C++ :: Application Will Not Start After Adding Extra Object File To Project

Aug 18, 2013

I'm working on a cross-platform threading project, the aim is to start 1 worker-thread that has a queue of worker-items which are serviced by the thread.

The threading framework works fine, both under Windows and LINUX, albeit as designed under Windows, and in a modified form under LINUX.

I have this CSnmpTrapd class which is designed as a worker-item for the worker-thread, it listens for incoming SNMP traps and decodes the packets, this is implemented in csnmptrapd.cpp and csnmptrapd.hpp.

1) When I add this piece of code to my makefile and re-compile the app successful... the app will start (or not?) but generates no console or file logging as is expected, it will not even show printf() output which was added as first statement in main(). My app handles CTRL-C to terminate and this works !?!? But I'm actually not sure my app works at that point.

2) When I compile the app without csnmptrapd.cpp and start it, it will generate console and logging output and behave as expected.

3) When I add the CSnmpTrapd class implementation to an existing cpp file in the project, it will compile and run as expected... the worker-thread handles the CSnmpTrapd worker-item as it should, incoming SNMP traps are captured and decoded, logging generated

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C# :: How To Start Application And Automatically Pass Input To That Application

May 9, 2012

I want to create an application that starts an application and passes input to that application. I know how to start a process using the classes in System.Diagnostics, but I don't know how to pass data to the process.

For example, and this is just an example, I would like to be able to automatically start an application that requires a username and password and automatically enter the username and password. Of course, that might open the door to security vulnerabilities, but that's not the point of the exercise.

How to implement the functionality I described? Is there a general way to go about doing this or does it depend entirely on the idiosyncrasies of the application in question?

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C++ :: Builder Application Start With Administrator Rights?

Jun 5, 2013

I would need to know how to make the c++ builder application to be started with administrator rights (it's common behaviour for installers - when it is started, it asks for administrator rights).

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Visual C++ :: Application Won't Start Once Installed On Other Computers

Sep 13, 2012

I use standard libraries and INNO Setup, wich is a free setup file creator.

I succeeded in adding NetFrameWork 4.5 installer into the setup (it runs it after installation, and before running my software (named GOFINDER).

Now, i remember that this happened to me, but after three months of programming, mine used to start and still does. But I know it sometimes doesn't start, and I don't know why exactly.

I checked to make sure that I needed only FrameWork 4.5.

But maybe it is because of Visual C++ Runtime wich is not added upon setup.

I will try to check this after posting cause this has just popped up in my mind.

I'm asking you how can I Make sure, that distributing my software won't do that anymore.

Is it because my application file is not set on Run as Administrator?

Cause normally, it opens without this necesity, except as a Shell (well I have to check back but I think it does if I check on the run as administrator checkbox.

The problem is not really with InnoSetup, but I also would like to know how I can check that box automatically upon setup.

they say they have a documentation but I don't find it on my computer.

And... why would it start on my computer, and not on my beta-testers's one?

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C++ :: Program That Needs Auto Start At Windows Startup - Adding Registry Entries?

Jan 18, 2012

I am developing a program that needs auto start at windows startup. For that I need to add Registry entries. Also the program needs to read some registry keys. What are the functions i need to do these.. Simply I need to

check if the startup key already exists
add a new key if it doesn't exist
read a key values

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C++ :: Adding UI To Console Application

Apr 6, 2013

Any tutorials on adding a UI to a console application? All I really need is a button that will run one function every time I click it.

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C++ :: Imebra Functionality QT Project Gives Malloc - Error For Object

Nov 2, 2012

I'm trying to convert dicom .dcm file to .jpeg using Imebra in C++ app using QT Creator as dev environment.

I've downloaded Imebra and was able to run QT project example for Dicom2Jpeg conversion successfully. But when I tried to copy same code to my C++ app it failed to run with following error msg:

malloc: * error for object xxxxxx: pointer being freed was not allocated * set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

I have followed steps on adding Imebra files to my project as it was shown on Imebra site. Also used their qt project as example. My main.cpp open dicom file, then loads it to dataset, then calls my dialog window. It crashes on loading dataset.

#include "QApplication.h"
#include "QHBoxLayout.h"
#include "mydialog.h"
#include "iostream.h"
include "library/imebra/include/imebra.h"
int main( int argc, char ** argv ){

[Code] ....

Deeper debugging showed that source of error is in JpegCodec.cpp file readStream() function when checking JpegSignature to see if it's in wrong format with resulting internal PUNTOEXE error "detected a wrong format".

Interesting thing is that while running same test dcm file using given dicom2jpeg example (which has exact same code of opening file and loading it) gives no errors and converts to jpeg successfully. So I know it's not the file issue, but the way imebra code is integrated into my C++ app.

My dev environment: macbook pro with Lion OS, QT Creator, QT project, C++ code, ITK library added, Imebra files are completely integrated as part of the Qt project.

So, my question is how do I work/link/reference/call Imebra functionality in QT project? Am I forgetting to link something, or some object is not instantiated/deleted on time?

