Visual C++ :: Calling Default In OnNcPaint Before Painting Override Caption?

Jun 20, 2013

I'm overriding OnNcPaint to do my own caption painting (in a dialog box). If I call "Default" before I do my painting, the default caption and borders remain (as if I'm not painting at all). If I comment out my call to "Default", my caption looks great, but I get no menu bar (I have a menu on the dialog). If I call "DrawMenu" before or after painting, the dialog is all screwed up (and there is no painting in the nonclient area).

I'm running VS2012, on Windows 7.

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Visual C++ :: Can't Make Double-buffered Painting With Multiple Monitors

Sep 19, 2012

I'm trying to remake my Windows screensaver written with C++ and WinAPIs to work on multiple monitors. I found this article that gives the basics. But when I implement it in my own code, I get a weird result. Take a look at this code:

case WM_PAINT: {
HDC hdcE = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps );
EnumDisplayMonitors(hdcE, NULL, MyPaintEnumProc, 0);
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);


Painting always works on a primary monitor. But when I paint to the secondary monitor, I can only paint directly to its DC. When I use double-buffering technique (with DIRECT_PAINT pre-processor directive commented out) I only get a black screen on a secondary monitor when it should've been red.

First one with direct painting that works:

and then the one that doesn't, with double-buffering technique:

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Visual C++ :: Create X64 QT Project By Default?

Mar 1, 2014

I compiled the source code of QT5.1 to work with Visual Studio 2010.

But it always start off with a win32 project, so that I need to change the settings every time.

How do I kick start with a x64 project by default?

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C++ :: Painting Company - Calculate Amount Of Paint Required For Every Contract

Dec 15, 2014

You work for a painting company. Your job is to calculate the amount of paint needed for every contract assigned to the company. This time, you need to paint an outside wall. The dimensions of the wall are 5 X 7m. The window is a circle with the radius of 1m. Write a program that would calculate the following:

The amount of paint needed knowing that you need 1 gallon per 10 square meters. The amount of time to complete the job knowing that it takes 1 hour per 10 square meters to prepare the surface, 5 minute per square meter to pant it and 5 minute per square meter to clean up the area.

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Visual C++ :: Default File Icon - Unknown Extension

Apr 1, 2013

If I don't assign the icon to my executable file (f.e. it's a DOS application), or I have some unknown extension in the file, Windows Explorer assigns the icon to this file.

Is there a way to somehow get this icon? Either from the registry or by any other means.

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Visual C++ :: Change Default Text Attributes (font And Color)

Nov 12, 2013

I needed to change Default Text attributes (font and color) . So I wrote following code , UnicodeTextOut function. I called this function once in each 55ms to update the display screen. but I observed that my Screen used to become grey like a crash after sometime . If I use Minimize an Maximize window , the screen was restoring back for some time.

When I thought over the code , I got my mistake that CreateFont initialization should be done once in the program and probably outside the function.

void UnicodeTextOut(int x, int y, CString s, UINT justify,int GreyScaleFlag) {
HFONT hFontUnicode;
HFONT hfOld ;
hFontUnicode = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _T("Aerial"));

[Code] ....

Then I shifted the line hFontUnicode = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _T("Aerial")); in my screen class constructor and made hFontUnicode global .

This solved my problem as expected. Why a system crash after certain no of CreateFont calls ?

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Visual C++ :: CFileDialog - Overriding Default Behavior Of Selecting Initial Directory

Oct 31, 2013

There was an "impovement" since Windows 7 in algorithm for selecting the initial directory, which is described here OPENFILENAME structure. Briefly:

Windows 7:

If lpstrInitialDir has the same value as was passed the first time the application used an Open or Save As dialog box, the path most recently selected by the user is used as the initial directory. Otherwise, if lpstrFile contains a path, that path is the initial directory.

Otherwise, if lpstrInitialDir is not NULL, it specifies the initial directory. If lpstrInitialDir is NULL and the current directory contains any files of the specified filter types, the initial directory is the current directory. Otherwise, the initial directory is the personal files directory of the current user. Otherwise, the initial directory is the Desktop folder.

