C++ :: Imebra Functionality QT Project Gives Malloc - Error For Object

Nov 2, 2012

I'm trying to convert dicom .dcm file to .jpeg using Imebra in C++ app using QT Creator as dev environment.

I've downloaded Imebra and was able to run QT project example for Dicom2Jpeg conversion successfully. But when I tried to copy same code to my C++ app it failed to run with following error msg:

malloc: * error for object xxxxxx: pointer being freed was not allocated * set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

I have followed steps on adding Imebra files to my project as it was shown on Imebra site. Also used their qt project as example. My main.cpp open dicom file, then loads it to dataset, then calls my dialog window. It crashes on loading dataset.

#include "QApplication.h"
#include "QHBoxLayout.h"
#include "mydialog.h"
#include "iostream.h"
include "library/imebra/include/imebra.h"
int main( int argc, char ** argv ){

[Code] ....

Deeper debugging showed that source of error is in JpegCodec.cpp file readStream() function when checking JpegSignature to see if it's in wrong format with resulting internal PUNTOEXE error "detected a wrong format".

Interesting thing is that while running same test dcm file using given dicom2jpeg example (which has exact same code of opening file and loading it) gives no errors and converts to jpeg successfully. So I know it's not the file issue, but the way imebra code is integrated into my C++ app.

My dev environment: macbook pro with Lion OS, QT Creator, QT project, C++ code, ITK library added, Imebra files are completely integrated as part of the Qt project.

So, my question is how do I work/link/reference/call Imebra functionality in QT project? Am I forgetting to link something, or some object is not instantiated/deleted on time?

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C++ :: Web Server Malloc Memory Error

Dec 1, 2014

I am writing a very basic database in C++ and I am accessing the data from a web browser. I am using the opensource Mongoose web server code....

I have an issue...

The way the DB works is this: on starting, the DB loads a json file of all of the data into it. I have a class called DatabaseLoader that does this - it is the class that gets rewritten depending on the data structure of the json.

This is passed to vectors (vector<Node*> and vector<Edge*>) as references from Graph object.

Once the DatabaseLoader has finished it can be destroyed and any memory allocated objects it created (except the ones in those two vectors).

From then on, the Graph object is in charge of all of the elements in the database that are stored in the two vectors. When the user browses to htpp:// they see the json representing each object in the vectors.

All good so far....

However, when I repeatedly hit refresh in my browser (and call me insane...) at quite a fast speed I get this error:

main(29855,0x7fff76763310) malloc: *** error for object 0x7f98b2829408: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
[1] 29855 abort ./main testing.json

It seems to me this would be if I tried to "delete" and object twice, or if one of my objects was overwriting memory somewhere. However I am not recreating anything, I am just looping over the vectors and printing out the content. When I refresh slowly, I dont see this happen - i did it quite a lot of times, but when I do it fast I think it is happening.

So is there any possibility of me hitting the c++ web server to quickly and it is trying to process the data twice, causing some sort of memory error - i.e do I need to implement threading or something??

I can paste code, but there is quite a lot now....

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C++ :: Valgrind Malloc Error - Pointer Being Freed Was Not Allocated

Oct 26, 2014

==39800== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==39800== at 0x4D9D: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:477)
==39800== by 0x10000C471: Tokenizer::~Tokenizer() (in ./a.out)
==39800== by 0x10000C424: Tokenizer::~Tokenizer() (in ./a.out)
==39800== by 0x100001B8B: main (in ./a.out)
==39800== Address 0x10002a778 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 7,208 alloc'd

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Application Will Not Start After Adding Extra Object File To Project

Aug 18, 2013

I'm working on a cross-platform threading project, the aim is to start 1 worker-thread that has a queue of worker-items which are serviced by the thread.

The threading framework works fine, both under Windows and LINUX, albeit as designed under Windows, and in a modified form under LINUX.

