C/C++ :: Get Volume Of A Box Using Classes

Feb 22, 2015

n the requirements it says this;

-create a get and set for height, width, length.
-A default parameterized constructor = 1
-A method to resize the box
-A method to get the volume of the box
-A method to convert the object to a string

My Questions:

The 3 parts I am confused by are the default parameter constructor, the re-size the box and the method to convert to string. For the default parameter part I figured making length, width and height = to 1 would work, but I'm pretty sure thats not what I'm supposed to do.

This is the main file

#include "box_class.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double length;
double width;
double height;
double volume;

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Area And Volume Of Cylinder?

Apr 27, 2013

I would like to calculate area and volume of cylinder but radious and height should be integer, float and double.

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C++ :: Calculate Area And Volume Of Cylinder?

Apr 27, 2013

I would like to calculate area and volume of cylinder but radious and height should be integer, float and double. How can i do?

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C++ :: Save Big Volume Of Computation Results

Feb 27, 2013

I run some computations which give a big number of vectors (let's say 100 vectors, each one contain 2000 elements of type double). I want to save those data and import them into Excel.

I know I can save the results through in txt file. But it would be a very long file. Can I save the results in other more efficient file form that can be imported into Excel? and how?

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C++ :: Cone Volume Calculator Program

Nov 6, 2014

I'm working on below program and I want the program to do the same thing, but with not one main() function, but instead one main() function PLUS one user defined function called computeConeVolume that contains the calculation. In other words I want to remove the one line calculation and replace it with a function call, then write and add the function below main with the calculation, surrounded any other syntax that I need to complete it.

The function should contain local variables and a constant declared and must have the calculation, it may not do anything else such as input or output. Should be able to declare "global" variables anywhere but no variables above or outside of main() and the function are allowed. A value-returning function should be used because it's a little simpler to understand, but you can employ a void function. Need to have a function prototype at the top of the code, then main, then your function.

//Cone Volume Calculator Program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( ) {
//Declare variables and constants
double coneRadius = 0.0;
double coneHeight = 0.0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Getting Strange Print Out For Calculation Of Volume

Apr 4, 2013

// DEBUG3-4
// This program contains a class for a cylinder
// Data members are radius and height
// The volume is calculated as pi times radius squared times height
// If no height is given, it's not a cylinder - it's a circle!

using namespace std;
//declaration section


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C++ :: Pool Volume - How To Accept Numbers Only

Feb 5, 2014

What I want to do with my program is I want my length, width,volume and price to accept number values only. This is what I have so far.

// This program calculates and displays the pool's volume
// the amount of water needed and the cost.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// the double type accepts numbers including fractions for the following inputs.
double length, width, depth, poolvolume, watervolume, price;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Import Stock Ticker And Volume From A Website?

Mar 30, 2014

I need a line of code of retrieving data from a live website. I will look around in the mean time. libcurl?

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C++ :: Mathematically Check For 3D Point Inside Volume?

May 3, 2013

In 2D I checked to see if a point was inside a shape by creating triangles between 2 neighbouring points and the centre of the object, then checking the angle to the 3 points from the test point and if the sum = 360... If not then it isn't inside the triangle. But how would I check if a point is inside a volume rather than an area? I know the same method would work but I don't think very well as it'll be testing with the thickness of the shell of the 3D object, which may be quite easily jumped in a single frame of movement..

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C/C++ :: Circle Paper Of Radius R - Max Cone Volume

Jan 23, 2014

My problem is the following : We have a circle paper of radius R. We will cut off a sector of this circle (with length rem_sec), and the remaining (bigger part) will create a cone. Radius of cone base is r.

I need to create a code that prompts the user to enter circle's radius R and the program will calculate the length of removed sector (rem_sec) so that the created cone has the Max Volume.

