C++ :: Private Data Member Is Accessed And No Error

Apr 24, 2014

Here in below code, the private data member is accessed directly using dot operator IN COPY CONSTRUCTOR and the program runs without error.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class array {
int *p;
int size;
array(int sz)


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C/C++ :: Object Of Arrays As A Private Data Member?

Mar 19, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class book {
string bookname;
double bookprice;
book(string k="calculus",double b=25.5)
{ bookname=k;

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C++ :: Const Method Accessing Private Data Member Giving Access Violations

Oct 17, 2014

My code is here [URL]

void Player::Display() const
cout << "
Player Name: " << GetName() <<
Grade: " << GetGrade() << "
G.P.A. " << GetGPA() << endl;

The problem occurs in here, I get access violations, is there a way to this while keeping Display const or is this code valid and my problem is somewhere else and not being caught in the debugger? I tried to make the return types const - but that didn't work .....

//Getters need const twice for this to work?
const char* Player::GetName() const {return m_name;}
const int Player::GetGrade() const {return m_grade;}
const double Player::GetGPA() const {return m_gpa;}


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Visual C++ :: Object As Data Member Having Error

Sep 20, 2012

class CPop {
CBSVector<CTour> pop;
CBSVector<double> probability;
int popsize;
double TotalFitness;
CTour Elite;
CTspGAParams GAParameters;

error C2059: syntax error : 'constant'
error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'

I don't know y these errors, it runs fine in simple c++ environment

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C++ :: Storing Constant - Frequently Accessed Data

Sep 9, 2013

I'm redesigning some code and I'm wondering what the best ways to store and access certain data is. The characteristics are as followed:

1) Based on data from a file, a distance matrix (N x N) is calculated.
2) Once the matrix is complete, the data will never change (unless a new file is read, but I can work around that by iteratively calling the problem with a new datafile on as command line parameter).
3) The data from the matrix is accessed billions of times from pretty much every other line of code.

In my old version, I had a class "Data" which a sub-class "Data::Distance" and I would put a reference in every other class that needed it. Now, my class hierarchy will be much flatter (basically all logic will be in one class; other classes will be POD structs).

Given the characteristics of the Distance table, is there a way to store them in a very efficiently-accessible way? Does it matter if it's stored in the main class where all the action happens in contrast to being a different class? Does making it static improve the performance? Casting it to const? Anything?

Again, the data is accessed billions of times so even minor differences can save a lot of time.

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Visual C++ :: Operator Overload Not Defined Error When Type Accessed Through Const Struct

Oct 17, 2012

I have a basic vector/point class where I've overloaded a bunch of arithmetical operators:

#pragma once
class point {
point() {
point(float p_x, float p_y, float p_z) : x(p_x), y(p_y), z(p_z)

[Code] ...

I can use it fine like

point p(50,50,50);
point q(50,50,50);
point t = p * q + q;

However when I put this point type into a struct and try to access the members after passing it through by const reference:

struct sextic {
point a,b,c,d,e,f,g;
inline static sextic sexticDifference(const sextic &p_sextic1, c

[Code] ....

This gives me an "operator not defined" error for compilation.

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C++ :: Private Member Gets Called?

Jul 12, 2012

I was trying some virtual mechanism then This came to my mind

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A


now My concerns is that though the function f() in B was private it gets called by the pointer of class A as it is a virtual function

so is this a violation of access control?

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C++ :: Vector As Private Class Member

Feb 16, 2013

I get a problem with the vector as a private class member: When I did't initialize the vector in constructor(which means the size of the vector would be 0), I used a class function to add two elements to the vector and it worked (because I added a "printf" to output the size of the vector and the elements within that function). However, when I used another class function to visit that vector, no element was in and the size became 0.

Then I tried to add two elements to the vector during the construction, and it turned out that these two elements could be stored in the vector while other elements added through class functions could not.

I guess there may be some problems on the scope of the function. But I feel the class member should not be effected by the scope of the class function.

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C++ :: Access To Private Member Map Outside Class

Oct 24, 2013

This question is more from a design point-of-view rather than coding it to be a fully functional.

So here it goes:

I have multiple files which each require their own object of same class type (ref. First Class). File contents are read from a file to a unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> which is either private or protected member inside First Class. First Class does not need any public functions to add, remove or change the data during runtime, but changes are only being made by checking if the file size has changed during the day, if the size is not equal to the last check, map gets updated.

Now, I have a Second Class which is a data handler class. It has public member functions with arguments that needs to be get from First Class's unordered_map using const_iterator. Which way to go with design and implementation.