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C :: Printing Contents Of A File - Prints One Extra Character Not Present In The File

Feb 12, 2013

I'm writing a program that stores records into a file and then these records can be printed out. A last name, first name, and score is stored to be exactly 36 characters long (using leading spaces to pad) making it easier to retrieve specific records. For example, three records stored in the file would like like this: (the underscores are simply to illustrate the distance, they are not in the file itself)

_______lastname_______firstname__90__________lname __________fname_100___________last___________first __60

When printed out, the names are formatted as follows:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100
last, first: 60

However, when I print them out this is what I get:

lastname, firstname: 90
lname, fname: 100$
last, first: 60H

For some reason, for any record after the first, an extra character is added to the end. These characters are not in the file, so I was thinking that the array for some reason wasn't being filled completely, (the array is initialized to size 36 and 36 characters are read from the file using fread) so it was printing out a random character assigned to the 36th array position. Except the character never changes, (always a $ for record 2, H for record 3, l for record 4 if i remember) and I've tried reducing the array size or the number of character read and it's the string that gets altered, the random character always remains. I figure the problem must be in the print_records function (appending seems to work no problem). Anyway here is my print records and appending records code.

Code: /*
- Prints a single record stored in the file pointed to by ifp.
void print_record(FILE *ifp, int record) {


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C# :: Accessing GUI Properties From Application Object

Aug 20, 2014

I'm trying to get my head around threading and gui applications for fun, and I've ran into a problem I'm not too sure how to google it correctly or I don't understand the answers given. Basically I'm trying to access GUI item properties (add to a listview). I've been on stackoverflow alot, and I've noticed that accessing these properties is quite difficult. At least, I'm not really understanding how it is supposed to be done.

The following line gives me a null value.


From what I understand I need to access my form object instead of creating a new object window... but I'm not sure how to reference the initial form application.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
namespace ModBot {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Program To Add Extra B Before B In A File Containing ABC

May 17, 2013

Saw a thread about a program to add an extra 'b' before 'B' in a file containing 'ABC'. I tried it. Here's my code:

("file1.txt" contains "ABC")

using namespace std;
int main(){
ifstream in;
ofstream out;

[Code] ...

It works except an extra C appears at the end.

O/P in the file:


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C# :: Rain Application - Object Reference Not Set To Instance Of Obj

Mar 2, 2014

I'm trying to make a "Rain" application, by drawing some lines on the form, and then they must fall. So here is my start code:

public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
Random r = new Random();
Graphics paper;
Line line;

[Code] ....

So when I start debugging I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error. If I remove the comments lines at "timer1_Tick" this error doesn't appear of course. What can I do to escape from this because it follows me everywhere I go />. I tried to make with arrays, but same problem.

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C++ :: Extra Line While Reading From File

Nov 15, 2013

My file has these lines.I try to remove extra line in the end, in notepad/gedit, however, after saving it automatically adds up there.



void help::read_ref(const char* file_name){
std::ifstream file_handle;
std::string line,name;


when I print size of map, it comes out to be an extra then what is should be.

std::map<std::String,std::string> ->is my map

on the contrary if I use Code: file_handle >> line; I get correct number of entries in map.

My doubt: getline, automatically finds and in last, it finds a , why it doesn't end the iteration?

I have faced this issue many number of times.

Code: line[0]=='>' I am making this check, then also, I get a null string as key in my map.

I have printed key with their index, using Code: map iterator .

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C# :: How To Read Extra Lines Of Text File

Jan 12, 2014

private void open(object sender, EventArgs e) {
OpenFileDialog openDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
if (openDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(openDialog.FileName);
int k = 0;
while (k < lines.Length)

[Code] ....

So in this code, the user basically opens a text file from the dialog. Then the file gets read on all the lines and gets stored in an array. Now the reason I did this is because there are more fields of text boxes I have to fill in after I fill in the table (6x3). I'm getting an out of bounds error however.


This is a sample text file that is being used. As you can see all the lines from start up until (excluding "110") will be used in the table. Now I want to read the last lines in this text file and put it in another text box. How do I do that?

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C++ :: Reading Text File - Extra Line

Feb 9, 2012

Why this code outputs 7 lines (the last line twice) while the file contains 6 lines?

cout << "read msgfile
ifstream msgfile ("script1.msg");
while (msgfile.good()) //if not at end of file, continue reading {
// load vector with deffile
msgfile >> line;
vectormsgfile.push_back (line);
cout << line << "

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C++ :: Read Text File - First Line Has Extra Char

May 21, 2012

When I read a text file. I'm reading a list of strings in text file, with one string per line. The first line has extra characters in the string, the rest of the lines read are fine, and I can't understand where the extra characters come from. The file format is this...


std::vector<std::string> strSymbolList;
std::string s = "";
std::ifstream infile( m_strFileSymbols );
while( std::getline(infile, s) ) {

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C :: File Operations - Fwrite Padding Extra Data In File Compare To Data Provided As Input

Oct 28, 2014

I am trying to write my files to another subfolder . Below is my program.

cat th6.c
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SIZE 8
#define NUMELM 8

[Code] ....

