Visual C++ :: How To List Programmable Wake Devices

Dec 4, 2013

I'm trying to achieve the results of the following command that lists all programmable wake devices, or those that can be set/reset to wake the system:

Code: powercfg -devicequery wake_programmable

I need to do the same from a C++ service. I'm using the code similar to this, but it gives me a smaller list. Here's how I call DevicePowerEnumDevices:


[Code] ......

What flags am I missing for wake_programmable?

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Visual C++ :: USB Node View - What Devices Connected To Hub

Jan 29, 2014

Is it possible to see what usb devices are connected to a hub?

An example would be:

Onboard usb hub:
usb mass storage device
webcam imaging device

superspeed hub:
Mass storage device
MTD device

I am currently able to get a list of all connected devices with ManagementobjectCollection in C# but that doesn't give me any hierarchy (as far as I am aware).

I am not dead set on C#, I assumed that would be fastest way to get this up and running.

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C++ :: How To Connect To Other Devices Remotely

Oct 25, 2013

I want to connect to other computers remotely and for example grabbing some data from them. Do we have any c++ library for this purpose? And if yes, any good documentation about it.

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C :: How To Communicate And Get Back Data From Devices

Jun 18, 2014

I have a device that have some communication protocols and it will respond and send some specific data when somebody communicates with the device. I tried to build a C code that will send those protocols to the device and then store those sending data. Now I don't understand that how to send those commands. Other things than that I can manage with the file handling programming.Is there any predefined function using which it will send some specific data or something like that??

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C# :: Testing Devices For Up / Down Status On External Network?

Jul 11, 2014

I know I can use ping internally to test a device's connectivity. What can I use to test devices on another network (assuming ports are forwarded, and their IP addresses are at my disposal)? I was looking into the TCP Client class.. would that also work with devices using DynDNS?

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Visual C++ :: MFC List Control Position?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a mfc project with a List Control (Report View).

When I run the project, the list control appears in the middle of the window instead of appearing where I placed it.

Is there a qay to make it stay where I need it?

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Visual C++ :: Getting A List Of Active Processes?

Apr 14, 2015

how to get a list of the active processes on a computer?

What I need to do is check for a specific process to see if it's running on the system.

I just need to know if a certain process is present.

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Visual C++ :: List Control Column Data

Jan 31, 2013

I am trying to populate a list control with the filename and maybe some other thing when i push the OK button....

void CThisDlg::OnOK() {
int iItem = 0, iActualItem = 0;
WIN32_FIND_DATA data2;
int iNum = 0;
hFind = FindFirstFile("*.*", &data2);

[Code] ....

When i push ok, no files get loaded. I also attached a image

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Visual C++ :: Retrieve List Of GPO Currently Applied To Workstation?

Feb 24, 2014

How to retrieve a list of GPOs that are currently applied to the workstation?

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Visual C++ :: Initializer List - No Such File Or Directory

Oct 21, 2013

I have a project that compiles fine with VS 2010. As I compile it with VS 2012 it generates the entitled error. Why?

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Visual C++ :: What Is The Correct Behavior Of List Control

Aug 29, 2014

There is a list control in Windows.

When I create a list control I can assign an image list to it with the ListView_SetImageList().

By default, when just created there is no image list assigned as can be checked with ListView_GetImageList().

Now, what should happen when I do following call:

Create list control.
Create an image list
Get the current image list
Assign an image list to list control
Display some items
Assign an old image list to list control.

Does strings on the list control should be indented?

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Visual C++ :: Command For List Out Shared Folder In MFC?

Apr 12, 2013

I need to list out all the shared folders(directory) in the system along with their path . i want a command or an api in MFC, for listing out the shared directories.

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Visual C++ :: Template - Adding Elements To List

Jun 9, 2013

I'm doing a homework aasignment on templates, and i have to build a list. The problem starts when i am trying to add elements to the list. For instance if i chose to add 5 different elements (1,2,3,4,5) the output will be (5,5,5,5,5).

void add_back(T t){
Node* tmp = new Node;
tmp -> m_data = &t;
if(m_head == NULL) {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Retrieve Size From Image List

Mar 11, 2014

The documentation states that "An image list is a collection of same-sized images" [URL].....

But how do I retrieve that size? I have a pointer to an empty image list. The size was set during creation, but that's out of my control.

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Visual C++ :: Linked List Search Function

Feb 9, 2014

The program I have below. If you copy and paste it it should work. However, When I uncomment my search function I get lots of errors and I think it has to do with incorrect syntax of it being a template. Need to do this search function:

Linked.h header file

#ifndef LINKED_H
#define LINKED_H
template <class T>
class Linked {
// Declare a structure for the list

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Selecting Subitem In A List View Control?

Aug 7, 2013

How would I go about selecting a subitem in a listview control with just pure Win32 API? I know it's possible with MFC... but I can't use MFC for this project. Right now, when you click on a subitem , it selects only the first column of the row . I used the following by referring internet. But its not working.

HTML Code:

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Visual C++ :: List DLL Library Functions Signature At Runtime

Dec 31, 2012

I want to know how to list the all the symbols in the shared library(dll or .so file). I dont want commands like nm or objdump or depends.exe . I want to get the list of functions available in shared library programmatically at runtime (after calling loadlibrary/dlopen and GetProcAddress/dlsym). Is there a way to get the complete signature of functions in a shared library?

