C/C++ :: Splitting Numbers Into Separate Digits

Dec 24, 2012

C++ program to accept a value and split it digit by digit and display in name

E.g.: 123

>one two three

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C :: Splitting String Into Separate Characters Or Array

Feb 18, 2014

I have been looking everywhere, but the only place I have seen it done is Objective C. The Question: how do I split a string, input by the user, into an array of characters? No code shown because I know no commands that do this.

--Input by user as in fgets, or scanf().

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C++ :: Splitting Linked List Into Two Separate Lists

Feb 14, 2013

I've been given a ton of code (5 files worth) that does various things with a linked list. I'm supposed to add a function to split this list into two separate lists by testing whether or not each number is <,=, or > a certain element. I am completely lost and don't understand linked lists at all. I'm also a bit lost on pointers since it's been almost a year since I've looked at programming, but I could probably figure that out if I could just get this linked list thing down.

Here's my SplitLists function so far:

void UnsortedType::SplitLists () {
// Pointers for each new list
NodeType* list1Ptr;
NodeType* list2Ptr;

[Code] ....

In other places in the code, I have GetNextItem, ComparedTo, PutItem, and ResetList that were already given to me.

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C++ :: Separate Input Integer Into Its Individual Digits And Print

Apr 18, 2013

Write a full C++ program that inputs three-digit integer, separates the integer into its individual digits and prints the digits separated from one another. For example, if the user types 549, the program should print;

5 4 9

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C :: Separate Numbers Evenly Into 5 Arrays

Apr 7, 2013

I have a set range, say 10 to 100, and I'm trying to separate the numbers evenly into 5 arrays. So there are 90 numbers, how can I assign 10 - 27 to the first array and the next 18 numbers to the next array without creating separate loops for each one?

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C++ :: Generating All Possible Numbers In Base V Of P Digits

Apr 23, 2012

I'm sure this is pretty simple, but any way to do this. Essentially if I have an array with P collumns and V^P rows, how can I fill in all the combinations, that is, essentially, all possible numbers in base V of P digits.

For example, for P=3 and V=2


Keep in mind that this is an 2 dimensional array, not an array of ints.

For P=4 and V=3.


Having this array generated, the rest of work for what I'm trying to develop is trivial

This is a code I've written that should do the trick, but for some reason it gives this error on compiling:

"main.cpp:65: error: invalid types `double[3][9][double]' for array subscript"

for(i=0;i<P;i++) {
for(j=0;j<pow(V,i);j++) {
for(k=0;k<V;k++) {
for(l=0;l<pow(V,(P-i-1));l++) {
a[i][(j*V*pow(V,P-i-1) + l + k*pow(V,P-i-1))];

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C :: Read 15 Numbers And Display Each Number On Separate Line

Oct 21, 2014

Program to read in 15 numbers and display them as follows //each number on a separate line


# include <stdio.h>
# define MY_ARRAY 15
int main(){
int i ;
printf("please enter 15 numbers

[Code] ....

Error that i get from compiler:
Error E2062 array1.c 14: Invalid indirection in function main()
Error E2062 array1.c 19: Invalid indirection in function main()
both pointing to the separate "scanf"

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C :: Reading Three Digits At A Time As One Number In Long String Of Numbers

Nov 29, 2013

How can I read a file that contains numbers only, but read it by three digits at a time? I have a long string of numbers and every three digits corresponds to a particular number in itself. i.e. a string of 064045154 would need to be read as '064' '045' and '154'. I need to then subtract one from each of these numbers and the new values I need to convert into their ASCII characters and place these in a new file. This is what I have (focusing on the 'Decrypt' function) but all it does is in the new file place a string of the same character repeated over and over a total number of times equal to the number of integers in the numbers file.


#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "limits.h"
int Encrypt(char * FILENAME)


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C++ :: Read Two Positive Integers That Are 20 Or Fewer Digits In Length And Output Sum Of Two Numbers

Apr 30, 2013

so basically my project goes like this:

Write a C++ program that reads in two positive integers that are 20 or fewer digits in length and outputs the sum of the two numbers.

Your program will read the digits as values of type char so that the number 1234 is read as four characters '1', '2', '3' and '4'. After they are read into the program, the characters are changed to values of type int. The digits will be read into a partially filled array and you might find it useful to reverse the order of the elements in the array after array is filled with data from the keyboard.

Your program will perform the addition by implementing the usual pencil and paper addition algorithm. The result of the addition is stored in an array of size 20 and the result is written to screen. if the result of the addition is an integer with more than maximum number of digits(that is more than 20 digits) then your program should issue a message saying that it has encountered "integer overflow".

You should be able to change the maximum length of the integers by changing only one globally defined constant. Include the loop that allows the user to continue to do more additions until the user says the program should end. What I have so far is

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void reverseArr(int a[], int liu);
void addLargeInt(int a1[], int liu1, int a2[], int liu2, int sum[], int& liu_sum);
int main() {


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C++ :: Input Integer Then Output Both Individual Digits Of The Number And Sum Of Digits

Oct 11, 2014

My problem needs to prompt the user to input an integer and then outputs both the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits. An example would be entering 8030 and it spits out 8 0 3 0 as well as 8+0+3+0=11 and it needs to work with negative numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int base;

[Code] ....

