C++ :: Rational Number Class - Handling Numbers Of Different Denominators
Apr 6, 2014
My assignment is to handle rational numbers of different denominators...
Develop rational number class that can
•reduce to simplest form
Your class must be able to handle rational numbers of different denominators
This is the errors I am getting
error C4716: 'Rational::addition' : must return a value
error C4716: 'Rational::multiplication' : must return a value
error C4716: 'Rational::division' : must return a value
error C4716: 'Rational::subtraction' : must return a value
Assignment to make a rational numbers class as follows:
create a constructor that prevents a 0 denominator in a fraction, reduces or simplifies fractions that are not in reduced form, and avoids negative denominators.
Overload the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operators for this class.
Overload the relational and equality operators for this class. My code so far is as follows:
Build started: Project: 11.10rationalnumberclass, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Rational::setFraction(int,int)" (?setFraction@Rational@@QAEXHH@Z) referenced in function _main 1>C:UsersJacobDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsComplexnumbers11.8projectDebug11.10rationalnumberclass.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
part of the problem might be that I cannibalized another program dealing with complex numbers to make this. While I don't need this class to be perfect, I'm not sure I entirely understand everything about classes and overloading yet.
RAT(RAT_INT num = 0, RAT_INT den = 1){ Num = num; Den = den;
Two questions: 1) In the second line in main, how does C++ know to convert 2 to the appropriate RAT? 2) Is it possible to make the third line in main valid without adding global operators for all the member operators to support plain integers?
I'm having trouble finishing this program. What I'm trying to do is create a class for Rational numbers. Get input from user for denominator and numerator. Store the numbers without a sign, and for the sign store it separately in char. I'm not supposed to use accessor functions. The part that I can't seem to know how to do is use the info that was stored in the addUp function. This function need to add two rational numbers. i need to make this function general enough that it can handle two fractions, or a fraction and a whole number, or two whole numbers. What I already have here is readin function which reads in the numerator and denominator. setnumerator and setdenominator to assign positive values. setsign should get the sign of the fraction. Finally addUp should addUp which I explained before. I have some ideas about writing the tests, but can't seem to know how to implement it to the program. The main program is still empty but all I'm supposed to do there is call the class functions.
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Rational { private: int numerator, denominator; char sign;
I tried to check the rational or irrational numbers after we take the square root. i dont get the formula. for eg. squareroot of 64 is 8 and it is rational. square root of 2 is irrational. how to check it in c++..
Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number larger than 2. The program should use the Number class to determine the prime numbers between 2 and the number entered, and display them in the console window.I've been stuck for a while now and just lost in implementing classes and contstructors.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { cout << "Enter a number larger than 2: " << endl; int n; cin >> n;
I'm trying to make an array that takes a group of numbers and finds the largest number into a template class.
template<class TYPE> void Integers(TYPE data) { int integers[] = {4, 25, 32, 85, 150, 12, 98, 200}; int i = 0; int Max=integers[0]; for (i=1; i < 8; i++) {
[Code] ....
I'm sure I'm going about it all wrong, but I'm not sure as to get it so that it will accept the arrays input.
I have to implemente the to_string method. Whats the fastest way? Stringstreams. But I have to use C++ without any headers, so I need to implement the stringstream class. How can an stringstream hold one float? An double? Hoq cqn I implement an strigstream myself?
I'm working on this program that I have to design a class Numbers that can be used to translate whole numbers to the English description of the number.
Now this is what I got so far:
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Numbers { private: int number; static string ones[]; static string tens[];
[Code] ....
The program seems to work. However its not giving me the right number description,
Please enter the amount you would like translated into words: 5 six dollars please enter another number: 10 eleven dollars please enter another number: 20 thirty dollars please enter another number: 30 forty dollars please enter another number: 100 two hundred dollars please enter another number: 150 two hundred sixty dollars please enter another number: 500 six hundred dollars please enter another number: 1000 two thousand dollars please enter another number:
I cannot get my function overloading the input operator for rational type objects to work.
lab9.cpp: In function ‘std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, const rational&)’: lab9.cpp:186:20: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘std::istream& {aka std::basic_istream<char>&}’ from expression of type ‘rational’ return (inputFrac);
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class rational { public: rational(); rational(int a, int b);
Not a major issue since I got this to work but for some reason both my random numbers are the same and not sure why ...
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; public class ComputerAssistedInstructions { private static Random rand1 = new Random(); private static Random rand2 = new Random();
I am a beginner at C++, the output is pretty self explanatory. I'm trying to make a number sorting program with other features, but the numbers are all wrong.
Code: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std;
I've written a program which takes a character string and then prints each character vertically so that for instance the string 123 can be written as 1 2 3
no what i need is for all the numbers from zero to the inputted number to print the numbers digits vertically but each number to be printed horizontally so that for instance an input of 11 prints
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 0 1
i've made it so that i can print all numbers up to the inputted number vertically; however, i am stuck with a method for making each number print horizontally as described above.
I have a error with one of my programs. I'm supposed to get rid of negative numbers when there are numbers that are randomly generated. Here is the middle part of the code.
{ int vectorLength = 10; vector<int> bothSigns(vectorLength); cout << " Input vector: "; for (int i = 0; i < vectorLength; i = i + 1) { bothSigns[i] = rand()%201 - 100;
[code] .....
The part where i'm supposed to start is after the /////'s. However, whenever I input a number for the random numbers(not put in part of code), i keep getting a segmentation error.