I observe my filename along with directory as text in the new file created in sublfolder. This is output.

[cporgs/apue/threads]: mkdir first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: ./a.out test.txt first
test.txt -- first/test.txt
in thread test.txt first
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat first/test.txt
[cporgs/apue/threads]: cat test.txt

I could not able to get from where this filename and folder is getting added.

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C++ :: Unable To Start Program - System Couldn't Find The File

Jan 2, 2013

Why do i get this error?

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Visual C++ :: CFileDialog Saves File In Project File - Not Specified File

Apr 12, 2013

I'm very new to MFC & VisualC++. I'm using MSVS2010 Pro. I am trying to write/debug a simple form that saves and restores the content of some edit controls. It seems to work as expected, except the file saves only to the Project Folder, regardless of where I browse and select to save the file.

void CMFC_FileDialogDlg::OnBnClickedbtnsave() {
CFile f;
//Kinda Correct, Works but still saves in Project Folder
BOOL b_OpenFileDialog = FALSE;//this doesn't act as bool in CFileDialog?

[Code] ....

My only experience is a little simple VB programming in Excel, so any specific examples??? Also, rules seem to change from version to version? I have to "update" a number of undocumented programs.

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C# :: Opening A Second Form Project Within A Project

Jan 22, 2014

I have a project which does a specific thing, like an open file dialog.

I would like to open it in a different project on a click of a button.

Also, It has a different namespace.

I'm guessing that it would involve a "using" statement to add the namespace And I will have to add reference to an *.exe or *.dll -> I'll have to look up how to make a *.dll, I know where the *.exe file is.

I have searched for a different things on Google, but I don't think that I am looking for the correct phrase (which is always frustrating...)

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C++ :: Rename Text File In GUI CLI Project

Feb 6, 2013

How to rename a textfile in a Visual C++ CLI GUI project. I've tried using the 'rename()' function but that isn't working for me (probably because of the type of project).

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C++ :: How To Share Information In Multi File Project

Dec 9, 2013

this last few days I've been coding this one particular file


namespace Hero {
namespace {
// all data here

then the code grew a bit to about 700 line

Then now I want to implement hero skill system It needs the access to data inside the unnamed namespace where I put just about everything.. but it's unnamed namespace, it's only valid within one file and I should hide all that data from Hero interface in Hero.h How should I do this ?

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C Sharp :: How To Add DLL File In Project Reference Programmatically

Oct 27, 2012

I have a dll file and i want to add this dll file in my c#.net project reference through a program. I know I can add it by clicking copying and paste ,but i want to add reference programmatically.

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C++ :: Base Project - Restrict Header File Inclusion

Aug 21, 2014

I have one requirement. I have a project lets Say baseProject.vcxproj. It has some header files. Another project lets say dependentProject.vcxproj loads baseProjects's dll and uses some of its header files.

When some other project lets say unrelatedProejct includes the header file from e dependentproject which includes baseproject's header file. It makes to change the include driectory setting of unrelatedproject. How to avoid this.?



[Code] .....

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C++ :: Global Class Instance In Multi-File Project

May 3, 2013

I'll just tell you in short how my Problem looks like: I should implement a New Class in a SourceCode i didnt write myself. The source code is extremely sized (i think approx >100.000 Lines of Code), so i dont want to change too much in it in order to get my Implementation done.

MY problem looks simplicified like that: Starting from 3 classes and my new class the pseudo-code looks like that:

float* m_CalibX, m_CalibY;
.. }
char* m_ImageData[];

[Code] .....

So, i need Parameters from 3 different classes to insert in my NewClass. The 3 Classes dont know anyting about each other. So, i need to implement a Class-Instance from Type NewClass which is known by the other 3 Classes. I did solve it in this way:


#include "NewClass.h"
static NewClass ClassInstance

I just wrote a headerfile with a class-instance which is getting included by the other 3 Classes. So they all know the same Instance and writing their Parameters into it. Is this a decent solution or could it happen to get bugs/ logical mistakes with it?

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C++ :: Image / Video Compression Project - Error In Reading File

Apr 3, 2012

I have this image/video compression project that is to be done in C. I've been given this source code by my supervisor which is supposed to be a working one.

Assuming I have a sequence of 5 images in .pgm format (image41.pgm, image42.pgm .... image45.pgm). Some of the code involved is

#define START_FRAME 41
#define END_FRAME 45
#define SKIP_FRAME 1
#define INPUT_STRING "/home/folder/image%03d"
int main(){
int frameNo = START_FRAME
nx=1920, ny=1080;
char fileName[128];

[Code] ....

When I tried to compile the code using make file (shell script), I got this error message "In function 'readPgm' format '%d' expects argument of type 'int *', but argument 3 has type 'unsigned char *' "

Can identify what the problem is and how to rectify it?

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C# :: Server Application Using Tcp Protocol And Then Establish Connection With A Client Application

Nov 29, 2014

What happens if I make a server application using tcp protocol and then establish connection with a client application but the server crash and then the client send data. Will the data be lost or the system will continue trying to send it?

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