Visual C++ :: How To Set Property For Using Static Lib File (2003 Version)

Jan 15, 2013

Later i used trial version of vc2010 and created a static library using the below link. Its worked. [URL] .....

But now I'm using VC2003.Details as follows,

Microsoft Development enviroinment 2003 Version 7.1.3088
CopyRight @ 1987-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Version 1.1.4322
CopyRight @ 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

I used the same procedure & created the Static lib. But couldn't use this lib file in my main project.B'cos the project's property window doesn't have the :

Common Properties -> Framework & References

Couldn't find. Here with i attached missed property in VC2003. How can i set this property? Is any other way to use static lib in main project (application)?

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C++ :: Compiling Static Version Of Boost Libraries?

Mar 6, 2013

I have been trying to compile a static version of the boost libraries, however when I try to launch the program it says fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc100-mt-s-1_53.lib'

I have checked in the boost/stage/lib folder and that file is not there. I compiled boost with b2 link=static yet the file still isn't there.

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Visual C++ :: Cannot Find The Property Settings File

Jul 31, 2013

Here the max sdk plugin is looking at X:projects rather than x:program files (x86)autodeskmaxsdk Inside the autodesk folder, there is a projectsettingspropertysheets subfolder where the plugin is looking for.

Now an error pops up saying it needs X:projectsprojectsettingspropertysheets....How can I fix that?

<Import Project="........ProjectSettingsPropertySheets3dsmax.general.project.settings.props" />

I find it hardcoded / How do I set where visual studio to search the correct property setting files automatically?

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Visual C++ :: Launching Current Version Of IE To View HTML File From Program

Nov 29, 2012

I tried to do this with _spawnl(), but first of all I'm not sure how to properly ask for the path to iexplore.exe, as I'm sure it will change every time MS gets a whim to move it. I know there's a GetWindowsDirectory() call, but that's not where IE resides (its in "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe" in XP, Lord know where on win 7 or 8).

Also, even temporarily hard coding the path to make it launch with spawnl(), I can't seem to get my html document to display. I know the path to that is right (since I put it there ).

char * pFile = "someFile.htm";
char * pCmd = "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe";

int res = _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, pCmd,pCmd, pFile, NULL); // also tried without specifying pCmd 2x
if (res == -1) MessageBox("Can't Open File.");

So my second question would be, how to you PROPERLY pass the file to view as an argument.

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Visual C++ :: Algorithm Recursive Version Implementation?

May 19, 2013

I have a problem to implement a recursive version of an algorithm that I made, I get different values. Here is the code so Iterative (OK) and Recursive code form that is not OK.

The data sets do not give equal:

The algorithm is given two source and target positions on a board, find the number of paths between them...

Input Example: 5
2 3
4 4

Output Example: 5

Iterative Algorithm ( OK )

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
int n , dp [1000][1000], x, y, xx, yy;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Extract Machine / Hardware ID And OS Version

Nov 19, 2014

Is there a way I can extract Machine / Hardware ID and OS Version using VC++?

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Visual C++ :: Property Sheets On Main Dialog

Jul 17, 2014

I have been playing around with property sheets/property pages and have been successful in getting them to work in a secondary dialog by calling the property sheet using DoModal().

How to get the property sheet to display on the main dialog of a dialog application.

I am using VS2008 and CMFCPropertySheet and CMFCPropertyPage.

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Visual C++ :: Create Own Property Which Passes Parameters

Apr 4, 2013

Is it possible to create property which I can pass parameters? Here is what I would like to do:

__property double a = {read=getA("a"), write=setA("a")};
__property double b= {read=getB("c"), write=setB("c")};

double getA(char *a);
void setA(double value, char *a);

double getB(char *a);
void setB(double value, char*a);

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Visual C++ :: Creating MAPI Property With CreateIProp

Apr 17, 2013

I have a problem creating a MAPI property. I have code like this:

intSetProperty( LPPROFSECT lpProfileSection, LPSPropValue lpPropValue) {
SPropValue spvEID;

[Code] .....

I want to create the choose_directory_Automatically property if its not exists. But I don't know how. If the CreateIProp method returns me a pointer in lpPropData how can I put the PropTag and the Value in it?

I have already implemented change the property if it exists already but the Outlook Addressbook stays on automatically until I or the user creates this property. I took a look with OutlookSpy at this property but I could not come any further.

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Visual C++ :: Resize Property Sheet / Page Dialogs

May 17, 2014

any easy way to resize property sheet/page dialogs automatically or semi automatically?. have tried too many stuff, but none were fruitful.

