The program i wrote can run but did not work. I want to delete a line from the textfile "StaffList.txt" but when i cin the name, for example "Ben". After the program ran finished and i open the textfile, the name "Ben" and the whole line is still inside the textfile! I have created the "temp.txt" file before i run the program.
//information inside the "StaffList.txt"
James S1325685J12580
Peter S8856325K52650
Ben S1025639Z85250
Ken S9052365B74100
Marry S9352654I75320
John S7754852H99630
Jenny S7042525L74530
May S1256985G15960
Betty S1135565K56360
Kyle S9545530A1234100
I'm trying to make a simple phonebook app that can show contacts, add, and delete. I'm pretty new to C++ and fstream functions, deleting a line in my bool erase() function?
assume here the list that i output alice wonderland,8563 capitain jack,842 john carpenter,753leisely chow,421 how do i delete "john carpenter, 753" and rearrange my list in the file like alice wonderland,8563 capitain jack,842 leisely chow,421 i have read about remove function, but it only removes the hole file, but i want to keep the file only modify the lists in the file
i want to create 100 gmail accounts instantaneously....what i want from you guys is i have written a program that create a text file i want that once i give the program the imput of 1 it should delete the first 3 lines from the file i.e. the first account details coz that is already been created and shift the rest of it 3 lines upwards after that i'll write a javascript that will automatically fill and create the accounts with those names in web lil program is here:
If let's say I key in 2, it will search for the id=2 and delete the whole line and the id of banana which is orignially 3, will become 2 and orange which is orignally 4 will become 3 etc.
I researched on how it can be done and most suggested to put inside a vector and fout the line.
I know how to put the values in the vector but how should I go about searching for the id and if the id is found it will delete that line inside the file.
Code: ofstream fout; ifstream readFile("fruit.txt"); while (getline(readFile, line)) {
I'm still learning intro to C language. Currently I'm having problem with my code. The task is to ask user to input information about staff and write them into a text file. The problem occur when:
1) output in text/.exe file display random characters.
2) Data obtained from New_Staff unable to pass into Export_Profile.
3) a new output will overwrite the existing information in the text/.exe file
4) the delete function unable to delete correctly after the first time i delete a staff information in text file.
General Purpose: Delete all "white spaces" in text file, until the read-in char is _not_ a whitespace (mark as start of text file).
Problem: Cannot seem to shift char's over properly. (I think my problem is the inner loop - however other code may lead to this problem - I do not know)
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
bool trimWhiteSpace(fstream &file, char * charMemoryBlock) { if (!file.is_open()) {
I have a .txt file which I want to read from and then write a new text file, this time with sorted lines. It is easy to sort one value, but what about sorting entire lines based on one value?
I want to sort the lines based on the FIRST value.
I need to store the last 3 deposit that I have in my deposit. I have few option but i dont which would be easy
1.Store all deposit to the text file (store always in a new line), and display the last three deposit from the text file.
dep 1 - 60 dep 2 - 40 dep 3 - 100 print 100 dep 4 - 50 print 50 dep 5 - 50 print 50
2. I think this option is more difficult, when it reach deposit 4, to get rid deposit 1
So when i make a deposit 4, the deposit 1 get's ride dep 2 - 50 dep 3 - 100 dep 4 - 70
Right now i can only display one deposit (last one), then i close the program and run again and i make another deposit it overwrites a new deposit.
My code. To show sure my deposit that has been made. double depSave () { int option; float dep1,dep2,dep3;// Declare your variables dep1 = dep2 = dep3 = 0; // Set them all to 0
system ("cls"); string path = "deposit.txt"; // Storing your filename in a string
[Code] ....
Where is says "save deposit" in comment that where it saves to the deposit text file, that going to be output to the depSave function.
I am making a script to read the latest from a text file. It picks up the line by numbytes in fseek, but the data line may vary and numbytes not be accurate, how can I fix this?
And another problem is that the line has, date, time, value, separated by space, how to read that line and put these 3 information in variable?
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { FILE *arq; char Line[100]; char *result; int tam, i; // Opens a file for READING TEXT arq = fopen("temp.txt", "rt");
I have attached the file that I need to read into a data structure. In the example I am just printing it to the screen. This following code has worked for me before, but now isn't. I have tried in visual studios, and on unix, and neither are running it. I ultimately need it to run on unix.
I am writing a program for AES Encryption which is all but done as far as that the program encrypts the text and prints the encrypted text in the command prompt:
Encrypted text output on command prompt = 39 25 84 1d 02 dc 09 fb dc 11 85 97 19 6a 0b 32
However, my project asks to "read blocks of data from a data file". Therefore I need to alter the main function to read the following arrays from a data file.
The first line being the CipherKey array and the second being PlainText. I'm not sure if the '0x' or the commas are required.
I basically want to take the data from a file, store them in arrays in the program itself, encrypt the Input array PlainText and create a new file with the encrypted output array stored in it (I will deal with this part of the program after I get the input file done first).
I'm reading from stdin a line. With that line, I should open a new textfile with the first letter of that line on a certain directory. My code is the following :
int main() { char line[BUFSIZ]; FILE *ptr_file; int x; while(fgets(line,BUFSIZ,stdin) != NULL){
[Code] ....
char caminho[] is the directory in which I want to create the text file and chave will be the first letter of the line in stdin.
How am I supposed to use strcat to get these two together in a string to then use ptr_file =fopen(caminho, "w");
I build this function in my C++ code. I run the on a UNIX box, build HTML file to use in Windows.
In HTML file building code, I have only a string variable hold the contents of this text file (from unix) & add it into HTML file.
The issue is that when I view the HTML file on windows, it shows all the lines in the text file as one line. I think it lost the CRLF.
My question is when I add lines from text file (reading one line at a time) in UNIX, how do I maintain CRLF ( ) in the stringstream variable so that it will display on HTML in Windows properly, all the lines as it is in unix.
I'm trying to make a program that will search for a line in a text file using a non default delimitor at the start of the line. An example line in the text file would be as follows:
F Mary Smyth, 19, United Kingdom
I have been able to use the find function to search for and return the 'F' character but would like it to then display the whole corresponding line. Is this possible with the find function?
this is the code I tried in my code block 10.05.....tried code for removing all white space from a line of a txt file. this is my code it runs but i cant get the result i need.
I am working on a project for school that has us read in a text file that contains 8 lines of SSN and grades. I am not sure how to go about reading in the lines and differentiate between the SSN and grades in the calculations.
When I read a text file. I'm reading a list of strings in text file, with one string per line. The first line has extra characters in the string, the rest of the lines read are fine, and I can't understand where the extra characters come from. The file format is this...