Visual C++ :: Error / DoModal Is Not A Member Of NewDialog

Mar 11, 2013

I am working through these tutorials:


I haven't had to modify them much for VS2010 so far. Right now, (I think) I have created the dialog box, and the menu as a class and a resource, respectively. However, when I call


void MFC_Tutorial_Window::OnClickDialogNew()
NewDialog dlg;

I get an error 'DoModal' : is not a member of 'NewDialog'

I suppose somehow I need to link the menu to the dialog box?

I believe I've added the references, included the libraries and essentially followed the instructions. Apparently I'm not very clear on how to make resources interact with new classes.

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Visual C++ :: DoModal And Call Function

Sep 20, 2012

I have a window I am opening from the parent Dialog by using DoModal:

CMyDlg dml;


When the window opens I want it to run a function on open. Lets just for example say copy files and show a progress bar. Where can I put the function call so that when DoModal is called that function will execute?

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Visual C++ :: Display Data Immediately - Dialog Domodal?

Mar 24, 2014

I haven't seen it anywhere and I've been looking. Is it possible to display data, say in a CEdit field in a dialog as soon as the dialog starts? Either before or after DoModal is fine.. These are essentially the same.

Using Visual Studio 2013 - trial version. It's nice. Coming from VC6. Many things are familiar (so far), at least in the C++ part.

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Visual C++ :: Object As Data Member Having Error

Sep 20, 2012

class CPop {
CBSVector<CTour> pop;
CBSVector<double> probability;
int popsize;
double TotalFitness;
CTour Elite;
CTspGAParams GAParameters;

error C2059: syntax error : 'constant'
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'

I don't know y these errors, it runs fine in simple c++ environment

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C++ :: Error - Inherited Member Is Not Allowed

Feb 15, 2013

this is my header file
#ifndef Header_H
#define Header_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class CurrentAccount{

[Code] ....

The problem i m facing now is the CurrentAccount class display is showing error inherited member is not allowed....

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C# :: Error / Does Not Implement Interface Member

Jan 19, 2015

Below is a snippet of a class I am working on. My head is swimming, but I cannot understand why I am seeing the following error:


Error1 does not implement interface member 'System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged'Medication.cs1011

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C/C++ :: Error In Member Function Using Templates

Mar 5, 2014

template <class T>
void Arreglo<T> :: Registro (ifstream& Entrada) {
Entrada >> Cantidad;
Dealer = new T [Cantidad];
for (int i = 0; i < Cantidad; i++) {

[Code] .....

It says the following error when I comile it:

error: expected type-specifier before 'Detail'
(*(Dealer + i)).Modelo = new Detail[(*(Dealer + i)).AmountModels];
error: expected ';' before 'Detail'

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Visual C++ :: Access Member Function From Non-member Function In Same CPP File?

Dec 16, 2012

In my MFC, CMyPorpertyPageDlg is derived from CPropertyPage. How to access its member function from a nonmember function in the same CPP file?.

void Non_Member_Get_PorpertyPage()
CMyPorpertyPageDlg* pPageDlg = ....

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C++ :: Private Data Member Is Accessed And No Error

Apr 24, 2014

Here in below code, the private data member is accessed directly using dot operator IN COPY CONSTRUCTOR and the program runs without error.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class array {
int *p;
int size;
array(int sz)


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C/C++ :: Error Header Has No Member Named Size

Dec 1, 2014

Was missing the '.s'

I'm getting this error in the 'my_free' function here "bp->s.size += p->s.ptr->s.size;" and "p->s.size += bp->s.size;" here. This doesn't make sense to me because it seems to be the correct way to access the union, and In the "my_malloc" function I use a similar call "p->s.size = nunits;" and that works fine.

// gcc -o malloctest -Wall -g -ldl main.c
// ./malloctest
#include <stdbool.h>


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C++ :: Error Returning Template Class From Member Function

Apr 30, 2012

When I do this:

// header file:
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class myClass {
list<int> myMethod();

// cpp file:

list<int> myClass::myMethod() {

In the cpp file, 'myMethod' is underlined in red and when I hover over it, it says:

"std::list<int, std::allocator<int>> myClass::myMethod()

Error: declaration is incompatible with "<error-type> myClass::myMethod()""

But when I make it as a standalone function, outside a class, with no pre-declaration, there is no problem.

