C# :: Unable To Access List Class

Mar 3, 2015

how would i access the list created,i should be able to access the list from all other class, adding to it update ect ect.

class test2
public string FirstName{ set; get; }
public string LastName { set; get; }
public string Location{ set; get; }
private List<test2> myList = new List<test2>();
public override string ToString()


now in a seperate class how would i view the item (print in console) and edit 'mike' location to XYZ.

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C++ :: Unable To Access Private Variables Belonging To Object Class

Nov 21, 2013

I'm unable to access private variables belonging to the object class Date, which my overloaded >> operator is a friend of. I can't see anything in my code that would be causing this error. The .h file and the definition of the problematic overloaded operator from the implementation file are below:

#ifndef DATE_H
#define DATE_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Date {
// Initializes a date to the default value of January 1, 1970.

[Code] .....

The error message states that the vars (month, day, year) are declared as private in the header file and then a reference is made to the lines where I attempt to access these in the .cpp file and it reads: "in this context".

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C/C++ :: How To Access Linked List Functions From Stack Class Without Functions

Mar 20, 2014

I'm a little confused by my programming assignment this week. I've been working at it Wednesday and I've made progress but I'm still confused as to how I'm supposed to do this. The class I made is called Stack, and it's derived from a template class called StackADT. We also utilize a class called unorderedLinkedList, which is derived from a class called linkedList.

We're supposed to implement all of the virtual functions from stackADT in the Stack class. The Stack data is stored in a an unorderedLinkedList, so what I'm confused by is how to implement a few of the Stack functions because there are no functions in unorderedLinkedList which we could call to manipulate the data.

As you can see from my attached code, I'm really confused by how I'm supposed to implement the pop() and top() functions, and I also think my initializeList() function is wrong. We don't have any similar functions in unorderedLinkedList to call, so I'm at a loss of how i'd access my unorderedLinkedList. My initial thought was to call the similar functions in the class that unorderedLinkedList was derived from, linkedList, but I'm unsure of this is what we're supposed to do, or if theres actually a way to access my unorderedLinkedList without having to use the functions from the base class.

NOTE: We're not allowed to modify stackADT, unorderedLinkedList, and linkedList.


#include "stackADT.h"
#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"
template<class Type>
class Stack: public stackADT<Type>{
template <class T>
struct nodeType
T info;
nodeType<T> *link;


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C++ :: Access Private Data Of Base Class Without Access Modifier

Sep 9, 2013

if we don't provide the acces modifiers for base class and we need to manipulate the private data of base class in derived class. Is there anyway to acces the private data members? Here's a coding example

class A {
private :
int a;
class B : public class A {
public :
void displayA() { cout<<a<<endl; }

how i can acces the a of base class A in derived class B without acces modifiers.

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C :: Unable To Read TXT File Into A Linked List

Sep 15, 2014

I've been trying to read a .txt into a linked list in the attached code. I'm running into problems, specifically I'm getting errors on line 41 (curr->word=charTemp. I'm trying to set the word array equal to the charTemp array. I've tried strcpy with no luck .


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Struct for linked list
typedef struct node {
char word[25];
struct node *next;
} node;


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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In One Class But Can In Another Class

Sep 4, 2014

So I have an ImageManager class, Board class, and Box class. In Board.h I can declare ImageManager imgr; and in Board's constructor I can use imgr and its functions and such. However, in Box.h when I try and declare ImageManager imgr; I get the error "cannot access member declared in class ImageManager". Both declarations are under private, and exactly the same, but one doesn't work. Also, is there a way to only have one instance of ImageManager?

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Visual C++ :: Access Variable Inside Class From Other Class

Nov 9, 2013

I am trying to access a variable from another class through another class but it is not returning its "instance"?

Class View

V3D_Viewer viewer;
Class MainWindow

viewer* myView;
myView = new viewer();
Class Test

MainWindow window;

I am new to c++ references and pointers,

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C++ :: Unable To Modify Object Data In Linked List

Apr 14, 2014

I'm having a problem trying to modify my patient's data. It seems to work, but once the block of code ends it does not save to the linked list.

Problem located in case M.

linked list template header: [URL] ...
patient header: [URL] ...
patient implementation: [URL] ...

