C/C++ :: Can Make Squares Appear Inside The Other

Mar 21, 2015

[URL] ....

Can I make these squares appear around the other instead of having them appear under the others. Also if it can be done how can I make it so there is a space between the squares

int main() {
char a;
int size = 0;
cout << "Enter a character: " << endl;
cin >> a;
while (size < 1 || size > 10)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Make A Loop Inside A Condition?

Oct 26, 2013

I need to do make a loop inside a condition. Can it be done? I don't want to call another function to do it. Any way at all without calling separate function inside the if? I just want to do:

if (
for (int i = 0; i<=10; i++)
//stuff related to the for loop
} )
//stuff related to the initial if condition

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C# :: Creating Normal Magic Squares

Jan 13, 2014

I have been asked to develop a program with 6 methods which I have presented below. The aim of the program is to find and generate a magic square with a given dimension. This is a console program and so the 'Main' is also provided. However, I am having a problem with my code. When ever I try to generate a magic square it continuously cycles through 'forever' and I have never yet got a magic square; no matter what dimension I enter.

I must use methods 'CreateRandomlyAssignedArray' and 'CheckSquareMatrix'. There is another method 'SearchForValue', which we were told to creat. How this can be useful.

I have provided my code below:

class Program {
static Random rand = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args) {
int[,] array = new int[5,5];
array = GenerateMagicSquare(5);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Calculate Total Surface Covered - Overlapping Squares

May 24, 2013

How would i calculate a surface that up to 10^5 squares cover. The info you get is xpos,ypos and width for each square.

How would you calculate the total surface covered (if any overlap only one counts).

Cannot use a big array of bools as the memory limit is 512 MiB.

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C++ :: Pointer Arrays - Program To Simulate Squares Most Landed On

Jun 8, 2014

I have not been using pointers that long i most of my stuff has not needed them but now they do i need to learn how to use them more. I'm writing a program that simulates the squares most landed on(for fun) and i cant get a method to work because of an array pointer.

The error is no matching function for call to 'GameLoop::Loop(int, int (*)[4])'

Here is the latest version of the code. I've been editing a lot of things so there might be some stupid errors but I've tring everything.

rolling.h and rolling.cpp are just some dice function they are working perfect.


#include <iostream>
#include "Rolling.h"
#include "GameLoop.h"
Rolling Roll;
GameLoop Game;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Make Class Created Static Inside Another Class?

Dec 17, 2013

it seems everytime i use statics in a class i come across with a porblem.

this time i wanted to make a class i created static inside another class.

MainVariables.h file
static fge::window mWinMain;

if someone ever wants to reach it
MainVariables.cpp file

fge::window MainVariables::mWinMain;
fge::window MainVariables::GetWinMain()
return mWinMain;

but when i created some other MainVariables classes at other places instead of them reaching to the same window two window is being created.

yes i know maybe there are better methods but currently i m working on polymorphism and i need some static members.

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C# :: Make A Picturebox Move Inside Another Picturebox From Left To Right

Mar 3, 2014

I'm currently reading/programming from "Head first C#" book. I have this project which is making a program that has four dogs which race and there are three players that can bet on the race. I need to learn how to make the "dogs" (picture boxes) move from left end to the right end of a picture box.

Here is the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;


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C++ :: Display Random Sequence Of Colored Squares - Matching Color

Sep 13, 2014

I have to write a program for school that displays a random sequence of colored squares, each square is a different color. Then the squares disappear and the 5 more pop up at the bottom. The user has to guess which color was first, second, and so on. They click on the squares on the bottom that matches the first square on the top.

My question is how do you get the computer to say ok this square (that the user clicked on) matches this square here.

is there a command that says something like if this color matches this color?

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C++ :: Store Map Value Inside A Map?

Oct 13, 2014

How do you store a map value inside a map?

Here's my code:

map<map<string, string>, int> Name;

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C++ :: Map Inside A Map Sorting

Feb 21, 2015

I have a map which contains a multiset and another map

std::map<std::multiset<int>, std::map<int, int> >

And I need to sort the whole map according to the mapped value of the inside map, then output the data from the keys i.e. from the multiset and the first value of the inside map. I have tried to create a vector of pairs

std::vector<pair<std::map<:std::multiset<int>, std::map<int, int> >, int> >

and populate the first element with the map and where the second integer of the pair will be the mapped value to sort. I have tried iterating over the map to populate the vector but I'm not sure how to do so.

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C :: Using Or Inside Case Arguments

Nov 6, 2013

I would like to choose same case for multiple switch conditions.

For example:
Code: switch(choice) //''if choice ==0 or choice ==1, chose same case''
case (0 || 1):
//execute steps
//execute steps

The '||' inside case does not have the desired effect (although it compiles fine). How can I do it without using if-else statements.

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C++ :: Having A Function Inside For Each Statement

Dec 4, 2014

I keep on getting error message while trying to pass a function inside a for_each loop.. I have a vector and i used for_each loop to go through the rows in that vector, Now I need a function to do something

Example this is what I am trying to achieve

for_each (label.begin(), label.end(), addToTemporaryVector());
void DataPartitioning::addToTemporaryVector(){

But I get an error message saying: error: invalid use of void expression

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C# :: Getting Coordinates Inside Image

Feb 25, 2014

I am working on a small game and I have the following problem. I need to get the colour of a particular position in an image. Say I'm given coordinates (5,5) I need the colour of the part in the image. I think I can do the colour picking myself, but I don't know how to point at coordinates inside the image.

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C/C++ :: How To Tell If Point Is Inside Triangle Or Outside

May 13, 2014

So, I have created a class called "point" and i have 4 "point" objects. They only have 2 variables, x and y (their position). The first 3 points form a triangle and now I need to tell if the forth one is inside or outside. I have found some solutions but they involve heavy math (they are based on the sum of the angles or something like that). I want to know if there is any way to solve this only by using the distance between points. I have created a function which takes 2 "point" objects and returns a float value which is their distance.