The problem that this behavior is not what users of my program expect. Another constraint is that I need to use old CFileDialog dialog, not Common File Dialogs. I've tried to use advises described on StackOverflow and on MSDN. This solution by EllisMiller works perfectly:

Specifying a full path (including filename) in lpstrFile. The filename of course shows up in the filename box which is annoying. I ended up using a filename of "." and adding a bit of code to clear the filename combobox once the dialog is open.

BUT I can't figure how to clear the filename combobox. I've tried to add hook procedure, enumerate windows and clear text, but this didn't work for me. So, my question is: how can I clear text in the filename combobox of CFileDialog?

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C++ :: Can Override Functions Without Re-declaring?

Sep 9, 2014

see these sample:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class test{
virtual void ola() {

[Code] .....

Like you see, i don't re-declare the 'ola' function in 'test1' class, only in 'test' class. The compiler tell me the 'ola' isn't member of 'test1'. in 'test' i put it 'virtual', but forgetting that, how can i override it without re-declare it?

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C++ :: Override Few Methods In FILE Class

Oct 30, 2013

I need to override a few methods in FILE class so i defined few methods as

EnCrpt * fp;
fp * fopen(const char * filename, const char * mode);
int fwrite(const void * p,int length,int readLenth,FILE * fpp = NULL);
int fread(void * p,int length,int readLenth,FILE * fpp = NULL);
int fseek(FILE * fpp = NULL,long offset, int whence);
long ftell(FILE * fpp = NULL);
int feof(FILE * fpp = NULL);
int fflush(FILE * fpp = NULL);
int fclose(FILE * fpp = NULL);

I will call fread method in my encrypted file class .. similar to other methods.. is this correct ? can NULL file pointer create issue ?

Because i have so many place where FILE class called i don't want to change everywhere to call encrypted file class so i am override these methods to encrypted file class instead of standrd FILE class

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C++ :: How To Override A Method From Library That Not Contains Virtual Keywords

Mar 11, 2014

A quick clarification on virtual methods after reading Jumping int C++ by Alex Allain. If a user wanted to extend a class from someone elses library and override its methods that do not contain virtual methods; how would one call the overridden class if it is referred to by its super type

in other words how would someone override a method from someone elses library that does not have virtual keywords.



#include <iostream>
namespace game{
class character{
std::string getName(){return "character";}



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "something.h"
using std::vector
class protagonist : game::character{
virtual std::string getName(){return "protagonist";} };


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C# :: Dispose (bool) No Suitable Method Found To Override

Jan 28, 2011

i m working in C"et and get this error message Dispose(boo) no suitable methode found to override

That is my code

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (disposing && ( components != null)) {

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C++ :: Inherit From Cout - How To Override Operator And Forward To Base

May 8, 2012

Using c++11, but I don't think that matters here.

output.displayHeader() must execute before the inherited from ostream (cout) executes streaming data, or bad things happen. It's of course not as simple as in the example below, and I need to make sure displayHeader() is never missed.

I'm thinking I need to override the "<<" operator, having my own function call displayHeader(), then call the base (cout) "<<" operator. What's the proper syntax for doing this?

I can't call displayHeader() in the constructor, and I can't call it right after the object is defined. There are exception case scenarios where displayHeader() must not be called, and other things must happen instead.

I'm aware this will result in many redundant bool comparisons versus the way I'm doing it now, and I'm perfectly OK with that.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myOutput : public ostream {
myOutput() : ostream(cout.rdbuf()) {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Mq4 Platform Calling Functions From DLL

Feb 10, 2013

I have Mq4 platform calling functions from DLL some how it doesnt make any differents when I make the call....

// DLL Code

#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec(dllexport)
using namespace std;
std::string My_String;
#define stringify(mymonths ) # mymonths

[Code] ....