I have this CSnmpTrapd class which is designed as a worker-item for the worker-thread, it listens for incoming SNMP traps and decodes the packets, this is implemented in csnmptrapd.cpp and csnmptrapd.hpp.

1) When I add this piece of code to my makefile and re-compile the app successful... the app will start (or not?) but generates no console or file logging as is expected, it will not even show printf() output which was added as first statement in main(). My app handles CTRL-C to terminate and this works !?!? But I'm actually not sure my app works at that point.

2) When I compile the app without csnmptrapd.cpp and start it, it will generate console and logging output and behave as expected.

3) When I add the CSnmpTrapd class implementation to an existing cpp file in the project, it will compile and run as expected... the worker-thread handles the CSnmpTrapd worker-item as it should, incoming SNMP traps are captured and decoded, logging generated

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C++ :: Project Contain Three Files - Compiling Error

May 10, 2014

I am working on a small project which contains three files

1. MainTest.cpp
2. CashRegister.h
3. CashRegister.cpp

I have done everything that suppose to be done but still I am getting an error and can not execute the program....

// MainTest.cpp
#include <iomanip>
using std::setw;
using std::left;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Project Template Opening Error

Jul 18, 2014

Recently I tried a project template from infragistics

Infragistics Windows Forms -ProjectManager

every time I open the design form it desply this message.

What should I do to resolve it.

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Visual C++ :: Project Link Error Not Added Lib

Mar 31, 2015

I have a VC solution . This solution contain 1 execute project and 10 library projects. The libraries added to the execute project by

#pragma comment(lib,"../outputbin64/lib/mylib").

When i comment these lines to not be added these libraries to the execute project , i will have link error like this :

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '../outputbin64/lib/mylib.lib'

My library projects not added to execute project with another way.

My question is why the execute project will link the libraries that not added to project programmatically?

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C++ :: Image / Video Compression Project - Error In Reading File

Apr 3, 2012

I have this image/video compression project that is to be done in C. I've been given this source code by my supervisor which is supposed to be a working one.

Assuming I have a sequence of 5 images in .pgm format (image41.pgm, image42.pgm .... image45.pgm). Some of the code involved is

#define START_FRAME 41
#define END_FRAME 45
#define SKIP_FRAME 1
#define INPUT_STRING "/home/folder/image%03d"
int main(){
int frameNo = START_FRAME
nx=1920, ny=1080;
char fileName[128];

[Code] ....

When I tried to compile the code using make file (shell script), I got this error message "In function 'readPgm' format '%d' expects argument of type 'int *', but argument 3 has type 'unsigned char *' "

Can identify what the problem is and how to rectify it?

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C++ :: Functionality Of A Function?

Mar 7, 2015

I have been working with this code sometime, and i have somewhat lost the 'focus'. The problem is, i really can't seem to figure out what the function InsertAsFirstElement does, because there is no point in the code, something will be input "as first element"?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct node {
string nameOfFood;
int eatCalories;


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C++ :: Optimizing Timing Functionality?

Jan 18, 2013

I've written a timer function in c/c++, but it still has performance problems. how to optimize this further (atm works with delay to perform timing):

#include "headers/types.h" //Basic types!
#include "headers/timers.h" //Timer support function data!
#include "headers/emu/threads.h" //Thread for timer item!
//Timer step in ms! Originally 100ms
#define TIMER_STEP 10000


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C++ :: Derive A Class From Xml Node To Add More Functionality

Dec 10, 2012

I would like to derive a class from pugi::xml_node to add more functionality to the class. I get stuck when I try to append a child because pug::xml_node append_child return pugi::xml_node (not a pointer).

This is what I've tried, but it fails to compile.

PugiXmlNode PugiXmlNode::appendChild(std::string name)
return (PugiXmlNode) (append_child(name.c_str()));

Is there any way to do this?

