C++ :: How To Make Loop That Reiterates For Certain Number Of Players
Dec 11, 2013
Something that does something like this
at this point run a loop for all players, in this loop use random to determine the face and depending on the face run a loop (for roll again etc) or give next user the chance.
And this loop is 2-12 people, all rolling die.
They draw 3 die out of a cup of 12.
Then they roll the 3 die, getting fish, hook, or boot on each die.
Write a program to make a table for any input number and then continuesly ask to press y to print more table and if you press any key other than y then program must be terminate using while loop and do while loop. How to start or end with it.
I am writing a game that is 2 to 4 players. i am wondering how to ask how many players, and make the score stay with each player. it is a rip off of zombie dice, this is what i have so far the playerScore array is to hold the score for each player and the turn array is hold hold the values that they rolled that turn, i also dont know how to clear out the turn array when it goes to the next player.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int playerScore[4];
I'm trying to write a program for a lab, I know how easy it is but cant see to crack it.
I need to make a program using while or for loop.
I must have the user type a number, for an input value an output value but then do it again several times but without it going on forever asking again and again.
I'm trying to optimize this code using openMP. The line I added made it run about twice as fast but I'm trying to figure out how to make it even faster. Could reshaping the loops potentially increase the speed?
//4 threads int listsize=15000; #pragma omp parallel for shared(f) private(i,j,hash) for(i = 0; i < listsize; i++) { printf("Thread: %d i: %zu wl_size: %zu ",omp_get_thread_num(),i,wl_size); for (j = 0; j < num; j++) { h = f[j] (getw(list, i)); c[h] = 1; } }
I need to do make a loop inside a condition. Can it be done? I don't want to call another function to do it. Any way at all without calling separate function inside the if? I just want to do:
if ( for (int i = 0; i<=10; i++) { //stuff related to the for loop } ) { //stuff related to the initial if condition };
I have an exam in C programming I'm a little stuck on loops..I have to make a program that multiplies the loop variable by 2 then takes away 1... easy, that was a for loop no problem
for (x=3; x<=65; x=x*2-1)
that should print out 3 5 9 17 33 65 however, my lecturer has given the task for it to reverse, but not to display the number 17 on the way back down using an if statement...however, this time it must be a do while loop... This is what I have so far.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int x = 129; }
I'm making a program for a MMO I play. It calculates the cash and resources needed to build certain 'modules'. I'm having trouble to do something very simple : make a loop until the user asks to break the loop. Here is what the interface looks like :
What module do you want to install?
(Examples: 'Avenger' or 'VLLT')
dd // I input this DD. COST each : 60,000 cr.
How many do you want? (Modules left:15) (NOTE : You may enter a negative number if you made a mistake) 3 // I input this Current Total Module Price : 180000 cr +6 droids
[Code] ....
The bigger code box below is a part of the code I made. What I deleted is uninteresting, it's just the same thing again : other resources, other 'modules'...
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { struct resources// Defines the amount of resources and their price
I'm working on a code that needs to loop a switch case back to the beginning after a certain input is entered.
ex) Code:
printf("Select an option); printf("1. Play game"); printf("2. Status"); printf("3. Exit"); scanf("%i", &userinput); switch(userinput);
For my program, I want option 2 to display something, then loop back to "select and option" after the user presses enter. How would I write that? Would i use a while? do while?
I have to make a function that i'll later be able to use for a ceasar cypher. The letters should shift a user inputted number. This is what I have so far:
char shiftChar(char c, int s) { char ch = c; int shift = s; int newC; newC = int(ch) + shift; return newC; }
The problem with this, is that it doesn't loop back to the start of the alphabet once i get past z.
I am trying to make a very simple text based game and I want the players to be able to name their characters. Thus, I am trying to have the game ask "how many players will be playing:" and then taking that number (X) and create a place to store that information. I'm trying to get the game to ask, "What is the name of Player1?" Then once the user enters the name it would ask "What is the name of Player2" and that cycle would continue until PlayerX has entered their name. Is what I am doing close?
