C++ :: Count Number Of Text Numbers In TXT File?

Jan 14, 2014

the text file looks like: one hello hi twenty-five billion fifty maths three thousand and two

output: count the number of text numbers: 4

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C/C++ :: Getting Data From File - Count Number Of Words In A Text File

Mar 27, 2014

I have a program I have to do that counts the number of words in a text file. I have tried the code on 2 computers now since my programming teacher told me the code was fine. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream infile;
infile.open("tj.text" , ios::in);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Count Total Integer And Floating Point Numbers In Text File

Feb 16, 2013

I have a text file like below read.txt:

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
2.0 3.0 4.0 6
5.0 7 1.0 5.0


void main() {
FILE *fp;
double *read_feature = new double*[3];

[Code] ....

I want to count all the numbers in my text file (read.txt). Read text file consist of floating and integer number. Answer for the above file would be integer=2 and float =10.

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C :: Program Count Number Of Lines Of Read Text File

Jan 25, 2013

I have a .txt file that contains, together with a few characters, columns of values that I want to save in different files like is written in the program (file 1, file2, file3 - a with x, b with y, c with z). The pattern of the source text file is like this:

known_vector frame1 151 65 0 frame2 151.000763 64.538582 0.563737
known_vector frame1 152 65 0 frame2 152.000702 64.542488 0.560822
known_vector frame1 153 65 0 frame2 153.000671 64.546150 0.558089

Until now I could manage to split the files, but the output gives me only zeros. First the program count the number of lines of the read text file, then it should display the desired columns of double values in three other .txt files.I've got for the three .txt files columns like this:

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

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C :: Program To Count Number Of Lines In Text File And Reverse Contents

Jan 25, 2015

C program to count the number of lines in a text file and reverse the contents in the file to write in an output file.

ex :


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C :: How To Count Total Characters From A Text File

Mar 21, 2013

I'm supposed to write a program to read a text file and display the following:

a) alphabetic letters //finished with
b) digits // finished with
c) other characters that are not alphabetic letters and not digits //finished with
d) total characters read

The bold part above confused me, by total characters, does it mean the alphabetic letters + other characters? how would I put that in my code?

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
int curCh;
int countCh = 0;


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C++ :: Count Letters From Text File Into Array?

May 10, 2014

I have to count the letters from a text file into an array so the first spot is the number of A's second spot number of B's and so on then take the array and sort it in decending order how could i do this without loosing track of where the numbers go so if there are more b's than a's they switch but how will i know where each letter has moved in the array after it has been sorted?

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C/C++ :: How To Count The Number Of Digits In A File

Jan 15, 2014

write a program that counts the number of digits in a file?

For example the file contains:

5 6 7 -8 9obvsefs
6 7 8i uhbnm
8 8

And the program returns: "The number of all digits is 10"

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C :: Open Up File / Read Until EOF And Report Count And Sum Of All Numbers?

Mar 10, 2013

I'm having trouble with how to find the count and sum of all numbers.

The file, called question1.txt, contains numbers:


Here's my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void)
FILE* spIn;
FILE* spOut; //for output file
int numIn;


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C++ :: Program That Count Occurrence Of Character In Text File And Produce Histogram

Nov 18, 2014

Here is what i have so far:



I also need to do a loop that scan the count array and check if the element is bigger than the previous one.

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C++ :: Search For A Number When Vector Is In Order - Count How Many Times That Number Appears

Feb 6, 2014

In this program what i'm doing is to search for a number when the vector is in order, and count how many times that number appears, the problem is that count how many times the number does not appear, but when its appear the program stays in an "standby mode" and the cursor does not move.

int buscarNumOrdenado (int x [MAX]) //MAX is the define {
int num,d, LimiteInferior, LimiteSuperior,mitad;
LimiteInferior = 0;
LimiteSuperior = MAX-1;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Random Number Generator - Count How Many Times Each Number Shows Up

Sep 26, 2012

I'm running a game online and designing a program to generate Enemy Stats. Basically, it's supposed to generate 25 numbers between 0 and 7(to represent 8 Attributes on a 25 Point Buy system) and count how many times each number shows up.

Here's what the code looks like:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int Generate() {
int r= rand();
int s= r%7;
[Code] ....

And here's two outputs.

1: Code:

12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 Stats[0]= 25 Stats[1]= 0 Stats[2]= 0 Stats[3]= 0 Stats[4]= 0 Stats[5]= 0 Stats[6]= 0 Stats[7]= 0 Stats[8]= 0 Disallowed system call: SYS_socketcall

2: Code:

14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 Stats[0]= 0 Stats[1]= 0 Stats[2]= 0 Stats[3]= 0 Stats[4]= 25 Stats[5]= 0 Stats[6]= 0 Stats[7]= 0 Stats[8]= 0 Disallowed system call: SYS_socketcall

Note that the number does change, but only between runs.

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C :: Reading Numbers From A Text File

Feb 23, 2013

The program runs fine but i just want it to read the inputs from a text file rather than user manually entering it! what changes should i make in the codes..

float friction,flow;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Numbers From A Text File

Sep 25, 2014

I am trying to read numbers stored in a txt file to populate an integer array. The problem is that the numbers read from a file have to be treated as strings and then I am not able to put them in an integer array.

