Visual C++ :: How To Tell If User Account Is Set Up With Roaming Profile

Nov 22, 2013

Is there a way to know from a Windows service application (running as a local-system) if a specific logged in interactive user account is configured with a roaming profile? I need this to be compatible with Windows XP SP3.

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Visual C++ :: Outlook MAPI Get Current Profile Name

May 5, 2014

I have a MAPI session that is loged on and valid, I would like to get the current logged on profile string from it.

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Visual C++ :: Building A Savings Account Program?

Mar 12, 2014

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;


I need to modify the program to use annual interests rates of 3%, 4%, and 5%.

After that I need to modify the program to make it so the user enters the dollar amount of the deposit, the interest rate or rates, and the number of years.

I'm a design student at New England Tech but before we can go full design they want to make sure we know for sure if we want to be a designer or a programmer and so we need to take C++ classes

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C/C++ :: Trapezoidal Motion Profile Using Discrete Method?

Mar 9, 2015

I'm trying to program an arduino to generate a Trapezoidal Motion Profile to control a DC motor with a quadrature encoder.

Essentially, the user will input the desired Target Position, Max Velocity and Acceleration (decel = -accel) and the code will calculate the target position versus time which will then be compared with the actual position. The result will then be subject to a PID calculation

My initial assumption was that I could use basic Newtonian physics to determine position (i.e. PT = P0 + V0T + 1/2AT2, VT = V0 + AT). However, after reading through documentation for pre-existing motion controllers, I discovered that the prevalent method was to use a discrete time method, which is as follows:

VK = VK-1 + A (A = Acceleration)
PK = PK-1 + VK-1 + A/2

I'm having a hard time understanding quite how this equation would generate the target position versus time. In the case of Velocity, it seems to just add the acceleration to the current velocity. But what about everything in between?

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C :: This Account ID Does Not Exist - Segmentation Fault

Apr 11, 2013

It is suppose to display the message "This Account ID does not exist" but why do I get "segmentation fault"??I was able to compile and run the program so it shouldn't be a problem of the compiler.


#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>
struct Account {
char* Account_ID;
char* Account_Type;
char* AccountOwner_FirstName;
char* AccountOwner_LastName;
float* Balance;


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C++ :: How To Account For A Size 0 Vector In Function

Dec 16, 2013

I'm trying to do is write a program that fits to a separate test program. The test program provides different size vectors that my function should try and binary search. If the element is found, the function should return 1, and if the element is not found, it returns -1.

Here is the code:

int binSearch(const vector<double> & data, int elem, int & comps) { {
int beg=data[0];
int end=data[data.size()-1];
int mid=(end+beg)/2;

[Code] ......

The problem is that one of the vectors my function is supposed to binary search is a vector of size 0. I tried to throw in an if statement that would return -1 if the size was == 0, but then the program never fully completed and just kept running. So, how can I account for a size 0 vector in my function?

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C++ :: How To Take Into Account White Spaces In A String

Apr 21, 2013

as i am doing an encryption program on a playfair cipher. I am now stuck on a problem on decryption.If my string is helloworld (without a space), it will decrypt normally.However , if my string has a space in between it. Let`s say Hello World, it will not decrypt normally.How do i take into account the space that is in between hello & world?

example: hello world

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C# :: Create Account And Login To Windows?

Mar 18, 2014

I want to create user account and login to windows. I have to read username from DB and create window user for login to window. So,Can I create windows account and login to windows with C#

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C :: How To Account For Different Number Of Chars In Array Of Names

Dec 9, 2013

I am trying to make a for loop that will print out chars in an array while using a #define before main. My problem is that each name has a different amount of chars in it. How do you account for that when you are trying to define a size? For example, I am playing around with the numbers and I just put 7 in for size:

#include <stdio.h>
#define sizeOf 7
//char personName( char * name[] );
char printName ( char * name[]);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Filling Vectors With Pointers To Account Objects

Jul 27, 2013

So I'm trying to fill a vector with pointers to account objects.

std::vector<account*> fill_vector() {
std::vector<account*> temp;
std::ifstream s;
std::string str;"H://account2.dat");

[Code] ....

The accounts have four different types and I am supposed to skip over ones that have an invalid account type and throw an exception:

account* factory(std::string account_code, std::string first_name,
std::string last_name, char type, double balance) {
try {
if(type == 'A') {
simple_account *a = new simple_account(account_code, first_name, last_name, balance);

[Code] .....

My problem is they program will not skip over my rejected accounts.. still adds them to the vector but I cant figure out why!

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C/C++ :: Calculating Interest Earned On Bank-account

Oct 21, 2014

This exercise should familiarise you with loops, if-then-else statements, and recursion. You will have to design and implement a program that calculates the interest earned on a bank-account. Deadline is the end of Tuesday in week 4.