Here are the errors:
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'string'(ln 29 col 1) Error2error C2678: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char>>' (or there is no acceptable conversion) (ln 30 col 1)
int NumberOfPlayers; if (Response1 == "Yes") { cout << " How many players will be joining us on our adventure: ";
I have this code which performs the analysis part of discrete wavelet transform. It works pretty well. However, I wish to reduce the time that it consumes even further. I did use reserve() and it worked upto few msec.
int rows = signal.size(); int cols = signal[0].size(); int cols_lp1 =(int) ceil( (double) cols / 2); vector<vector<double> > lp_dn1(rows, vector<double>(cols_lp1)); vector<double> temp_row; temp_row.reserve(512);
I am writing a snakes and ladder program and I'm almost finished, but I am struggling with the dice to work in the way I want it to work. I want the dice to work like this :
Before each player throw the dice they must start at 0. Each player must throw a 6 on the dice to move on the board. If a player threw a 6 on the dice, that player can throw again.
But I ended up with two seperate dice, one for each player (game is only for two players).And when I run the program, both players don't start at 0. And when I throw the dice, both players move at the same time but with different values.
If one of my players threw a 6, they just keep on throwing until someone wins the game. I tried to use a switch and if statements but I couldn't get it right. And so I did this :
Code: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<windows.h> #define SpaceBar 32// 32 is an ASCII value for a spacebar
I was tasked with creating a program that asks for the scores of three gamers then takes these scores and outputs the highest. I THINK I have the other parts down but I don't know how to get the program to compare the scores and output the highest without having to write a long list of commands comparing playerone to playertwo, then player one to playerthree, then player two to playerone, etc.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int playerOne, playerTwo, playerThree; cout << "Please enter score for Player One: "; cin >> playerOne;
i wanna no if i can make the program generate a different number everytime you guess the number right and want to play again. it always generates the same number
Write a program that will search soccer players data to check whether a name supplied by the user is on that list. For doing the search, the user may provide either the player’s full last name or one or more starting letters of the last name. If a matching last name is found, the program will display the player’s full name and date of birth. Otherwise, it will display “Not found”.
Requirements specification:At the start, the program will ask the user to enter information about 10 soccer players constituting soccer player data. Each soccer player data will consist of the following fields:
Last name First name Birth month Birth day Birth year
The user will be asked to enter each soccer player data on a separate line with the field values separated by a space.
Once the data is entered, the program will display a menu of choices as below:
Chose an option:
(1 – input data, 2 – display original data, 3 – sort data , 4 – display sorted data 5 – search by last name 6 – exit the program )
If the user chooses option 1, the program will ask the user for a data and populate the array of structures that will hold the data for each of the soccer players.
If the user chooses option 2, the program will display data in the order provided by the user (original data).
If use chooses option 3, the program will sort data by last name.
If user chooses number 4 the program will display the data sorted by last name.
If the user chooses option 5, the program will ask the user to enter one or more starting letters of the soccer player’s last name. It will then search the soccer player data for the matching last name. If a match is found, it will display the first player found with the matching pattern. If a match is not found, the program will display “Not found”. If the user enters two forward slashes (//) for the last name, it will no longer search for the name. Instead it will display the main option menu.
If the user chooses option 6, the program will display “Thank you for using this program” and will end.
Why my program isint executing correctly. Here is what i've so far . . . .
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct data { string lname; string fname; int birthmonth; int birthday; int birthyear;
I was required to write a program that takes a baseball players statistics and displays there averages. I was required to make 3 function in the file to perform this tasks. my problem I am having a division problem in the SLG function. My compiler does not require the system ("PAUSE"); command.
OUTPUT The player's batting average is: 0.347 The player's on-base percentage is: 0.375 The player's slugging percentage is: (test)AB = 101 (test)Tot Base = 58 0.000
Code: /* Batting Average Program file: batavg1CPP.cpp Glossary of abbreviations: BA = batting average PA = plate appearances H = hits BB = bases on balls (walks)
So I'm trying to make a program that asks the user for a number and then prints a statement the same number of times the user entered. 3 different statements, using the 3 loops (for, while, and do while). I made the program but for some reason the statement from the do while loop goes off infinitely.
I have a class called items and stored in a vector as vector<items*> item.now I want to make a function to return the placement # that the item is stored at with a unsigned int. but if I don't find the item is there like a null unsigned int that can be returned.
unsigned int someFunc(vector<items*> item) { unsigned int size = item.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (item[i]->getItemName() == "sword") { return i; } } //i need code here incase the item is not there }
because the item might not be there and i would like to do a line if(unsigned int) do this code
I have to make a program that takes a number input from the user and prints the corresponding fibonacci sequence number. For example, for the input of 3, it should print 2 since the third term in the fibonacci sequence is 2.
I am not sure how to do this so for my attempt, I used the formula found in this website. A Formula for the nth Fibonacci number
Here is the program so far. It doesn't produce the correct output.