C :: How To Determine Length Of Array

Apr 16, 2013

I'm working with arrays that might have NULL bytes in them and I'm wondering how to determine the length of the array or store it somewhere with the array (strlen() won't work because of the NULL, right?).

I've found advice like store the length of the array in the first byte of the array, but since sizeof(size_t) is 8 should I leave the first 8 bytes for the length?

Would it be better do define my own structure which would store the array and its length? What's the usual way these things are handled in practice?

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C++ :: No Check To Determine Whether The Array Index Is Out Of Bound?

Jun 9, 2013

This is an assignment question In C++, there is no check to determine whether the array
index is out of bounds.Design a class myArray that solves the out-of-bound array index problem and allows the user to begin the array index starting at any integer, positive or negative. Every object of type myArray should be an array of type int.

Part 1 processes only int arrays. Redesign the class myArray using class templates so that the class can be used in any application that requires arrays to process data.

I don't understand the second part. should i just change the array from int to char or something?

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C++ :: Take User Input Selection Of Columns And Determine Array

Aug 29, 2013

I am writing code for a program that will take user input selection of columns and determine an array based on that.The number of columns will be user selected.The number of rows equals 3^(columns) <--exponent not XOR

- This is because each column has the possibility of having the numbers 0,1,or 2

For example, if the user were to select "4" columns, then the array would have 4 columns and 3^4=81 rows. Then I would like to populate this with all of the possible combinations of 0,1,2


how I would create the "For" Loop for this?

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C++ :: Function To Determine Largest Value In Array And Then Outputs Value And Index

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to create a function that determines the largest value in the array and then outputs the value and index. I want to values in the array to be random so I tried using the rand function, although I'm not sure where I'm supposed to put it. My main problem (I think) is outputting the correct values...

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void lastLargestIndex (int numbers[], int arraySize);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int number, arraySize = 50;

[Code] ....

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C :: Exceed Array Length

Feb 9, 2014

I was reading in a book I had about C that an array has at the very end a "null character" signifying the end of the string inside it, "/o". So that made me think, "I guess one needs to declare arrays as having 1 extra space than one expects the array to need. I wonder what will happen if I exceed the array length?" So I made a program to test it out. Here is the program/results:


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
char name[3];
What's your name?
scanf("%s", name);


As you can see my name was able to fit in the array somehow even though I only allocated 3 bytes to the array. I tried again using my legal first name, Benjamin, and it was still able to fit. How is the array able to hold my name when I declared it as only having 3 bytes?

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C++ :: Incorrect Length Of Array?

May 24, 2013

i having a code to pass in array as argument, but the length returned is 1. This is not match with the array size.

int Getsize(int Array[])
int len = sizeof(Array)/sizeof(int);
cout << len << "
int main()
int X[] = {45, 12, 54, 83, 41, 36};

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C++ :: Length Of String Array?

Sep 7, 2013

I can't find any method of retrieving the length of an array except for doing this:

string first[] = {"a","be","see"};
int length = sizeof(first)/sizeof(first[0])

This is a very unconventional way of getting the length of an array.

first->length() would return 1 because it returns the number of letters in the first element of the array (which actually makes no logical sense).

first.size() would return 1 aswell as it's practically the same thing.

Since getting the length of an array is such a fundamental feat, how come I can't find a decent method of doing it?
Is there no buildt in method for this? If there is not, why has it not been implemented in the std?

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C++ :: Change Length Of Array Using GDB

Jun 16, 2014

I have a program with the following code, and I need to be able to either change the value of any or all of the strlen or to replace one or all with a temp array value. All values of the expression are arrays.

if (::strlen(tc_buf) + ::strlen(maxtime_buf) + ::strlen(" ") < sizeof(localBuf))

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C++ ::  Length Of Array Of Struct

Jan 23, 2015

I'm trying to make an application and I need the length of the array of a struct. Like this:

struct myStruct {
int integer;
myStruct struct[] =

I want to get how many ints are in the array...

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C :: Find The Length Of Char Array

Sep 25, 2014

I am working on a c-programm. In this program I have to convert the amount of money I read on two variables into the corret format. I got Euros and cents on 2 ints. But now I want to add both of those variables in a String (char array). Also i want to find out the length of the new char array.

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C++ :: How To Obtain Length Of Array That Has Been Sent Throughout Function

Sep 9, 2013

How can I obtain the length of an array that has been sent throughout a function. In the following code, I obtain "2" as output, while I was expecting "5".

void call(int a[]) {
int main() {
int* a=new int[5];

How can I properly call this function so I can obtain the correct array size?

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Visual C++ :: Dynamic Array Length?

Jan 6, 2014

How can i change or add a cell to an array without knowing its length ? (I mean that I shouldn't know the length I need to make the length dynamic so i can add a cell)we just learned Dynamic assignment(I hope this is the correct name) and Pointers.

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C :: Variable Length Array - Core Dumps

Nov 13, 2013

This code snippet compiles and runs fine

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
int i, a[i];

for(int n=0; n<=i; n++)

[Code] .....

It prints out 3 "0", but when slightly changed

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int i, a[i];

for(int n=0; n<=i; n++)

[Code] ....

It compiles fine but core dumps when run, how come? i'm using gcc version 4.4.7, and compiling like this

gcc -std=c99 test.c -o test

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C :: Size Of Struct With Variable Length Array?

