C/C++ :: Unable To Initialize Arrays In Class

Jan 31, 2014

I have a class which I need to initialize some arrays upon its creation. At first, I tried doing it like I would in Java -

float xyzw[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}

but that didn't work. Then I had someone suggest using initialization list. I have done so below-

#include <vector>
#include "Buffer.hpp"
class Vertex {
Vertex() :
xyzw{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
rgba{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },


However, the above code gives me the following error:

Error1error C2536: 'Vertex::Vertex::xyzw' : cannot specify explicit initializer for arrays

I am using Visual Studio 2013.

Also, is there any way to edit previous posts? I keep making mistakes with the code tags.

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C++ :: Initialize A Class In A Manner Similar To C Arrays

Jan 6, 2015

In my case, it involves making a wrapper class of sorts for the std::set. I'm wanting to go all-out on it and make some "fashionable" constructors for it, one of which being similar to C-style array initializations.

// C-array initialization.
int array[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Some example usage of what I'm wanting.
Set<long> num_set = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
Set<std::string> str_set = { "Hello", "I", "am", "a", "set." };

I almost never overload operators when I work--if it can be done with a function, it's done with a function--but I realize that doesn't make the best user-experience when other people come across your code, so that's what I'm trying to improve.

It looks like I'm going to be needing to overload the = operator, no big deal. But the array segment is confusing, since {} is not an overloadable operator in C++.

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C/C++ :: Tic Tac Toe - Initialize Arrays At Zero And Output Board To Screen

Sep 13, 2014

/* This is what I have so far what i am trying to do is to initialize the arrays at zero and output the board to the screen. Part of the problem is the user has the option of the board size. All this is suppose to do is to output the board to the screen. I am having problems understanding 2D Arrays.

using namespace std;
int main() {
const int BOARD_MAX = 10; // Maxinum Board size.
const int BOARD_MIN = 3; // Minimum Board size.
array = [COL];
array [ROW];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Initialize Static Member Of Class With Template And Type Of Nested Class

Oct 7, 2014

How to initialize a static member of a class with template, which type is related to a nested class?

This code works (without nested class):

using namespace std;
struct B{
template<typename Z>

[Code] ,....

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C++ ::  how To Correctly Initialize Instances Of A Class

Feb 1, 2015

I am struggling to understand what the correct way to initialize instances of a class for object orient programming is.

If I am not mistaken, there are 2 methods to initialize an instance "instance_name" of CLASS1 by calling the constructor:

(1) CLASS1 instance_name(argument);
(2) CLASS1 instance_name=CLASS1(argument);

As it turns out, I cannot use method (1) when I try to initialize a private instance inside another class. But I can use it in the main() code. I hope the code below will explain what I mean. Why only method (2) will work inside another class? Or is there another fundamental mistake I am making?

(BTW: I used CodeBlocks 13.12 with GNU GCC compiler for this example)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CLASS1{


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C++ :: How To Initialize Vector In A Class Object

Mar 6, 2013

I want to make a class, named generation, having a vector<chromosome> type data member.

chromosome is also class name.

chromosome has a 'route' as data member, which type is class TArrayI defined in ROOT package.

the size of route is to be fixed according to parameters of generation class object.

class chromosome{
public: chromosome(){;}
TArrayI route;
class generation{
public: generation(int PopSize=300, int numCity = 36){
vector<chromosome> Population;

I want each element, chromosome of Population, to have a numCity size of route.

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C++ :: Can't Initialize Static Data Member In The Class Definition

Apr 17, 2013

"You cannot initialize the static data member in the class definition — that’s simply a blueprint for an object and initializing values for members are not allowed. You don’t want to initialize it in a constructor, because you want to increment it every time the constructor is called so the count of the number of objects created is accumulated."

Why don't you want to initialize it in a constructor?

Edit: Because every time it is called it will set it back to 0 or whatever the initializing value.

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C++ :: Unable To See Enclosed Private Class

Oct 30, 2013

I have a class (Quadtree) and three inner class inside (Node, Inner and Leaf). Inner and Leaf inherit from Node.

I have a function in the private scope of Quadtree.

All these are located in fun.h .

