: Converting Base N To Base M

Feb 8, 2013

I was wondering if there is a standard for converting something like this:

HELLO 27 to ?3

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C++ :: Program For Generating Subsets

Mar 9, 2013

I have this program for generating subsets, I need to run it with input n=23. It has been running for the past 5 hours, is it normal???

/*generate subsets */
int subsets(vector < bool > sub, int i)

if (i > n) {
return 0;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Generating Random Integers?

Jun 9, 2013

I'm creating a game in C++ and need to generate random numbers. I know about

int main()
srand(time(NULL)); //Initialises randomiser or sum' like that
int x=rand%10; //Generates from 0-9

Now, I need the best way to generate random numbers. Do I call "srand(time(NULL));" every time I want to randomise? What is the best method to generate a nearly perfect random number?

I may need to call a randomiser more than once a second, so taking second as seed (I believe that's what srand(time(NULL)); does).

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C :: Generating Histogram Of PGM Format Image

Jul 29, 2014

I need a C code for generating a Histogram with intensities at X-axis and number of pixels at Y-axis from a PGM format image.

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