C++ :: Lagrange Interpolation Formula - Substitute Values Into Power

May 7, 2013

I did a function for lagrange interpolation formula. However i`m stuck on how do i substitute values into the power. Here is my code snippet :

for(int i=1;i<getSecretShare+1;i++) {
//calculateValue=getSecret+(10*p)+(2 * pow(p,2));
int storeThreshold=getThreshold;
calculateValue=getSecret+(10*i)+(2 * pow(i,2));
calculateFinalValue=calculateValue % 17 ;
cout<<"the calculated value is "<<calculateFinalValue<<endl;

The formula that i want to implement is that a + a1x^1 + a2x^2 + a(t-1) ^t-1

I have gotten the substitution of the x value out. However, i am stuck on how do i calculate the values according to the threshold which the user keys in. For example if the user keys in 3.

It will into account the no. of shares to generate which is for example 5 in this case, then it will then take into account the threshold keyed in , which is 3, i will then calculate using the formula using the no. of shares and also threshold.
if the threshold is 3 and the number of shares to generate is 5. I should have the following:

y(1) = 13 + a1(1)^1 +a2(1)^2
y(2) = 13 + a2(2)^1 +a2(2)^2

the power depends on the threshold which is t-1, 3-1 =2

So I will have to generate two a values based on that and also calculate them according to the power that is dependent on the threshold the first value being to the power of 1 and the 2nd being to the power of 2 if the threshold is 4.

Then I will generate 3 a values and then calculate them :

y(1) = 13 + a1(1)^1 + a2(1)^1 + a3(1)^3

and so on..

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C++ :: Linear Interpolation Code For X And Y Axis - Compile Errors

Oct 15, 2012

When trying to compile, I am receiving errors which I am assuming are pretty generic and common:

lin_interp.c:21: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '{' token
lin_interp.c:100: error: expected '{' at end of input

I am just trying to get the code to work for now. I have created a program similar to this which worked in C++, but the code isn't jiving in C.

// Lin_Interp.c : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "PACRXPlc.h" /* Include file applicable for all targets */
#include "ctkInitCBlock.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Constants / #defines */
// Print-Out on console "XY LIMIT ARRAY" XYlim

[Code] .....

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C :: Substitute String With File

Jan 20, 2015

I wrote the following code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "ctype.h"

int count_nonspace(const char* str)

[Code] .....

This program is checking how many times each character appears in a row but it uses string as a source of a text and i want to use a file. I am not very fluent in operating on files, thus my question is what should be change in this program to make it work on files, not only on strings?

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C++ :: Trying To Substitute A Variable For File Directory

Jul 1, 2014

I am trying to substitute a variable for the file directory. Here is the error: error: no matching function for call to 'std::basic_ ofstream <char>:: basic_ ofstream(std::string&)'

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Exponential Power Function

Nov 13, 2013

Main is supposed to be sending values to the power function.Write a prototype and function for calculating powers of numbers.This version should have an integer return type and take two integer inputs, for the base and the exponent. It should do the following:

• handle negative bases
• return an error on negative exponents (we’re not doing those yet)
• handle zero exponents

Call your function from a nested loop in main(), which calls the function using every combination of negative, zero and positive numbers for both base and exponent. This will test your function without the user having to input all the data.Any code which calls the library pow() function will lose half of the assignment points.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int power (int, int);
int main() {
int size = 10;
int test[size];
int base;


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C++ :: Compute And Output Power Set

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to do a compute and output a power set program. The numbers will be input through a file. How to do a power set. Here is my code :

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
string array[21]; // creates array to hold names

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Creating Recursive Function That Will Print Out A Number To A Power

Apr 9, 2013

I am trying to create a recursive function that i can call on in order to take a user inputed base and exponent and give final answer this is what i have but im completely lost after this i dont even know how to continue. What i have so far

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int Exp(int x,int y){
if(base <= 1 || exp == 0) return 1;
if(exp == 1) return base;
int main(){
int number, exp;

[Code] .....

After i set the base situations im not sure how to get the function to make the function take the base to the exponent recursively.

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C :: Detect CPU Power Button Press Event In Console Application

Feb 5, 2015

I am using Windows 7 32bit OS and want to detect the CPU power button press event in my console application developing in C language.

