C++ :: Produce Loading Bar With Percent Progress Below?

Aug 10, 2014

#include <stdio.h>

void loading();
void gotoxy(int x, int y);
int color(int x);
void gotoxy(int x, int y);

[Code] ....

How to produce a loading bar with percent progress below.

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C++ :: How To Display A Loading Bar With Percent Progress

Aug 12, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
void loading();
void gotoxy(int x, int y);
int color(int x);

[Code] ....

How to produce a loading bar with percent progress.

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C# :: Progress Bar Percentage Disappears When Loading

Mar 1, 2014

Why does my progressbar percentage text disapear when progressbar starts loading?? Am I missing out anything?

int percent = (int)(((double)(progressBar1.Value - progressBar1.Minimum) /
(double)(progressBar1.Maximum - progressBar1.Minimum)) * 100);
using (Graphics gr = progressBar1.CreateGraphics()) {
gr.DrawString(percent.ToString() + "%",

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Print Each Percent Of Loop Breaks Down For Large Loops?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to make a percentage counter inside a loop, printing each completed percent of the loop as it goes. I've managed to write such code, but when I run it the percentage output breaks down (becomes negative!) for large loops. I have an example below.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std ;
int main() {


Compiling and running the above yields the output:


...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14% ...15% ...16% ...17% ...18% ...19% ...20% ...21% ...-21% ...-20% ...-19% ...-18% ...-17% ...-16% ...-15% ...-14% ...-13% ...-12% ...-11% ...-10% ...-9% ...-8% ...-7% ...-6% ...-5% ...-4% ...-3% ...-2% ...-1% ...0% ...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14% ...15% ...16% ...17% ...18% ...19% ...20% ...21% ...-21% ...-20% ...-19% ...-18% ...-17% ...-16% ...-15% ...-14% ...-13% ...-12% ...-11% ...-10% ...-9% ...-8% ...-7% ...-6% ...-5% ...-4% ...-3% ...-2% ...-1% ...0% ...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14%...100%

If I change the value of N to 1e7 instead of 1e8, the output is correct however!

...1% ...2% ...3% ...4% ...5% ...6% ...7% ...8% ...9% ...10% ...11% ...12% ...13% ...14% ...15% ...16% ...17% ...18% ...19% ...20% ...21% ...22% ...23% ...24% ...25% ...26% ...27% ...28% ...29% ...30% ...31% ...32% ...33% ...34% ...35% ...36% ...37% ...38% ...39% ...40% ...41% ...42% ...43% ...44% ...45% ...46% ...47% ...48% ...49% ...50% ...51% ...52% ...53% ...54% ...55% ...56% ...57% ...58% ...59% ...60% ...61% ...62% ...63% ...64% ...65% ...66% ...67% ...68% ...69% ...70% ...71% ...72% ...73% ...74% ...75% ...76% ...77% ...78% ...79% ...80% ...81% ...82% ...83% ...84% ...85% ...86% ...87% ...88% ...89% ...90% ...91% ...92% ...93% ...94% ...95% ...96% ...97% ...98% ...99%...100%

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C :: Produce Image Using GD Graphics Library?

Mar 20, 2013

I am trying to produce a image using GD graphics library. I can succesfully display my image, however I cant display this image along with a printf function too?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <gd.h>
int display_picture()
gdImagePtr gdImage = gdImageCreate( 50, 50 );
FILE *jpgFile = NULL;

[Code] ....

The picture displays but not hello.

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C :: Produce A Rectangle Out Of Asterisks Using While Loops

Jan 30, 2015

I am new to C and am unfortunately racking my brain against this simple assignment. I believe the task is to produce a rectangle out of asterisks using while loops, yet I can only produce an "L" shape. We were given a code, with syntax errors included.We are to correct the errors and test.


#include <stdio.h>
/*Houghton, Micah*/
/*ET2560 - Cordova*/
/*Unit 5 Lab - Programming Loops*/
int main(void) {
int length, width;
int lcount, wcount;


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C++ :: How To Produce Password Field With Asterisk

Sep 2, 2014

void Log_In() {
gotoxy(30, 30);
time_t now;

[Code] .....

