Visual C++ :: Read Table And Get All PNAME Into Combobox - Reduce Query Execution Time

Nov 14, 2014

My table:

Database name: test & Table name : Profilemaster
| 1 | APPLE1 |
| 2 | APPLE2 |
| 3 | APPLE3 |
| 4 | APPLE4 |
| 5 | APPLE5 |
| 6 | APPLE6 |
| 7 | APPLE7 |
| 8 | APPLE8 |
| 9 | APPLE9 |
| 10| APPLE10 |

I like to read the table and get the all PNAME into the combo box.

Using the below code i can read the table, but while loop takes 2 seconds to read 10 records in the Profilemaster table.
How can i reduce the reading time?

My Code is
void MainScreen::OnreadProfileName() {
CDatabase database;
CString SqlString;
CString sDsn;
CString pname;

sDsn.Format("Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.2 ANSI Driver};Server=localhost;Database=test;User=root;Password=client;Option=4;");

[Code] ....

Is any other way to reduce the query execution time?

View 6 Replies


Visual C++ :: Obtaining Actual Effective Execution Time Per Thread With Hyperthreading

Jun 13, 2013

I'm looking for a function like GetThreadTimes, but one that gives correct results in a hyperthreading CPU.

For instance, if you start 2 threads on a CPU with 1 physical core and 2 logical cores, GetThreadTimes will say that both these threads use 100% CPU.

However, in reality they only use 50% each. Is there a function that returns correct results, or is there another workaround?

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C/C++ :: Round Robin Execution With Gantt Chart - Arrival Time And Burst Time

Mar 10, 2015

This is a round robin execution. with gantt chart. arrival time and burst time. I think there is an error in my formula to get the right answer,i cant resolve it but my program is running. What is the code or the right formula??

int main(){
int i,j=0,n,time,remain,flag=0,ts;
int sum_wait=0,sum_turnaround=0,at[10],bt[10],rt[10];
int ganttP[50],ganttStartTime[50];
printf("Enter no of Processes : ");

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: How To Populate A Combobox With One Field Of Database Table

Apr 17, 2012

I would like to fill a combobox with particular field for example if i have atable with fields such as CustID, CustName, CustAge.

I would like to only fill the combobox with the Name filed such that only the CustNames will be field in the combobox and am able to write an event handler for the selected index.

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Visual C++ :: Read Particular Record In A Table Quickly Using It From MYSQL

Nov 13, 2014

How can i read particular record in a table quickly via VC++ from MYSQL?

I have a table like


Database name: test & Table name : Profilemaster
| 1 | APPLE1 |
| 2 | APPLE2 |
| 3 | APPLE3 |
| 4 | APPLE4 |
| 5 | APPLE5 |

My code is here, I was read all profilename from MYSQL database and load it to a combobox.

How can i read a particular record and store it to combobox?

void MainScreen::OnreadProfileName() {
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
CDatabase database;
CString SqlString;
CString sDsn;
CString pname;


How can i execute this query and get the following result


| 1 | APPLE1 |

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Visual C++ :: How To Reduce Size Of Object

Feb 10, 2014

I am using Visual C++ to write an app. I write CMyObject class and may allocate a lot of instances of CMyObject object, so I want to reduce the size of CMyObject class.

What I can figure out to do is:

1. I can use the following code to get the accurate size used by a single instance of CMyObject object:

CMyObject Object;

//Get the size of memory allocated for CMyObject object
int nSize = sizeof(Object);

is that correct?

2.To reduce the size of CMyObject, I have several ideas:

(1)Change member function to static member function if it is possible, since each member function will take some spaces in the instance of CMyObject.

(2)Change virtual member function to member function if it is possible, since virtual member function may take more spaces.

(3)Eliminate unnecessary member variables to reduce spaces.

(4)Finally, if (1), (2) and (3) does not work well, then change CMyObject from class to a struct that only contains some member variables, thus will eliminate the spaces allocated for constructor and destructor of a class.

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C :: Execution Stopped Every Time Try To Add Data From Scanf

Nov 12, 2013

this is a syntax i've been trying to run. apparently it stopped as i entered the first value. this is the value i am trying to key in

Initial House Cost 67,000 62,000 75,000
Annual Fuel Cost 2,300 2,500 1,850
Tax Rate 0.025 0.025 0.020

my syntax are as below


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(void) {
float houseInt1 , houseInt2 , houseInt3 ;
float fuelAnnual1 , fuelAnnual2 , fuelAnnual3;
float taxRate1 , taxRate2 ,taxRate3;
float total1 , total2 , total3;


View 9 Replies View Related

C++ :: Execution Of Certain Commands - Setting Device Time

Sep 10, 2013

I got a assignment in which i have to write codes for execution of certain commands.