I configured the power button setting to "Do Nothing" which is in "Choose what the power button does" options in Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->Power Options. So now i want to detect this power button press event and do some processing in my application then i will initate shut down from application itself. Looking for windows API details which will detect the power button press event.

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C++ :: Program To Check If User Presses Power Button On Computer

Jun 19, 2014

How you can make a c++ program that checks to see if the user presses the power button on their computer? And if so, how?

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C++ :: Equation That Determines The Lowest Possible Cost For Laying Power Line

Apr 9, 2013

I need an equation that determines the lowest possible cost for laying power line.

The variables are as follows:

1. The width of a river
2. The distance a factory is downstream from a station on the other side of the river.
3. The cost for laying line underwater.
4. The cost for laying line on land.

All these variables will be user input each use of program.

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C++ :: Determine Health Of A Power Transformer - Graphic User Interface?

Nov 27, 2014

I have a program I want to write that determines the health of a power transformer. I know the syntax of all the other code I might have to use but I'm not too sure of how to make it fit into a graphic interface like you see in any other windows program.

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C# :: How To Manually Control The Temperature Of High Power Leds Using PID Controller

Mar 20, 2015

how to manually control the temperature of High Power Leds using PID controller. I have two GUIs,one reads the temperature from the Led while the second is used to ON/OFF the Leds and at the same time controls the Led brightness using slider control.The GUI that reads the temperature has a PID controller application on it.The output from this controller is what i want to use to increase or decrease the Led brightness which invariable changes the Led temperature.How to go about using this PID controller to control the Led brightness is what i have not been able to grasp well.The slider on the GUI is scaled from 0% to 100%.My thinking is that the output from the controller should be in percentage which will make me to adjust the slider accordingly.My question is that will this type of arrangment produce an output that will efficiently control the Led brightness. how to accomplish that. Attached to this post is a modified code of a tutorial on PID controller which i found on the net. a tutorial on how to develop a graph. i wish to display the Setpoint,Process value and the output value on a graph.

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C++ :: Program To Find Shortest Path Between Vertices Using Matrix Power Multiplications

Feb 24, 2013

given matrix A find shortest path between vertices using matrix power multiplications untill u get nonzero values,use adjacency matrix

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C++ :: Compound Interest Formula

Jun 21, 2013

Equation for compound interest. The interest is supposed to be $43.34 according to the book, I am ending up with around $35. The actual equation is amount = principal * (1 + rate/t)^t where t = number of times compounded per year. I still have to go through and clean up all the code I just want the formula working first.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main () {
float princ, rate, comp, savings, interest, rates, year;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Quadratic Formula - If Statement Being Ignored

Jan 28, 2014

We are suppose to build a program to do the quadratic formula, which isnt really a issue. my issue is i have a if else loop and my if is being ignored.

what i want it to do is is state that if the (b * /> - 4(a)© is a negative, then it prints out stating it cant do this.

note: i know that i can use the i number system but we have been asked to not too and to do this instead.

here is my code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
float a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i; /* i would love to figure out a way to do this without so many variables*/


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C++ :: Compound Interest Formula Coding

Sep 24, 2014

Im having problems coding this
A = P(1 + r/n)nt

//Declared test cases
float principal = 200000.00, annualInt = 0.03;
float years = 10.0;

float calcInterest1(float principal, float years, float annualInt) {
float interest1;
float nt = annualInt*12;
float A = principal+annualInt;//Accrued Amount
interest1 = (A = (principal*(1+years/100))pow(nt));// A = P(1 + r/n)nt
return interest1;

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C++ :: Creating A Loop To Calculate Formula?

Mar 21, 2014

I am trying to create a code and cannot get the following part to work :

for (int n = 0; n = timesteps; n++)
n = n + 0.1 ;
cout<< "timesteps"<< n << endl ; //print time step value =0.1
for (int j = 0; j < nodesinx; j++)
T[j][n+1] = T[j][n] + 0.16 * (T[j][n] - 1[n] - 2[T[j][n] + T[j] + 1[n] ; //equation
n= n + 0.1 ;
cout<< "temperature" << T[j][n+1] << endl;
T[j][n+1] = 0.0 ;

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C/C++ :: Define The Formula Of Prime Numbers?