I know there's two methods to do this. Re-doing handler class is also not out of the question. These two methods I'm aware of are:

1. Declare these maps to local scope, build few global functions and here we go. (Probably the easiest way.)

2. Create public member functions to a First Class which either return a pointer or a reference to a protected/private member. (I'm under the impression that I really shouldn't be doing this because of a bad coding practice.)

Note that I don't need any code here, just some other point-of-views regarding the subject itself for learning better coding practices.

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C++ :: Access Private Member Variable

Apr 3, 2013

I've created a class called Voter with a private member variable ID, also I have a variable in my main function to be ID as well. I'm trying to compare the two ID's but when I do so:

if (ID == V.ID)

I get the error - 'std::string Voter::ID' is private within this context.

I know that because it's private I can't access it, but how do I?

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C/C++ :: Private Member Variable Keeps Being Overridden

Jul 10, 2014

I have a this program of storing students in a 2-3-4 tree. I have a template class called hw6_234tree and another class called Student. Now my private member variable (m_root) keeps being reinitialized every time I process a new line. For example the first student I run through my m_root->A = Student A...(m_root is a private variable of type Node* inside of the 2-3-4tree class).The next pass through now my m_root->A == Student B. So essentially my first run through m_root->A = Student A. Then the next run m_root->A = Student B. My question is how can I keep this variable the same and stop it from reinitializing m_root->A to student B.

Here are a few snips of the code:

Function in main:

void ProcessLine(string line, hw6_234tree<Student>& tree)

Function call:

tree.Add(Student(id, name));

Private Variable:
Node* m_root;

A function for a struct named (Node) in the private section of class hw6_234tree that assigns variables in the struct to values:

Node(T* valueForA)
A = valueForA;
B = C = NULL;
L = M1 = M2 = R = NULL;

The start of my Add function:

bool Add(T& toCopyAndAdd)
if (m_root == NULL)
m_root = new Node(&toCopyAndAdd);
return true;
return false;

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class

Aug 22, 2013

I have a method:

int filetodb(std::wstring szwf, SQLHANDLESTR *h);

I want to use it, in a thread.

std says, use thread, as:

std::thread second (bar,0); // spawn new thread that calls bar(0)

How can I do this, for my method, that uses more than one, i.e., two, parameters?

My code is:

std::thread thread = std::thread(filetodb, filesP->at(i), h);

compiler says:

Error10error C2248: 'std::thread::thread' : cannot access private member declared in class 'std::thread'c:program files (x86)microsoft visual studio 11.0vcincludexmemory06061ConsoleApplicationa

How, can I do this?

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C++ ::  How To Make Private Member Accessible Outside Class

Aug 9, 2013

The question says that:



But then the 2nd part of the question itself says that "Acno entered by the user". So we need to identify/search for an account with that Account Number. How can we do this without comparing Acno with S.Acno? I know that S.Acno is not accesible as it is a private member but then how to compare Acno without even using a member function(public) that can return the value of Acno?

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C++ :: Why Private Member Template Accessible Outside Class

Jan 15, 2015

I just happened to find that a nested private template class can be accessed directly outside the enclosing class using a using alias:

namespace ns {
class __wrapper


I was hoping to see a "__wrapper::__tklass is private" error message in the first using statement as well as during the instantiation of ns::tklass, but no error is issued. I tried this on gcc-4.9.2, clang-3.5.0 and visual_studio 2013 express.

why exactly doesn't the compiler flag tklass as an error? Is it allowed by the standard? If so, wouldn't that be a serious access violation?

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C++ ::  Friend Function Can't Able To Access Private Member

Jan 21, 2015

Am trying to write table object into file. Here's the source code

.hpp file

class Table {
int table_no;
std::string table_type;
bool engaged;
std::time_t start_time;
double total_sec;

[Code] ....

When i compile the above code i get the following error...

table.hpp: In function ‘std::ifstream& operator>>(std::ifstream&, Table&)’:
table.hpp:19:7: error: ‘int Table::table_no’ is private
table.cpp:91:12: error: within this context
table.hpp:20:15: error: ‘std::string Table::table_type’ is private
table.cpp:92:12: error: within this context ...........

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C++ :: Accessing Private And Protected Member Functions Of Class?

Mar 30, 2013

how to access the private and protected member functions of the class.....

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C++ :: Declaring Vector Of Pointer As Private Class Member

Mar 6, 2013

Below is a working program. Please note that the vector <int*> pointer is declared as a public member of the class A.