Interests are compounded; that is, you earn interest on interest. Given a yearly interest rate of say, 6%, you can calculate the total sum available when an initial sum of 4000 pounds is put away for 13 years as follows:

4000 * ( (1 + [6/100])^13 ) = 8531.71 pounds

where the caret symbol denotes 'to the power of'. One way to calculate the power is by repeatedly mulitplying. Ie, you can mulitply 1.06 with 1.06 12 times to calculate 1.06^13.


Design and implement a function that raises X to the power Y for a real number X and a positive integer Y. The function must use a while loop.

Design and implement a main program that calculates the sum availble when 1000 pounds has been put away for 25 years with 5 percent interest.

Change the while-loop in the function to a for-loop.

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C++ :: Mini Bank Account System - Using Header Files?

Feb 13, 2013

i am currently doing a mini bank account system using visual studio...i need using the header files...the question requires to use 3 header files for each class.these are the classes:


i have done the first part... how to do a new class in a different header file..

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C++ :: Bank Account - Base Class Undefined Error

Apr 20, 2014

I have an odd compiling error. My base class is all delcared and read to go. But I could not figure out how to get my sub classes inherit from it. So I had to make everything public. Even inheriting using the protected inheritance thingy, still could not get them to inherit from that base class.

So I compiled the program, and no other class came back with an error. only my base class. Here is the base class:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Bankaccount {

[Code] .....

The error I'm getting is saying:

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'using'
Where is there anything needing a semicolon before using?

'Bankaccount' : 'class' type redefinition
see declaration of 'Bankaccount'

Is it saying this because I don't have any private class members?

'Bankaccount' : base class undefined

But it is defined.

What is the issue with this class? And how can I get it to compile and run?

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C++ :: Bank Account - Function Not Storing Data In Array

Mar 5, 2014

Following function is from a bank account, when new account is created it won't store it in the array or i guess it does but find_acct function wont be able to find it.

find_acct Function:

int findacct(int acctnum_array[], int num_accts, int requested_account) {
for (int index = 0; index < num_accts; index++)
if (acctnum_array[index] == requested_account)
return index;
return -1;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Calculate Balance Of Saving Account At The End Of Three Month Period

Dec 11, 2014

(I'm using visual c++). Write a program that calculates the balance of a savings account at the end of a three month
period. It should ask the user for the starting balance and the annual interest rate. A loop should then iterate once for every month in the period, performing the following:

A) Ask the user for the total amount deposited into the account during that month. Do not accept negative numbers. This amount should be added to the balance.

B) Ask the user for the total amount withdrawn from the account during that month. Do not accept negative numbers or numbers greater than the balance after the deposits for the month have been added in.

C) Calculate the interest for that month. The monthly interest rate is the annual interest rate divided by 12. Multiply the monthly interest rate by the average of that month’s starting and ending balance to get the interest amount for the
month. This amount should be added to the balance.

After the last iteration, the program should display a final report that includes the following information:

• starting balance at the beginning of the three-month period.
• total deposits made during the three months
• total withdrawals made during the three months
• total interest posted to the account during the three months
• final balance.

What I need is to solve that particular problem using a class. Here is the code solved for the problem not using a class:

using namespace std;
int main() {
double annulInterestRate,

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Bank Management Project - 6 Digit Account Number

Mar 1, 2015

I am trying to figure out the best way to approach a part of a project I am working on for school. I need to put in a 6 digit account number that will not allow duplicates for another user. How to approach this .

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C++ :: Customer Account Banking System Error With Variable Input

Sep 30, 2014

Im building a banking system. in my create_account it asks for account address and phone number as well as other questions. When I go to my Show account info (balance inquiry) I notice its not getting the right address as well as phone number. its showing "garbage".

* Vincent Dotts 09/29/2014 ch11.cpp *
* This program serves as a customer banking system *
* WHO DATE Discription *
* VD 09/30/2013 Created program *

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Accessing User Directory In Win 7 Pro?

Jul 12, 2013

I have been using the code below to extract the current user directory in order to read and write to certain files, presumeably independent of whether or not the user has administrative privileges. This has been necessitated in Win 7 because applications installed in the customary C:/Program Files(x86)/ are not allowed full access to files in the installed app root directory. This was working just fine until just this week when suddenly, for the first time, I found that the user directory retrieved was different when the app was run without administrative privileges in 'Start without debugging' configuration, both in Debug and Release configuration. Note that I have tested the identical app on Win2K and Vista and in neither case is it a problem on those OS machines. More mysterious is the fact that this ONLY happens on Win7 (VS2010 Ultimate) when run in the IDE. Run from the windows explorer double click, the app runs just fine in release and debug mode and monitoring the debug version using DbgView indicates that the expected 'Roaming' User directory is retrieved.

