Visual C++ :: How To Show File Menu

Mar 14, 2013

I have an MDI application using different menus depending on the current document template in use.

I need to show the top-level File Menu from the IDR_MAINFRAME window when a command is sent from the active document.

I would like to application to deactivate the active child window and then show the File menu as if the alt-F key was pressed from the keyboard.

I have tried CMenu *pMenu=AfxGetMainWnd()->GetMenu();

but this does not display the menu at all.

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C/C++ :: Menu Won't Show Display Entire Price?

Apr 15, 2014

I am working on a drink machine simulation. I have a text file that holds the prices, names and inventory. My problem is It won't let me set my prices at 1.00 or higher. Ex: I set the price to 1.50 in the text file then when it reads the info and stores the price it only stores .50 instead of 1.50.

my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>


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C/C++ :: Menu Won't Show Display Entire Price

Apr 15, 2014

I am working on a drink machine simulation. I have a text file that holds the prices, names and inventory. My problem is It won't let me set my prices at 1.00 or higher. Ex: I set the price to 1.50 in the text file then when it reads the info and stores the price it only stores .50 instead of 1.50.

textfile looks like this:
Apple Juice 1.50 20
Mango Juice 1.50 20
Sprite Mix 1.90 20
Coca Cola 1.90 20


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C# :: DataGridView - Context Menu To Show Up When User Right Clicks On Fifth Column

May 22, 2014

I have a datagridview with many columns. I want a context menu to show up when user right-clicks on the fifth column (column index = 4).

private void dgv_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) {
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
DataGridView.HitTestInfo hit = dgv.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
if (hit.ColumnIndex == 4) {

The problem is, the hit.ColumnIndex value is either 0, -1 or 1, no matter where I click. So the condition never met and the context menu never shows up. Why the values 0, -1 or 1?

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Visual C++ :: Lag When Clicking MFC File Menu

Jan 9, 2014

I am developing a CFormView MFC app. When I go to click something on the menu, it takes awhile before the event happens. The project is build optimized in release mode. I have 3 additional threads and I thought they might be blocking the internal MFC framework stuff, but I use the Sleep() call in each thread to yield to the MFC main app.

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Visual C++ :: How To Modify File Menu Width

May 15, 2013

I derived a class from CRecentFileList in order to set the number of displayed chars for MRU.

The problem is that if I open the app with 256 set for this number (it is read from .ini file) the display is correct. But after I change it to 10 for e.g., File menu width remains unchanged altghough MRU are correctly displayed on 10 (or at least file name lenghts) chars.

how can I tell to the menu to shrink to actual width?

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Visual C++ :: Reading CSV File - Show Values In List?

Dec 26, 2012

I have problem reading CSV file, i found many solutions but i still got one problem. I need to read CSV file and then these values show in List Control and here i have problem. Idk how to display it in List?

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Visual C++ :: SetTimer / OnTimer Causes File Menu To Flicker

Nov 26, 2012

I have a (large) application that works perfectly under XP. When I run it under Windows 7 the "File Edit View..." menu in my application flickers when everything is otherwise idle.

I have traced this down to SetTimer and its associated OnTimer function. OnTimer usually does nothing, so I have commented out everything leaving this:

void MyView::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { }

I have also changed the SetTimer call to give one tick every five seconds.

I now see the same behaviour: the File menu is very briefly greyed-out every five seconds, leading to the flicker. Nothing else in the window is exhibiting this flicker.

So, I have a call to a null function every five seconds that manages to affect a menu.

what may be causing this?

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Visual C++ :: Enable / Disable Menu Item 2 In OnUpdate Handler Of Menu Item 1?

Sep 15, 2014

I have two menu items. When item 1 is disabled, I want item 2 to be disabled as well. In the OnUpdate handler of menu item 1, I have tried to use "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pMenu;", "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pSubMenu;" and "t_pMenu = pCmdUI->m_pParentMenu;" but I always get NULL t_pMenu. How can I achieve this purpose?

void CDummyView::OnUpdateMenuItem1(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if(m_bShowMenuItem1) {


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Visual C++ :: DialogBox Show Nothing?

Sep 17, 2012

I've got this slice code inside a DLL:

DWORD processId;
HWND hwndParent;
BOOL CALLBACK enumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)


Why id doesn't show any Dialog?

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Visual C++ :: Show A Tooltip For ClistCtrl?

Feb 7, 2014

I have problems to show a tooltip for a ClistCtrl.

I searched for some solutions in the web.

I found only solution where derived classes are used.

Is it no possible to use tooltips in ClistCtrl without a derivate ClistCtrl?

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Visual C++ :: Show Memory Leaks In Dll?

Dec 20, 2012

when ending my app in the debugger, memory leaks will be shown like this:

Detected memory leaks!

Dumping objects ->
C:PROGRAM FILESVISUAL STUDIOMyProjectsleaktestleaktest.cpp(20) : {18}
normal block at 0x00780E80, 64 bytes long.
Object dump complete.

How can I tell Visual c++ also to show me the memory leaks in a called dll?

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C++ :: Menu Program Broken Down Into Series Of Calls To Function For Each Of Menu Items

Aug 19, 2013

I am trying to write a menu program that will be broken down into a series of calls to function for each of the menu items. Two of the menu items will be simple programs which I wrote.

I want two of the functions to run one of the two programs I am trying to include as items in the menu.

So far I am only familiar with variables, loops, if statements, and I just learned how to write functions.

The problem I am have is that I don't quite understand how to write a function that will run one of the two programs. Also I am having a hard time writing the program in away that would allow the user to select the menu items.

