C# :: How To Share Variables Between 3 Classes

Apr 2, 2014

I am wondering how to share a variable in 3 classes. For example:

variable class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

[Code] ...

class that edits the variable:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1


The actual program:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1


What should happen when this runs is this:

Variable changed in program: 0
Same variable changed in a different class: 1

Instead, this happens:

Variable changed in program: 0
Same variable changed in a different class: 0

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C++ :: How To Share Variables Between Two Header Files

Mar 16, 2012

Here is what I did,

// A.h
const int salary = 1000000;

// B.h
extern const int salary = 1000000;

But I still got multi-definition errors. How should I fix it?

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C# :: Can Use Variables From Other Classes

Feb 23, 2014

im creating an address book. One address book contains a ListBox, New User button, Edit User and Remove User button. The first form is suppose to allow you to view the users you've created on the ListBox and you can decide whether you want to remove it, create a new one or simply edit the user. Now The second form simply contains labels and textbox along with a save button. I'm having a bit of issue figuring out the ListBox. I want to be able to create a user and have the user be posted on the ListBox. I read that i must instantiate listbox then simply add it. Now on my form2 i have a for loop that loops through an Array of String were all the users will be created on. How can i call that array of string on to the form1?

Form 1:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;


EDIT:I just figured out that to call a variable from one form to another you simply instantiate the form then simply call it. PS. must be set to public:

ListBox1 createUser = new ListBox1();

why doesnt it show the windows when i run without debugging?

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C++ :: Static Variables In Classes

Mar 1, 2013

If I have a static variable in a class e.g. a pointer to another class like this: (B is another class)

class A {
static B* cB;

Then I set that variable and create multiple instances of class A like this:

A::cB = new B;
As = new A[Number];

Then will the value of cB be the same across all instances?

I cannot pass the class pointer in the constructor as I need to create an array of instances. I tried this method but I get linker error.... unresolved external.

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C++ ::  How To Overload Variables In Derived Classes

Apr 6, 2013

Is it possible to overload a variable in a derived class? Example:

struct Circle
int radius() const { return r; }
int r;
struct Smiley : Circle
// inherits the function int radius() const, but doesn't return Smiley::r
int r;

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C++ :: Bit-checking Across Multiple Classes Private Variables

Oct 6, 2013

I am writing a bit-check function just to make it easier on myself to check status flags in my classes. I use char variables and each bit represents something on or off. Since I have numerous classes that will use this functionality, it makes sense to write and compile the code only one time rather than for each class. I was thinking of writing the function and including it as a "friend" function to each class that needs it. Is that an appropriate way to do it?

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C++ :: Changing Variables In Other Classes Code Blocks?

May 20, 2013

I want to make a basic RPG text based games with multiple classes. but I wan to know how In one class I make a variable and in another and can call the variable.

for exmaple

int hi = 1;
class2 a;
hi = 2;
cout << hi;

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C++ :: Segmentation Fault While Setting Classes Local Variables

Oct 12, 2014

When I set a local variable to a value it causes a segmentation fault. This happens in the GameObject class in the setGame method.

While your at it tell me what you think of the design. Am I on the right track? if not state why.

Here is the source: [URL]

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C++ :: Accessing Classes Member Variables Nested Inside Another Class

Feb 22, 2013

I have two classes, a Package class and a Person class. The Package class has two Person objects has member variables, a Sender and a Receiver. While overloading the << operator for the Package class so that it will make an output label from everything in the Package class. Here is my code...

class Package{
Person Sender;
Person Reciever;
int weight;
double cost;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Package &pack);

[Code] .....

So my problem is on that last output line, I am unable to call Sender.getName()... etc. Is there a proper syntax so that I can access the members of the Person class while overloading the << operator for the Package class?

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C++ :: Share Values Between Functions In Same Class?

Mar 22, 2013


#ifndef CANDIES_H
#define CANDIES_H
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Global.h>
class Candies



#include "Candies.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>


When I tested it, the file name in getName() outputted the right file name. However the file name in loadName() does not print out anything in the console window.

