C++ :: Not Declared In Scope And No Member Name With Vectors

Mar 31, 2015


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "ANN.h"
using namespace std;
const int NUM_HIDDEN_NEURONS = 3;

[Code] ....

So I am getting 2 errors. Here is both of them.

ANN.cpp: In member function "void ANN::JustDoIt()":
ANN.cpp:36: error: "class std::vector<HiddenNeuron, std::allocator<HiddenNeuron> >" has no member named "SetWeights"
ANN.cpp: In member function "void ANN::SetData(double, double)":
ANN.cpp:85: error: "SetNeuronData" was not declared in this scope

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C++ :: (X) Not Declared In This Scope Error

Oct 29, 2014


#include <iostream>
#include "sushi.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
do {
......sushi go;
......string x; <----------------------------Declared x here
......cout << "wanna use a banana?" << endl;

[Code ....

Error reads: 'x' was not declared in this scope.

How do I fix this?

P.S The sushi class does not matter, that is all perfect. Also, the dots are to represent my tabbing to make it easier to understand.

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C/C++ :: Rename Not Declared In This Scope

Jan 10, 2015

For some reason my compiler says "rename not declared in this scope" .... Isn't it declared in iostream? Or is rename only for C not C++? And if it is only for C how do I rename a file in C++ then?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
char oldname[] = "RomeTW.exe";

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Fprintf / Fclose Was Not Declared In This Scope

May 20, 2013

I have this error - [Error] 'fprintf' was not declared in this scope (line 32)

and this - [Error] 'fclose' was not declared in this scope (line 33)

here's my code.........

1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
3 #include <windows.h>
4 #include <winuser.h>
6 int save (int key_stroke, char *file);

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Variable Not Declared In Scope Error?

Jan 27, 2014

I'm working through this neural network tutorial, unfortunately I get stuck trying to compile on line 28, saying "error: 'neuronNum' not declared in this scope." I seem to always get stuck on these kinds of errors, yet I don't understand because I though that the variable was declared and initialized within the for loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;


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C/C++ :: Error - Grid Was Not Declared In Scope

Jan 28, 2014

I'm trying to make a dynamic 2d array of a Tile Object I created, the Dynamic 2d array was working when I tested it as an int array but not that I gave it a type of Tile it is giving me the above error. I'm reading values from a .txt .

tile Tile;
Tile **grid;
grid = new Tile*[a];
for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i) {
grid[i] = new Tile[b];

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C++ :: How To Correct Scope Not Declared For NumYears And NumChildren

May 1, 2014

trying to use a void function below. How do I correct scope not declared for numYears and numChildren?

4#include <iostream>
5#include <cmath>
6using namespace std;
8// Function prototype


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C++ :: Sorting Program That Uses Variables From Another Class - List Not Declared In This Scope

May 13, 2014

I've got this sorting program that uses variables from another class but I'm not sure why its not recognizing it. I'm getting an error length and list not declared in this scope.

#include <iostream>
#include "arrayListType.h"
using namespace std;
template<class elemType>
class orderedArrayListType: public arrayListType<elemType> {

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Make A Linked List / Error - (current) Is Not Declared In This Scope

Feb 10, 2015

I am trying to make a linked list. When I compile my code, I get an error saying 'current' is not declared in this scope. I don't understand because I have declared in the first line of my functions body. The variable is local to the function so I don't understand what the problem is.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class LinkedList {
LinkedList() // default constructor makes an empty list


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C++ :: Class Member Variables Run Out Of Scope?

Mar 21, 2012


class CObjects {
int m_CurrentTime;
int m_Steps;
AStarList* OPEN;
AStarList* CLOSED;
std::vector<AStarNode *>solution;


CCB is derived from CrowdEntity and in turn is derived from CObjects Inside CObjects, I declared AStarList *OPEN; Why would howmany become garbage (cdcdcdcd) when I reference it in GetBestNode()

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class

Aug 22, 2013

I have a method:

int filetodb(std::wstring szwf, SQLHANDLESTR *h);

I want to use it, in a thread.

std says, use thread, as:

std::thread second (bar,0); // spawn new thread that calls bar(0)

How can I do this, for my method, that uses more than one, i.e., two, parameters?