One of the command is set_time. if user enters set_time 12:12:12

The time should get reset to 12:12:12 no matter what it is now.

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C Sharp :: Counting Execution Time Of A Task?

Nov 9, 2013

I am checking out this simple piece of code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();  
            Task Task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>  {
                    Console.WriteLine("Task1 started in : "+ " "+sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    Console.WriteLine("Task1 finished in : " + " " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

and the results are :

Task1 started in : 2 in milliseconds
Task1 finished in : 4015 in milliseconds.

The problem is, that if i count the time with an external device, just like the timer of my watch or my cellphone s,the total time is 4,8 or 4,9 seconds, which i wouldn t expect that to happen.

The first thing i ve thought, is that it takes the ThreadPool about 800msec or 1 sec to create the thread so as to execute this task, but even if it is so, shouldn t the stopwatch count the time precisely?So , why is there a deviation between an external timer and the stopwatch ?

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C++ :: Measuring Execution Time Of Static And Dynamic Binding

Jan 11, 2013

consider the code bellow

using namespace std;
class parent {
virtual void dynamic_display(){

[Code] ....

I am getting the following as output

Calculating....Static Function is called1times
The number of processor clicks is0time is0
Calculating....Dynamic function is called1times
The number of processor clicks is0time is0
Static Function is called2times
Dynamic function is called2times
Static Function is called3times
Dynamic function is called3times

I am actually trying to calculate the time to execute a statically binding method and a dynamically binded one.consider only the first four lines in my output. Why am i not getting the actual result.

View 3 Replies View Related

C/C++ :: Sequential Matrix Multiplication - Error In Execution Time

Apr 30, 2014

I wrote program for Sequential matrix multiplication .But after execution for any input value( ex. 100,150,400) it shows the execution time is 0.000 msec.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
void print_results(char *prompt, int N, float *a);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

[Code] ......

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Visual C++ :: How To Reduce High CPU Usage Caused By Receiver Thread Of CAN Messages

Feb 13, 2013

I am writing a program which handles the CAN messages Received from BUS.My code is taking almost 60% of CPU usage.

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C# :: Combobox And Button - Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Mar 30, 2014

I have two from in visual studio 2010 with C#. In form1 I have one combobox and one button .In form2 I have Reportviewer . When Button in form1 is clicked form2 is shown. Now my problem is when I click button to show form2 on the line Form2.Show(); this error appear : Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. What can i do? In form1 I have one combobox that combo fill with Database with this code in the Form Load:

private void DocReportOnlyAlalhesabSearch_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//fill shahrestan Combo
if (Class.Global.CurrentYear.Length != 0) {
OleDbConnection conn1;
OleDbCommand cmd1;
cmd1 = new OleDbCommand();

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: LINQ Query To Select Distinct Value From Datatable

Oct 29, 2013

I entered to Visual C++ 2010. Now my intention is to prepare a LINQ Query to select a distinct value from a datatable...

In C# My Query
var ProjLnkQry = (from P in MyClass1.ProjTbl.AsEnumerable() select P["proj_name"]).Distinct().ToList();

The above query I try to convert it into VIsual C++

auto DistDepQry=(from v1 in MyGlobalData::ProjectTbl::AsEnumaerable() select v1["depart_name"])->Distinct()->ToList();

But not succeeded.... I found the error like : "from" undeclared Identifier.....

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C Sharp :: Time Table Of School?

Mar 22, 2013

I have project "Time Table of school". How it possible logically as well as visually in .NET. it contain all teachers name and their periods. when any one absent then we enter the name of teacher or course name, highlight the absent teacher periods and then generate arrange period list and print it. when it highlight timetable we click on them and show all other teacher names who are free at this time.......

what controls are need in .NET with c#. it will be desktop application,

View 10 Replies View Related

Visual C++ :: How To Sort Combobox After It Has Been Created

Feb 1, 2013

I have a combobox which doesn't have the CBS_SORT style and after adding some items I'd like to offer the ability for the user to sort it alphabetically by clicking on a given button. How can I sort the combobx after it has been created and some items added to it ?