I want it to be so that the strings in [I]name_addTXT.c_str() in both functions are equal.

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C++ :: Reinitialize Dynamic / Share Library?

Jan 23, 2013

I am getting some problem in a dynamic/share library I am using with my code. Restarting my application solves the problem.

tell me any safe way to reinitialize kind of mechanism for dynamic loaded libraries with minimum code changes in my application?

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C :: How To Share Imported DLL Functions Between Source Files

Nov 24, 2013

In general, my problem is that I've been trying to reorganize the project I and my group are working on into separate project files. Everything was working perfectly fine before, but now I'm facing the wrath of undefined reference errors when I try to call my DLL functions.

I have them declared and included in the central header file here :


/* DLL functions */
typedef void ( * t_wait )( int milliseconds, const int frames_per_seconds );
typedef clock_t ( * ft_timer )( int command, t_timer * timer_object ); /* clock_t is usually defined as long */
typedef void ( * t_SDL_errorexit )( const char * message );
typedef SDL_Surface * ( * t_load_image )( char * image_path, unsigned is_transparent );


Then I have them imported here :

/* ******************************************************** */
/* ********* win_error( char *, bool ) ********* */
/* ******************************************************** */
/* - Displays a GUI for a windows specific error message, */
/* pass true to it to have it exit the program, pass false */
/* to have it continue */
/* ******************************************************** */
extern void win_error( char * message, bool is_exit )
/* Note : win_error uses the Win32 Api */
/* ********************************** */
char buffer[BUFSIZ] = { 0 }; /*


This doesn't work, as my compiler sees it that I am trying to call invalid functions, whereas I have made sure to import the functions before calling. Obviously my compiler can't tell that, and is trying to protect me from calling them.

The source files are compiled as C++, but I'm using C-style code instead of true C++ code.

Obviously I'm using Windows style DLL linking, but if the only ways to share imported functions are non-standard, only post ways that will work on as low as Windows XP.

I have tried to statically link them before, but that led to a problem that I posted a while back. Which led me to dynamically linking, which was problem-free until I separated my code into separate files.

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C++ :: How To Share Information In Multi File Project

Dec 9, 2013

this last few days I've been coding this one particular file


namespace Hero {
namespace {
// all data here

then the code grew a bit to about 700 line

Then now I want to implement hero skill system It needs the access to data inside the unnamed namespace where I put just about everything.. but it's unnamed namespace, it's only valid within one file and I should hide all that data from Hero interface in Hero.h How should I do this ?

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C# :: How To Share Video File Between Multiple PC Over Internet

Jul 2, 2014

Basically i'm willing to create an application which could share Video,Mp3 Over the internet to my friends.

For suppose I'm hosting file on my PC, and i want to share "D" Drive to my friends but they aren't connected to my network locally. i want to share movies over the internet using a host and client application in c#.net.

the purpose of this application is very clear that that i want to share movies over the internet and they have to be able to watch movies on their PCs Except running my PC remotely.

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Visual C++ :: Creating Different Process And Share Data Between 2

Dec 8, 2014

I want to create 2 different easy processes in C++ 1st and then i wanted to share data between these 2 processes.

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C++ :: Array Of Classes With Classes Inside

Oct 5, 2013

I have an array of (Student)classes created in Manager.h, which contains a new instance of class Name (name),(in Student.h)How would I go about accessing the SetFirstName method in Name.cpp if I was in a class Manager.cpp? I have tried using Students[i].name.SetFirstName("name");

// In Manager.h
class Manager


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C :: How To Share Variable Value From One Source File To Other Header File

Dec 11, 2014

I wanted to share the value of a variable from Sender Program to Receive after program and want to calculate difference between send and receive. After studying Header file concept I program following three.

Now I am struck. How to to compile? I link all these file. I used following method:

gcc Sender.c -o Sender Sender.h
gcc Receiver.c -o Receiver Student.h

Then I run Sender and after that Receiver.I per my knowledge, Receiver should give difference but it gives error :

Receiver.c: In function "main":
Receiver.c:10:42: error: "Send" undeclared (first use in this function)
printf(" Total Receive is %d

#include <stdio.h>
int Send ;
void main(){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How Do Two Classes Interact With Each Other

Aug 26, 2013

I want to know that how objects of two different classes interact with each other???