Now I don't know if any of this is right a hint my professor gave us is that to get the fourth digit you would do base mod 10 and to get the first digit you do base divided 1000...


int power;
int counter=0;
int value=1;
cout << "Enter the power of 10 you want: ";

[Code] ....

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C :: Splitting 2D Array?

Nov 1, 2013

What is the simpliest way to split 2D array - for example - Split 9x9 2D array to - 3x3 2D arrays (squares).

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C++ :: Splitting Up A Mega String

Jun 7, 2014

I have been programming a lot in Java lately which made me forget a few things in C++. So I tried doing a few simple things. I am having a hard time splitting up a mega string of 6000 names. However I did break them apart as far as their appearance in the console. But I tested it by placing it into a vector and it is still a mega string.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class CalulateNames

[Code] ....

} I have tried using the following as well with no luck


I am hoping to finding something like in Java or the ability to handle it this way.

Code: line.split(",");

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C++ :: Splitting First And Last Names From String

Jan 15, 2013

The following code shows bad memory access error (segmentation fault) when I run it. It does this right after it asks for name and the user has entered it.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct Name {
string first;
string last;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Splitting Words Into Space?

Mar 18, 2015

My code

using namespace std;
string strip(string message) { //removing elements that is not A-Z or a-z
string stripped;
for(int x = 0; x < message.length(); x++) {


The output in my code shows like this:

[x] Exit
Enter choice: e
Enter message to Encrypted:
i love you
Enter Key:

The encrypted message is: tzjzpmjy

Back to main menu? (y/n):

However , I want the output to display the spaces as the user's input.

ex. The encrypted message is: t zjzp mjy.

This is the same as i love you in the user's input.

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C++ :: Splitting A String Into 2 Strings

Feb 18, 2014

i have an array of strings that i need to split into 2 different string.


string title = " "Rebecca" "Alfred Hitchcock" ";

so far all the data is in one string called title
//need to break them into 2 strings, title and director
// title should contain = Rebecca
// director should contain alfred hitchcock

which string fuctions can i use to split these 2 and remove the quotes???

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C++ :: Splitting In A Linked List Class

Mar 9, 2013

I'm trying to develop a program that stores a list of hw assignments in the form of "Date,Assignment name,grade". I have functions that add,remove, and delete from a list, but I would also like to search and delete a particular date found in the list. From here, split - Splitting a string in C++ - Stack Overflow I've tested Evan Teran's method to split a string, but I'm unsure of how to implement it in my code.

List.h Code: #ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class List{

[Code] .....

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C :: Splitting Dynamically Allocated 2D Arrays

Jun 24, 2014

I have the following dynamically allocated 2D array:


int num_rows = 100;
int num_cols = 3;
double **myArray= (double**)malloc( sizeof(double *) * num_rows);
for(i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
myArray[i] = (double*)malloc( sizeof(double) * num_cols);

After sorting the array based on the values in column 1,:


qsort(myArray, num_rows, sizeof(myArray[0]), comp_function);
int comp_function(const void* a, const void* b) {
double **p1 = (double**)a;
double **p2 = (double**)b;
double *arr1 = *p1;
double *arr2 = *p2;

return arr1[0] - arr2[0];

I need to split the array into two halves so that I can pass each separately into another function that accepts a type double ** pointer. What is the most efficient way of splitting the array? Is it possible to keep the original double ** pointer for the first half of the array and then assign a new double ** pointer to the second half of the array?

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C :: Splitting TXT File Items Into 2 Different Arrays

Oct 21, 2014

im new to programming and new to C, just started with arrays and im somewhat stucked, where i have a .txt file which contains items and prices. I want the items and the prices split into 2 different arrays

The .txt looks like that:

orange 0.89
banana 0.79
apple 0.59

I now want to split the items in a char items[100][100] and float prices[100]. how to split this, preferably with fscanf ?

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C :: Splitting String And Copying It Over To A Struct

Sep 26, 2013

I'm having trouble with this code. What I'm trying to do is to read a line from a file and cut that line into two pieces, one is the keyword and the other is the definition. I want to read up to when there is a dash and assign that line to key and then assign the rest of the line to def. After that I copy key to the struct DictEntries.key and def to DictEntries.def. The output of this shows only the definition for both DictEntries.key and DictEntries.def but if I use "puts(key);" I see the keyword.


char line[200];
char *key,*def;
key = strtok(line,"-");


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C++ :: Splitting Strings And Assigning Variables

Nov 19, 2013

My homework wants me to take an input that is "x1888.88" and assign the "x" to a char, the "1" to a char, and the "888.88" to a float. How i can do this? and the "888.88" part could be any length could be a single digit or multiple with a decimal.

