C++ :: Dynamic Memory (array Of Char) - Delete All White Spaces In Text File

Feb 8, 2014

General Purpose: Delete all "white spaces" in text file, until the read-in char is _not_ a whitespace (mark as start of text file).

Problem: Cannot seem to shift char's over properly. (I think my problem is the inner loop - however other code may lead to this problem - I do not know)


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

bool trimWhiteSpace(fstream &file, char * charMemoryBlock) {
if (!file.is_open()) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: I/O Text File Handling And Dynamic Memory Allocation

May 19, 2014

I am working on an OOP assignment (text handler) which part of its description is:

Some lines of text as a story which the delimiter between each story is %%%%%

Each text loaded should only occupy the space needed for the text to fit.

It's required to use dynamic variables of type char*. To be more detailed, the text-handler must contain a vector of such char-pointers (i.e. c-strings), and the parameter in the constructor indicates how many pointers (c-strings) to be contained in the vector. Each loaded text will be represented by a number, so that the first text in the file gets number 0 and the next one gets number 1 ... etc. When you want to access a text, you request the text with a certain number, and then get a pointer in return that may be used to output the text on the screen.

My problem is first to allocate a dynamic memory like char** without defining the number of array elements (Each text loaded should only occupy the space needed for the text to fit. )and then store each story from text file (comprise of a few lines of text) into that dynamically located memory(char **)to be able to do some operation on it later.

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C++ :: Dynamic Memory - Create Multiple Instances Without Explicitly Call Delete

Mar 28, 2014

look at this code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class teste


Each time i call "x = new teste();" the previous object is deleted? Does this code cause any sort of memory leak?

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C++ :: How To Take Into Account White Spaces In A String

Apr 21, 2013

as i am doing an encryption program on a playfair cipher. I am now stuck on a problem on decryption.If my string is helloworld (without a space), it will decrypt normally.However , if my string has a space in between it. Let`s say Hello World, it will not decrypt normally.How do i take into account the space that is in between hello & world?

example: hello world

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C++ :: Program That Eliminates White Spaces

May 8, 2013

im trying to write a program for class that when it reads it, it corrects all the spacing and capitalization. so for example, the phrase "the quick bRown fox jumped over the lazy dog" would be converted by the program to "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"

here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


i click run in xcode, but something goes wrong. the build succeeds but in the output screen it says (11db)

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C/C++ :: How To Input A String With White Spaces In Between

May 28, 2013

I want to input a string in C with white spaces in between. I have tried %[^/n]*c, and fgets, but both do not work.

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C++ :: Palindrome - Program Goes Into Infinite Loop Whenever Word With White Spaces Added

Feb 9, 2013

I have an assignment where i have to make a palindrome program. As you can see i have already done the basic palindrome prog, however i am now stuck since the program goes into a infinite loop whenever a word with whitespaces is added.

I have also tried searching for methods online however they do not seem to work for me...

void CPali::check() {
length = strlen(palin);
for (int i = 0, p = length-1; p>i; i++, p--) {
if (palin[i] == ' ')

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Removing All White Space From Line Of Text File?

Jun 30, 2014

this is the code I tried in my code block 10.05.....tried code for removing all white space from a line of a txt file. this is my code it runs but i cant get the result i need.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C++ :: Reading In Text File Into Char Array

Oct 17, 2014

I have a project which is about linked lists in the order of: a Story is made of Paragraphs which is made of Sentences which is made of Words. We must treat Words specifically as character arrays, not strings. So I need to read in a story from a text file and make Words by finding the first whitespace/punctuation(everything before the whitespace up until the whitespace or punctuation is the Word), all the Words up to the punctuation are a Sentence (Sentence is a linked list of Words), Paragraph is all the Sentences up until an empty line, and a Story is all the Paragraphs. So I know doing this will let me take a line and put it into a character array:

char charArray[25]; //we are allowed to assume a word won't be longer than 25 characters
int i = 0;
ifstream myFile(fileName.c_str());


I suppose I could look at charArray[i] and if it is ws or punctuation then make the Word = charArray[i-1], but is there an if statement I could do that would prevent the ws or punctuation from being read into charArray in the first place? Because a problem I see with the charArray[i-1] method already is that "This is a story." would get put into the array as Thisisastory. and thus I'd be unable to break up at a space.

So to summarize: I want to read in a text file character by character into a char array, which I can set to length 25 due to context of the project. I want to read in each character and at a whitespace or punctuation, I want to take everything already in charArray and feed that into a Word object constructor (the next Word gets linked to the previous Word, and at a punctuation all the Words linked together become one Sentence, and all the Sentences linked before an empty line become a Paragraph, etc). So how can I get charArray to be only characters in a word, then after the word being read-in ends, charArray resets to empty, and then is populated by the next word and so on.

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C++ :: Store Contents Of Text File Into Char Array?

Apr 22, 2014

I am trying to store the contents of a text file into a char array. However the function i am using ifstream member function get(); seems to stop working when fed with certain characters. Is there another solution besides the get() function that will accept all types of characters from files?

char text[1000];
for (int i = 0; i <= textlen; ++i)
text[i] = text_in.get();

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C++ :: Reading Two Words Into Single Char Array From Text File

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to read in player names (ex: first last) from a text file into the people[].name data struct. I can successfully read in my card file, but I cannot get this to work. I get a seg fault. I believe this is because nothing is actually being read in for my while loops. I can't use std::strings so these must be c-style strings aka char arrays.