View 4 Replies View Related

Visual C++ :: Making Combobox Drop UP In MFC?

Nov 21, 2012

I'm using MFC, and I need to make the combo box drop down list to be draw up - above the contro, instead of below it. How to make this happen?

View 4 Replies View Related

Visual C++ :: How To Adjust Combobox Height

Dec 30, 2013

how to adjust the combo box height?

I can adjust the combo box width and also the dropdown list height but not the combo box height.

View 12 Replies View Related

C# :: Read SQL Table To Datagrid

Feb 9, 2014

I have been struggling to implement a method for reading data from SQL server to my C# program. In the C# program I prepared a DataGrid (not a DataGridView) for the data to be shown in it using a button "Load Table". Now I just want to read a table which has 4 different columns which I also added to the DataGrid.

I have a DataAccessDB class and this is the code for establishing a connection:

const string DB_CONNECTION = @"It is known to me";
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
Controller myController;

Then, there is a code to reference controller:

public DataAccessDB(Controller refController) {
con = new SqlConnection(DB_CONNECTION);
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myController = refController;

And this is the code for a List which I am going to use for filling the data to a DataGrid:

public List<ProductionStock> GetProductionStockFromDB() {
int productionStockId, amount;
decimal price;
string name, descript;


And now the main part - how to read the data when I press a LoadTable button. The point here is that I already defined connection strings here as you can see, and in the method itself I guess I should not repeat it. The tutorials I have seen they do it everything in that one button.

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C++ :: Read One Value At A Time From A File

Sep 27, 2013

I'm trying to read in one value at a time from a file with this function, but its giving me back junk.

void ReadValue (istream &inF, int & num, bool & success) {
inF.seekg(0L, ios::beg);
inF >> num;
cout << num;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Read One Number At A Time From Int File?

Sep 15, 2013

I have a file called example.txt . In that file, the int 123456 is stored. How can I read one independent number from that int? Lets say, I have an int variable called "Weight." How do I set weight equal to the number 1 from the int 123456 in the file?

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C/C++ :: Best Way To Read One Bit At A Time From A Binary File?

Nov 9, 2013

I'm trying to do file compression/decompression in C and I need to handle one bit at a time.

I currently try to do:

unsigned char byte = fgetc(fptr);

and later

byte >>= 1;

but the problem is that I have to use the first bit of the byte and then treat the next 8 bits as one byte. The byte usage keeps shifting over in this way. It's probably quite clear that I'm a bit lost.

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C :: 16bit Samples Stored In Shorts - How To Reduce Bits

Dec 8, 2013

16bit samples stored in shorts how i can reduce bits ? i meann idea not sources. i try learn code itself (i not school but i still dont want premade solutions for this)... i mean way make 16bit sample sound for example 4bit/8bit... and these are are audiosamples.

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C :: Reduce Hexadecimal Numbers To One Byte Modulo 0x11b

Apr 21, 2014

When I'm trying to implement the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) in C,

i need to reduce hexadecimal numbers to one byte, modulo 0x11b, but when I want to compute (0x57*0x13)%(0x11b) it returns 0xee instead 0xfe .

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C :: Read Enormous Binary Files (10-100GB) And Parse Their Contents Bit At A Time

Dec 5, 2013

I am trying to read enormous binary files (10-100GB) and parse their contents a bit at a time. As part of the process I need to get the size of the file in bytes. The simple solution

Code: fseek(file,0,SEEK_END);

fails because the file size overflows the long int type returned by ftell. I need a long long int.

Is there a reasonably efficient way to do this? The good news is that it only needs to be done once. I suppose I could read it one character at a time until I hit the end and keep count, but that just seems inelegant...

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C# :: Open And Read CSV File One Line At A Time Using SQL Commands - OleDb Exception

Apr 7, 2010

The objective: Open and read a CSV file one line at a time using SQL commands.

The problem: I am getting an error that I have a feeling may not point to the "real" problem.

Where I may have syntax or other errors in code.

stInputConn = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=V:\IT\RE\Exports\;Extended Properties="text;HDR=YES;Format=Delimited(,)"";
OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(stInputConn);
stInputFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("InputFile");
// the input file name is CSV_DataExport.CSV

[Code] .....

The last line (ExecuteReader) is where I get the OleDb Exception.

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