I call this function

bool counts = StartRulls(bars);
Print("counts =",counts );
2013.02.09 23:03:242010.03.31 16:37 My_Mq4.mq4 EURCAD,M5: counts = 1

My result always stays 1

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Visual C++ :: Calling A Function In AfxBeginThread?

Oct 1, 2014

I have the code:

void go(CMFCApplication1Dlg * pdlg)
pdlg->listcontrol1.InsertItem(0, "Row1");

then i call it in thread

void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnBnClickedButton3()
AfxBeginThread(go(this), NULL, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, 0, NULL);

It doesn't work.

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Visual C++ :: Calling Routines From Fortran 77 Using Win32 DLL

Aug 14, 2014

Is it possible to call VC++ routines using a Win32 DLL form fortran 77??

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Visual C++ :: Calling Self-contained Posix Thread?

Mar 2, 2015

pThread turns out to be NULL here. Wondering what the correct way is...

class CPF_Thread {
unsigned int threadID;
Coordinater coordinater;
virtual UINT proc() {

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Calling Function From OnDraw - Runtime Assertion

Feb 2, 2014

Following function is causing run-time assertion. I am using VC6.0 professional version. My OS is Win7.0. I am calling the function from OnDraw. OnDraw does not contain any other code other than the function call code:

void CMoireUseCirclesView::UseCircle(CDC* pDC){
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int color1=0;
int color2=0;

[Code] ....

The assertion is occurring at:

newPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,5, RGB(color1,color2,color3+i));

The error message is:

Debug Assertion Failed

Debug is giving following values

Loaded 'ntdll.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
Loaded 'C:WindowsSysWOW64kernel32.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
Loaded 'C:WindowsSysWOW64KernelBase.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
Loaded symbols for 'C:WindowsSysWOW64MFC42D.DLL'

[Code] ...

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Visual C++ :: Being Argument Array Not Copied When Calling Function

Feb 7, 2013

The code below outputs this:
a[]= 00
a[]= 10
a[]= 10
a[]= 10
a[]= 11
a[]= 11

But I was expecting this:
a[]= 00
a[]= 10
a[]= 10
a[]= 00
a[]= 01

This describes how the process is running in machine:
1. Defining a[2]{0,0}; ii=0; aj=0
2. Calling function func(a,ii,aj) |func({0,0},0,0)|
3. func({0,0},0,0) defining w=0; static aa=0
4. func({0,0},0,0) if(0) returns aa=1
5. func({0,0},0,0) for j=0
6. func({0,0},0,0) for Outputing "00", because a[2]={0,0}, look (1).
7. func({0,0},0,0) for if(!0) | because a[0]=0| returns w+=func(a,ii+1,j) |func({0,0},0+1,0)| and calls func({0,0},1,0)
8. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({0,0},1,0) defining w=0
9. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) if(1) returns a[0]=1, because of static aa=1, см 4.
10. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for j=0
11. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for Outputing "10", because of a[2]={1,0}, look row #9
12. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if(!1) |because a[0]=1|
13. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for j=1
14. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for Outputing "10"
15. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if(!0) |because a[1]=0|
16. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if if(1==1) |because ii=1, func({0,0},ii,0)|
17. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if if return 0
18. func({0,0},0,0) for if w=0 |because func({1,0},1,0) gives 0|
19. func({0,0},0,0) for j=1

And from now, something is happening that I cannot understand:
20. func({0,0},0,0) for Outputing "10"

Why so? If func has itselfs local variables, including a[2]={0,0}.

I was expecting this:
20. func({0,0},0,0) for Outputing "00"

So a[2] array is not local variable. Why it happens?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int func(bool a[],int ii,int aj) {
int w=0;
static bool aa=0;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Calling ATL COM DLL Method (that Opens A Dialog) From Browser?

Oct 11, 2013

I have a COM Object created using ATL (without MFC Support)

The Object has 1 method that opens a Dialog (that does all the rest) and when finish - returns 2 values back (1 is enough)

Currently I call it from another EXE:

hr = CoCreateInstance(
(void**) &pMyControl

and then:

hr = pMyControl->MyMethod (ATL::CComBSTR(InputString1), ATL::CComBSTR(InputString2), &IntReturned, &IntReturned);

Is it possible to call it as is from a browser ?