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Visual C++ :: Get The Path For A Selected Item In A List Control?

Jan 29, 2013

How do I get the path for a selected item in a list control?

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Visual C++ :: New Linked List Error - Undeclared Identifier

May 30, 2013

I dynamically allocate a new list in the recMergeSort function which should run a constructor but when it get to the functions that use it, I get error C2065: 'otherHead' : undeclared identifier. I have tried setting it to NULL and it didn't work. I even copied the default constructor to a set function and I still get the errors.

template<class Type>
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::recMergeSort(nodeType<Type>* &head) {
otherHead = new nodeType<Type>;
if (head !=NULL)
if (head->link != NULL)

[Code] ....

wonder if I'm sending the correct data type. Here is the heading of the functions that I'm using from the book.

void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::divideList(nodeType<Type>* first1,
nodeType<Type>* first2)

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Visual C++ :: Lstbox Counter - Loop Through Unordered List

Nov 28, 2014

I am trying to make a basic app that will loop through an unordered list with repeats and count how many times a specific item repeats. Example would be I select a state from the list box and it will tell me how many times it is listed.

This is the code I have up so far, trying to keep it basic. I am missing something, something related to the counter? I think I have some of the better half up but I am not sure...

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lstBox.SelectedIndexChanged

Dim wins As String = lstBox.SelectedIndex
Dim foundwins As Boolean = False
Dim i As Integer = -1

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Reading CSV File - Show Values In List?

Dec 26, 2012

I have problem reading CSV file, i found many solutions but i still got one problem. I need to read CSV file and then these values show in List Control and here i have problem. Idk how to display it in List?

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Visual C++ :: Application Which Stores Information About People Along With Task List

Dec 19, 2012

Basically the question is to develop an application that allows: Create an application which stores information about people, along with a task list.

The user should be able to Store people's information

Telephone number,

-Retrieve information by entering name
- Remove a person's record by entering their name
-Return records for all people, sorted according to an information type other than age
-Enter a task which needs doing, a priority entered for its urgency
-View highest priority task on the list
-User should be able to remove highest priority item on the list

How to develop this application on a console command line interface style or any other style.

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Visual C++ :: Display Data Of Text File In List View

Sep 24, 2012

I want to display data from text file in list view and in tree view root will be file name, but i dont know how to do it, the problem is with displaying text file data in list view, i don't know anything about that. text file data is very simple. It is just a square matrix of double values like:

21.06 34.06 5.0
12.78 45.25 6.9
12.89 45.98 5.5

in list view i want to display it.

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Visual C++ :: Doubly Linked List And Basic Text Editor

Sep 23, 2014

I'm supposed to make a basic text editor using a doubly linked list, I have pretty much written most of it but keep coming across several problems. In certain places,all marked in the code, I get the error "expected a declaration" ive looked online and nothing ive found works. And secondly I also get the error" declaration has no storage class or type specifier" but i havent been able to find anything that works either.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Program To Print List Using Iterator And Operator Overloading

Nov 19, 2014

I'm trying to use the given Iterators to overload my = operator to print my list to screen. I keep getting Link2019 error though and have narrowed the problem down to my print operator. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that my operator is in private part of class? I'm new to this concept.

#include "List.h"
// methods for Node all
Node::Node( const string &s, Node * p, Node * z) : word( s ), next( p ), prev(z)//constructor {
word = s; // init. word data with a copy of s
next = p; // next pointer points to p

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Assignment Is Recursive Call And Placing Strings In Link List Notes?

Oct 30, 2013

You need to write a permute class that will take first and second strings to rearrange letters in first, followed by second. For example, if the first is “CAT” string and second is “MAN” string, then the program would print the strings TACMAN, ATCMAN, CTAMAN, TCAMAN, ACTMAN, and CATMAN. The first and second strings can be any length of string or a null.

The permute class uses a Note class as link list note to link all letters arrangement. The permute class has Note pointers, firstNote and lastNote, to point to the beginning and ending Notes of the link list as private data members. There are three other private data members (total, firstString and secondString) to store the total possible number of arrangements and strings pass into the class.

Write a driver to test the permute class to pass in any two strings of any sizes.

Other than mention in the following, you can add more classes, functions, and private data members to this program.

Note class:The Note class needs to have two private data members and a constructor. The two private data members are data and p pointer. The data’s data type is string and p pointer is Note. The Note class constructor has two parameters, one is string and the other is Note pointer.

Permute class:The Permute class has five private data members (*firstNote, *lastNote, total, firstString and secondString). The firstNote and lastNote pointers are point to Note. The total has integer data type. The firstString and secondString have string data type.

There should have at least three public member functions, Permute, permutation and print. The Permute function is the constructor which takes strings to initialize the private data members. The permutation function does the recursive call to arrange the strings and setup the link list. The print function will print out the private data member information.

Driver file:The driver file should declare a Permute eight elements pointer array. Instantiate eight Permute object with the following eight set of data and assign the object to the pointer array. Use a repetition to call the object’s print function to print out the private data member information. If the total of the permute private data member is less than 100 then print out the permutated letters four in a row, otherwise print out 9 in a row.

first = "", second="",

first = "", second ="CATMAN",

first = "C", second ="ATMAN",

first = "CA", second ="TMAN",

first = "CAT", second ="MAN",

first = "CATM", second ="AN",

first = "CATMA", second ="N",

first 1 = "CATMAN", second ="";

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