For example:

- without debugging (both Debug and Release configuration) the code below produces:

m_csUserDirectory =: C:UsersMPLIAMAppDataLocalPliaTechUeberKrypt

- with debugging (both Debug and Release configuration) the code below produces:

m_csUserDirectory =: C:UsersMPLIAMAppDataRoamingPliaTechUeberKrypt

Either this has been the situation from the outset and I just never noticed it (hard to imagine as I've been on this project for 6 months with 50+ builds), a recent Windows update has changed things, a bug, or I'm just plain stupid (not hard to imagine at all).

From a practical standpoint, if this is the way things are to be, my installer will need to install necessary files in both user directories and the app will need to access both depending upon user privileges.

/// This routine retrieves the process's environment block
/// using GetEnvironmentStrings, parses that block pointed to
/// by the generic international text pointer LPTCH, and returns
/// the requested string lpszVarStr as a string.
/// Note that the block lpvEnv environment variable substrings
/// are separated by NULL byte, and the block is terminated by a NULL byte.
/// The header files <windows.h>, <tchar.h>, <stdio.h>, <string>, and
/// <iostream> need to be included.


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Visual C++ :: How To Log Off A User When Workstation Is Locked

Nov 30, 2013

I wrote a Windows application that comes with two modules: service and user-mode exes. The service implements its own scheduler and may log-off a user at a predefined time. For that I was using the following call that is triggered from my user-mode module exe in a logged-on user session that has to be logged off:

Code : BOOL result = ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF, reason);

This works fine, except of the situation when a user's account is locked. In that case that API doesn't seem to do anything at all even through I get 1 returned from it.

So I was curious, is there any other way to log off a user when their account is locked? (One condition I have in this case is that if that user had any unsaved documents then the log-off should not be forced.)

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C :: Multi User Chat Over TCP/IP In Visual Studio

Jun 1, 2014

I want to have a multi user chat over TCP/IP. I already have the code for both the server and the client and so far I am able to send messages from the client to the server. Now I want to make it a multi user chat. I am executing the codes using Visual studio's Command prompt(not Windows Command Prompt). I have read somewhere that we have to use select() function.

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Visual C++ :: Allow User To Enter A Value As C String In Certain Form

Oct 14, 2013

My program was to allow the user to enter a value as a C string in the form: xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx.xx, where x can be any digit. Well, so far here is my attempt. I think the question is, would I have to implement a switch statement for the digits, the comma, and the decimal, so that when a user inputs, let say 52,000.00 the switch statements would read the 1st digit, checks for decimals/commas and if not, proceed to read 2nd digit, and repeat?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
using namespace std;
char buffer[256];
char tempBuff[256] = {'

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Allowing User To Input Decimal?

Oct 21, 2013

This code is near complete, the only task that is left is allowing the user to input a decimal and then two integers, or automatically using .00 decimal.

The automatic part: /*This is not correct.

", number);

But that does no good for me. Question: Do I have to create a some sort of while loop again, to allow the user to input a decimal followed by integer?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int j , i = 0, k = 0;
int number;


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Visual C++ :: User Callback And CResource Exception

Oct 8, 2014

In my Project, I'm using my Parent Dialog(TestDlg) as a background dialog.

Child Dialog 1 = Main.cpp & Child Dialog 2 = Dummy.cpp

1. I like to call both dialog continuously one by one.

Using Timer function i called continuously the dialogs.

After 5 minutes getting an error, "0xC000041D An unhanded Exception was encountered during a User Callback".

2. Then, I'm using CGdiPlusBitmap.cpp file to load PNG image into buttons.

After 5 minutes getting an error - "CResource Exception".

For reference test code attached.

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Visual C++ :: Taking Decimal Input From The User

Feb 21, 2015

I want the input for the price in decimal format(15.00). If the input is in integer format then I want to convert it to decimal format.

The maximum price for a sale is 999.99 and minimum is 0.00.

I have tried so far:

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
void main(){
float eventPrice;

[Code] .....

A valid input will be:


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Visual C++ :: Creating Containers That Respond To User Actions?

Oct 16, 2013

I am looking for direction on what topic I should be reading up on. I am new to C++ and Windows MFC.

This is my real world problem, in the context of the application user. (these term do not refer to OPP concepts)

I want to create shapes (containers) in an application that will respond and collect other objects;

Imagine a Windows frame, containing several 2 dimensional squares. I want to be able to drag and drop marbles into the squares,and have the square retain and display the marbles in the square, in the order that they were dropped in.

How do I create the shapes, and how will the square sense when a marble is over it?

How would I create irregular shapes (a combination of lines and curves) that would be responsive to the marbles?

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Visual C++ :: Program That Take Input From A User And Calculate It In A Do While Loop

May 15, 2013

I'm trying to create a program that will take input from a user and calculate it in a do-while loop. The program does the calculation but the answer is wrong. The loop also doesn't work. The purpose of the program is to see how much an item will cost after a discount is taken off and tax is added.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
double original_cost;
double discount;
double tax;
double total;
char answer;


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