C++ :: Pass Pointer To Member Function (polymorphic Structure)?

Jan 3, 2015

I am trying to create a callback system for input events in my game engine.

Here is a cut down version of the EventManager.h file

#include "Controls.h"
#include "Object.h"


This works if the function pointer being passed to the event manager is not a member function.

I have two other classes Scene and Object that could potentially use this EventManager to create callback events. Scene and Object are both pure virtual objects. How can I pass a pointer to a member function of the child classes of both Scene and Object? I am fine with just having two separate watchEvent functions for Scene and Object but how do I pass the type of the Object or the type of the Scene? The child classes are unknown as they are being created by someone using this game engine.

For example, if I want to make a player object it would be something like

class PlayerObject : public Object{...};

Now that PlayerObject type has to find its way to PlayerObject::functionToCall(). I think I need templates to do this but, since I never used them before

This is how I intend to use this

class OtherScene : public Scene{
void p_pressed(void){


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C++ :: How To Use Structure Pointer Through A Structure Public Member Definition

Dec 7, 2014

Why doesn't this compile?

struct hi(){
void other();

void hi::other(){
std::cout << "Hi!" << std::endl;

[Code] ....

Makes no sense the structure is written before the structure member function is called so why is there compile errors ??...

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C :: How To Pass Symbolically Name Of Struc Member To Function

Oct 31, 2013

I have a struct with several members, for instance:

typedef struct {
float u;
float v;
float w;
} mystruct;
main ()
mystruct test;

I have a piece of code that should operate on test.u that looks like this:

switch (j) {
case 0:
f = test.u + ...;
case 1:
f = X - test.u;
case 2:
f = test.u + 2;

Now I would like to use a similar piece of code but for the other members, test.v and test.w. In principle I could copy the piece of code above and just replace test.u by test.v or test.w. Since it is the same code for all members, I would like to avoid this (copying many times the same piece of code) and replace it by a call to function. The question is, how to pass the name of the struct member I am considering to the function ? How can I tell the function, operates on member .u or .v ? Would it be possible to have a generic piece of code

function (member y,...)
switch (j) {
case 0:
f = test.y + ...;
case 1:
f = X - test.y;
case 2:
f = test.y + 2;

where the function could be called with function(u) or function(w) and would replace automatically .y by .u or .w ?

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C :: Calling Function Via Function Pointer Inside Structure Pointer

Mar 14, 2013

I'm trying to call a function via a function pointer, and this function pointer is inside a structure. The structure is being referenced via a structure pointer.


position = hash->(*funcHash)(idNmbr);

The function will return an int, which is what position is a type of. When I compile this code,

I get the error: error: expected identifier before ( token.

Is my syntax wrong? I'm not sure what would be throwing this error.

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C/C++ :: Two Array Member Pass As Parameter - Expression Syntax Error For Function

Nov 8, 2013

In my project, GreedyKnap::calKnap(int nItem, int nCapacity, float fWeights, float fProfits);

This function include two array member pass as parameter. how can i do this?

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C++ :: Pass Object As A Pointer In Function

Apr 12, 2013

i need to pass myboard.board (board is in the class Cboard and it is an array of int) to a function in a class called piece however this is troubling . i need to pass it as pointer os that i could change its value here under is my code.

main.cpp Code: #include<iostream>
#include "pieces.h"


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C++ :: Pass A Pointer Into Function - Value Of Char?

Jan 2, 2014

I'm having a problem understanding something with pointers. I was trying to pass a pointer into a function in MSVC-2013, like

char* charptr;
and then calling

and then inside the function i would set charptr equal to another char ptr, simply like

charptr = anothercharptr;

But this actually caused a compile failure in MSVC, saying charptr is being used without being initialized. in Code::Blocks it just gives buggy output.

I solved this issue by calling the function like


and declaring the function like

and then I had to dereference the charptr in the function when assigning it to another ptr, so
*charptr = anothercharptr;

It seems like you should be able to just pass a ptr into a function and change its address to that of another pointer? My main question is really, what is the value of a pointer? I thought the value of a pointer was just the memory address it contains. But then I had to reference it to pass it into the function.

What is the difference between the value of the char* charptr written as either charptr and &charptr?

