C++ :: Print Out Number Of Twin Primes Program

Jul 27, 2014

This program prints out the total number of up to 100,000. How to do is to print out the number of twin primes up to 100,000. Is it as simple as adding an if statement "if(primesList[j] - i == 2)"?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int primesCount = 0;

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Number Of Twin Primes Between Interval?

Feb 11, 2015

I'm having some trouble finishing my code, it's meant to give the number of twin primes between an interval e.g. 1 to 1000000 and the answer should be 8169 but all I can get it to is 8168

#include <stdio.h>
int prime (int num) {
int div;
if (num == 2) return 1;
if (num % 2 == 0) return 0;
div = 3;
while (div*div <= num) {


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C/C++ :: Making A Program That Gives All Primes Below A Given Number

Oct 8, 2014

I'm trying to understand why this won't work, the output i get is a list of even numbers. I'm trying to get all prime numbers below the number thats scanned in.

#include <stdio.h>
int isPrime(int number);
int main(){


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C :: Print Primes In Limit

Jul 13, 2013

What's actually wrong with the program....I'm trying to print the primes in limit of L1 and L2 ;L1<L2.... */


void main(){
int L1,L2,n=0
printf("Enter Limits by a space:


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C :: Program That Allow User To Enter A Number N And Print Nth Prime Number

Nov 3, 2013

I need to write a program that will allow the user to enter a number "n" and the program tell you that the nth prime number is .....


user enters 55

printf("The 55th prime number is %i", variable");

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C/C++ :: Program To Print Out Binary Value Of 16 Bit Number

Sep 22, 2013

Write a program to print out the binary value of a 16 bit number.

Create integers i, count, and mask.

Set 'i' to a hex value of 0x1b53.

Set mask to a value of 0x8000. Why?

print a line to show the hex value of i and then the leader for the binary value like this: Hex value = 1b53 Binary=

Use a for loop to loop 16 times and print 16 digits, using count as the loop counter

To test for each digit value, bitwise and 'i' with 'mask'

when the result for the bitwise and is true, print the number '1'

when the result for the bitwise and is false, print the number '0'

then shift mask one place to the right

print a new line and then quit

Use prtscrn and make a hard copy of the code with the console output.

Extra: use the modulus of count and print a space after every 4th digit to make the binary easier to read

The output should look like this: Hex value = 1b53, Binary= 0001 1011 0101 0011

so far this is what i have

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
int main() {
    int i, count, mask;
    //   1B53  0001 1011 0101 0011
    //   8000  1000 0000 0000 0000
    i = 0x1b53;

[Code] ....

it is telling me that there is an "else" without previous "if", also is the program that I wrote correct?

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C++ :: Program Which Print Out All Prime Numbers Less Than Or Equal To Given Number

Nov 11, 2013

how to make a programm in native c++ which print out all prime numbers less than or equal to given number????????

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C/C++ :: Program To Scan Number And String Then Print Them To A File

Mar 19, 2015

I wrote this program to scan a number and a string until EOF then print them to a file named "data.list". the problem is that the program duplicates last line of input in the output file. so for example if the input is :

1 test
2 dream
3 code

then output (in data.list file) would be:

1 test
2 dream
3 code
3 code

I also changed the program code so that it reads from data.list file. even here it duplicates last line!

so when program reads the info above saved in data.list it would be:

1 test
2 dream
3 code
3 code
3 code

here's the code for writing:

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
int num;
char str[80];
fPTR = fopen( "data.list", "w" ); // opens a file named "data.list", create if doesn't exist
while(!feof(stdin)) // loop until End-Of-File is pressed. Ctrl-Z in Windows, Ctrl-D in Unix, Linux, Mac OS X


and the one for reading from file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main( void )
int num;
char str[80];


How do I fix this behavior??

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C/C++ :: Program That Read A Number From Keyboard And Print Separated Digits To Screen

Feb 18, 2015

Basically this is what i need to do. Write a program that reads a number from the keyboard, separates it into its individual digits and prints the digits to screen, each on its own line followed by the same number of stars as itself.

For example, if the number is 2339 the program should print

9 *********
3 ***
3 ***
2 **

So far i have managed to separate the number and have them on different lines, but how to implement the stars onto each line with the number!

My code so far:

int main() {
int n;
printf("number? ");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (n > 0) {


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C/C++ :: Program To Read Sequence Of N Integers And Print Number With Maximum Occurrence

Mar 24, 2014

write a program in c to read a sequence of N integers and print the number that appears the maximum number of times in the sequence.

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C/C++ :: Using Print Statement To Print Certain Number Of Spaces

Sep 1, 2014

is there a to use printf to print certain number of blank spaces, where the number is derived from the output of a function?

for(m=low; m<=high;m++)
printf("t=%2d %'f(m)-1's %3c", m, ' ',*);

This is suppose to output

t=-3 *
t=-2 *

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C :: Find All Primes Between 0 And 100

Aug 20, 2013

I'm a beginner in C and system programming. I need to use multiple process and POSIX shared memory to find all primes between 0 and 100. My code compiles, but the result is not correct, it shows all the multiples of 3 as primes.My instructor also mentioned that the multi-process portion will fork() the appropriate number of child processes. The parent process will create a POSIX shared memory object to which the sub-processes will attach. I am confused about the things he said about parent process.why I'm not getting the right primes?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>


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C :: How To Reserved Int Number And Print As Float Number

Nov 24, 2013

How to reserved int number and print as float number ?

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C++ :: Find The Sum Of Primes Below Limit

Apr 15, 2013

I have to find the sum of primes below limit. My program works fine when I try to find primes less than 10. However, when I run it for the sum of primes less than 100, I get 166337 when I am supposed to get 1060. My program works on modular arithmetic, where any prime greater than 3 can be expressed as 1 or 5 mod 6.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
unsigned long long prime, sum;
int limit = 100;

[Code] ....