Here is some code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;


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C/C++ :: Possible To Ask Yes / No Question Inside Of While Loop?

Apr 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a simple calc program that does all the elementary calculations. How to get it to add and multiply continuously without crashing. but now i need to figure out how to ask the user if they want to continue or not. I'm having trouble here because in the while statement i have a scanf which asks for the operator symbol. and then asks for number in the second scanf..

So basically a user would have to enter 'R' twice for the message to pop up! Also i'm not sure how i would quite the program if they put in a 'N' for no. would return 0; work? What if they press 'Y' for yes, what would the return have to be then?

Here's a snippet of the code
int main () {
double result;
double new_number;
char symbol;
result = 0;
while(1==scanf(" %c", &symbol) && symbol == 'R' && symbol =='r')

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Using A Point Inside Vector?

May 12, 2014

I am trying to write a basic editor program and one of the parts asks me to "process dot commands that move point in whole line increments"

Earlier it says that a point is interpreted as specifying the location between characters rather than the characters themselves. and i need to use this to implements the following:

< moves point to the beginning of the document. > moves point to the end of the document. p moves point to the beginning of the previous line. n moves point to the beginning of the next line. k deletes the current line and leaves point at the beginning of the following line.

(there was a previous part before this so i already have some code that works) and in this part I'm trying to do a switch case


< , >, p , n and k

I guess my question is how do i make this "point" need. Ive been using vectors, so the point needs to be somewhere inside the vector. I don't think ill be able to do what i need to do with out the point.

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C++ :: Struct At Inside Of Class?

Jun 23, 2013

while writing code i got a question. For example i created a class named as unit.

Think a simple game, and the unit class will belong the units.İf i give the preferences as private one by one, it will be irregular. For a detailed game; height, weight, race, hair preferences, eyes... Strength, dexterity, charisma, intelligence, wisdom, constution... experience, damage, armor...

and should i use struct to group them? And how to can i use struct at the inside of class as private?

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C :: Pointer To A Char Inside Array

Jun 7, 2013

Alright, so I have a code that's not giving me errors, but it doesn't seem to retain what I put into an array. Not sure If I'm missing something...

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
const char *pointer;
const char alphabet[] = "ABCDEFG";

pointer = &alphabet[5];
printf("pointing to %c of the alphabet
", pointer);
return 0;

Trying to get my pointer to return the letter in the [5] spot or "F". Not receiving any errors when compiling, but I seem to get different answers every time I run it.

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C :: Swapping Structures Inside File

Apr 9, 2013

I tried normal swapping method like this (counter is number of structures written in file) :

system ("cls");
fscanf(f," %[^,], %[^,], %[^,],

[Code] ....

But it doesn't do anything.

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C :: Uninitialized Variables Inside A Structure

Aug 7, 2013

Let me say I have a structure

struct time{
char hours;
char minutes;
char seconds;
char dummy;

I have kept dummy as the data to be aligned.I will update hours, minutes, and seconds , but will not use dummy in any case. If I don't initialize 'dummy' does it make any errors ? Do I need to initialize hours, minutes, seconds as well before I use the structure ? If so is there any particular reason ?

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C++ :: Looking For Standard Namespaces Inside Own Files

Sep 2, 2013

This has never happened before but I imagine that I've somehow accidently disabled a library or such.

namespace SB{
namespace Data{
class DLL Filed abstract{
//DLL is a macro defined as either __declspec(dllexport) or __declspec(dllimport)
//depending on whether this is open as a project or a header


The error is from intellisense and is present on every occurrence of std::string

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C++ :: Function Pointers Inside Array

Apr 6, 2014

Ive recently got into function pointers, i find that they can be quite handy for making your program very 'dynamic'.

However, the syntax is very confusing for what i want to do
This is what i want to do

I want to hold function pointers inside an array, but this array is dynamically allocated ( malloc, realloc, etc )

This is the current syntax ive come up with, but i dont think it is correct

void ( **drawFunc ) ( void*, SDL_Surface* );

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C++ :: Declaring Array Inside A Class

Apr 18, 2013

class Hallway {
// DO_04: Declare a Light array of size MAX_LIGHTS
// Hint: look through the methods below to find the name to use
// for the array

int numLights;
int lights[MAX_LIGHTS];

[Code] .....

I keep getting the error " this.lights[i] is not a struct or class and so you cannot use '.' " on line 34.

How am I supposed to define my lights[] array? I can't modify anything except directly after each comment block.

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C++ :: How To Get Array Size Inside Method

May 30, 2013

I have one array with size of 5 and passing this array to one method. I want to get size of the array inside method. If i get size of array inside method, i'm getting only "1",but not "5".

int v[5];
cout<<sizeof(v)/sizeof(&v[0])<<endl; // here i'm getting size as 5
void CreateArray(int val[])
cout<<sizeof(val)/sizeof(&val[0])<<endl; // here i'm getting size as 1

Is there any way to get size inside method ?

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C++ :: Dealing With 2D Array Inside A Function

Apr 16, 2014

I have a problem with pointer array, i passed a 2d array to a function but then i dont know how to make operations on it !!!

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int fun_name (int * arr) {
for (int i = 0;i< ??? ;i++) // how to compare while i don't know the size of array!!

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Deleting Value Stored Inside One Of Vectors

Feb 11, 2015

So I'm trying to delete a value stored inside one of my vectors but I can't accomplish this. My attempts are down below. I've commented out one attempt since it gives me errors. How can I do what I am trying to do?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<vector<int> >row;
vector<int> newColumn;

[Code] ....

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