C++ :: How To Change Length Of Text

Oct 5, 2014

im new to c++ ,so my question is how do i change a length of a text. for example hi my name is blah blah blah. nice to meet you. (n i want every lines to have 8 chars how do i do that)

you.) (_ equal space)

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C++ :: Change Length Of Array Using GDB

Jun 16, 2014

I have a program with the following code, and I need to be able to either change the value of any or all of the strlen or to replace one or all with a temp array value. All values of the expression are arrays.

if (::strlen(tc_buf) + ::strlen(maxtime_buf) + ::strlen(" ") < sizeof(localBuf))

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C/C++ :: Sort Word Length From A Text File

Mar 23, 2014

I was asked to create a program to find word frequencies, word length in a text file. I am able to use map to do the frequencies part but don't know how to sort the the output accordingly to the length of the words. The example output that I should get is

1 a. 362
i. 157

2 an. 122
at. 201

3 add. 2
age. 1

int main(void) {
static const char* file = "demo.txt";
map<string, unsigned int> wcount; {
ifstream fileStream(file);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Color Change Of Text More Than Once In Program?

Jan 13, 2014

How do i change color of text in the program more than once . rite now i use the code

system ("color 0c");//makes the color of the text red
cout <<"hey";
system ("color 02") //change color to green;
cout<<"only in green ";

it displays both the lines in green not the first in red and second in green.

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C/C++ :: Change Color Of The Text And Background

Jul 7, 2014

I was trying to change the text and background color to :red blue

Is there a way to do this? is there a certain function? ...

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Visual C++ :: How To Change Text Hue In Gump

Mar 6, 2013

I am trying to change the text hue in this gump, i have made most the changes but cant figure out these two errors?

virtuestatusgump.cs:cs1002: line 75, column 32) ; expected
virtuestatusgump.cs:cs1002: line 75, column 32) identifier expected

case 1: {
m_Beholder.SendGump String.Format( new VirtueInfoGump( m_Beholder, "Humility", "Humility is perceiving one's place in the world, not according to one's own accomplishments, but according to the intrinsic value of all individuals. One gains Humility through supporting young players.", m_Beholder.Virtues.Humility ) );

And here is the full script.

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Network;
namespace Server {
public class VirtueStatusGump : Gump

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Change Cell Text Color In QTableView

Jul 24, 2013

I've tried this (without success):

ui->tableView->model()->setData(ui->tableView->model()->index(5, 5, QModelIndex()), QVariant(QColor(Qt::red)), Qt::DecorationRole);

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C# :: Using Listbox To Change Image In Picture Box And Text In Label

Mar 21, 2012

My goal is to have couple of items in the listbox and when highlighting one item a image in the picturebox should appear, and so on for each item in the listbox.I just don't know how to change image depending on selected item in the listbox instantly.Also when i highlight item a text in label should be like in highlighted item in listbox.

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C++ :: Clear Screen In Console - Change Text Color In EXE

Dec 28, 2013

How I can clear the whole screen in console...

And I'm using clrscr(); and its not working.

How i can change the text color in the .exe without using system function

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C# :: Sudoku Solver / Generator - Text Box Change Event

Feb 25, 2014

I am creating a sudoku solver/generator. I have 81 text boxes on the form. I want the form to automatically clean up the input, eliminating alpha characters, and values under 1 or over 10. Anyways I have this method written, but I really don't want to go through and type up a change method for each text box. Is there to write a method that fires when ANY text box is changed, and gets the string value from the changed text box?

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Visual C++ :: Change Text And Background Color Of CComboBox?

Nov 26, 2014

I have a derived CComboBox class, where I tried to change text and background of edit from CComboBox, just like this:

HBRUSH CMyComboBox::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) {
HBRUSH hbr = CComboBox::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
// TODO: Change any attributes of the DC here
//if(CTLCOLOR_EDIT == nCtlColor || CTLCOLOR_MSGBOX == nCtlColor) {

[Code] ......

but is not working if CComboBox has CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style ... is working only for CBS_DROPDOWN style ... why ?

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C Sharp :: Unable To Change Label Text For Certain Location On Web Form

Dec 7, 2012

I am trying to change label text on button click, the way label.text = "string" work well before but not in this case. I tried to put this on other method and it work..it is just not working on the button that I would like to fire..

C# code :

protected void btnTotalGroupMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string s = "there";
string[] words = s.Split(' ');
foreach (string word in words) {
Label1.Text = s;

[Code] ...

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Visual C++ :: Change Default Text Attributes (font And Color)

Nov 12, 2013

I needed to change Default Text attributes (font and color) . So I wrote following code , UnicodeTextOut function. I called this function once in each 55ms to update the display screen. but I observed that my Screen used to become grey like a crash after sometime . If I use Minimize an Maximize window , the screen was restoring back for some time.

When I thought over the code , I got my mistake that CreateFont initialization should be done once in the program and probably outside the function.

void UnicodeTextOut(int x, int y, CString s, UINT justify,int GreyScaleFlag) {
HFONT hFontUnicode;
HFONT hfOld ;
hFontUnicode = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _T("Aerial"));

[Code] ....

Then I shifted the line hFontUnicode = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _T("Aerial")); in my screen class constructor and made hFontUnicode global .