The problem arises when I try to make it a private (instead of public). First, let's look at the File 1 below. It compiles and works fine.

File 1: main.cpp (working fine)

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


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C/C++ :: Defining Class Counter - Member Variable Should Be Private

Oct 23, 2014

The question is: Define the class Counter. An instance of this class is used to count things, but the counter should never be less than 0 (non negative number). The member variable should be private. I realize what I'm suppose to be using but can't implement the member functions needed..

int main(){
int value;
cin >> value;
Counter myCounter(value);
for (int i = 1; i <= MAXLOOP; i++) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Boost Threading - Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class

Feb 25, 2013

When I put boost::thread Thread; in my struct I get the error error C2248: 'boost::thread::thread' : cannot access private member declared in class 'boost::thread'

The whole struct is

struct Player {
bool key[256];
char nameString[64];
bool lMouseButton;
bool rMouseButton;
double mouseX;
double mouseY;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class (header File)

Apr 1, 2014

I am currently doing the assignment about linked list. Here are some details information about what I am doing.. This program is C++ and should run on Visual Studio 2010. And it contains three file, two datastructure header and one main cpp file.

This program is trying to arrange and show some sports records. The main program which contain the functions such as reading the result text file(each result text file contain several records of athletes), removing a file, arranging the totalresult and printing it out. And the main program is already given and I cannot overwrite it.

But when I finished and try to build the solution and run it, I am not able to run the program and it give me somethings like these...

warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary
error C2248: 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1'
This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'Result::Result(const Result &)'

And I have tried to comment each function part of the header file and see if can run or not. But I still fail to do so. Here are my codes...

class Datastructure1 {
Datastructure1( );

[Code] ....

There are two header files and look quite long. They are all some linked list functions . I have read and learn linked list data structure before I complete this programs. However, when I complete the functions required, the function cannot be compile....

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Visual C++ :: Constantly Calling Ostrstream - Private Member Access Violation

Sep 22, 2014

std::ostrstream oss;
oss << "path for " << unit << "
" << path;

[Code] .....

Today, I just received this new fresh error, I was constantly using them, but just come to know it is a private access violation as the last error of my program. Did I use it in the wrong way?

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C/C++ :: Data In Private Class

Dec 11, 2014

i have private data look like Peiceorder peiceOrders[20]; it looks like a array but does not have name type like int or char? why is that and what should I use the data should I write Peiceorder peiceOrders[20]=........ like that? or?

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C++ :: One Object Accessing Private Data Of Other?

Feb 26, 2012

Basically, I've got one object which has to access private data in another object... and can't.

Here's the specifics: I'm writing a little war game program where players deploy units (soldiers, tanks, planes, etc.) onto a gameboard. Players and Units are modeled as objects:

class GameUnit {
string GetName() {return Name;}
string Name;
class Player {

[Code] ....

Here's the problem: In the above code, Player's ListUnits() function doesn't work because Player can't access GameUnit's GetName() function.

Specifically, here's the compiler's error message:

In file included from Main.cpp:18:
Player.h: In member function 'void Player::ListUnits()':
Player.h:47: error: 'GetName' undeclared (first use this function)
Player.h:47: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)

I've tested enough to realize that the problem is the GameUnit::GetName() function is a public function within the GameUnit object. Why can't a Player call this function? Making both friend classes of each other doesn't work.

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In One Class But Can In Another Class

Sep 4, 2014

So I have an ImageManager class, Board class, and Box class. In Board.h I can declare ImageManager imgr; and in Board's constructor I can use imgr and its functions and such. However, in Box.h when I try and declare ImageManager imgr; I get the error "cannot access member declared in class ImageManager". Both declarations are under private, and exactly the same, but one doesn't work. Also, is there a way to only have one instance of ImageManager?

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C++ :: How Could Object Access Its Private Data Members From Outside

Nov 12, 2013

How does an object access its private data members in copy constructor.

The relevant part of the code: Code: C::C(const C &obj)
x = obj.x;
y = obj.y;

Normally the object1 called "obj" cannot access its private data members outside. But in this situation it can access. How can it be explained?

Here are the complete code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class C{
C(const C &);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Accessing Data Declared Private Within Header File?

Feb 10, 2015

I have a header file that declares some fields as private, I then have a class that I need to compare two of the objects' information for equality but neither of them are the calling objects. I cannot alter the header file. How would I go about comparing private data fields? I will enter a brief bit of code for clarity.

Code: // Header File
// stuff.h

class stuff
int* arr[20];
int size;
bool equal (const stuff& a, const stuff& b);


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