Mar 6, 2015

The WinAPI has a struct like this for raw input:


typedef struct tagRAWINPUT { RAWINPUTHEADER header;
union {
} data;


The definition of the struct doesn't show it but the documentation says that bRawData is variable length. sizeof(RAWINPUT) will not be the correct size when the data field is of RAWHID type so how do you allocate a variable with automatic storage type that has the right size for the entire struct? You can get a header that has the size for the entire struct but how do you actually allocate storage space for the data without using malloc? I've seen some example code that used a char array but that violates aliasing rules and there are also alignment issues with that approach.

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C++ :: Dynamic Array Of Variable-length Strings

Oct 10, 2013

I believe that everything is fine except that I can think of the condition can be inserted inside the parentheses ..

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i=0, k=0;
char *string_n, **matrix, temp;


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C++ :: Function To Receives Integer Array Along With Its Length

Apr 2, 2014

How to write a function that receives an integer array along with its length. the function calculates and returns the sum of the squares of all the odd numbers in the array?

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C/C++ :: Determining Length Of Array Read From File

Feb 16, 2015

i have to read a file with between 5 and 10 pairs of numbers, each on a different line. i can read the file, and wrote something to save the length of the file as a variable, but when i use it i start returning crazy data. the problem is in the do while loop and i want to change the i< in the for loop to "lines" so the code stops when the last digit is read. if i use i<10 the file has extra digits is the file is only 8 or 5 pairs of numbers.

FILE *Fpointout;
FILE *Fpointin = fopen ("test.txt","r"); //read this one
Fpointout = fopen ("out.txt","w"); //write this one
if (Fpointin == NULL) //if no file in source {
printf ("File does not exist."); //tell user it is not there

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Input Number During Runtime - variable Array Length

Nov 28, 2013

I want to ask for a number as an input during runtime and then create an 2-dimensional array of size as specified by user. i.e. if the user inputs 3, the array should be of size 3X3, and likewise...

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C :: Can't Determine Tie Status Of The Game

Nov 12, 2014

I've made an effort for three days to write this code. But, my brain has stopped now. I wrote code to find the status of the game (win, loss or tie). However, I can't determine the tie status of the game. Tie status is the problem

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C++ :: Determine If A Function Has Been Defined

Apr 8, 2013

I would like to make a handler for input events, but not be required to define all the functions.For example, if I had

void mouseDown(int button,vec2 pos);
void mouseUp(int button,vec2 pos);
static void mouseStateHandle(int button,int state,int x,int y) {
case DOWN:


in the 'mouseStateHandle' function? I don't know enough about C++ to be able to come up with a solution.

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C++ :: Determine Integer In TXT File

Nov 9, 2014

I am making an eVoting program which takes input from .txt file and outputs in the same .txt file. I need to ask the user to enter the candidate they wish to vote and then read the previous tally from the .txt file and add one to it. The problem is determining the numbers in a .txt file and adding one to it.

For example voting_Tally.txt contains:

Bloomberg 1234
Bill De Blasio 6789

How would it be possible to first determine the name and then add one to their tally. For Example:

Bloomberg 1235
Bill De Blasio 6790

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C++ :: Determine Whether There Is A Collision Between 2 Meshes

Oct 19, 2013

How can I determine whether there is a collision between 2 meshes? I'd just like to see if one mesh is inside another.

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C/C++ :: How To Determine If Application Is Already Running On Mac OSX

Dec 18, 2014

I have a service A, and an application B. Service A needs to launch application B only if it's not running currently. This can be easily done in Windows by calling GetExitCodeProcess function. I cannot find an equivalent method for doing so in Linux/Mac.

So my current code says:

system("open /Users/adsmaster/client/client &"); // to launch the application from the service in a new shell

I read that on a Linux-line machine you can use $ cal to get the exit value of the recently run process but I am not sure how can get the exit value of a particular process?

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C/C++ :: Determine That Char Is A Letter

Nov 18, 2014

I need to count how many times letter appears in a text. I know that for default letters from 'a' to 'z' and from 'A' to 'Z' there is an interval. But I need also Lithuanian letters, such as ž,č,ę. I wrote this method: (it accepts char code and checks whether that char is a letter)

bool eilutė::YraRaidė(int kodas)
if(kodas >= 'a' && kodas <= 'z') {
return true;


As you can see, a lot of checking in switch statement. I use 256 for this reason to have the same effect as unsigned char. But maybe there is a way to shrink down this method, or use some library?

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C :: Determine Compiler Version And Which Standard It Uses?

Jul 18, 2013

Is there any code I can use to determine my compiler version and which Standard It uses? I know the following code determine that my compiler followed ANSI But how about a version of that? ****My OS is now Ubuntu

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
printf("File :%s
", __FILE__ );
printf("ANSI :%d
", __STDC__ ); //return 1 if it follow ANSI but version?
return 0;

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C :: Determine If Adversary Pawns Are Captivated

Feb 28, 2013

I am trying to write a simple application that resembles the game "Computer Co", but I am stuck with this problem: If the board is represented by a dimensional array, with what algorithm could I tell if one player's pieces are captivated by the other's? In other words, how can I recognise whether the pieces of one colour form a circle?

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