My code is:

std::thread thread = std::thread(filetodb, filesP->at(i), h);

compiler says:

Error10error C2248: 'std::thread::thread' : cannot access private member declared in class 'std::thread'c:program files (x86)microsoft visual studio 11.0vcincludexmemory06061ConsoleApplicationa

How, can I do this?

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C++ :: Boost Threading - Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class

Feb 25, 2013

When I put boost::thread Thread; in my struct I get the error error C2248: 'boost::thread::thread' : cannot access private member declared in class 'boost::thread'

The whole struct is

struct Player {
bool key[256];
char nameString[64];
bool lMouseButton;
bool rMouseButton;
double mouseX;
double mouseY;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class (header File)

Apr 1, 2014

I am currently doing the assignment about linked list. Here are some details information about what I am doing.. This program is C++ and should run on Visual Studio 2010. And it contains three file, two datastructure header and one main cpp file.

This program is trying to arrange and show some sports records. The main program which contain the functions such as reading the result text file(each result text file contain several records of athletes), removing a file, arranging the totalresult and printing it out. And the main program is already given and I cannot overwrite it.

But when I finished and try to build the solution and run it, I am not able to run the program and it give me somethings like these...

warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary
error C2248: 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1'
This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'Result::Result(const Result &)'

And I have tried to comment each function part of the header file and see if can run or not. But I still fail to do so. Here are my codes...

class Datastructure1 {
Datastructure1( );

[Code] ....

There are two header files and look quite long. They are all some linked list functions . I have read and learn linked list data structure before I complete this programs. However, when I complete the functions required, the function cannot be compile....

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C++ :: Global Scope And Scope Resolution Operator

Jun 14, 2013

Are there any situations to explicitly use the scope resolution operator with global scope? I can imagine a situation like:

#include <cmath>
class IntWrapper{
IntWrapper& pow(char);
int m_int;

[Code] ....

But then I would think that the writer should have used a different name, and that using the scope resolution operator in the constructor body is still pointless...

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In One Class But Can In Another Class

Sep 4, 2014

So I have an ImageManager class, Board class, and Box class. In Board.h I can declare ImageManager imgr; and in Board's constructor I can use imgr and its functions and such. However, in Box.h when I try and declare ImageManager imgr; I get the error "cannot access member declared in class ImageManager". Both declarations are under private, and exactly the same, but one doesn't work. Also, is there a way to only have one instance of ImageManager?

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C++ :: Why Does GetY Have To Be Declared After Struct Y Is Declared

Jan 30, 2013

struct x
y *GetY(); //error: what is "y"?
struct y

Why does GetY have to be declared after struct y is declared? I thought order of class members in C++ did not matter? Does it have to do with the way parsing is done?

EDIT: It also doesn't work if I typename x::y *GetY();, which makes even less sense to me.

EDIT: It works if I forward declare, but this goes against everything I know about C++ classes...

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C++ :: List Of Vectors (vector Of N Vectors Of M Elements)

Mar 19, 2014

I create a list of vectors (a vector of n vectors of m elements).

std::vector <std::vector <int> > vsFA (n, std::vector<int>(n));

How I assign values? I try below, but not worked

void armazenaFA( std::vector <int> &vFA) // this function only knows about vFA
{ vsFA[n] [m]= simTime().dbl();

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C++ :: Create Two Vectors And Then Loop Through The Vectors

Sep 19, 2014

This is probably a very basic question, but I need to create two vectors and then loop through the vectors and output each pair that is found.

The user will input min1 and max1 with step1 for the first vector and min2 and max2 and step2 for the second vector. Then the loops will go through and return the combinations will return each pair of the two vectors.