I tried the stoi function to convert the string in 'box' into an integer but I am getting an error.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int amount=10;
int k[amount];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Count Number Less Than Average Of All Number Combined

Mar 9, 2013

The following fuction from a class is supposed to count the number less then the average of all number combined. but it does not do that, now the fun part if you change it to count the number greater then the average it works great.

void IntegerArray::countBelowAverage() {
int count=0;
for(int x=0; x<100; x++) {
if (list[x]<avrg)


How do i get this to post in the proper format?

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C++ :: Read The Numbers In A File While Ignore Text?

Sep 20, 2013

I want to write a c++ code, which will read in a file like this:

A: 10
B: 20
C: 30

while in the code, I would need the value of A B C, how can I let the cin ignore the labels like A:?

of course, I can write a file as


and use cin>>A>>B>>C; to read in those

but in this way, when the number of values increase, it is really hard to remember who is who?

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C++ :: How To Calculate Certain Cells Of Numbers Instead Of Entire Text File

May 24, 2014

As you can see, the code below calculates the average, sum, number of items, etc, for a list of numbers in two separate files and compares them with one another.

e.g. we will have a text file of 10 numbers;


The problem is that the code will perform calculations on all the numbers in the txt. or csv. file. This is problematic because if there is any text in the file, e.g. headings, then the calculations will not be performed. For instance, suppose that I only wanted to include rows 5-10 in the calculations, how would I specify this in my C++ code?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>


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C++ :: Reading Group Of Numbers Per Line In Text File

Mar 27, 2013

I am working on a project for school that has us read in a text file that contains 8 lines of SSN and grades. I am not sure how to go about reading in the lines and differentiate between the SSN and grades in the calculations.

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C/C++ :: How To Find Top 10 Highest And Lowest Numbers From Text File

Jan 3, 2014

I have a list of numbers with decimal point saved in a text file (grade.txt) like this:

I would like to write a small program to display the top 10 highest and lowest grade points.

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C++ :: Creating A Text File For Randomly Generated Numbers

Apr 28, 2015

My code compiles, but it doesn't get past this:

Here's the code:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

//ofstream random_numbers("randIntContainer.txt");
ofstream random_numbers("D:/StudentData/Documents/DataStructures/SortingAlgorithms/randIntContainer.txt");
void generateNumbers();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Number In Lines In Text File

Feb 27, 2015

lets say this is our textfile

45(here is space)string and other shit is here
454(here is space)string and other shit is here
4121(here is space)string and other shit is here
77(here is space)string and other shit is here
45545(here is space)string and other shit is here
1122(here is space)string and other shit is here

how do i get exactly that number in every line start? and compare but i jus tneed to get them to variable so ?

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C++ :: Sort Text File By First Number Of The Line

Dec 24, 2013

I have a text file like this

0 1 2 C
10 1 2 S
7 1 2 C
11 1 2 S
9 3 43 C
10 3 43 S
1 3 43 C
101 3 43 S

with this code

ifstream in("fout2.txt");
if (in) {
vector<string> lines;
string line;
while (getline(in, line))

[Code] ....

I obtain this result

0 1 2 C
1 3 43 C
10 1 2 S
10 3 43 S
11 1 2 S
101 3 43 S
7 1 2 C
9 3 43 C

but i want a result like this :

0 1 2 C
1 3 43 C
7 1 2 C
9 3 43 C
10 1 2 S
10 3 43 S
11 1 2 S
101 3 43 S

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C Sharp :: Substring From Number In Text File

Oct 15, 2013

How to substring first 8 digits from number?

I have text file with around 10k lines. Each line contains number with length 12-14 digits. I want to take only first 8 digits from each number and writ it in new file.

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C++ :: Counting Number Of Occurrences Of A Word In Text File

Jul 27, 2014

I've been struggling with this for a while, I have to write a function that accepts a word (in my case the word is "the") and file pointer, and counts the number of times the given word appears (case insensitive) within the file associated with the pointer. This means the two words "the" and "THE" should both be counted.

Here is my code:

int WordCount :: countWords(string wrd) {
int counter=0;
string temp = "";
while (getline(*file,temp)) {
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length();i++) {

[Code] ....

This is what I have come up with, but I get an incorrect value. It was suggested to us to consider using the strcpy() or strstr() functions, but I don't know how to use them.

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C++ :: Counting Number Of Occurrences Of A Word In A Text File

Jul 27, 2014

I have to write a function that accepts a word (in my case the word is "the") and file pointer, and counts the number of times the given word appears (case insensitive) within the file associated with the pointer. This means the two words "the" and "THE" should both be counted.

Here is my code:

int WordCount :: countWords(string wrd)
string temp;
int counter;
while (!file->eof())
*file >> temp;
if (temp == wrd)


Unfortunately this does not work,

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C/C++ :: Write A Program That Reads Four Float Numbers From The Input Text File

Apr 3, 2015

I need to write a program that reads four float numbers from the input.txt file, then it prints out the greatest of the four numbers into the output.txt file. I did everything, but the numbers don't print out.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
float number1, number2, number3, number4;


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