This solved my problem as expected. Why a system crash after certain no of CreateFont calls ?

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Visual C++ :: File Stream Change Its Address During Writing Text Contents To The Stream

Apr 29, 2013

I wrote a program to write text contents to file stream through fputs, the file stream address was changed in the middle of writing text content to the stream (11% text content have been put into the file stream), that cause the file stream pointer can be evaluated problem and raise exception on stream validation code in fputs library function, my question is what things could go wrong to make file stream pointer changed its address to something else or a NULL pointer if the file stream have not been flushed and closed.

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C++ :: Coin / Money Change Code Doesn't Give Exact Change

Feb 20, 2013

My coin/money change code works when there can be an exact change each time, i.e. when the 1 cent option is available. However, when the change options are only $10, $5, $1, 25 cents and 10 cents, it does not give me what I want for instance, I wanted to get change for $237.80, I was expecting to get:

23 10's, one 5, two 1's and 8 dimes. However, the code below is giving me 23 10's, one 5, two 1's and 3 quarters (there is no option left for the 5 remaining cents).how to fix it?

using namespace std;
void change(double cents, int a[]);
int main() {
double Dollars;
double cents;


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C# :: Length Cannot Be Less Than Zero

Nov 12, 2014

Exception Details: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;


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C++ :: Can't Get Length Of String

Nov 20, 2013

I'm trying some codes about string arrays and taking array length. But i have some problems. I can't get length of string and can't send to a function.

using namespace std;
void GetLength(string);
std::string Words[]={"table","gun","programming"};
int main()
{std::string InputWord;


And how can send Matrix to other function?

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C++ :: Can Get Length Of Integer?

Oct 3, 2013

The programming problem is supposed to take a decimal number from a user and turn it into a binary number. Here is my code:

for (int i=0; i< count; i++) {
binary[i] = decimal % 2;
decimal = decimal/2;
} cout << binary[2] << endl;

decimal is the number entered by the user.

binary [] is the char array and count is... you know how many times the for loop will turn. So my question is, how do i know the length of the number ? Any function that shows the integer length ? because its impossible to know what count is equal to. like 100 is 3.

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C++ :: Find Every Permutation With Length From 1 To N?

Jan 29, 2015

I need to be able to find every possible permutation using all possible values of a char. But I have to make it be able to form permutations from a length of 1 to variable N. For example, if N=3, I need it to be able to come up with

0x00 0x00
0x01 0x01
0xff 0xff 0xfe
0xff 0xff 0xff

How could I do this. (I would like to avoid recursion, since N might be as large as 50 or 60 and using recursion would most likely cause a stack overflow)

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C :: How To Determine Length Of Array

Apr 16, 2013

I'm working with arrays that might have NULL bytes in them and I'm wondering how to determine the length of the array or store it somewhere with the array (strlen() won't work because of the NULL, right?).

I've found advice like store the length of the array in the first byte of the array, but since sizeof(size_t) is 8 should I leave the first 8 bytes for the length?

Would it be better do define my own structure which would store the array and its length? What's the usual way these things are handled in practice?

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C :: Fgets - How To Get Line Length

Apr 20, 2013

char line[BUFSIZ];
while ( fgets(line, sizeof line, file) != NULL ){
llen = strlen(line);
printf("%d - %s

I get a full line printed but my llen is the size of my buffer. how do i get the total size om my line from the beginning to " "

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C :: Exceed Array Length

Feb 9, 2014

I was reading in a book I had about C that an array has at the very end a "null character" signifying the end of the string inside it, "/o". So that made me think, "I guess one needs to declare arrays as having 1 extra space than one expects the array to need. I wonder what will happen if I exceed the array length?" So I made a program to test it out. Here is the program/results:


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char name[3];
What's your name?
scanf("%s", name);


As you can see my name was able to fit in the array somehow even though I only allocated 3 bytes to the array. I tried again using my legal first name, Benjamin, and it was still able to fit. How is the array able to hold my name when I declared it as only having 3 bytes?

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C++ :: Function That Get Length Of Integer?

Nov 23, 2013

Any good function that get the length of an integer in C++

I do know of str.length(), however i want something similar for integers

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C++ :: Incorrect Length Of Array?

May 24, 2013

i having a code to pass in array as argument, but the length returned is 1. This is not match with the array size.

int Getsize(int Array[])
int len = sizeof(Array)/sizeof(int);
cout << len << "
int main()
int X[] = {45, 12, 54, 83, 41, 36};

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C++ :: How To Find Length Of String

Jul 6, 2014

int t;
string a;
int len=a.length();
cout<<a<<" "<<len;


why is the length 0?what can I do to get the correct length of the input string?

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C++ :: Length Of String Array?

Sep 7, 2013

I can't find any method of retrieving the length of an array except for doing this:

string first[] = {"a","be","see"};
int length = sizeof(first)/sizeof(first[0])

This is a very unconventional way of getting the length of an array.

first->length() would return 1 because it returns the number of letters in the first element of the array (which actually makes no logical sense).

first.size() would return 1 aswell as it's practically the same thing.

Since getting the length of an array is such a fundamental feat, how come I can't find a decent method of doing it?
Is there no buildt in method for this? If there is not, why has it not been implemented in the std?

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