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C++ :: Pass Address Of Pointer To Function

Sep 25, 2014

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void myfunc(int* ); // what do i put in these parameters to accept a mem loc of a pointer
int main () {
int x = 5;

[Code] .....


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Purpose to create a function that returns a pointer to a pointer
int** myfunc(int**);
int main () {
int x = 5;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Pointer - Pass Reference Variable Into Function

Oct 4, 2013

I don't understand how my code not run.

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
struct student{
char name[30];
char birthday[20];
char homeness[50];
float math;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Pass Function Pointer As A Template Parameter

Jun 13, 2013

void extf(int a) { }
template<typename P>
struct A {
// 1
template< void (*F)(P) >
static void call(P arg) {


Why it is not working? What would be a proper way to pass function pointer as a template parameter?

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C/C++ :: Const Pointer Pass By Reference In Print Function

Apr 21, 2014

I am trying use a print function to print out data in a struct. My questions are:

1. I have to use pass by reference. For the print function, I am passing the struct pointer as a reference, however, I don't want the print function to accidentally change anything. How can I make it use const to ensure that?

2. The deleteprt function doesn't look right to me. I feel like it should just be delete ptr not delete [] ptr.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Inventory {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Pointer To Member Function?

Jun 6, 2012

I am trying to use "remove_if" with a predicate function inside a class. The code intends to remove the grid cells which an agent cannot move into (from among all possible cells).

void classname::function1()
vector<MoorePoint> neighbors;


That code would work if it was not in a class and the predicate was not a member function. However, now I receive long error messages which I guess refer to incompatibility of remove_if template with the predicate parameter (one error includes : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments).

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C :: Passing Structure Pointer To A Function

Aug 24, 2014

I am trying to wright a program that takes student grade data from a command line file, calculates a final grade, and copies the final grades to an output file. So far I have two functions, one that creates a student structure by allocating memory for it and returning its address, and one that should take that address and fill it with data from a line from the input file. My ultimate goal is to use a linked list to connect all the structs, but for now I just want to get the functions working. When I run what I have so far, I get an error C2440 (using visual 2010) that says "cannot convert from 'cStudent *', to 'cStudent', and points to the line where I call my fill function. How should structure pointers be passed?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct student // Declaring student structure globally.

[Code] .....

Also, here is a sample of what a line from the input file would look like:
Bill Gates, 60, 54, 38, 62, 65, 60, 50

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C++ :: Member Function Pointer Assignment?

May 15, 2013

I have a class with member functions and a pointer like this:

class MyClass{
typedef void(MyClass::*memFnPtr_t) ();
memFnPtr_t fnptr;
void fn1();
void fn2();

Now in a regular function I create an instance of the class and try to assign the pointer:

MyClass mc;
mc.fnptr = &mc.fn1;

The compiler does not like it and suggests this instead:

mc.fnptr = &MyClass::fn1;

This seems to work but what if I have two instances of the class:

MyClass mc1, mc2;

How does the compiler know to distinguish between




when the assignment now looks identical:

mc1.fnptr = &MyClass::fn1;
mc2.fnptr = &MyClass::fn1;

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C++ :: Function Pointer To Non-static Class Member

Aug 19, 2014

I have the following problem: I am using NLOpt for optimization. The API provides functions to set the objective. This is done as follows:

double objective(const vector<double> &x, vector<double> &grad, void *data)
return x[1]*x[0];
int main(){
nlopt::opt opti(nlopt::LD_MMA,2);
vector<double> x(2);


Now I want to make the function objective a member of a class:

class Foo {
double objective(...){..}

How can I give this method to opti.optimize? If I make objective static I can use


but I do not want to have a static member. Is it possible to create an object of type Foo and give it to opti.optimize?

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C++ :: Calling Member Function By Object Pointer

Nov 26, 2013

I have the following piece of code.

using namespace std;
class Test {
void fun() {
int i=5;

[Code] ...

Compiled with g++.

Executing this give output fun5.

It is correct? I have not allocated any object and so this pointer is not created. Then how it is able to run and call the function.

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C/C++ :: Value Assignment To Structure Member Inside The Structure?