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C++ :: Splitting Vectors And Counting Inputs

Feb 6, 2015

I have an assignment where we have to input this sample code and get the following results:

Please enter the vectors here:
1 2 3 4 2 s
You are not giving even number of inputs!

Please enter the vectors here:
1 2 3 2 4 4 s
The sample values are:
1 2 3
The frequencies are:
2 4 4
The discrete probability distribution is:
0.2 0.4 0.4
The mean is 2.2.
The variance is 0.56.

I got the part with the mean, variance , and probability distribution but i cannot split up user input into vectors for sample values and frequencies.

"1 2 3" are suppose to become sample values and "2 4 4" are suppose to become the frequencies.


I also wanted to know how to properly make the code so if there is an odd number of inputs the code outputs "You are not giving even number of inputs!". But if is an even number of inputs the code runs. To do this I have:

int main(int argc, char** argv){
float input = 1.0;
cout<<"Please enter vectors here:"

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Splitting A String And Storing Values Accordingly

Jun 4, 2014

With respect to below string, i need to split it and store the values accordingly as below,

P2P-DEVICE-FOUND fa:7b:7a:42:02:13 p2p_dev_addr=fa:7b:7a:42:02:13
pri_dev_type=1-0050F204-1 name='p2p-TEST1' config_methods=0x188 dev_capab=0x27 group_capab=0x0 wfd_dev_info=000006015d022a0032

dev_addr = fa:7b:7a:42:02:13
dev_type = 1-0050F204-1
dev_name = p2p-TEST1
config_method = 0x188
dev_capab = 0x27
group_capab = 0x0
dev_info = 000006015d022a0032

How to split it as above and store. I am new to c++

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C# :: Splitting Characters Within String Array

Sep 23, 2014

I have the following string array

string[] output= input.toArray();

each index has a set of two characters, for example:

output[0] has 'th', output[1] has 'is'

I want to take t and h and compare them or do anything with them, but it must be in pairs.

I tried foreach but I don't know if there is a way to compare the element with the next element .

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C/C++ :: Can Use Strtok For Splitting A String With A Certain Pattern

Oct 31, 2012

I have a string like "THIS::IS::THE:EXAMPLE::STRING"

I want to split the string to tokens based on "::".

The tokens should be:


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C :: Splitting A File Info Multiple Chunks

Apr 19, 2013

I have a tab separated file that consists of 10 columns. (classical txt file).the third column is the one interesting to me it consists of some strings like :


2313 234ffer string1 sd33 ...
2313 234ffer string1 sd33 ...
2313 234ffer string2 sd33 ...
2313 234ffer string1 sd33 ...
2313 234ffer string2 sd33 ...
2313 234ffer string1 sd33 ...
2313 234ffer string3 sd33 ...

according to the value in the third column i wish to split my text file sot that i have files string1.txt string2.txt and string3.txt such that each file contains the whole line. how to do it in c++ with hash tables (maps) and all those fancy tools all ready and waiting for me to use them but in c i am crippled.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "strmap.h"


My idea was to first go through the file, hash all values in tht third column so i get a unique set of elements and then for each distinct string(element) in the third column create a file pointer, then go once more through the file and as I encounter a specific string(element) type, write the whole line into the appropriate file.

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C++ :: Linked List Sorting / Splitting And Printing

Oct 3, 2014

Write a program that creates a forward linked list of at least 20 elements, where each element holds a random integer between 0 and 99. Print the list.

Write the function "returnMiddleList" to find the middle element of the linked list in one pass. Print the integer value of this element and the position of this element (starting at zero) in relation to the head (where the head = 0, the element pointed to by the head = 1, the element pointed to by the previous one = 2, etc).

Split the list in half at the middle element to create two entirely separate* linked lists of near equal size (+/- 1) and print the two lists. Modify the "returnMiddleList" function to accomplish this, returning the head of the second linked list and setting the link of the element pointing to that head to null. Then print the two sums of the integers stored in the elements of both lists.

Sort the two lists from least to greatest and print them out (printing at this step is optional depending on the sort approach taken). Then combine the two lists while sorting them again from least to greatest and print out the new list. (HINT: you can subdivide the lists further and sort them on a scale of one to two element lists before sorting and combining the first two unsorted lists. What is this sort called?)

I have got #1 and #2 working, but #3 and #4 is where the issue is beginning. When I split my link list into two lists and print the individual lists out, my first link list prints out 9 numbers when it should be printing out 10 (the 10th number somehow disappears?), but when I do the sum of the first list right after that, the number that has disappeared gets added in the sum! I do not know why it is disappearing, and this is one issue. Another issue is in the second list, a random "0" gets added to the list and one of the numbers is lost. My last issue is about #4 as the merge algorithm I have used does not seem to work (I am merging the list together while sorting them, but I am not using a recursion sort because we have not learned that yet).

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
struct nodeType {
int data;
nodeType *link;

[Code] .....

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