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C :: Version Number Stored In EXE File

Feb 24, 2015

I am/we developing in C and we have a number of different programs. We also have problem to keep track of different versions of a specific exe file.

Is there any way to add version number when build a file so the version is added in the properties.

I doing this in a MFC c++ project in a .rc file. Is there a way (or a similar way) of doing this in C? Here its stored in the details section with product version 6.0.8:

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C++ :: Change The Version Info Of The File?

Jan 18, 2013

im trying to make a tool that can change the version of the file (.exe)


i know how to update the rcdata of the resource

my problem is i dont know what to insert to it using (LPVOID) lpBytes is it a .txt ? .rc ? is it a binary ? etc.

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Visual C++ :: Skip And Rotate View A Page In Property Sheet

Feb 19, 2015

When i click the back button, I like to skip some old pages & rotate pages view in my property sheet.

I have 5 pages, when i clicked the User button in my MainDlg the below function called like,
User Button Clicked -> Page1 Opened
Next Button Clicked
-> Page2 -> Page3 -> Page4 -> Page5
Back Button Clicked
Page1 <- Page2 <- Page3 <- Page4 <- Page5

This work done. working good.

void MainDlg:: onButtonUserClicked()
CSheet oSht(this);
Page1 p1;


My requirement is,
User Button Clicked -> Page1 Opened
Next Button Clicked
-> Page2 -> Page3 -> Page4-> Page5 -> Page1(Again called 1st page automatically - rotate pages view)
Back Button Clicked(Cur Page loc is Page5)
(Start the prev Process)Page5 <- Page1 <- (Skip the Page2 & 3)Page4 <- Page5

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Visual C++ :: Include Library Paths In VS 2012 Through The New Property Pages?

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to include library paths in VS 2012 through the new property pages.I downloaded and installed mpich2-64 bit libraries under "C:Program FilesMPICH2include" and set the include path in Microsoft.cpp.x64.user property file so the path now looks like

"$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfcinclude;$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:Program FilesMPICH2include;"

But somehow it fails to find the files.


fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mpi.h': No such file or directory

The file is definitely there, so what could be the problem ?

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Visual C++ :: Fill / Show And Revalue Property - Return Pointer

May 21, 2013

The code below is supposed to fill, show, and revalue property. The fill function is supposed to return a pointer that creates a range of property values. The show function is supposed to show the property values entered and the revalued property values. I think part of the problem is the returned pointer from the fill function. Once that is cleared up, I think I will find more problems.


#include <iostream>
const int Max = 5;
// function prototypes
double fill_array(double ar[], int limit);
void show_array(double * begin, double * end);

[Code] .....

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C Sharp :: Auto Increment Version Number In Text File?

Oct 9, 2014

I have a version.txt file and it looks like


need a batch script or C# code increment the version if i trigger a build and expected output as

build (Current date)

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C# :: Intellisense Not Displaying All Element Property File

Jan 28, 2015

It's a shock to me seeing the partial display of variables being picked by intellisense. I am working in VS2013 environment. I have a project, in the project Settings file I created string variables of about 100 to be accessed across the files for the project, like this:

A example of thew variable it worked for

public static String TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitutionManagement = Settings.Default.[b]TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitutionManagement[/b];

An example of the variable it did not work for

public static String TradeportAccordionSystemAdminInstitution = Settings.Default.

So, does it mean that the Settings file has a limit of variables that should be declared in it?

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Visual C++ :: Close CPropertySheet From Another CPropertySheet Property Page

Nov 4, 2014

I was opened CPropertySheet from main dialog at very first time, again i was opened the CPropertySheet from current PropertySheet's Page 1 using button click event.

How can i close these two sheets and go to main dialog.

I was used EndDialog(0);

Which goes to previous sheet only.

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Visual C++ :: CString Class In Non-MFC Static Library

Sep 13, 2013

I have a non-MFC static library which I share between a number of different projects, some non-MFC and some MFC. Currently the static library uses a typedef of std::wstring and std::string for UNICODE and non-UNICODE builds.

After discovering it's possible to use CString in non-MFC applications, by including atlstr.h header, I decided I'd rather that than using stl strings and having to keep converting between the different types. However, I seem to be struggling with linker errors when linking the library with a MFC application.

Can I create a non-MFC static library using CString from atlstr.h and link it with a MFC application?

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Visual C++ :: Static Variables Local Or Global?

Mar 10, 2014

I came across the following code today and I was a bit surprised that it worked:-

std::string func_A () {
static std::string x;
if (!x.empty())
return x;

[Code] ....