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C++ :: Thread Error - Illegal Operation On Bound Member Function Expression

Sep 17, 2013


class Secure {
int seconds;
bool isRUNNING;
Secure(int seconds) {

[Code] .....


error C2276: '&' : illegal operation on bound member function expression

I read that due to explicit casting, threads cannot be created within a class. I'm trying to thread a scanning system to relieve stress on my main program/module, rather than having the scanner stunt their performance.

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C/C++ :: Two Array Member Pass As Parameter - Expression Syntax Error For Function

Nov 8, 2013

In my project, GreedyKnap::calKnap(int nItem, int nCapacity, float fWeights, float fProfits);

This function include two array member pass as parameter. how can i do this?

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C++ :: Undefined Reference Error When Accessing Static Variable Inside Member Function

Feb 10, 2013

I am modifying a set of static variables inside of the class's member function. The static variables are private. An example of what I'm doing is as below,

class utilities {
static int num_nodes;

void parse_details(char* );

[Code] ....

I get a compilation error in the function void utilities::parse_details(char* filename)

which says: undefined reference to `utilities::num_nodes'

compiler: g++

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Visual C++ :: Const Member Functions

Jan 24, 2013

class Editor {
// c'tors etc
Gtk::EventBox canvas_event_box;
void functionA();
void functionB() const;

[Code] ....

When I try to compile functionB in Visual C++ it gives me this error:-

glibmm/refptr.h(199) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const Gdk::Window *' to 'Gdk::Window *'
Conversion loses qualifiers

And this is the code from glibmm/refptr.h

// The templated ctor allows copy construction from any object that's castable. Thus, it does downcasts:
// base_ref = derived_ref
template <class T_CppObject>
template <class T_CastFrom>

[Code] .....

I don't actually want to change anything in the member variable canvas_event_box. I just want to be able to call one of its functions from my 'const' member function. Is there any syntax I can use to tell VC++ that I'm not actually changing the variable - just using it.

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Visual C++ :: Triangle Class With Member Variables

Apr 8, 2015

Create a Triangle class that has the following member variables:
side1 - a double
side2 - a double
side 3 - a double perimeter area

The class should have the following member functions:

- default constructor that sets the value of all 3 sides of a triangle to 0.0

- a constructor with arguments that accepts values for the three sides of a triangle (member variables) as arguments

- setDimensions - a function that allows the value of the three sides to be entered by the user through the keyboard

- testSides - a function that determines if the 3 values entered can actually be the sides of a triangle. If they do not create a triangle, print the values entered and an appropriate message
--The sum of any two side lengths of a triangle must always be greater than the length of the third side: so side 1 + side 2 > side 3 and side 1 + side 3 > side 2 and side 2 + side 3 > side 1 ( all three must be true for the 3 values to make a triangle)

- getSide1 - a function that returns the value of side 1, getSide2 - a function that returns the value of side 2, getSide3 - a function that returns the value of side 3

- getArea - a function that returns the area of a triangle: The formula for the area of a triangle (when the height is not known) is: A = sqrt (p(p-side1)(p-side2)(p-side3)) where p = (side1+side2+side3)/2

- getPerimeter - a function that returns the perimeter of a triangle: Perimeter = side1 + side2+ Side 3

- A displayTriangleInfo function that displays side1, side2, side3, area, and perimeter for a triangle object.

After testing your code for a single object, create an array of 5 triangles. Use a for loop and the setDimensions function to allow the user to set the values for the 3 sides of a triangle, test the vales entered to determine if the 3 create a triangle. If they do create a triangle than use the getArea and getPerimeter functions to calculate the Area and Perimeter for the triangle and use the displayTriangleInfo function to display all of the data for that triangle. If the three values do not create a triangle then print the 3 numbers entered and an appropriate message. In either case the loop should then move on and get the data for the next triangle from the user.

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Visual C++ :: Exporting Class Or Member Function?

Oct 2, 2012

Usually we use the following statements to export a class or member functions,

#define DLLIO __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLIO __declspec(dllimport)

I understand that the files using the exported class or function need to call this class or function with dllimport and the file containing the exported class or function needs to call this class or function with dllexport. But I tried to use __declspec(dllexport) only instead of the statements above. It still works. Is there anything I am missing?Why'd we have to switch between dllexport and dllimport?

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Visual C++ :: No Member Named Stoi In Namespace Std

Oct 20, 2013

I am trying to test out stoi() function found in the link below.

[URL] ....

but I got the error "No Member named stoi in namespace std." ...

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Visual C++ :: Declaring Member Variables In Windows Form App

Sep 30, 2014

I have created a windows form project in visual studio so that I can use a windows form to interact with the game class that I'm creating, but I'm running into some problems.