Oct 7, 2014

Is it possible to assign a value to structure member inside the structure.like.....

struct control{  
char tbi:2 =0;
char res:1 =0;

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C++ :: Using A Member Within Pointer Function (that Is Located In Same Class) - Segfault

Jan 6, 2013

I'm currently programming a server which uses multiple threads- I have a class for one map in the game. Each map has a thread for timed events(tile regeneration, NPC regeneration, etc.), and a thread for handling NPCs(movement, combat, etc.). A basic structure of the class looks like this:

class Region {
/* game values are here, they are public so
they can be accessed from outside of the class
inside of packet-handling functions and such */
int value;
void *Function();

[Code] ....

The program crashes when I use a member of the same class the function is located in- in the context I have shown about it would crash on "value++".

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C++ :: Pass Matrix By Reference Using Pointer Of Pointer

Jun 20, 2014

i really don't know why has a error in my code, that pass a pointer of pointer (name of a matrix with 2 dimensions). Here is the source code of a simple example where appears segmentation fault when execute (but compiles normal):

#include <stdio.h>
#define LINHAS 3
#define COLUNAS 5
void zeros(float **p,float m, float n){
int i,j;


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C/C++ :: How To Pass Structure Variables Between Functions

Jul 13, 2014

I have a project for class where I have to create a structure and get user input for 3 structure variable arrays of 10. I am trying to figure out how I can use the same function to fill my different section of variables.

My Structure is an employee file of ID number, name, hours, payrate, and then gross pay. I have to create a function for each input function. I am confused on how to pass the structure variable so that I do not have to write 3 functions for each input. I would like to be able to get all the info for the first structure variable and then recall the same 5 functions for the next before moving along. I hope that I have been able to make this clear. Here is my code:

using namespace std;
struct PayPeeps_CL//Payroll Structure {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Pass Structure Values Between Functions

Dec 29, 2012

struct NewPlayer {
int level;
int intelligence;
int damage;
int CharacterInfo(NewPlayer MageWizard, int Clevel,int Cint, int Cdam)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Why Is Structure Member Not Displaying

Jan 7, 2015

I have started working with structures so here's a side project from my text book. It's purpose is fairly simple; it asks for the sales of each quarter of the year from 4 different divisions and then calculates the average quarterly sales and total annual sales and finally displays all the data. My problem is that in the function "displayCompanyInfo" the statement

std::cout << "Division " << R.division_name << std::endl;
does not display the name of the division. With that in mind here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct CompanyInfo


As you can see the last part of the output has statements that say "Division" however they do not say the name of the division afterwards. I don't understand why that is?

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Visual C++ :: Access Member Function From Non-member Function In Same CPP File?

Dec 16, 2012

In my MFC, CMyPorpertyPageDlg is derived from CPropertyPage. How to access its member function from a nonmember function in the same CPP file?.

void Non_Member_Get_PorpertyPage()
CMyPorpertyPageDlg* pPageDlg = ....

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C :: How To Assign String Hello To Structure Member

Feb 17, 2015

See the simple code below. The compiler gives message:

assigning to type "char[20]" from type "char *".

I've tried everything else that seems reasonable but none works. How can I assign string Hello to the structure member?

int main() {
struct strc1
char msg1[20];
char msg2[5];
talk.msg1 = "Hello";

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C++ :: Dynamic Table As A Structure Member?

Mar 24, 2014

is it possible to make something like that?

struct type_name
char Status[i];
string Status[j];
} object_names;

The problem is I dont know how many statuses my object will have. Is it possible to make it in an dynamic array?

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C++ :: Set Member To Same Value In All Instances Of Templated Structure

Sep 3, 2013

template <typename T> struct avl_tree {
T data;
int balance;
struct avl_tree <T> *Link[2];
static int (*comp)(T, T);

In main, I have a function like so:
int compare(int a, int b) {
return ( a - b );

Now how do I assign the function pointer in my avl_tree class to the compare function?

I did this:
int (avl_tree<int>::*comp)(int, int) = compare;

But I got the compiler error:
Tree_Test.cc: In function ‘int main()’:
Tree_Test.cc:27:42: error: cannot convert ‘int (*)(int, int)’ to
‘int (avl_tree<int>::*)(int, int)’ in initialization

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