Then, in fun.cpp, I am implementing the function (which is named foo <- what a prototype name!), which takes as argument a pointer to an Inner object. Inner seems unable to be resolved however!

fun.h Code: class Quadtree {
class Node{
Node() { std::cout << "Node
"; }
class Inner : public Node {
Inner() { std::cout << "Inner


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C# :: Unable To Access List Class

Mar 3, 2015

how would i access the list created,i should be able to access the list from all other class, adding to it update ect ect.

class test2
public string FirstName{ set; get; }
public string LastName { set; get; }
public string Location{ set; get; }
private List<test2> myList = new List<test2>();
public override string ToString()


now in a seperate class how would i view the item (print in console) and edit 'mike' location to XYZ.

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C++ :: Unable To Get Random Numbers Using Boost In A Class

Apr 24, 2014

I have been working with and trying to understand Boost for random number generating. I've come to understand that what I want is now in the C++11 standard, but I've stuck with Boost.

What I have done is create a simple main.cpp that generated random numbers successfully. From there I wanted to create a more optimal system by separating out the random code portion to a class that can be instantiated and called on demand. My problem now is that when I call the random routine of the class I just get one number no matter how many times it's called.

I know that rapid seeding is an issue so I put the seed function of the random portion in the class's constructer so that it is only called once on the creation of a class. I also tried making it a static member, but I haven't had success with that yet either. For now though, I would simply like to get successive random values upon calling the class's random function.

class header Code: #ifndef roomGen_hpp_
#define roomGen_hpp_


The main.hpp file only contains a couple of struct definitions. In main I call the class with Code: randomRooms.push_back(randRooms.createRoom()); to get back a struct with random values and push it into a vector.

I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong here to only get back a single non random number from successive calls. I have tried moving the variable creation lines from roomGen::createRoom() to the private area of the class definition, but that causes me to get a slew of undefined errors so I had to settle on putting those declarations inside the function.

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C++ :: Unable To Access Private Variables Belonging To Object Class

Nov 21, 2013

I'm unable to access private variables belonging to the object class Date, which my overloaded >> operator is a friend of. I can't see anything in my code that would be causing this error. The .h file and the definition of the problematic overloaded operator from the implementation file are below:

#ifndef DATE_H
#define DATE_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Date {
// Initializes a date to the default value of January 1, 1970.

[Code] .....

The error message states that the vars (month, day, year) are declared as private in the header file and then a reference is made to the lines where I attempt to access these in the .cpp file and it reads: "in this context".

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C# :: Unable To Use Public Class And Private Subs With Combo Boxes?

May 18, 2014

I've finally managed to do something with the combo box but knock down one wall it's like there's another one five inches behind it. What I mean is I've figured out how to add items to the combo box and have them show images in my picture box. Only problem is when I went to debug my combo box kept looping it's options over and over and over.

Private Sub
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone1"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Female_clear;
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone2"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_tan;
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone3"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_dark;
End Sub

The subs, I know they aren't right but its just to show I know where they go. Anyway using Private Sub and End sub doesn't seem to work. I'll type them in then at the error box at the bottom it'll say that it doesn't exist in the namespace. Same thing happened when I tried to add public class beforehand to see if that would work same thing about the name space.

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C++ :: Using Template Class - Unable To Match Function Definition To Existing Declaration

May 12, 2013

I am just learning using class template but I keep getting error unable to match function definition to an existing declaration

template <typename T>
class Homework {
string name;
template <typename T>
void SetName(T val);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Adding Arrays And Matrix To A Class?

Feb 5, 2014

I'd like to start out by adding an array to a C++ class. I'd like to be able to reference the array using a class object that I create, for example:

Class is Stone.

Stone Bob is an instance of "stone" that I name "Bob".

"Bob.array[1] = "granite";" tells the compiler that the second element in the array (with the first being the zeroth element) is a string containing "granite".

I'll eventually want to extend this to an n x m matrix within the "stone" class that can be referenced as: Bob.matrix[1][3]="lignite";

I tried to make this work using a text again and again last night to no avail. My code is below.

NOTE: Since I am dynamically allocating memory space, I'd like to avoid memory leaks when using this class with dynamically allocated arrays and matrices. Not sure how to do this. Also need some insight into "destructor", and why my simple version reduced to a comment below doesn't seem to please the compiler.