How to produce a password field with asterisk ****** .....

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C# :: How To Add A Timer Or Loop To Produce RSSI Value

Oct 24, 2014

I have a code which basically produces the RSSI value in a command prompt window once i run it but i want to add a function to it which would let the RSSI reproduce itself (once every 5 seconds or something) once its run without having to physically compile it every time.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;


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C++ :: Produce Normal Distribution Random Number Several Times

Aug 22, 2014

I wrote the following program shown below that produces a normally distributed random number several times, and then takes the average of them. The problem that I have been having though is that the output it has been producing is 0.0288385 despite the fact that I set the mean of the normal distribution to be 0.1. Why this output value would be so far off from 0.1 despite having averaged over such a large number of random numbers namely 10,000 of them? Also, how to randomly seed this random number generator such that it gives a different value each time its run perhaps by seeding it with the windows timer? Below is the program.

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
int main() {
default_random_engine generator;
normal_distribution<double> distribution1(0.1,3.0);
double number1,sum,n;


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C++ :: API For Using Progress Bar With Wininet

Jul 1, 2013

is there api for using a progress bar with wininet

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C++ :: Extracting From Loops - Run X Number Of Times And Produce A Prize Each Time

Sep 19, 2013

so i have a loop that will run x number of times and each time it will produce a prize which is a certain sum of money. I need to a way to sum all the money earned. I am thinking there should be a way to extract the prize one for each time the loop runs but i am not sure how to do that.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout <<"Option A: Drop one chip into one slot" << endl;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Read From Dat File And Produce Output On Screen - Error C2664

Feb 5, 2014

My professor wants me to write a program that will read from a dat file, and produce an output on the screen based on the file. I don't understand why I am getting this error. I suspect it has something to do with the number of characters I've told it to read.

using namespace std;
using namespace System;
struct TStudent {
string month[10];

[Code] .....

I noticed I had a 2 beside girl, after I removed it, it still didn't fix my problem.

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C++ :: Progress Bar For Wininet Client FTP

Jul 4, 2013

I am close to getting this......the progress bar for wininet client ftp

int index;
CString strText;
index = m_dir.GetCurSel();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Trace Does Not Demarcate In Progress

Oct 12, 2013

the problem with my code is that trace toggle can only be turn on, not off and trace does not demarcate the (substring) in progress. how do i fix this?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void displayOptions()


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C# :: Circular Progress Bar In WPF (Not Silverlight)

Jul 30, 2014

Is there a way to make a circular progress bar in WPF without using another library or NuGet Package?

Like a tutorial on how to make it from scratch?

Right now, I'm using the existing ProgressBar UserControl but it looks horrible especially after I change the Foreground color from Green to DarkBlue.

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C# :: Multitasking On Process And Progress Bar?

Apr 9, 2015

Am developing windows forms application where in my form am fetching data into list from some object which takes around 2 minutes to complete processing so meantime i want to show progress bar before starting process till it ends with percentage. I have return a code to do multitasking but it is throwing error as "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'listOrg' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on".

private void btnOrg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
// To report progress from the background worker we need to set this property
backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress = true;


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C# :: Linking Progress Bar With Datagridview

Feb 25, 2014

I am running a windows forms project. on the form there is a datagridview, a progress bar, a textbox and two 2 buttons.

The two buttons are used to navigate through the records(one for next record and the other for previous record) the textbox displays the record that is being currently viewed.

How can I link the progress with the database or in this case the datagridview and when the next button is pressed it increments and when the previous button is clicked it decrements and also the progress to be fully filled when the last record is reached ?

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Visual C++ :: FTP With Progress Dialog

Nov 13, 2012

For a project I'm working on, I need to be able to download a file from an FTP server and store it to a predetermined location with a predetermined name. No user interaction should be needed. Because the file is rather large, and I need the main program to remain responsive, this is going to need a progress dialog.