#include <iostream>
#include "listTemplate.h"
#include "PatientRecord.h"
using namespace std;
char menu() {
char input


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C/C++ :: Unable To Delete A Node In Double Linked List

Aug 22, 2014

I am trying this without a head/start pointer which would generally hold the address of first node. I have 3 nodes here from which I am trying to delete last node, but its not happening. I might be wrong in my logic and this is my first linked list program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>  
struct dll{
            struct dll *prev;
            int data;
            struct dll *next;

[Code] ....


add of p1::0x9605008 add of p2::0x9605018 add of p3::0x9605028 add of p1->prev::(nil) add of p1->next::0x9605018 add of p2->prev::0x9605008 add of p2->next::0x9605028 add of p3->prev::0x9605018 add of p3->next::(nil)

no of nodes 3

enter the addresss of node to delete it

after deletion attempted

add of p1::0x9605028 add of p2::0x9605018 add of p3::0x9605028 add of p1->prev::0x9605018 add of p1->next::(nil) add of p2->prev::0x9605008 add of p2->next::0x9605028 add of p3->prev::0x9605018 add of p3->next::(nil)

no of nodes 3

In this example i am trying to delete the node 3 which is p3, by deleting its address 0x9605028. But after deletion the node count is still 3 and addresses are like unexpected!

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C Sharp :: Unable To Successfully Submit List Of Authors From Listbox

Jan 17, 2014

I need to add either one author or a list or array of authors to my sql table. Here is the code that is used to insert the authors into the table:

The code from the listbox:

<asp:ListBox runat="server" ID="AuthorList" DataTextField="AuthorName" 
            DataValueField="AuthorName" DataSourceID="Authors"  SelectionMode="Multiple"/>    

Datasource code:

<asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="ds_InventoriedAuthors" 
SelectMethod="GetAuthors" TypeName="CntyLibrary.Inventory.Authors" InsertMethod="AddAuthors">
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="AuthorID" Type="Int32" QueryStringField="id" />

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Access Enum Class And Its Values Outside Of The Class

Apr 23, 2013

I cannot wrap my head as to how to access my enum class Azimuth.

Code: #ifndef BOUSOLE_H
#define BOUSOLE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "StringHandler.h"
class Bousole{


And here is where I am trying to access my enum for testing/understanding purposes

Code: #include "Bousole.h"
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
cout <<"Start bousole" << endl;
Bousole b;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Unable To See Enclosed Private Class

Oct 30, 2013

I have a class (Quadtree) and three inner class inside (Node, Inner and Leaf). Inner and Leaf inherit from Node.

I have a function in the private scope of Quadtree.

All these are located in fun.h .

Then, in fun.cpp, I am implementing the function (which is named foo <- what a prototype name!), which takes as argument a pointer to an Inner object. Inner seems unable to be resolved however!

fun.h Code: class Quadtree {
class Node{
Node() { std::cout << "Node
"; }
class Inner : public Node {
Inner() { std::cout << "Inner


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C/C++ :: Unable To Initialize Arrays In Class

Jan 31, 2014

I have a class which I need to initialize some arrays upon its creation. At first, I tried doing it like I would in Java -

float xyzw[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}

but that didn't work. Then I had someone suggest using initialization list. I have done so below-

#include <vector>
#include "Buffer.hpp"
class Vertex {
Vertex() :
xyzw{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rgba{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },


However, the above code gives me the following error:

Error1error C2536: 'Vertex::Vertex::xyzw' : cannot specify explicit initializer for arrays

I am using Visual Studio 2013.

Also, is there any way to edit previous posts? I keep making mistakes with the code tags.

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C++ :: How To Access Elements In A List

Oct 18, 2013

I've been looking through containers in the reference section and I can't figure out how to access (i.e. READ) elements in a list...

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C++ :: Unable To Get Random Numbers Using Boost In A Class

Apr 24, 2014

I have been working with and trying to understand Boost for random number generating. I've come to understand that what I want is now in the C++11 standard, but I've stuck with Boost.

What I have done is create a simple main.cpp that generated random numbers successfully. From there I wanted to create a more optimal system by separating out the random code portion to a class that can be instantiated and called on demand. My problem now is that when I call the random routine of the class I just get one number no matter how many times it's called.

I know that rapid seeding is an issue so I put the seed function of the random portion in the class's constructer so that it is only called once on the creation of a class. I also tried making it a static member, but I haven't had success with that yet either. For now though, I would simply like to get successive random values upon calling the class's random function.

class header Code: #ifndef roomGen_hpp_
#define roomGen_hpp_


The main.hpp file only contains a couple of struct definitions. In main I call the class with Code: randomRooms.push_back(randRooms.createRoom()); to get back a struct with random values and push it into a vector.

I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong here to only get back a single non random number from successive calls. I have tried moving the variable creation lines from roomGen::createRoom() to the private area of the class definition, but that causes me to get a slew of undefined errors so I had to settle on putting those declarations inside the function.

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C/C++ :: Access Violation Adding A Pointer To List?