SUM: 166337

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C++ :: Find Factors And Primes For A Range Of Numbers

Oct 9, 2014

I'm trying to write a program that will find all the factors and primes for a range of numbers. I have the inner loop working but I am having trouble writing the outer loop that will output the range of numbers instead of just finding the factors for one number.

int n1 = 0;
int n2;
int factor = 0;
cout << "Enter a starting number: ";
cin >> n1;
cout << "Enter a ending number: ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Print Out Second MIN And MAX Number Without Using Array

Oct 13, 2014

How can i print out the SECOND MIN number and MAX number without using array?

cout << "Please input a positive integer: ";
cin >> input;
min = input, max = input, secondmin = input;
do {
cout << "Please input a positive integer: ";
cin >> input;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Have To Identify Odd Number And Print Them

Apr 10, 2013

#define TRUE 1  
int formOddInt(int n);  


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C++ :: Print Last Digit Of Number Output Always Become 6?

Oct 26, 2013

i just started learning programming and i just wanna know how come when i try to print the last digit of a number the output always become 6?

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C :: How To Print Largest Number From 5 Rows

Sep 26, 2013

i want to print Largest number from any 5 rows.Th number printed should be any one of the largest in the five rows of 2d arrays.I have created code for largest number in each row but how to pick and print them randomly?.


main( )
int a,b,c,d,e,x;
int arr[] = {a,b,c,d,e};
int Matrix[5][5] ={ /*Initializing array*/


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C :: Print The Inverse Number On Screen

Dec 25, 2014

Print the inverse number. Ex: 2178*4=8712

Write down a program which can satisfy the prerequisite and print out the screen.

The answer is:

void inverse2 ()
int i,j;
for (i=1000;i<=9999;i++)
for (j=1;j<=9;j++)
if (i*j==inverse (i))

I can't understand the double for loop.

for (i=1000;i<=9999;i++)
for (j=1;j<=9;j++)

And The meaning for

i*j==inverse (i)

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C :: Can't Print Number Stored In Array

Jan 12, 2015

when i compile and run it it gives me the number 0 and not the proper number stored in array.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int myArray[11] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };


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C++ :: Input Number And Print Out Same With Stars In Between

Apr 16, 2013

Basically i want to input a number for example 123456 and get back how many 7's are in the input number and also to print out that same number with stars in between like this *1*2*3*4*5*6*. Here is what i have so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int countSeven(int x){
if(x == 7)return 1;
int c = 0;
while(x/10 > 9)c++;
return countSeven(x/10)+1;

when i compile it does not do what i tell it it just tells me there are 0 7's in the input number no matter how many there really are...

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C++ :: Check If A Number Is Odd Or Even And Print It To The Screen

Mar 8, 2013

My objective is to check to see if a number is odd or even and print it to the screen just to make sure its working correctly.

The data file contains:
402 2 485
98 805
948 7 97
579 39 12
700 20 500 210

I can get the numbers to print fine using:

fstream infile1(argv[1]);
cout << "Could not open file";
else {
char listNum;
cout << listNum;

However, when I check for odd or even numbers it will check each and every number.

printed like this (partial list):
1 is odd 3 is odd 8 is even
9 is odd

But it should print:
138 is even
9 is odd

I tried using getline, but it keeps giving me the errors:
invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'char**'
invalid conversion from 'char' to 'size_t*'
too few arguments to function 'ssize_t getline(char**, size_t*, FILE*)'

Here is the getline code, what am I doing wrong? I have tried switching things around, adding things. Just nothing works.

ifstream infile1(argv[1]);
cout << "Could not open file";
else {
char listNum;
getline(infile1, listNum);
cout << listNum;

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C++ :: Rational Number Does Not Print As Reduced

Apr 10, 2013

The program works, but the rational number doesn't print as reduced. I guess i have to call the reduction function, but i'm not sure where

the output that i get is:
2/6 + 7/8 = 58/48
58/48 = 1.20833

2/6 - 7/8 = -26/48
-26/48 = -0.541667

2/6 x 7/8 = 14/48
14/48 = 0.291667

2/6 / 7/8 = 16/42
16/42 = 0.380952

the output that i suppose to get is:
1/3 + 7/8 = 29/24
29/24 = 1.20833

1/3 - 7/8 = -13/24
-13/24 = -0.541667

1/3 x 7/8 = 7/24
7/24 = 0.291667

1/3 / 7/8 = 8/21
8/21 = 0.380952

here is my header file

//Prevent multiple inclusions of header
#ifndef RATIONAL_H
#define RATIONAL_H
//Rational class definition
class Rational {

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Set Or Specify The Number Of Pages To Be Print?

Feb 11, 2014

I created a richtextbox to input the text that I want to print, the command for printing which is the button and instead of printdialog box((PrintDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)) to be display, I created combobox which will display the available printers and then print.

Like this code bellow .

To get the available printers:

foreach (String printer in PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters)

And the button for printing :

PrintDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = cbox.SelectedItem.ToString();


Now what I want to do is I will add some textbox to input the page number to be printed . For example the current pages in the richtextbox are 12pages when I'm going to run the program I will input in the textbox the page/s that I want like (3-7pages). How could it be ?

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C :: Function Call To Print Smallest Number?

Mar 15, 2013

C programming, make it use a function call to print the smallest number? this is a program which prints out the smallest of three numbers within the main function that I was asked to write.Now the other question i am asked,5. Re-write the program, uses a function call to print the smallest number?


# include <stdio.h>

int a,b,c;
int temp, min;
a = 100;
b = 23;
c = 5;


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