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Visual C++ :: Dragging And Dropping Functionality In Windows 8 Environment

Jul 14, 2014

i have developed an application in which i have icons in left side pane of application which can be dragged and dropped in client screen. Application is working fine with all the resolution except 1920x1080.

when setting the resolution to 1920x1080 while dragging icons to client area, icon is not attach to mouse pointer. instead there is a gap between the mouse pointer and the icon. i wrote code to identify the screen resolution but it does not seem to recognize 1920x1080 resolution. below code is giving incorrect resolution for 1920x1080 setting.

RECT actualDesktop;

value of 'actualDesktop' variable is {top=0 bottom=783 left=0 right=1536} which is incorrect. according to current resolution size value should be {top=0 bottom=1080 left=0 right=1920}. Due to this, all the icons while dragging are adjusting according to incorrect resolution setting.

how to identify the issue and if there is any limitation with respect to screen resolution in VC++ 6.0 with windows 8 environment.

I am getting same issue when compiling in VS2012 in windows 8. Code does not seem to recognize 1920x1080 resolution setting and downgrading my application look and feel by setting it to lower resolution.

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C# :: Opening A Second Form Project Within A Project

Jan 22, 2014

I have a project which does a specific thing, like an open file dialog.

I would like to open it in a different project on a click of a button.

Also, It has a different namespace.

I'm guessing that it would involve a "using" statement to add the namespace And I will have to add reference to an *.exe or *.dll -> I'll have to look up how to make a *.dll, I know where the *.exe file is.

I have searched for a different things on Google, but I don't think that I am looking for the correct phrase (which is always frustrating...)

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C++ :: Compilation Error Redefining Object

Oct 17, 2013


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Board.cpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

[Code] .....

I can't find a place where there are two definitions of any of the Board methods

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C/C++ :: Falling Object Error When Coding

Mar 4, 2014

Write a program that computes how many feet an object falls in 1 second, 2 seconds, etc., up to 12 seconds.

1.Have a procedure called FallingDistance which has one input parameter, seconds, and one output parameter, distance.
2. Compute the distance in feet an object falls using this formula: d = ½ gt2
(where g = 32.2)
3. The main program should call FallingDistance within a loop which passes the values 1 through 12 as arguments.
4. Print a table with seconds and falling distance in feet.

Sample Output (This program has no input)

Seconds Distance
1 16.1000
2 64.4000
3 144.9000
4 257.6000
5 402.5000
6 579.6000
7 788.9000
8 1030.4000
9 1304.1000
10 1610
11 1948.1000
12 2318.4000

In C++, the procedure is called a function. Instead of using an output parameter, your C++ function FallingDistance should return a result of type double. This is what I created:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const double g =32.2;
double fallingDistance(double);

[Code] ....

which gave me this error:

1>------ Build started: Project: Lab 6, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> Source.cpp
1>c:usershanahdocumentsschoolprogamming ilab 6lab 6source.cpp(27): error C2065: 'fallingdistance' : undeclared identifier
1>c:usershanahdocumentsschoolprogamming ilab 6lab 6source.cpp(36): error C2065: 't' : undeclared identifier
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

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C++ :: Error Passing Object Reference

Nov 23, 2013


#include <Data.h>
int main(int arg_count, char** argv) {
cerr<<"Files misisng


This actually should work, because it is passing address of polymorphisms object.I have tried changing prototype of test in Data.h, but failed.passing object address/pointers in C++.

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C++ :: Error Returning Object From Function?

Nov 24, 2013


class Main{
class B b_obj;
C c_obj=b_obj.test("some",89); // I cannot get this done.!

Below are .h files:

class B{
C* test(const char *, int); /// this doesn't work
//member variables

[Code] ....

However, map<string, vector<bol>> test(const char *, int); works.I know second thing will work, but how to take reference of class object?

I have include .h file in main, B and C, wherever it is required.

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C# :: Abstract Class Provide Functionality Without Affecting Child Classes?