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C :: Program Based On Menu System - Option To Go Back To A Previous Menu

Apr 7, 2014

I'm creating a program that is based on a menu system. Basically each menu is its own user-defined function. The problem is at each menu you can input 'b' to go to the previous menu. I just have it call the function of that menu.

However, do the functions need to complete themselves eventually? If I just keep calling functions will I just keep going further and further deeper into ever running functions?

If so how do I avoid this and yet keep the option to go back to a previous menu/function?

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Visual C++ :: How To Reposition Menu Bar For Dialog Box

Dec 23, 2013

Normally, menu bar resides below the title bar. See attachment MenuBarOriginal.JPG

Is there a way that we can position the menu bar? For example,place it on the side or anywhere on the dialog box?

MenuBarModified.JPG is some sample of menu bar positions that I want to place.

I want to do this on a dialog box.

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Visual C++ :: Menu Item Separator

Aug 6, 2014

I'm using this tutorial for making an owner draw menu. [URL] ...

When I go into the .rc file and remove all of the MENUITEM SEPARATORs all the menu options are squished to the left of the menu as in the screenshot. As long as there is just one MENU SEPARATOR anywhere the menu is fine. If I could make the application without MENU SEPARATORs that would be awesome.

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Visual C++ :: Show Some Rich Text In A Dialog Box?

Nov 26, 2012

I have been told to show some text document when our application starts up, it is an EULA. They gave me a word file and I saved this file in a .rtf format. I then wish to show this in a dialog box and found this on code guru: [URL]

Which seems to be a sub-class that will do all the formatting for me. So I use that class and then load in the .rtf file, using their setRTF method I just get an empty text box.

I just want to be able to show this formatted, somewhat pretty text from this document in my application as close as I can to the original document. Is there an easy way to do that? I could turn it into plain text, but I think that my boss would not be happy about that.

The problem was that I needed the text box to be marked multi-line.

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C Sharp :: Show Only Date Not Time In Visual Studio

Feb 1, 2013

How to show only current date not time in webforms in visual studio as for date and time code is

Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();

What for only date not time

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Visual C++ :: Program Fails To Show Totals / Averages

May 17, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>


I know it has to do with the array, and I've tried over and over again to fix my issue and nothing has worked thus far.

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Visual C++ :: Change Menu Bar Font Size In Mainframe

Jul 30, 2014

Can change the menu bar font size in CMainFrame::OnCreate()? Here's what I have:


int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) {
CRect rect;
if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) {
return -1;

[Code] ....

The line "m_wndToolBar.SetFont(&m_font);" does nothing.

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Visual C++ :: MFC - How To Change Font Of String With Menu Button

Dec 17, 2012

I want create menu button to change font of CString displyed in main window. We can see string "SAMPLE",and when i press menu button that i created i want to string "SAMPLE" to display with different font,i already created CFont object and added italic style with CreateFont;

This is my menu function:and CString m_text and CFont font1 are declared in FesbDoc.h

void CFesbView::OnEditFont() {
CFesbDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
::::WHAT TO ADD HERE:::::::

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Visual C++ :: How To Modify System Menu To Execute A Function

Feb 11, 2013

I wish to add the item 'Website' to an MFC Dialog app System Menu so that it can activate the following method:

void CMyDlg::OnWebpage()
ShellExecute( NULL, NULL, _T("[URL]..."), NULL, NULL, 0 );
}// OnWebpage()
I have tried this:


#define IDM_WEBSITE (WM_USER + 101)
if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);
pSysMenu->AppendMenuW(MF_STRING, IDM_WEBSITE, _T("Website"));


The code compiles without error but and the 'website' item appears on the System Menu but it doesnt do anything.

I've inspected the following but don't really understand how it works and it seems to me there should be a simpler way to accomplish my end.

Modifying the System Menu By John Simmons 26 Jan 2007 [URL]....

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Visual C++ :: Menu Item To Explore Current Path

Feb 21, 2015

I quite often use an ide written in assembler: RadAsm3[URL] .....

It has a menu item to explore current path. I have used other ide's that have a similar feature but:

The one in RadAsm3 will activate a current Explorer window if the current path is the same as the one requested.
All others open a new Explorer window.

I would like to implement the RadAsm3 approach using Visual Studio 2013 Community c++ as my host compiler for testing.

I tried to get the title of current windows but it appears ShellExecute "explore" does not produce a conventional window???

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Visual C++ :: Richeditview - Show Colored Traces In Every10 Milliseconds

Oct 6, 2012

I am using default richeditctrl in richeditview. My requirement is that i want to show colored traces in every10 milliseconds.

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Visual C++ :: Employee Payroll Program Using Structures Does Not Show All Data

Dec 11, 2013

I am writing a employee payroll program using structures. My program is running but its only showing some of the data.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
const int SZ = 20; // size of arrays to hold scores
struct payrollStruct {

[Code] ....

And it doesn't show anything from txt file

40.0 10.00 A1234 Jane Adams
50.0 10.00 L8765 Mary Lincoln
25.5 10.85 W7654 Martha Washington
52.0 15.75 A9876 John Adams
45.0 25.00 W1235 George Washington

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Fill / Show And Revalue Property - Return Pointer

May 21, 2013

The code below is supposed to fill, show, and revalue property. The fill function is supposed to return a pointer that creates a range of property values. The show function is supposed to show the property values entered and the revalued property values. I think part of the problem is the returned pointer from the fill function. Once that is cleared up, I think I will find more problems.


#include <iostream>
const int Max = 5;
// function prototypes
double fill_array(double ar[], int limit);
void show_array(double * begin, double * end);

[Code] .....

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