C++ :: Loading Menu For Files

Jun 11, 2014

I would like to make a program that automatically launches and loads a file when a file of that file type is double clicked within windows. As said I am unsure where to look for some information as to how to do that, and so turn to you all. Is there a simple way of doing such a thing without using any external libraries, if so, a simple tutorial or link to a reference for this; if there is no way of doing this without externals what would be a small and simple to use library for this?

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C++ :: SDL2 Framework - Loading MBP Files In Same Folder In XCode 5

Feb 23, 2014

I am trying to load a .bmp file located in the same folder as main.cpp etc. but I'm not sure what to input as the resource path so that it picks it up and, when I distribute it, I want it to be preferably cross platform and run smoothly.

I have tried using:

SDL_Game/hello_world.bmp (SDL_Game is the name of the project)

but it will work if I use the full path. I don't want to do this though, because then it will not work on other computers and platforms.

This is the function I use to load media:

bool loadMedia() {
// Loading success flag
bool success = true;

// Load splash image
gHelloWorld = SDL_LoadBMP("hello_world.bmp");

[Code] ....

I am using XCode 5, SDL2.0.1, OSX 10.9 Mavericks and C++.

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C# :: Loading Large Text Files In A RichTextBox (OutOfMemoryException)

Mar 31, 2014

I am creating a simple log parser (loads a text file and filters out unnecessary information, but has the option to show the full log) and I'm running into an issue with fairly large log sizes (50+mgs). I have seen a few recommendations from a stream to memory manged files and even alternate 3rd party controls.

I foresee a few issues with any of the non-third party solutions (which I would prefer to avoid third-party add-ins) such as the scroll bar not correctly reporting the relative length or position of the complete text in the box (when displaying only a portion of the file at a time) and in the stream solution where you read on scroll (as necessary) have not only the same issues, but how do you resume reading in the middle of the file? This also all assumes I would be periodically clearing the RichTextBox to keep the memory usage down to avoid an OutOfMemoryException (which I have been running into.)

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C++ :: Menu Program Broken Down Into Series Of Calls To Function For Each Of Menu Items

Aug 19, 2013

I am trying to write a menu program that will be broken down into a series of calls to function for each of the menu items. Two of the menu items will be simple programs which I wrote.

I want two of the functions to run one of the two programs I am trying to include as items in the menu.

So far I am only familiar with variables, loops, if statements, and I just learned how to write functions.

The problem I am have is that I don't quite understand how to write a function that will run one of the two programs. Also I am having a hard time writing the program in away that would allow the user to select the menu items.

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C :: Program Based On Menu System - Option To Go Back To A Previous Menu

Apr 7, 2014

I'm creating a program that is based on a menu system. Basically each menu is its own user-defined function. The problem is at each menu you can input 'b' to go to the previous menu. I just have it call the function of that menu.

However, do the functions need to complete themselves eventually? If I just keep calling functions will I just keep going further and further deeper into ever running functions?

If so how do I avoid this and yet keep the option to go back to a previous menu/function?

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C/C++ :: Creating A Menu That Will Return The Menu After A Selection

Apr 7, 2014

This is what I have so far, it gives me a nice menu to select from and it all works but after I make a selection it closes the program. I tried to return to it but it won't work for me

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int choice;
int deposit;
int balance = 500; {


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Visual C++ :: Enable / Disable Menu Item 2 In OnUpdate Handler Of Menu Item 1?

Sep 15, 2014

I have two menu items. When item 1 is disabled, I want item 2 to be disabled as well. In the OnUpdate handler of menu item 1, I have tried to use "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pMenu;", "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pSubMenu;" and "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pParentMenu;" but I always get NULL t_pMenu. How can I achieve this purpose?

void CDummyView::OnUpdateMenuItem1(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if(m_bShowMenuItem1) {


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C :: Library For Loading Images In PNG?

Jan 29, 2015

What's the best performance library for loading images in PNG?

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C++ :: Loading A Vector From A File?

May 21, 2014

Alright i have my program and it loads the vector fine and even puts the vector into a txt file but when it comes to lloading it again im not sure if it works or not

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>


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C/C++ :: Loading 2D Array From A File?

Sep 10, 2014

The program is supposed to read in a text file, load it into an array and assign a character to each number in the array (so for this I'm thinking I'll be creating 2 arrays, an int array with the numbers read in from the file, and a char array with the characters assigned to the numbers). It will then print these two arrays. It's then supposed to go through the initial int array and search for any numbers whose values differ from their neighboring values by more than one, if such a value is found, it's supposed to give the number the value of the average of it's neighboring values. It's supposed to make all these corrections and then assign characters to these corrected numbers and print out both arrays.