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C++ :: How To Know If Classes In Program Are Being Used

Aug 13, 2014

In this program the intention is to create a menu driven program for a pizza restaurant. I have to use a class called Pizza and have to include at least three public functions; one is called SetSize, another one is called Display, and the last one is called ComputePrice. A small pizza is worth $10, a medium is $14, and a large is $17. Each topping is worth 2 dollars. I know that the program runs correctly, but I have doubts over the classes and function actually being utilized correctly or at all.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class Pizza {

int size;
int style;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Using Multiset With Classes?

Oct 23, 2013

I'm trying to use multiset with a user defined class "edge". I'm trying to use the multiset as a priority queue, and I've created a "less<edge>" via operator<() overloading.

For some reason, I cannot insert edges into the multiset.

I understand that I might also have to create an "allocator". I got some ideas for creating it at [URL], but still don't know how to define size_type and difference_type.

Attached is my skeleton code, running on Windows 7 (32-bit), under Netbeans IDE, using Cygwin g++ 4.7.3.

How can I get this to work? What is important is that I get a priority queue working with my edges, prioritized by the weight.

#include <iostream>
#include <set> // for multiset
using namespace std; // assume std libraries (i.e. std::XXX)
class edge { // node, weight pair


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C++ :: Derived Classes From DLL

May 5, 2013

I've created a base DLL for all my future DLL's, a way of getting version numbers and such and that compiles fine, but I can't add it into a class for a new DLL. All the headers do have an appropriate cpp to define the function declarations (and they compile fine).

All for the base DLL I have:



#pragma once
#include <vector>
#define DLLEXPORT 1
#define DLLIMPORT 2

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Get Volume Of A Box Using Classes

Feb 22, 2015

n the requirements it says this;

-create a get and set for height, width, length.
-A default parameterized constructor = 1
-A method to resize the box
-A method to get the volume of the box
-A method to convert the object to a string

My Questions:

The 3 parts I am confused by are the default parameter constructor, the re-size the box and the method to convert to string. For the default parameter part I figured making length, width and height = to 1 would work, but I'm pretty sure thats not what I'm supposed to do.

This is the main file

#include "box_class.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double length;
double width;
double height;
double volume;

[Code] ......

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C++ :: When To Use Static Classes

May 2, 2013

I am just wondering what the best practice is for when to use static classes (by static class, I mean a class which has only static attributes and functions).

If you are creating more than one independent object of a particular class, then obviously this should not be static because each object will be the same. But what about the case when you know that you will only ever need one instance of a class? On its own, does this mean that you should create it as a static class?

Personally, I use static class when I want its member attributes and functions to be available globally, which I think is fine. However, I am not sure about the case when I know that only one object will be created - should this be a static class or not?

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C++ :: Use Of Template Classes In Other Template Classes

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a template class which holds a template list I made. The list consists of template nodes (another template class I made).

My problem is that in some places (not everywhere) the compiler says that I'm trying to access private members of the node's class.

For example, if I define my node like this:
template<class T>
class CoefNode {
T coef;


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C++ :: Nested Classes And Structs

Mar 12, 2014

I'm working on a project involving nested classes and structs like this:

Code: class A {
public:class B {
{A::C* iCanDoThis; //no errors.
iCanAlsoDoThis->root->.... //this also works fine.}private:A::C* iCannotDoThis //this is what I would like to do.
Has errors
A* iCanAlsoDoThis;};private:struct C

C* root;};

Is it possible make a pointer to struct C a private member of class B?

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C++ :: Including Outside Functions Into Classes?

Mar 6, 2015

I have a hpp file with a list of inline finctions like this:

inline int check() {
return 1;
inline int check_1() {
return 1;

... What I would like to do is to include them into several unrelated classes. How can I do this. Can I just add the hpp inline functions in headers of my class containing files or not. I mean if they are not defined as class functions how can they be called. I don't understan the logic.

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