// AINOW.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std:: string;
using std:: cout;
using std:: endl;
using std:: cin;


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C++ :: Class With Pointers And Dynamic Arrays

Apr 25, 2014

Class with Pointers and Dynamic Arrays

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C++ :: Big Integer Class Using Dynamic Arrays

Mar 27, 2014

I have become overwhelmed an frustrated at these current operator overloads!

Currently I still can not get my +,* or istream operators working at all!

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "myint.h"


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C++ :: Deleting Class Pointer Arrays?

Feb 3, 2015

If i have a pointer array of classes, e.g. MyClass *foo; and if i try to delete this pointer delete [] foo; does it call a destructor of a class, or wahat happens? this is because i have another pointers in that class which are cleared in destructor.

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C++ :: Class Defining And Storing Integer Arrays

Apr 23, 2013

I am currently stuck on what I should do next in a program I am working on. These are my instructions:

Design, implement, and test a class for storing integer arrays "safely". The array should be able to hold any number of integers up to 100.

In the class header file "SafeArray.h" students must define the class and specify the constructor/destructor functions, the public methods and private variables. In the class implementation file "SafeArray.cpp" students must implement the following operations:

constructor - to initialize the object.
copy constructor - to copy an object.
destructor - to delete the object.
set - allow the user to set a value of the array at a particular location.
get - allow the user to get a value of the array at a particular location.
print - print out the array.
add - add the elements of one array to another.
subtract - subtract the elements of one array from another.

The output of my program is suppose to look like this:

Set q1: 2, 3, 4
Print q1: 2, 3, 4

Set q2: 1, 4, -2
Print q2: 1, 4, -2

Add q2 to q1

Print q1: 3, 7, 2
Get q1 at 1: 7

Here is the code I have so far.


#include <iostream>
#include "SafeArray.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {

// Declare a SafeArray object
Safe obj;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Passing Char Arrays Between Functions Of Same Class

Nov 16, 2013

I'm having trouble with passing a character array between functions of the same class. I have a function, buildGraph, that calls function getNextLine. The getNextLine essentially just retrieves the next line of an input file and stores it into a "char line[80]". However when I try to use "line" in my buildGraph function, it has nothing in it.

Here's my code:

#define NUMNODES 10
using namespace std;
#pragma once
class Prog3Graph

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Initialize Map Variables

Jul 8, 2014

How are map variables initialized?


// accessing mapped values
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main () {
std::map<std::string, int> mymap;


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C/C++ :: Possible To Initialize Char Value Into Int Value?

Oct 13, 2012

int main() {
    int j=printf("Hello.");
    return 0;

In the above program is it possible to initialize int j with char value "Hello."?

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C++ :: How To Initialize QMap

Jun 2, 2014

How to initialize a QMap<QString,int> like following?


map<string, int> m = {{"aa", 1}, {"bb",2}};

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C :: How To Initialize Deck Of Card

Mar 25, 2014

The deck of cards so it is populated with all 52 cards. Once you have populated the deck, you need to shuffle the deck. Here is a simple algorithm you might consider for this purpose:

For each card up to the middle of the deck generate a random number modulus the size of the deck, swap the current card with the card at that location done

To implement this requirement you need to implement and use the following functions:

void initDeck(Card * deck);

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C++ :: Initialize A Matrix In While-loop?

Jun 21, 2013

I have written a program, in which I create a NxN-matrix. As I need some different samples (some different such NxN-matrices), I try to create a new matrix in each recall of a while-loop. The first recall of the while-loop works without any problems, but the second recall crashes, but I get any errors from the compiler. Here is my quell code. The problem should be with line 44:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


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C++ :: Initialize Array In A Constructor?

Dec 6, 2013

There are two class.How can I initialize an array of different class in a constructor?

class Ticket{
int ID;


I have to provide a no-argument constructor (Cinema();)to initialize the ticket array and give the right ticket ID.

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C/C++ :: Initialize Array With Tiles?

May 8, 2014

imagine you have a world class. Than you have a tile class. Now, in the world class is a array with a lot of tiles and I want to initialize them with my imagination(For example I want a grass floor). But how I can do this, the array can only be create with the standard constructor. But it would be stupid and not very fast, that the tiles are first initialized with the standard constructor and than overridden to build the world. Whats the best way to initialize such a array ?

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