How to load the array from the file. My textbook seems to do a good job of covering arrays and files, but it doesn't really bring them together and talk about building arrays from files. Here is what the file looks like, the first number is the size of the array.

7 6 9 4 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 5 5 5 6 5 4 3 2 1
6 5 6 6 7 6 8 4 3 2
1 5 6 7 7 7 6 5 4 3
5 5 6 7 6 7 7 6 5 9
5 6 7 6 5 6 6 5 4 3
5 6 7 9 5 5 6 5 4 3
5 5 6 7 6 6 7 6 5 4
5 9 5 6 7 6 5 0 3 2
5 5 5 5 6 5 4 3 2 7

And here is the code I have so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;


When I attempt to compile this (I'm working on a Linux system), I'm getting several errors:

prog1.cpp: In function ?int main()?:
prog1.cpp:37: error: expected unqualified-id before ?[? token
prog1.cpp:39: error: ?numArray? was not declared in this scope
prog1.cpp:39: error: expected primary-expression before ?]? token

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C/C++ :: Game Mesh Not Loading

Sep 5, 2014

I have this game that I have to make modifications to, it compiles without errors but when I run the game it breaks. Im not very experienced with c++ but im assuming theres an error because it cant find or load the mesh, when it runs, visual studio breaks at the mesh.cpp line 638

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C++ :: Loading Data From File To RAM?

Mar 29, 2013

What is the most efficient (fastest) way to load data from a file on HDD to RAM? (which would allow to only load a limited section of that file - eg. load only half of the file etc.)

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C/C++ :: Loading File With Fscanf?

Apr 21, 2015

I am trying to copy the stats from the save file "lol.txt" to main. I posted what the contents of the file below, but for some reason the I get for output jiberish and I cannot seem to figure out why.

#define MAX_NAME 31
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char sName[MAX_NAME];

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Loading Bitmap In Particular Way?

May 25, 2013

I have a function that essentially takes a screen shot and saves a pointer to it as a structure. I would like to use the same structure for bitmaps that I load from files.

typedef struct _BITMAPCAPTURE {
LPDWORD pixels;
INT width;
INT height;
BOOL CaptureScreen(BITMAPCAPTURE* bmpCapture) {


The handle to the bitmap, as well as the width and height are all easy enough to get but I'm unsure of how to get the pixels.

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C :: Program To Hide Files Behind Other Files Using Alternate Data Streams

Apr 5, 2013

I am writing a program to hide files behind other files using Alternate Data Streams in Windows NTFS file systems.

The program is as follows:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char hostfile[75], hiddenfile[75], hiddenFileName[15] ;
printf("Enter the name(with extension) and path of the file whose behind you want to hide another file: ");
scanf("%75s", hostfile);


The complier is showing error as "Extra Perimeter in call to system" but I am not getting where?

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C++ :: Display Last 1000 Lines From Multiple Text Files (log Files)

Jan 16, 2014

I am writing a piece of code that requires me to display the last 1000 lines from a multiple text files (log files). FYI, I am running on Linux and using g++.

I have a log file from which - if it contains more than 1000 lines, I need to display the last 1000 lines. However, the log file could get rotated. So, in case where the current log file contains less than 1000 lines, I have to go to older log file and display the remaining. For e.g., if log got rotated and new log file contains 20 lines, I have to display the 980 lines from old log file + 20 from current log files.

What is the best way to do this? Even an outline algorithm will work.

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C# :: Not Loading Dynamic Array (128,8) Correctly

Feb 14, 2013

public void dam_data_setup() {
// fill list
damgtype.Add( den1);
damgtype.Add( den2);
damgtype.Add( da1);
damgtype.Add( da2);
damgtype.Add( db1);
damgtype.Add( db2);

[Code] .....

This is a genetics program and is to parse the source array and write all possible combinations to a new array. All sections but dilute work correctly. For some reason the dilute's Boolean is not testing true when it should. This is causing data corruption.

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C :: Loading Text File To Array

Jul 19, 2013

I'm having troubles with loading my text file into my array.


int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
if(argc!=3) {
Insufficient arguments


I'm also suppose to return the size of the input at the end.

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C++ :: Loading Polymorphic Data From A File

Jun 11, 2014

What is the best / most efficient way to load polymorphic data from a file? I thought you could have an enumeration and for each item to load from a file you could have an integer at the start specifying the type of data, but I think there must be a better way I'm just not sure what.