Feb 17, 2014

This code works:

//void Fighter::LoadAnimation(...){
std::list<SCML_SFML::Entity*> entities;
for(std::map<int, SCML::Data::Entity*>::iterator e = data.entities.begin(); e != data.entities.end(); e++) {
SCML_SFML::Entity* entity = new SCML_SFML::Entity(&data, e->first);
entities.push_back(entity);//problem line

But if i change entities to a member variable, std::list<SCML_SFML::Entity*> Fighter::m_entities, it does not. Instead i get a write access violation when i try to push_back(entity). i need it to be a member variable because i need to use it in other member functions.

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C# :: Unable To Use Public Class And Private Subs With Combo Boxes?

May 18, 2014

I've finally managed to do something with the combo box but knock down one wall it's like there's another one five inches behind it. What I mean is I've figured out how to add items to the combo box and have them show images in my picture box. Only problem is when I went to debug my combo box kept looping it's options over and over and over.

Private Sub
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone1"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Female_clear;
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone2"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_tan;
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone3"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_dark;
End Sub

The subs, I know they aren't right but its just to show I know where they go. Anyway using Private Sub and End sub doesn't seem to work. I'll type them in then at the error box at the bottom it'll say that it doesn't exist in the namespace. Same thing happened when I tried to add public class beforehand to see if that would work same thing about the name space.

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C++ :: Using Template Class - Unable To Match Function Definition To Existing Declaration

May 12, 2013

I am just learning using class template but I keep getting error unable to match function definition to an existing declaration

template <typename T>
class Homework {
string name;
template <typename T>
void SetName(T val);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Linked List Search - Access Violation Reading Location 0xCCCCCCCC

Apr 12, 2014

I am getting an Unhandled exception at 0x00CB569E in AusitnHorton_Chapter17_7.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCCC.

And, It puts a little yellow arrow at this line:

cout << nodepointer->value << " ";//print current node

when I try to run this program.

//Program:Make a ListNode and simple linked list class. Test the linked list class by adding varous numbers to the list and then test for membership. Then include a search function that returns the position of x on the list, if not found return -1.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

class LinkedList

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Can't Access A Function In Other Class

Nov 24, 2014

I am essentially trying to get a value from a 'Matrix' that is created. Using a function in the class where the matrix is created. But when trying to do this I get the error: Call to non-static member function without an object argument in this line when trying to call the function:

Matrix::get(sizeR, sizeC);

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C++ :: How To Access Variable In Different Class

Oct 22, 2014

how can I make the queue of type pcb

and how to access pid in other clases?

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C/C++ :: How To Access Field Of A Class By Name

May 2, 2012

class myCls{
int x;

and then I create:

myCls c1;

and now:

is there way that I go like: cout << c1;
not overloading << operator;
and it shows me a value of c1.x?
just wanna replace c1 with that value;
I need sth similar to indexer from c#.

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C++ :: How To Access Pointer To Class Member

Jan 10, 2015

I have the following scenario :

class test {
public :
int num;
int main() {
test t1;
test *ptr = &t1;
int test :: *mem_ptr = &test::num;

I need to access mem_ptr (pointer to a class member) through :

a. object (t1)

b. pointer to the object (ptr).

How can i do that ?

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C++ :: Access Another Library (DLL) Which Has Same Class Name And Method Name

May 27, 2013

I have 2 c++ libraries called "Lib1" and "Lib2". Both libraries have same class called "Total.h and Total.cpp"

I want to access lib1 class in lib2. since it has same class (i.e same header file), i couldn't refer lib1's members in lib2.

Lib 1 :

Total.h :
class Total {
static void Test(double);

[Code] .....

How to access another library which has same name and how to add header file ?

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C++ :: Access To Private Member Map Outside Class

Oct 24, 2013

This question is more from a design point-of-view rather than coding it to be a fully functional.

So here it goes:

I have multiple files which each require their own object of same class type (ref. First Class). File contents are read from a file to a unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> which is either private or protected member inside First Class. First Class does not need any public functions to add, remove or change the data during runtime, but changes are only being made by checking if the file size has changed during the day, if the size is not equal to the last check, map gets updated.

Now, I have a Second Class which is a data handler class. It has public member functions with arguments that needs to be get from First Class's unordered_map using const_iterator. Which way to go with design and implementation.

I know there's two methods to do this. Re-doing handler class is also not out of the question. These two methods I'm aware of are:

1. Declare these maps to local scope, build few global functions and here we go. (Probably the easiest way.)

2. Create public member functions to a First Class which either return a pointer or a reference to a protected/private member. (I'm under the impression that I really shouldn't be doing this because of a bad coding practice.)

Note that I don't need any code here, just some other point-of-views regarding the subject itself for learning better coding practices.

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C++ :: Class Data Member Access?

Jul 5, 2013

I have some doubt regarding class data member accessing in another file.Follwing code showing error.

class A://file a.cpp
int add;
int sub;
//file b.cpp
extern class A
void cal()

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