Jul 27, 2014

It is possible to define the formula of prime numbers in C++ language?

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C :: Math Function Using Exponential Growth Formula

Sep 3, 2013

Its a basic math function using the exponential growth formula which is correct but the computer is not outputting the right numbers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
int blanketsquares, num1, num2, blanket,remainder;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculating Area Of A Triangle Using Heron Formula

Nov 7, 2014

I need to calculate the area of a triangle using heron's formula. I wrote the code below and i need to modify it so that a user is required to keep entering the three side until he/she decides to stop. If the three sides entered make an invalid triangle, the user is required to re-enter the values until valid triangle is formed. Then the area is displayed.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main(){
double a,b,c=0;
double s,A=0;

[Code] .....

the screen output should like this:

Enter three sides of a triangle: 0 1 2 Error!
Re-enter three sides of a triangle: -1 1 2 Error!
Re-enter three sides of a triangle: 3 4 5 => 6

Continue (y/n)? y

Enter three sides of a triangle: 1 1 2 Error!
Re-enter three sides of a triangle: 6 8 10 => 24

Continue (y/n)? n


Please note that Continue (y/n)? only displayed after a valid triangle is formed. Otherwise, the user needs to re-enter sides until it's valid.

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C++ :: Quadratic Formula Loss Of Significance And Simplification

Feb 16, 2015

write codes that could solve a quadratic formula, and my codes are like this:

#include <bjarne/std_lib_facilities.h>
int main()
cout << "Enter the coefficients of a quadratic polynomial a*x**2 + b*x +c:
cout << " a? ";
double a;
cin >> a;
cout << " b? ";


Which runs perfectly, but I have 2 questions:

1. How to simplify these code? On the assignment sheet the professor wrote about using void solve_linear(double b, double c); and void solve_ quadratic (double a, double b, double c);which I currently dont understand how these works. He asked us to write a well-encapsulated (as short as possible) program.

2. These are for extra points: the precision problem of floating numbers: professor asked us to find a way to get the precise answer of it, like this: Enter the coefficients of a quadratic polynomial a*x**2 + b*x +c:
a? 1
b? -20000
c? 1.5e-9
Trying to solve the quadratic equation 1*x*x + -20000*x + 1.5e-09 == 0
Using classical formula: Two roots, x = 20000 and x = 0
Using stable formula: Two roots, x = 20000 and x = 7.5e-14

My guess is that
A. Using code like if(x1*x2=a/c) to check if numbers were approximated.
B. Somehow determine the larger one in x1 and x2.
C. Somehow use that larger one to do something

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Visual C++ :: Totals Or Formula To Calculate Is Not Working?

Sep 19, 2014

My code is below:

Total Interest ends up as my last Monthly Payment amount instead of adding up all Interest Paid - What am I doing wrong?

Total Paid isn't calculating correcly either - What am I doing wrong?

I suspect both are very similar problems. I've tried several different calculations, but cannot figure this out.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double GetMonthlyIntrest (double OpenBalance,double rate);
bool ContinuePgm();
int main () {
double StartingBalance,rate,amount,OpenBalance,IntPmt,TotalInt=0.0,GrandTotal=0.0;


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Visual C++ :: Writing Formula For Standard Deviation?

Apr 17, 2013

How to write a formula for standard deviation but im having a hard time ?

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C++ :: Function That Computes Result Of Formula For Two Sets Of Inputs

Nov 14, 2013

I'm currently writing a program and a portion of it needs to have a function that computes the result of a formula for two sets of inputs. It then has to calculate and display the difference between the two results.

I have code that takes the input from the user and converts it to the type that I need. In this case we are talking about latitudes and longitudes that will be converted to degrees, then to xyz coordinates.

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C/C++ :: Built In Formula For Calculating The Range Of Float And Double?

Oct 26, 2013

I want to get the direct formula for calculating the range of double and float datatypes in c,if any.

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C :: Find Factorial Of Any Number Greater Than Zero And Use Gosper Formula To Approximate It

Feb 24, 2013

I was given a question in my programming class to create a program to find the factorial of any number greater than zero and to use Gosper's formula to approximate it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.14159265
double equation(int n);

[Code] ....

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