Example of what I mean:

//The syntax isn't really that important for explanation
class base;
class a: base, b: base;
enum polymorphicType {

and in the loading code you would have (this is the bit I think could be improved):

polymorphicType t;
File >> t;
if(t == A) {
newObject = new A;
} else if(t == B) {
newObject = new B;

I think there is probably a more efficient/better way of doing this I am just unaware of it.

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C++ :: Produce Loading Bar With Percent Progress Below?

Aug 10, 2014

#include <stdio.h>

void loading();
void gotoxy(int x, int y);
int color(int x);
void gotoxy(int x, int y);

[Code] ....

How to produce a loading bar with percent progress below.

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C++ :: Saving Object To File And Then Loading It

Jan 29, 2013

Why my code is not working?

class Person{
char name[80];
short age;
void get_data();

[Code] .....

This is a simple example from and old Lafore C++ book, with a few tweaks by me. The point is simple. Save object person to a *.dat file, exit the program, then start up program again, open up *.dat file, and load contents.

The first problem is the compiler is printing a bunch of Asian characters to the file (is this normal?)

The second problem is, it's not loading the object as it should, giving me a bunch of gibberish.

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C++ :: File Input Stream Not Loading?

May 9, 2014

#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>


I'm trying to load a file input stream to load all the character content into a variable (say from a .java file for example), but for some reason whenever I type in the name of the file I want to stream I get the report: RUN FAILED (exit value 1, total time 2s)

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C++ ::  Loading File With Multiple Lines

May 17, 2014

I'm trying to load a file that look like this:


I can't figure out how to load multiple lines. I tried using , but I can't get it to work. Is there a better way of doing it than I am right now? This is my code.

char message[100];
int messageCount = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < file.size(); ++i) {
message[i] = file[i];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Display A Loading Bar With Percent Progress

Aug 12, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
void loading();
void gotoxy(int x, int y);
int color(int x);

[Code] ....

How to produce a loading bar with percent progress.

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C/C++ :: Loading Int Data From File To 2D Array

Apr 28, 2014

Heres what I am suppose to do, So it doesnt seem hard to understand my messy code!

1. Gotta load the file "FactoryData.txt"
2. Load all values in my 2D array (array[5][3])
3. Print out the array to ensure that the copying went by well.

Heres my problem:

1. The for loops is REALLY off in my eyes. From my knowledge (correct me if im wrong), its suppose to be for(r=0;r<5;r++) not <=. BUT somehow im getting the results I want (in terms of formatting). HERE IS MY OUTPUT

300 450 500 510
510 600 750 627
627 100 420 530
530 621 730 200
200 50 58 100
100 83 4 5
Press Enter to return to Quincy...

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C/C++ :: Creating And Loading Array Of Cards?

Oct 6, 2014

I am working on a program that is supposed to eventually be able to evaluate bridge hands, but one of the first things I need to do is create and load an array. The program is supposed to read in hands from a file (each line in the file is a hand of 13 cards), evaluate these hands based on a list of rules, and display the results.

Here is the file that will be used for the program:

3C 4C 2D AC QC 7S 7C TD 9C 4D KS 8D 6C
2C 3C KC JC 4C 8C 7C QC AC 5C 9C 6C TC
5H 3S 4D KC 9S 3D 4S 8H JC TC 8S 2S 4C
2S 5D 6S 8S 9D 3C 2H TH
2H 6D %S 8S 7S 4D 3H 4S KS QH JH 5C 9S
2H 6D TS 8Z 7S 4D 3H 4S KS QD JH 5C 9S

I've gone through and wrote out what the program is supposed to do and what I think is needed and what steps to take to accomplish this, but am getting stuck on the array. If you can't tell I'm extremely new to this and am still learning. I'm not sure how to create and load an array like this since it seems to me there'd be two elements per index, a suit and a value.

Also, the instructions mention that I will need a data structure to hold the cards in an ordered manner. I'm really confused on this as well, if I'm using an array, how does the data structure come into play?

Can the data structure be used in place of the array?

Here is the code I have so far, but keep in mind that at the moment all it actually does is open the file (The "File is open" message will be taken out as the code progresses, I just threw that in there to make sure the file was actually being opened):

//#include <program3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char handsArray[];
ifstream bridgeFile;


The input should be sorted by suit and the rank within the suit and be displayed in teh following format:

Clubs 10 6 2
Diamonds A Q 10 3
Hearts K J 7 5 3
Spades A
Points = 16

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