// deck of cards
// below are initializations
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
const int maxCards = 52;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Delete Text From File And Than Shift The Rest Of The Text Upward

Aug 31, 2014

i want to create 100 gmail accounts instantaneously....what i want from you guys is i have written a program that create a text file i want that once i give the program the imput of 1 it should delete the first 3 lines from the file i.e. the first account details coz that is already been created and shift the rest of it 3 lines upwards after that i'll write a javascript that will automatically fill and create the accounts with those names in web browser.....my lil program is here:

#‎include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>


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C :: How To Use Malloc Or Calloc To Create Array In Dynamic Memory

Mar 10, 2014

What is wrong with my function why does it spit out huge numbers? And how do i use malloc or calloc to create an array in dynamic memory, and return a pointer to this array


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
int fibonacci(int n)
int i;
long int fib[40];
fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2];


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C :: Dynamic Memory Allocation - Resize Array Of Pointers

May 23, 2013

Suppose I wished to reallocate memory (resize) an array of pointers. Why does the following not work?(The program runs, yet yields a faulty segmentation error message. Why?):

Code: char **ptrarr = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*))

Code: ptrarr = (char**) realloc(ptrarr, (capacity) * sizeof(char*));

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C :: Dynamic Memory Allocation - User To Choose Size Of Array

Dec 2, 2013

Dynamic memory allocation in array in c programming. I am trying to make the user to choose the size of array they want to engage in the game.

However, i have remove the global variable which contribute the error to my code previously. Now I assigned all the arr individually but not using the global variable. However, i still not get the desired board i want. i still keep getting 9x9 array board.

And i also need limit the board size only from 4 to 9. And how do i do that.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Dynamic Char Array For Class Constructor

Nov 14, 2013

I'm writing a class that has two constructors. However, I can't get them to work quite right. One constructor has a parameter of an int (with a default value of 0) and the other has a parameter of a C-style string.

First of all, are these function prototypes correct for the constructors?

MyInt(int n = 0);// first constructor, int param, default value 0
MyInt(const char * c);// second constructor, c-style string param

Both constructors work fine in some cases but don't work in all cases. Here are some potential calls to these functions that are supposed to work:

// These two work fine
MyInt x(12345),
// The array assignment doesn't work when the value is negative
// I'm not allowing negative numbers, but I want to create the object and assign the array to 0

[Code] .....

Here's the private data from the class (from the header file):

int currentSize,
char* digits;// Pointer to an array of digits

// Increase the size of digits array by 5
void Grow ();

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C++ :: Read Text File Char By Char By Using Vector Class

Oct 29, 2014


cout<<"Enter Filename for input e.g(inp1.txt .... inp10.txt):"<<flush;
ifstream inpfile;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Output Increases With Dynamic Char Array Size?

Jul 22, 2012

I've been in a strange problem. Im in need to have a dynamic character size, but that increases the outputsize of my program by almost 50kb. (while the program was 11kb previously).


Char One[7000]; (11kb output)

int Z = 7000;
Char Two[Z];

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C++ :: Using Memory Pools With Char Array?

Jun 9, 2013

How can i use memory pool with a char array?

Is there a way to allocate memory somewhere in the middle of the array?

i.e. allocate memory in chunks.

E.g. allocate 24 bytes at location arr[56] in 256 byte array.

Similarly how can i deallocate that memory?

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C++ :: Dynamic Memory Is Affecting Non-dynamic Values

Oct 7, 2014

i'm implementing a playerclass for a game.. in the game there are multiple player types, weapons ect.. i just wanted to turn my players weapons into a dynamically allocated c_str. once i added my: Destructor, Copy Constructor and Overloaded Assignment Operator. My initial values became corrupted and i cannot fix them.

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "player2.h"
#include "dice.h"
#include "gamespace.h"


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C/C++ :: Print Dynamic String To Console Tokenized Using Spaces As Delimiters

Feb 26, 2014

I am having some trouble tokenizing some strings in C. I am trying to take in a string dynamically and spit print it to the console tokenized using the spaces as delimiters. I have tried using frets() and scant() as well as playing around with pointer values to no avail.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80
//function prototypes
void printArgs(int argc, char* args[]);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Delete A Line From A Text File

Jun 7, 2013

How can i delete a line from a file created using a C++ program?Can i get a code sample.

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C++ ::  How To Delete A Line In A Text File

Jan 29, 2015

The program i wrote can run but did not work. I want to delete a line from the textfile "StaffList.txt" but when i cin the name, for example "Ben". After the program ran finished and i open the textfile, the name "Ben" and the whole line is still inside the textfile! I have created the "temp.txt" file before i run the program.

//information inside the "StaffList.txt"
James S1325685J12580
Peter S8856325K52650
Ben S1025639Z85250
Ken S9052365B74100
Marry S9352654I75320
John S7754852H99630
Jenny S7042525L74530
May S1256985G15960
Betty S1135565K56360
Kyle S9545530A1234100


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C :: Record Data (add / Delete) In Text File

Aug 24, 2013

I'm still learning intro to C language. Currently I'm having problem with my code. The task is to ask user to input information about staff and write them into a text file. The problem occur when:

1) output in text/.exe file display random characters.

2) Data obtained from New_Staff unable to pass into Export_Profile.

3) a new output will overwrite the existing information in the text/.exe file

4) the delete function unable to delete correctly after the first time i delete a staff information in text file.

The code is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void Menu();
void New_Staff();
void Delete_Staff();
void Export_Profile();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Delete A Line From Text File Using Fstream

Dec 16, 2014

I'm trying to make a simple phonebook app that can show contacts, add, and delete. I'm pretty new to C++ and fstream functions, deleting a line in my bool erase() function?

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>


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C/C++ :: Delete Specific Line In Text File Using Program?

Feb 6, 2014

Some codes to delete a text in a specific line in a text file.

This is line 1
This is line 2
this is line 3

Removing line 2,

This is line 1

This is line 3

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