I wrote the following code, but it doesn't work. It displays both rem_sec and MaxV = 0.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
const double PI = 3.1415;
int main() {
double rem_sec;

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Array Of Classes With Classes Inside

Oct 5, 2013

I have an array of (Student)classes created in Manager.h, which contains a new instance of class Name (name),(in Student.h)How would I go about accessing the SetFirstName method in Name.cpp if I was in a class Manager.cpp? I have tried using Students[i].name.SetFirstName("name");

// In Manager.h
class Manager


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C :: How To Calculate Surface Area And Volume For Rectangular Prism

Jan 24, 2015

So for my assignment, I have to write code to calculate the surface area and volume for a rectangular prism that involves the use of functions. I made the program without functions and it works perfectly but as I'm putting in the required functions, it conversely made it non-functional, ironically. How to call functions correctly and the online book we're using now is confusing me even more.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void) {
double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8 = 0;
double y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8 = 0;
double z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8 = 0;
double length, width, height=0;


And here is the version I'm using to test it (without the need to input the individual coordinates).


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void) {
double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8 = 0;
double y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8 = 0;
double z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7, z8 = 0;
double volumePrism, surfaceArea =0;


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Visual C++ :: Arrays - Solve Equation Using All Volume Values

Dec 22, 2012

I am using matlab R2o11 in which the programming medium is c++. I am having these variables=

T=373 t0 376
V=0.09 to 1

I just need a result showing ... First it should take T=373 and solve the equation using all volume values. Then it takes another temperature and do the same.

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C++ :: Input Length / Width And Height For 3 Boxes - Sum And Average Volume

Dec 6, 2013

How would I make it so that I can have someone input the length, width and height for all 3 boxes and then have it output the sum and average volume? Here's an example of what I would like:

INPUT - Enter Box 1 (Length, Width, Height): 10.1 11.2 3.3
INPUT – Enter Box 2 (Length, Width, Height): 5.5 6.6 7.7
INPUT – Enter Box 3 (Length, Width, Height): 4.0 5.0 8.0
OUTPUT – The sum of the volume is 812.806
OUTPUT – The average volume is 270.935

Here's my original code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double box(double length, double width, double height); // use double data
int main() {
double sum;
sum = box(10.1, 11.2, 3.3) + box(5.5, 6.6, 7.7) + box(4.0, 5.0, 8.0);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Calculate Volume Of A Cone With Values For Diameter Of Base And Height

Jan 30, 2014

I am having trouble with calculating the volume of a cone

Assignment: Using the knowledge you already have, create, build, run, and correct if necessary a program that will calculate the volume of a cone. Insert into your code values for diameter of the base and the height. Use variables, constants, literals, and mathematics as necessary.

The formula for the volume is:

1/3 π x Radius2 x Height

Hint: you will need to add to your program two lines where appropriate:

#include <cmath>
const double PI = 2*acos(0.0);

Here is my current code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
//diameter of the base
float diameter = 3;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How Do Two Classes Interact With Each Other

Aug 26, 2013

I want to know that how objects of two different classes interact with each other???

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C++ :: How To Know If Classes In Program Are Being Used

Aug 13, 2014

In this program the intention is to create a menu driven program for a pizza restaurant. I have to use a class called Pizza and have to include at least three public functions; one is called SetSize, another one is called Display, and the last one is called ComputePrice. A small pizza is worth $10, a medium is $14, and a large is $17. Each topping is worth 2 dollars. I know that the program runs correctly, but I have doubts over the classes and function actually being utilized correctly or at all.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class Pizza {

int size;
int style;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Using Multiset With Classes?

Oct 23, 2013

I'm trying to use multiset with a user defined class "edge". I'm trying to use the multiset as a priority queue, and I've created a "less<edge>" via operator<() overloading.

For some reason, I cannot insert edges into the multiset.

I understand that I might also have to create an "allocator". I got some ideas for creating it at [URL], but still don't know how to define size_type and difference_type.

Attached is my skeleton code, running on Windows 7 (32-bit), under Netbeans IDE, using Cygwin g++ 4.7.3.