So if I input min1=1 and max1=10 and step1=1 and same for vector two the return would be:


This is for part of a homework assignment, but I can't continue on the assignment without first getting this simple part to work.

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C++ :: Call To Member Function X Is Ambiguous - Overloaded Member From Header File

Feb 23, 2014

I get the following error in XCode whenever I try to access the member I created 'randomGen' in a separate class in a different header file. I have made sure to include the header file and have tried to access it through an object.

This is the code I enter when trying to access the method from randomiser.h in main.cpp. It is also an overloaded function with doubles and integers:

RandomG randomiser;
randomiser.randomGen(); // 'Call to member function 'randomGen' is ambiguous'

This is the code inside randomiser.h:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class RandomG {

[Code] ....

This is the error inside xcode: [URL] ....

I have tried seperating the code for the functions in another class (main.cpp) and then running and it seems to works, so I'm not sure why I can't put everything in the .h file and then access it?

I would like it in a seperate file so it doesn't clutter my main. I am writing a game with SDL so that might be confusing and I would like the window to have a random title and other random properties, so it would be easier to use a function.

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C++ :: Scope Of References?

Apr 22, 2013

Did a little Googling on this but couldn't find anything definitive. Is it safe to do something like

void MyClass::myFunc(){
my_type_t &foo = some_obj->get_member_reference();

Then at some pointer later in execution, another function uses the pointer passed to store_for_later.

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C++ :: Scope Resolution Operator?

Feb 21, 2013

I have done alot of googling for the scope resolution operator and Ive gained a bit of an understanding as to what it does i know it can distinguish between global and local variables, but I see it used to access methods/members of classes such as this example, why not just use a dot instead to access it?:

sql:: Driver *driver;

Why is the scope resolution operator being used here?

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C++ :: Vector - Out Of Scope Variables

Dec 14, 2013

The situation is the following :

vector<int>& function(int a , int b){
vector<int> s(3000000);
vector<int> xxx(4);
return xxx

Not to board people with details but if i am returning the the reference to a vector xxx what happens to vector s. is it destroyed ?? it should be, but i don't see it on my memory map (memory is not released) . can this be or should i go and search for error on some other place.....

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C++ :: Using Declaration Within Name Space Scope

Mar 16, 2013

Can we use using declaration within name space scope? is it safe to use it?

I think we can use using declaration for class scope and function scope only.

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C :: Scope Of A Data Structure

Oct 9, 2013

how to solve this undeclared error when compiling this code. I assume it has something to do with scope.

C code - 47 lines - codepad


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
struct bank_account {


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C Sharp :: How To Set Transaction Scope In C#

Jul 2, 2012

I have c# code something like below.
void ExecuteSomething() { 
    TransactionOptions transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions();
  transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
  transactionOptions.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TransactionTimeOutInSeconds);  

[Code] ....

I am retrieving the data by using above code

From some other code i am calling some function in c# through windows service. That function is going to delete some unwanted data from sql server database. if i wanted i initiate the request it will take 30 min to delete the data.

in this 30 min time i am unable to access other pages in my website. is there any better way to design this?

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C# :: Switch Case Variable Scope

Jan 31, 2014

Ran into something today that does not make sense:

This compiles: Code: int x = 5;

switch(x) {
case 0:
int value = 5;

[Code] ....

Ok so it doesn't like int value = 6 b/c of int value = 5 for case 0. However since the value in case 0 is declared within the brackets one would think it has case scope.

So I tried this:

Code: int x = 5;
switch(x) {
case 0:
int value = 5;

[Code] ....

Now it doesn't like it b/c value has not been declared in case 1:. These two conditions cannot possibly be both true at the same time. You cannot disallow the declaration of value in case 1 b/c it interferes with value in case 0 and at the same time disallow me to use value from case 0 b/c it is not in scope. If it was not in scope then theoretically I should be able to declare value in case 1.

Both MSVS 2012 and 2013 exhibit the same behavior. I checked the standard and it is unclear on the matter.

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