Mar 6, 2014

The abstract class can provide more functionality without affecting child classes.If we add any method to the interface ,then will it affect all the child classes ?

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Visual C++ :: Compiler Error With Cout Object

Dec 15, 2012

I am asp.net C# developer. I decided to tackle C++, so I started today. This is probably something simple I am sure.

srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
int choice = rand() % NUM_WORDS;
string theWord = WORDS[choice][WORD];
string theHint = WORDS[choice][HINT];

[Code] ....

The error is happening on the last output operator, just before the jumble variable on the last line.The error is:

Intellisense: no operator"<<" matches these operands

operand types are: std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> <<std::string

I understand what its saying, but jumble is a std::string

Here are my preprocessor directives and using statements

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

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Visual C++ :: Object As Data Member Having Error

Sep 20, 2012

class CPop {
CBSVector<CTour> pop;
CBSVector<double> probability;
int popsize;
double TotalFitness;
CTour Elite;
CTspGAParams GAParameters;

error C2059: syntax error : 'constant'
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'

I don't know y these errors, it runs fine in simple c++ environment

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C++ :: Passing Array Of Object Gives Compilation ERROR

Dec 21, 2012

This is my question : Define a class named HOUSING in C++ with the following descriptions:

Private members
REG_NO integer(Ranges 10 - 1000)
NAME Array of characters(String)
TYPE Character
COST Float

Public Members
-Function Read_Data( ) to read an object of HOUSING type
-Function Display() to display the details of an object
-Function Draw Nos( ) to choose and display the details of 2 houses selected randomly from an array of 10 objects of type HOUSING Use random function to generate the registration nos. to match with REGNO from the array.

Now I' trying to do this by this way

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class housing {
int REG_NO;
char NAME[10];

[Code] .....

I am trying to pass the entire array of object in DrawNos(). but getting compilation error -

32: 'housing:rawNos(housing * *)' is not a member of 'housing'
48: Structure required on left side of . or .*

What is the problem? How can I pass the array of object in function and use it.

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C++ :: Integration With Word - Highlight Text And Offer Find / Replace Functionality

Sep 10, 2013

I'm undertaking a project at the moment which requires me to hook into a custom c++ application from a Java applet via JNI. The c++ application needs to communicate with MS Word and potentially other office programmes in order to highlight text and offer find/replace functionality programatically. The idea is that when the applet is launched, it will communicate with the C++ methods to hook into an open MS Word document and highlight all words that start with the letter 't' for example.

I'm concentrating on the C++ side of things first . Even some basic access to an open word document would give me a great start!

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C++ :: Error / Variable-sized Object (largeArray2) May Not Be Initialized

Feb 28, 2013

when i compile my code i get this error : "error : variable-sized object 'largeArray2' may not be initialized"


float give_coefficients_routh_table_and_fill_two_first_lines(int denominator_degree)
float largeArray2[20][20] = {0};
int l = 0;
int c = 0;
int e = denominator_degree ;
for ( e = denominator_degree; e>=0; e--)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Error When Using Volatile Object In Overload Assignment Operator

Jul 27, 2012

/*using GENERIC_COMMAND* A; as volatile generates error. but here i have to use union object as volatile i.e. volatile GENERIC_COMMAND* A; */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Threads Giving Error - Call Of Object Of A Class Type Without Appropriate Operator Or Conversion

Jan 27, 2015

I made a simple binary tree then decide to try out threads too. I got the following error:

call of an object of a class type without appropriate operator or conversion

#include "Tree.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
void main(void){

[Code] ....

I am having a hard time figuring out why the error exists. I tried adding the new operator but that did not work.

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C :: SegFault With Malloc

Nov 2, 2013

I wrote a program to detect if a graph is tree or not. Initially it was using static memory. Later I changed it to use memory dynamically using malloc().My problem is that, my program it works great for case when graph is not tree but fails if it is.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()


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