I've simplified things slightly - but the basic point is that both functions are in the same source file and they both have a static std::string called 'x'. Being static, I guess they aren't (strictly) local variables. So how does the compiler know that they're different entities? Does it encode their signatures using the function name or something like that? If I call each function separately I do seem to get the correct string...

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Visual C++ :: Hash Table - How To Setup Static Variable

Apr 22, 2014

I am having trouble getting the cout statements that I commented out to work properly. And I can't figure out why the first movie in the movies.txt file displays at the end of the list in my output screen when it should only display once as the first item. I am also having trouble figuring out where and how to set up the static variable.

Purpose : This assignment requires that you to develop a program using the classes listed above. Specifically you will build a hash table containing movie data. The collision strategy will be to build linked lists as the array elements.

Program Specifications : Your program will read the data from the file named Movies.txt located in the file on the Connections Portal. Each record contains 2 fields separated by a space. They are:

FieldsData Type
Motion Picture Association Code (MPAC)Integer
Movie NameString

Your application program will read each record, create a Movie structure instance and place that structure instance into the hash table.

You will need to modify the appropriate code to provide for an audit trail of the hash table construction. To accomplish this, you will use cout statements in the above class member functions. You will need to modify them to include couts, but the modifications will be relatively small. If not, you are doing it wrong. The hashing algorithm to use is:

Index = int ( 0.618033 * MPAC) % size

Make the array size a constant and set it to 10.

Include a counter for the number of collisions that occurred in building the hash table. Including a static variable in the LinkedList or List class is the best method for doing that.

See the sample audit trail below for the first 5 records on Movies.txt and the size of the hash table set to 3. This is shown for illustration only. The full file will have different locations calculated.

1101-Casablanca is being added
The hashed location is 2
There was no collision loading 1101-Casablanca
1200-Duck Soup is being added
The hashed location is 0
There was no collision loading 1200-Duck Soup

[Code] ....

After the above is displayed, prompt the user to enter the MPAC of a movie to locate. Produce an audit trail when locating the requested movie as shown below: Make sure you list all movies that have collided at the hashed location. That may also cause you to modify one of the existing ADTs a little.

Will search for 6601
at the hashed location is 2
There was a collision here with 6601-Wizard of Oz
There was a collision here with 1101-Casablanca
retrieved from hash table: 6601-Wizard of Oz

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Static Class Member In Multithreaded Environment

Nov 21, 2014

I have a class having static member.I have get and set methods which will Get and Set Values to this variable. In a multithreaded application does it have any thread safety issues.

Class a {
static int b;
void Set (int c);
int Get();

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C++ :: Do Static Functions Have Access To Non Static Data Members Of A Class

Apr 17, 2013

From my book:

"A static function might have this prototype:

static void Afunction(int n);

A static function can be called in relation to a particular object by a statement such as the following:


The function has no access to the non-static members of aBox. The same function could also be called without reference to an object. In this case, the statement would be:


where CBox is the class name. Using the class name and the scope resolution operator tells the compiler to which class Afunction() belongs."

Why exactly cant Afunction access non-static members?

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C++ :: Accessing Non-static Members Inside Static Member Functions

Sep 11, 2013

What are the workarounds for accessing the non-static member variables of some class(Say A) inside static member functions of another class(Say B)? I am coding in c++. Class A is derived with public properties of class B. Any pointers?

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C# :: Static Method Inside Non-static Class

Aug 22, 2014

Have following code:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)


My question according to what i just wrote:

1. Is that mean that Do() is only available for use by Dog itself because Dog is 'oryginal' Dog, and if i create new dogs - instances of oryginal Dog (dog1, dog2 ...) they cant access because Do is only available fo 'oryginal' one? Is that correct thinking?

2. If i would want to have something common (e.g value) for all dogs is that good way to create static field/method for Dog instead of non-static once then all instances of Dog would access Dog static member to get/change it? Just stupid example: static method GetAmountOfLegs() which return 4 Then all instances can take/call that value from Dog. Is that correct thinking?

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Visual C++ :: Creating Static Text Boxes Dynamically - Assigning Unique Control ID?

Dec 16, 2012

I'm using CStatic inherited class in my code and creating static text boxes dynamically. Now for assigning unique control ID I'm creating a static control from resource editor and destroying it before calling CStatic::Create() and using its control ID say ID_STATIC_SAMPLE.

If I do not use this parameter of Create(), the static control is also being created, so what is the use of this unique ID. And any other better way to assign a ID for dynamically created static controls.

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