I could write all this myself and use the MFC wininet wrappers (CInternetSession et al) to do the downloading, but... Explorer already has this, and IE has such a dialog also. It doesn't seem unreasonable to assume those dialogs are available via some API.

Is a "FTP download with dialog" available as a windows API, or do I really need to write all this myself ?

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C++ :: Program To Read In Sequence Of Examination Mark From Text File And Produce Mean

Jan 26, 2013

Write a program to read in a sequence of examination mark from a text file named as input.txt and produce the mean, and standard deviation of the marks. Your program should also produce a bar chart for each grade where the range of mark is given as below.

GradeMarks Range

Output the result to another text file named as output.txt.

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C++ :: Program That Count Occurrence Of Character In Text File And Produce Histogram

Nov 18, 2014

Here is what i have so far:



I also need to do a loop that scan the count array and check if the element is bigger than the previous one.

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Visual C++ :: Using Progress Bar With Large Set Range In MFC

Oct 5, 2014

I'm having problems with progress bar when using a big number in set range. For numbers below 50000 it works very well but for big numbers like 100.000 it doesn't work, it makes 2-3 rounds of animation

int number= 50000; // 50k works well but if i put 100k it won't work (it will animate 2-3 rounds instead of complete one)
progressbar1.SetRange(0, number);
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
listcontrol1.InsertItem(i, _T("whatever"));

What's wrong with the code ?

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C++ :: Saving Progress Of A User In Quiz Game

May 5, 2014

I'm making a quiz game in c++. I've already completed it. But now I've thought of creating a profile and saving the progress for the user so when he enters his name the game continues frm where he had saved it.

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C# :: Displaying Progress Bar While Other Parallel Function Running

May 19, 2014

I have a module that pings the network to find available devices using threading.

the money line:

var valids = range.AsParallel().AsOrdered().Where(ip => ip.Ping()).ToList();

The problem is, I need to display a progress bar while this function runs. I have the progress bar implemented with a background worker, but it won't update while the ping module is executing. I *think* it's because I'm using the available threads for the ping module.

When the user clicks a button, I need the ping module to run while the progress bar updates, or even just set IsIndeterminite to true. What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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C# :: Server-side Validation For Deleting Orders In Progress

Apr 18, 2014


According to my project instructions, I have to make a "validation on the delete button, that before a record can be deleted it will check to see if the count of "In-Progress" orders for that product is 0. If it is greater than zero, it should not allow this record to be deleted."

So far I have on the code behind page:

protected void btnDeleteProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataView dv = (DataView)SqlOrders.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);


The professor said I have to: "As for getting the count, check your notes and book, specifically looking at SQL and the Aggregate functions. There is a function we talked about in class called "Count(OrderID)" and set the where clause to check for the productID.

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C++ :: Monitoring Progress Of Subroutine That Is Using File Stream As Input?

Jun 23, 2013

What is the traditional way to monitor a blocking subroutine that is using a file stream as its input? That is, what is the traditional way to make a progress meter in the console?

Say I have a function that takes in a filestream and works with it. Suppose this file stream has a position and length property like in C# FileStream:


void sub (filestream file)
//read a bit of the stream, which advances stream cursor position
//do something
//repeat until all of file stream has been used up

Presumably the function is chomping along the file stream as it is doing some calculations serially on the file stream.Because the function is blocking, there is no way to access the file streams position and length in this thread. So naturally it seems like the best thing to do to monitor the progress of that function is to make another thread and pass it the file stream object as a parameter, and in this separate thread, monitor the distance between filestream's position and length to determine how much of the file stream has been used up, and every second or so output the amount of file stream used onto the console.

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Visual C++ :: Retrieving Size Of Each String In Order To Produce A New Buffer For Concatenated String

Feb 25, 2013

What is the efficiency of the two assignments (line 1 and 2), i.e. (function calls, number of copies made, etc), also the Big O notation. I know there are function calls for retrieving the size of each string in order to produce a new buffer for the concatenated string...any difference between line 1 and 2 in terms of efficiency?

String s("Hello");
String t("There");
1. s = s + t;
2. s += t;

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