How can I Instantiate the object and invoke my method (with params) from the browser ?

will it open the dialog ?

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Visual C++ :: Window Created By Calling Create - DestroyWindow Function?

Jan 17, 2013

If a window is created by calling Create, the function DestroyWindow must be called to destroyed it at the end?

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Visual C++ :: Constantly Calling Ostrstream - Private Member Access Violation

Sep 22, 2014

std::ostrstream oss;
oss << "path for " << unit << "
" << path;

[Code] .....

Today, I just received this new fresh error, I was constantly using them, but just come to know it is a private access violation as the last error of my program. Did I use it in the wrong way?

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Visual C++ :: Error C3867 Function Call Missing Argument List For Calling Thread Function

Mar 19, 2013

I searched the web for error: C3867... and the discussions where murky or obscure.

My code excerpt is:

#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
void PutUpfrmIO(void *);
namespace WordParsor {

[Code] .....

I get the generic message:

error C3867: 'WordParsor::Form1::PutUpfrmIO': function call missing argument list; use '&WordParsor::Form1::PutUpfrmIO' to create a pointer to memberc:userskingc++wordparsorwordparsorForm1.h... and the suggestion fix generate another error.

One person suggested the gcroot<> object wrapper... but I do not know how to modify/declair the function or its argument type.

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C :: Default Value Of Pointer

Feb 28, 2014

Following is the code snippet

[COLOR=white !important]?
5 char str1[]="Bombay";
char str2[]="Pune";
char *s1=str,*s2=str2;

Output of this code comes out to be Pune

But according to me output should be puneay.

Pune should be copied in place of Bomb.and rest should be as it is.

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C++ :: Set Pointers To Default Value For Both 32 Bit And 64 Bit

Sep 6, 2013

I have a problem. I want to set pointers to a default value for both 32 bit and 64 bit compiles. The 32-bit version works as:

enum constants { UNDEFINED = 0xDeadBeef }
if ((unsigned long)ptr == UNDEFINED)

but I can't seem to extend this to 64-bits. I've tried
#if __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 4
enum constants { UNDEFDATA = 0xDeadBeef };
}; // enum constants
#elif __SIZEOF_POINTER__ == 8
enum constants { UNDEFDATA = 0xDeadBeefDeadBeef };

if (ptr == UNDEFINED)

but get a message saying the '==' is undefined (I understand this)

Is there any way to setup so that I can change the size of my constants so that the comparisons will always work correctly? I've tried a 'typedef' but the compiler complains at

'typedef unsigned long long ADDR' // won't accept, and
static const SlipCellBase * const TEMPORARY = (SlipCellBase&)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; // illegal conversion

enum doesn't work (because it's an int?)

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C++ :: No Appropriate Default Constructor Available?

Oct 12, 2014

First I wrote a Binary-tree class to draw a binary tree on the window. The nodes were small circles. Then I become wanted to change the shape of the nodes from circles to triangles by another class, Binary-tree-derived which is derived from Binary-tree class. I wrote the below code to do the job but I get two errors about constructors. First, code:

/* The binary-tree class, one of the topics that has been said in Programming Principles and Practice using C++ book by Biarne Stroustrup.
This code is written by R Abbasi ( */
#include <Simple_window.h>


Errors are:

Error12error C2512: 'Binary_tree' : no appropriate default constructor availablec:userscsdocumentsvisual studio 2012projects est_1 est_1 est_1.cpp91

13IntelliSense: no default constructor exists for class "Binary_tree"c:UsersCSDocumentsVisual Studio 2012Projects est_1 est_1 est_1.cpp91

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C :: How To Create Default Arguments

Oct 20, 2013

How to create default arguments in C? Is there any way to make default arguments ( i mean any alternative for them).

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