For one thing, I would like to be able to call Image::FromFile() one time only during initialization, and store the result in a member variable (called mBGImage). From what I can tell, the variable needs to be of type String^ (this caret symbol is new to me, but I understand it is the "managed code" version of the standard pointer, which would look like String*).

When I try to compile the following code (located in my header file) I get the error :

"error C3265: cannot declare a managed 'mBGImage' in an unmanaged 'BSG::BSGame'".

How can I store the result of Image::FromFile() permanently in my class?

When I try to declare a global variable of type "Image^", I get "error C3145: global or static variable may not have managed type System:rawing::Image ^"

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

[Code] ......

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Visual C++ :: Static Class Member In Multithreaded Environment

Nov 21, 2014

I have a class having static member.I have get and set methods which will Get and Set Values to this variable. In a multithreaded application does it have any thread safety issues.

Class a {
static int b;
void Set (int c);
int Get();

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Visual C++ :: Member Function - Add Vertical Colour Text In Popup Menu

Jun 4, 2013

I was reading a c++ code written in embarcadero ide to add vertical colour text in popup menu.

While reading the code, I had seen following instructions.


void __fastcall ExpandMenuItemWidth(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *ACanvas,int &Width, int &Height);

void __fastcall DrawNewItem(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *ACanvas, const TRect &ARect, bool Selected);

The above two methods used in the code like below:

PopupMenu1->Items->Items[i]->OnMeasureItem = ExpandMenuItemWidth;
PopupMenu1->Items->Items[i]->OnDrawItem = DrawNewItem;

What is happening when we are using member function without parameters like above?

I found above code at: [URL] ....

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Visual C++ :: Constantly Calling Ostrstream - Private Member Access Violation

Sep 22, 2014

std::ostrstream oss;
oss << "path for " << unit << "
" << path;

[Code] .....

Today, I just received this new fresh error, I was constantly using them, but just come to know it is a private access violation as the last error of my program. Did I use it in the wrong way?

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C++ :: Call To Member Function X Is Ambiguous - Overloaded Member From Header File

Feb 23, 2014

I get the following error in XCode whenever I try to access the member I created 'randomGen' in a separate class in a different header file. I have made sure to include the header file and have tried to access it through an object.

This is the code I enter when trying to access the method from randomiser.h in main.cpp. It is also an overloaded function with doubles and integers:

RandomG randomiser;
randomiser.randomGen(); // 'Call to member function 'randomGen' is ambiguous'

This is the code inside randomiser.h:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class RandomG {

[Code] ....

This is the error inside xcode: [URL] ....

I have tried seperating the code for the functions in another class (main.cpp) and then running and it seems to works, so I'm not sure why I can't put everything in the .h file and then access it?

I would like it in a seperate file so it doesn't clutter my main. I am writing a game with SDL so that might be confusing and I would like the window to have a random title and other random properties, so it would be easier to use a function.

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Visual C++ :: Why Getting Error 193 With CreateProcess

Jan 2, 2013

on a customers pc I have the following problem:

I want to run an exe file with CreateProcess, but this generates the error 193 which means

%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

This is strange because there are no known problems with this file before for many years on many different windows versions.

The customers uses win7/32.

I use it with win xp and win7/64.

The file was compiled with vc 6.0.

What can cause this problem?

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Visual C++ :: Memcpy Error In MFC

Jun 19, 2013

I load an image(768*256) using a file path(OpenImageFilePath).

After load an image, I start to read the loaded Image data using GetBits method and plot the same image data(768*256).

I'm using the memcpy method, for that i'm getting the below error. memmove function also giving the same error message.

File Name : memcopy.asm
rep movsd ;N - move all of our dwords

Code for your reference

void CDlg :: FileOpen() {
CFileException CFileEx;
CStdioFile ReadFile;
// szFilters is a text string that includes two file name filters:
TCHAR szFilters[]= _T("Image Files (*.bmp)");


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Visual C++ :: Getting Error While Retrieving Value From ADO Recordset

Jul 21, 2013

I have a vc++ project file which reads data from access 2007 database.

I have successfully declared and opened connectionPtr and recordSetPtr objects.

The follwoing code is giving an error message that "item cannot be found in the collection"

stringVar = (recordSet->Fields->GetItem("[String]")->GetValue()).bstrVal;

If i replace "[String]" with "String" then above statement executed successfully.

How can i execute the above statement with "[String]" without errors?

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