How can I get this to work? What is important is that I get a priority queue working with my edges, prioritized by the weight.

#include <iostream>
#include <set> // for multiset
using namespace std; // assume std libraries (i.e. std::XXX)
class edge { // node, weight pair


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C++ :: Derived Classes From DLL

May 5, 2013

I've created a base DLL for all my future DLL's, a way of getting version numbers and such and that compiles fine, but I can't add it into a class for a new DLL. All the headers do have an appropriate cpp to define the function declarations (and they compile fine).

All for the base DLL I have:



#pragma once
#include <vector>
#define DLLEXPORT 1
#define DLLIMPORT 2

[Code] .....

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C# :: Can Use Variables From Other Classes

Feb 23, 2014

im creating an address book. One address book contains a ListBox, New User button, Edit User and Remove User button. The first form is suppose to allow you to view the users you've created on the ListBox and you can decide whether you want to remove it, create a new one or simply edit the user. Now The second form simply contains labels and textbox along with a save button. I'm having a bit of issue figuring out the ListBox. I want to be able to create a user and have the user be posted on the ListBox. I read that i must instantiate listbox then simply add it. Now on my form2 i have a for loop that loops through an Array of String were all the users will be created on. How can i call that array of string on to the form1?

Form 1:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;


EDIT:I just figured out that to call a variable from one form to another you simply instantiate the form then simply call it. PS. must be set to public:

ListBox1 createUser = new ListBox1();

why doesnt it show the windows when i run without debugging?

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C++ :: When To Use Static Classes

May 2, 2013

I am just wondering what the best practice is for when to use static classes (by static class, I mean a class which has only static attributes and functions).

If you are creating more than one independent object of a particular class, then obviously this should not be static because each object will be the same. But what about the case when you know that you will only ever need one instance of a class? On its own, does this mean that you should create it as a static class?

Personally, I use static class when I want its member attributes and functions to be available globally, which I think is fine. However, I am not sure about the case when I know that only one object will be created - should this be a static class or not?

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C++ :: Use Of Template Classes In Other Template Classes

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a template class which holds a template list I made. The list consists of template nodes (another template class I made).

My problem is that in some places (not everywhere) the compiler says that I'm trying to access private members of the node's class.

For example, if I define my node like this:
template<class T>
class CoefNode {
T coef;


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C++ :: Nested Classes And Structs

Mar 12, 2014

I'm working on a project involving nested classes and structs like this:

Code: class A {
public:class B {
{A::C* iCanDoThis; //no errors.
iCanAlsoDoThis->root->.... //this also works fine.}private:A::C* iCannotDoThis //this is what I would like to do.
Has errors
A* iCanAlsoDoThis;};private:struct C

C* root;};

Is it possible make a pointer to struct C a private member of class B?

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C++ :: Including Outside Functions Into Classes?

Mar 6, 2015

I have a hpp file with a list of inline finctions like this:

inline int check() {
return 1;
inline int check_1() {
return 1;

... What I would like to do is to include them into several unrelated classes. How can I do this. Can I just add the hpp inline functions in headers of my class containing files or not. I mean if they are not defined as class functions how can they be called. I don't understan the logic.

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C++ :: Export Classes In DLLs

Mar 6, 2015

Is there a way to export a c++ class for another language. I need to find an interpreted language that can use c++ classes (actually just one class) exported in DLLs. It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't though because of how classes are handled in c++. Maybe python could do it because it's object oriented uses something very similar to the "this" pointer.

I have heard about something called COM.

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C++ :: Static Variables In Classes

Mar 1, 2013

If I have a static variable in a class e.g. a pointer to another class like this: (B is another class)

class A {
static B* cB;

Then I set that variable and create multiple instances of class A like this:

A::cB = new B;
As = new A[Number];

Then will the value of cB be the same across all instances?

I cannot pass the class pointer in the constructor as I need to create an array of instances. I tried this method but I get linker error.... unresolved external.

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